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Tuesday, April 30, 2002
![]() ::squeals madly:: Guess where I'm posting from? Jimmy! He arrived in the mail today. ::dances merrily:: Apologies for not posting the past few days. They've been quite an adventure!
Friday After rehearsal, I leapt in the still-unnamed Priscillamobile in the direction of the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture (the location of my photography show). Though it was supposed to take maybe 10-20 minutes or less, it ended up taking closer to 30. Bah. Feel the hatred-rays of Downtown Dallas. Grrr. Oh well. I *eventually* got to the Institute, where I was greeted by few more than the class itself and a few random family members. The "closing" was a great deal less successful than the opening, despite tastier snacks. ::drools at recollection of cheese and strawberries and the world's greatest brownies.... homer simpson food lust noises:: Of course, though few people showed up (Chungy! Hurrah! And Mrs. Quick, my Digital Photography teacher! Yayfun!), I sold another piece! Go me! ::grooves:: It was to Cay's (another photo classmate) cousin. Oh yeah. Saturday I planned early on to meet with Stephanie Swingle, a fellow photography buff, to check out a few galleries downtown (one featured Kendall! Hurrah!) and attend a groovalicious lecture-thing by Ann Stautberg. She later told me that her parents were unavailable to take us (I had planned for this in advance -- go me), so I was to drive us. Now let's get this straight: Downtown Dallas is not my friend. Not even a grudging aquaintance. Downtown Dallas is pure, untapped evil, ready to spring its Mapsco-forsaken street grid upon the unexpecting. I manage to get us out there fairly successfully (with a brief lunch at Kathleen's Art Cafe -- good stuff. Amusing waiters. Stephanie told me I was too generous with my tip, but we had two servers and I felt like being nice. A serveuse and a server-in-training. Hurrah.), but on the way back, we became hopelessly lost. We had been listening to the White Album as I drove, so I turned it down when I went Mapsco-diving. When I turned it back up, I immediately heard a familiar voice sing "I don't know how you were diverted/No one alerted you". I started laughing, which greatly confused Stephanie, who hadn't been listening. Good times, good times. I worked a great deal on my latest drawing, which I am incredibly proud of. Unfortunately, it refuses to be CGed. And it *must* be CGed. Grrrr. Must try again. I look forward to the day when I'll be able to tote around my laptop and my tablet, CGing whenever the mood strikes me. Dreams *do* come true, young Grasshopper. Sunday Physics Day! Yo! I got mildly lost again on my way to Six Flags (idiot Mapquest -- DIE!), but I was able to regain my sense of direction most admirably. Go me. Anyway, if I hadn't gotten Jimmy today I would have said here that the Voyage was my new best friend. Nifty calculatorness personified. My group believes itself to be the first ever to use up all the memory on one of those babies. Muaha! ::cackles:: Other sources of amusement: on the Titan and the Batman ride (hold me back, baby), we decided that there was a real danger of losing our equiptment. Therefore, I decided that we should duct tape it around my chest. The Voyage and the CBL (the doohickey that collects the data -- and yes, that's the technical term for it) were promptly adhered to my lovely "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" t-shirt and I held the 3-axis accelerometer in my hand. I decided that I looked like a terrorist. Non-Physics-inclined park goers gave me worried looks. Our group decided that it would be prudent to cover up the equiptment with Mackenzie's jacket. Of course, it was over 100 degrees out (nearly 40 degrees Celsius, you metric losers), so I slowly boiled like a giant, humanoid egg. Nasty stuff. I got some nice data, though. All worth it in the name of Physics. Tra la. I went home and attempted again to CG the un-CGable new drawing. Later, Chungy called, urging me to go to the Angelika (a local independent theatre) to get tickets for the two of us for Enigma, an awesome Britfilm directed by Michael Apted about codebreakers in WW2 and such. Woo. It came out in Britland ages ago, and it should arrive in normal theatres in a few months. Like the dutiful friend I am, I got the tickets and met Chungy at the theatre. Unfortunately, there was already an unbelieveable line. It doubled back on itself twice! Yeep. However, God smiled upon us that day. We ran into Allie Polatin, who was working at the Film Festival. I jokingly asked her if she could get us good seats, but she surprised us when she said she could. Before anyone else was allowed in to the theatre, Allie brought us in. Whee! We found two fabulous seats that had not been reserved (unlike about 3/4 of the rest of the theatre) because the volunteers had run out of sheets that said "Reserved" on them. Go us! Some of the best seats in the house! ::grooves:: The movie rocked -- I'll post my review in Sgt. Pepper later on -- and it comes highly recommended. Now my mom is griping at me to go to sleep, so it shall be so. Hurrah! Priscilla said at 11:53 PM
Monday, April 29, 2002
![]() Hurrah! Got a postcard from Rebecca. Niftyness! ::dances::
Priscilla said at 8:52 AM
Sunday, April 28, 2002
![]() Hmm... Blogger is being fiendish. It delays publishing my posts oddly. It doesn't publish until I post another entry after that. Stupid blogger. Pah.
Priscilla said at 9:32 AM ![]() My "Bat Boy" CD is an excellent way to guage how much time I spend on my CGs. It's almost exactly an hour long, so depending on how many times I restart it, I know just how much I need to turn off the computer and get some sleep. Like right now, for example...
Priscilla said at 1:25 AM ![]() Percy is wearing a strapless blue taffeta evening gown. I *dare* you to disagree with me.
Priscilla said at 1:17 AM
Friday, April 26, 2002
![]() ::drools shamelessly:: Voyage 200. Mother of all calculators. And you thought the TI-89 was nifty! Texas Instruments' latest baby, the Voyage 200, is still in its development phase, so TI lent a few of them to Mr. Taylor, my Physics teacher, to test on our excursion to Six Flags. My group was one of the lucky few to get one. Probably because the three of us (me, Mackenzie, and Iana) are Multimedia Engineering brats, but oh well. It's still awesome. It has about 3 megs of memory, which is fantastic for a calculator, so we get to do all sorts of more sophisticated stuff. We can store tons more data, for one. We also get to use the 3-axis accelerometer, which is beyond cool. I can't wait until Sunday... Hurrah for Six Flags Physics Day! ::dances merrily::
Priscilla said at 9:47 PM ![]() Yay for laptop names! At the moment, Marvin and Jason are out of the running. I embrace the niftiness of the names "Jimmy", "Arthur", and "Ford". Hurrah. I'm fairly certain that I'm naming my tablet "Mouse", as none of the other names really seem to fit.
Priscilla said at 12:37 AM ![]() Ah, super-soft zebra-pattern pajamas and Scooby Doo toe socks. Life is good.
Priscilla said at 12:17 AM
Thursday, April 25, 2002
![]() Sannali's EF Round-Robin collab idea sounds ultra spiffy-keen with a strawberry on top. Let the festivities begin!
Priscilla said at 11:34 PM ![]() Rebecca mentions my Markscarf. Hurrah! Let's share it with the world! 001, 002
My digital camera is Satan, so I decided to do more scanography. Lots of fun. It stretches things weirdly and messes up colors. Joy! Featured is my Monsters Inc antenna ball. Priscilla said at 10:26 PM ![]() Page 42 of issue #4 in Demonology 101. Faith, you're my hero.
Priscilla said at 3:22 PM ![]() Dude... when did I come up with this and why aren't I using it? Good god, I want the WIAN layout to die and go away. Facelifts are most certainly in the future. How far in the future, of course, is unknown.
Priscilla said at 12:08 AM ![]() I'm compiling a huge list of all the WIAN subs I've gotten over the past age. Good lord, I have the mother of all updated ahead of me. Of course, roughly 1/2 of them feature different takes on the same word (If one more person emails me with a potential "billywig" etymology, I'm going to scream) or beat-yourself-over-the-head-obvious connections I implied with the intent of letting people figure it out for themselves. ::sigh:: But I shouldn't be annoyed. I should thank all the submitters on bended knee. And I have to look throught the 800+ RML emails I've saved with the intention of adding rubbish to my quotes page. God save us all.
Priscilla said at 12:05 AM
Wednesday, April 24, 2002
![]() Voting for laptop and tablet names becomes easier! New poll!
Priscilla said at 11:46 PM ![]() Bumper sticker suggested by my friend Keith. Meant in jest. Flames will be posted for public mockery and scorn. The joke may require a bit of thought, then great feelings of "why didn't *I* think of that". I'm considering a less eye-injuring color scheme, but it seems to work amusingly with the subject matter. Tra la.
Priscilla said at 10:49 PM ![]() Trying to brainstorm for names for my new laptop... I'm leaning towards "Jimmy", after the 4th Lone Gunman. While I usually give my stuff female names (Mark, my camera, excepted), I'm more in favor of a male name for my computer. Other ideas include "Jason", after the Foxtrot character; and "Marvin" (my other favourite), "Ford", or "Arthur", from The Hitchhiker's Guide. I'm ironically considering naming my tablet "Mouse", after the much-loved Matrix character. Or naming my laptop and tablet pair Ford and Arthur... I dunno. Ideas?
Priscilla said at 10:47 PM ![]() Show your appreciation for the world's greatest artist/CGer by joining AliceyArt. And if you aren't already a member, join StarlingArt. Worship the art gods.
Priscilla said at 9:49 PM ![]() Ooh, alignment goodness! I could get some rockin' astral photos... My kingdom for a city free from light pollution! I wish I could convince my parents to go to our lakehouse-y thing in East Texas on the 4th or 5th... that would rock.
Edit: Whee! I just remembered that that weekend is the Jesuit production of "The Little Prince"! Yayfun! And "The Twelfth Night" is the weekend after that. Hurrah! Priscilla said at 5:38 PM ![]() Sannali asks what I'm reading today:
Priscilla said at 5:34 PM ![]() I've had "Comfort and Joy", "Three Bedroom House", "Apology to a Cow", and "I Imagine You're Upset" stuck in my head for the past few days. Percy help me. Anyway, I talked with Casey the other day, and she said that Mrs. Felice was no longer considering "Bat Boy" for next year's musical, as Mr. Oliver wasn't very fond of it. ::wrinkles nose slightly:: I look forward to seeing what she actually chooses! ::hearts joyous memories of H2$::
Priscilla said at 8:07 AM ![]() ::drools:: Guess who's getting a new computer? ::squeals madly:: Originally, we were planning to get a new computer next year to take to college, as my current computer is really getting up there in the years, but my dad convinced me (as if I needed much convincing -- HA!) to move the date up a year. This is the mother of supercharged laptops. I keep wanting to pinch myself to make sure I'm not still dreaming, but we ordered it last night. 1.8GHz Pentium 4 processor, 512MB SDRAM, 40GB hard drive, 8x CD-RW/DVD drive, 250MB Zip drive, a USB hub (allows you to add 3 additional much-needed USB ports), 15" ultrasharp screen (I'll keep my old monitor for when I use it as a desktop)... the list goes on. I feel like I'm going to pop an artery or something. Joy, joy, joy, joy, joy! ::squeals again and hugs everyone:: Quite a leap from dear HAL (how many people here named their computers HAL? This is disturbing).
Other amusing things:
Priscilla said at 8:04 AM
Tuesday, April 23, 2002
![]() Woo, Dakota's Ridge has a groovy new layout. Yay for Angie McClelland! You may recognize her winning Sluggy Freelance strip or her swoopy Discworld fanart. Good taste, that girl.
Priscilla said at 8:38 AM ![]() Whee! I get to go to Lockheed today with my Multimedia Engineering class. Lots of fun paranoid government workers about! Hurrah! ::steals UFO technology::
Priscilla said at 8:18 AM ![]() Not surprised at all... Which Sluggy Freelance Character Are You? Kiki!
Priscilla said at 8:15 AM
Sunday, April 21, 2002
![]() ::stares:: No way. Reading through various blogs, I learn that the gunmen are dead. Chris Carter will pay. ::loads rifle::
Priscilla said at 11:31 PM
Saturday, April 20, 2002
![]() Friday Five. Woo.
1. What's your favorite TV show and why? I will always love MST3K and the Blackadder series. Invader Zim is close among the ranks, as well, but some of the guest writers are rubbish. 2. Who is your favorite television star? I have a special place in my heart for the Lone Gunmen: Dean Haglund, Bruce Harwood, and Tom Braidwood. Hurrah! 3. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Gilligan's Island! 4. What show do you think should have been cancelled by now? The X-Files. Please, God, let it die. Every new episode is a shame to the episodes that came before it. 5. What new show do you hope escapes the axe this season? Invader Zim. Don't let it stay cancelled! Priscilla said at 12:53 AM ![]() I got the "Bat Boy" CD this afternoon. I absolutely love it! Mrs. Felice said that it's one of three potential musicals for the Jesuit spring show next year, so I'm crossing my fingers. Absolutely hilarious! Hurrah!
Priscilla said at 12:18 AM
Thursday, April 18, 2002
![]() Dude... what happened to the Sgt. Pepper comment fields?
Priscilla said at 11:16 PM ![]() The jewel of today's computer cleaning session: my 8th grade Halloween costume. David Duchovny, eat your heart out. The lovely Agent Scully played by Rachel B. I still have that awful wig somewhere... in the meantime, check out my mad 8th grade graphic manipulation skillz.
Priscilla said at 11:02 PM ![]() I gave Mrs. Orlovsky my three cyanotypes (1, 2, 3) to submit to Vibrato today, in addition to my images from the photography show, New York, this, this, my digital images, Vimes, and my Epic Poem. She absolutely loved the cyanotypes! She confided that they might play a major role in this year's issue. ::pauses to squeal madly:: I'm beyond thrilled because last year, one of my images was part of the collage on the cover. I wonder if that could happen again... Obviously, they have to spread the issue out amongst the students and they can't use a whole lot of my work, but heck, I would be thrilled just to get two things in the magazine. Vibrato is beyond awesome. I heart Vibrato. So yay! ::crosses fingers::
Priscilla said at 7:29 PM ![]() Wow. All that agony over history and I end up studying the wrong chapters. I am a moron.
Thank Percy Mrs. Johnson let me put off the test a day. That would have been disasterous. And I think I did fairly well in math, so it's all good. Priscilla said at 7:13 PM ![]() Yay, Sannali is posting regularly again! ::cheers merrily:: Welcome back to the land of the living!
Speaking of Sannali, American Gods keeps getting more and more unintentionally amusing. First, Sam (the hitchhiker) tells Shadow that she goes to UW Madison, just like Sannali, then Shadow drives through Bloomington/Normal, IL, where Renata lives! I find this strangely entertaining. Hurrah. And in the meantime, go check out Alicey's first batch of Discworld fanart. Yayfun! Priscilla said at 10:28 AM
Wednesday, April 17, 2002
![]() [Note: You probably don't want to read this post. It starts out fairly innocent, then turns into a therapist's couch. I won't hold it against you if you skip this entry, because I'll never know. The entry probably doesn't make much sense, anyway.]
You know what needs to be updated? WIAN and my Quotes page. You know what needs a new layout? WIAN and Cult of Lincoln. You know what I need to do? Study like heck for my huge History and Math tests tomorrow. Ugh. You know what I've been doing most of this afternoon? Sleeping. Let's make this clear: I never take afternoon naps. It just doesn't happen. My mind is always too busy to be able to calm itself down in the afternoon to let me just get some good nappage. The last time I had an afternoon nap (while not travelling, of course) was when I was really sick a few months ago. I don't feel sick at all, but I have noticed slight personality changes, at least. When not being actively involved in class, I turn into a zombie. Ashley, Supercool Freshman of Niftyness, can attest to this. I've been a lot more dead than usual. Bah. Yet the fact remains that I've spent the afternoon sleeping. All the sugar and healthy dinner and ice water and orange juice can't wake me up from this dazed funk. No one can concentrate on the Gilded Age and pre-WWI economy like this. I'm ticked off at my current state, because I swore to myself that this last quarter, I would bring up my grade in History. I got a lower History grade than expected last quarter, and if I can't drag up my bootstraps, colleges will snub me like yesterday's garbage. Okay, maybe not really an outright snub, but I wouldn't be as attractive. Double bah. And so ends my griping session. I try to keep my weblog free of complaint fests, but I just wanted to share this with someone who will let me talk without changing the topic. Meh. Okay, so maybe my griping session doesn't end here. It's a testament to how off-center I feel right now, as I would usually never think of writing this in a weblog where anyone can see it, but I'm worried about my friends. Chungy and I have been closer than sisters all through Upper School, but now I feel like we're somehow drifting apart. Intangible feelings of distance. I know this isn't true, but I feel like she doesn't care about the things that mean so much to me. My show at the Dallas Institute has been up for a month and none of my friends have expressed any interest in finding a time to go, seeing as they missed the opening. Even when I radiate excitement about my newest CGs or the photographs I posted on tnm.n, no one cares. I have to drag people over to the computers (on the other side of the classroom, for Gods' sake) to force them to look, and even then, it's just a cursory glance. Chungy didn't even come to "Ten Little Indians" at Jesuit last fall. Then Elizabeth constantly belittles my CGs for reasons yet unknown. What's her problem with my CGs? If she thinks they're a waste of time, she should tell me. I've come a long way from where I began 2 years ago. I get a disturbing sense of deja vu when I think about my friendship with Chungy. It reminds me of 8th grade, when my best friend in the world at the time, Rachel, suddenly decided that our friendship was over. It's a testament to my naivete and obliviousness that I still have no idea why. I know that she was going through a fair amount of hell, aggravated by occasional larger doses of hell, such as going to Advanced Space Academy over Passover so that all she could eat was matzoh (sp?), then having an allergic reaction to the scuba suit and spending the night in the hospital hooked to an IV, but I still have no clue what started it all. Now I feel like Chungy and I are slowly moving apart, and her sudden sickness at ISAS parallels far too closely in my mind to Rachel's experience at Advanced Space Academy. I shouldn't be worried, but I can't help feeling nervous. Maybe this is one of the reasons I've felt so drawn to Ashley over the past few weeks. She shows honest enthusiasm for my CGs, listens to my ramblings, tolerates my lunchtime stupor, and acts in the generally friendly way that has been lacking from my relationships with my other friends. She doesn't make me feel slightly inferior. Chungy and Rachel are taking a zillion APs and Honors courses and Chungy has huge dreams to be a BioMedical Engineer. She devours intellectual books by the truckload, while I spend my time CGing and plodding through general fiction. Elizabeth makes me feel childish and immature, ridiculing my interests as juvenile: from my CGs to "Men at Arms", she acts as though my every interest is just a silly, passing phase. I know they don't realize how much this is affecting me, and I'm certain that they don't intend to make me feel this low. They're wonderful friends and I love them all, and I know that if they knew how they were making me feel, they'd at least do something. Gah. I'm already daunted by the idea of becoming a senior and facing college and I'm just ready for this godawful year to end. Then I feel guilty whenever I show up for rehearsal for "The 12th Night", because I feel like I'm being unfaithful to Mrs. Felice. (I know you're probably reading this, but I'm writing it anyway) I love Mrs. Felice, and I feel like a jerk for deserting her, even though I really dislike "The Little Prince" and I really wanted to try Shakespeare. Jesuit theatre is so much better than Hockaday theatre. I got to stop by "Little Prince" rehearsals one day when I had a free afternoon, and I saw how much I missed the camaraderie. These feelings were increased when I saw the godawful "How to Succeed" performance at ISAS. I realized again just how much Jesuit theatre means to me. Gah, now I'm getting sappy. As I told Ashley today at lunch, "I just need a good week's sleep". And another thing about Ashley: she knows what it's like to have great online friends. The RMLers were the ones to get me through the Rachel drama in 8th grade and my WOFS/weblogging friends are the ones keeping me true to myself and (though they probably weren't aware they were doing this) keeping me from handing in my sketchbook and giving up. No matter how self-confident I can feel, I still desperately need that outside voice telling me that they like what I'm doing and encouraging me to do more. I get that a little from Ashley and Tori (another aspiring artist), but most of it comes from my online friends, Alicey in particular. (Alicey, if you're reading this, thank you.) No matter how much I like to make fun of the Site Fights, the fact remains that Ashley has made fabulous friends through her involvement, letting me know that I'm not the only one. About a week ago, I was in my advisory, drooling over Alicey's 2nd task CG. It was the day after she had posted it. Elizabeth asked who Alicey was, and I ended the description saying that I worship and envy her art so much that "if she wasn't one of my best friends, I'd probably hate her guts". Elizabeth just seemed to radiate belittling-rays. "How can you be best friends with someone you know on the computer?" she asked. Something along those lines, anyway. Sure, I have no way of knowing that my online friends aren't 60-year-old pedophiles, but she has no right to make me feel inferior just because I have some fantastic friends that I'll probably never meet, while all of her friends exist in real life. Ashley understands this. Ashley is just a really understanding person. I need an understanding person right now. It's the little things that add up. I just want this year to end. And I just want to go to sleep. History and Math can wait. Priscilla said at 10:14 PM ![]() Is LiveJournal being this slow and near-constantly-unavailable for everyone? Is this curable by feeding LJ wads of cash? Bah. ::grumbles::
Priscilla said at 12:14 AM
Tuesday, April 16, 2002
![]() Mmm, found a pack of Thin Mints. Hold me back, baby.
Priscilla said at 11:54 PM ![]() ::snickers:: It all seems rather amusing when I look back at how petrified I was earlier. I was glued to my radio, glancing worriedly out my window every few minutes. Reassurances that the tornado warning had expired for Dallas County were somehow not reassuring at all. I had a hoard set up in the downstairs bathroom, the safest place in the house: a flashlight, a book, snacks, a waterbottle, a coat, a blanket, my camera... I'm such a goof.
Yes, there were quite a few touchdowns in the suburbs surrounding Dallas, I believe, and some nastiness further outside that, but nothing in my area. All remains groovy in the PriscillaBubble. Priscilla said at 10:22 PM ![]() Welcome to Priscilla's moment of terror. I've been keeping my blog posted on the impending tornado warning, only to realize that I've been posting in Sgt. Pepper instead of Cult of Lincoln. Stupid me. Here's what's been going through my head...
Holy cow! The sky is yellow. And a siren just started howling... I just turned on the radio, and they're saying that there's a tornado warning for Dallas county. I really wish I wasn't home alone right now. This has never happened to me before. Oh, hell...At the moment, I think that the tornado warning is off of Highland Park, but I still feel scared as hell. Priscilla said at 8:33 PM ![]() ::chokes and laughs:: More highly entertaining Elfwood comments, coming your way!
For the Alicey dragon collab: "I LIKE HARRY POTTER, I GET JOKES *lol* Taken from Goblet of Fire, book 4 of the Harry Potter series written by J.K. Rawling. I need to read book 5 badly once it's out so draw more Harr Potter 4 me."Ah, these comments give me such hope for the intellectual future of the next generations. ::happy sigh:: Priscilla said at 8:00 AM
Sunday, April 14, 2002
![]() I've made mini-updates to the "Who's Who" listing. Hurrah.
Priscilla said at 8:53 PM ![]() Addendums to ISAS post:
Priscilla said at 8:52 PM ![]() Upon my return:
Priscilla said at 1:49 AM ![]() Yoooooooo. ISAS rocked.
Day 1: Wednesday Our journey begins way-too-early Wednesday morning. I turned in my revised draft for my absolutely rockin' Huck Finn paper (I'm proud of myself -- go me), and after a great deal of flailing about, we left at about 8 AM. I got to sit next to Chungy, which was nifty. Then next to us were Sleeny (yes, her name is Marcelina, but I've started to call her Sleeny Todd and it's gotten to be difficult to call her anything else) and Eunice. Yayfun! The total length of the bus ride (minus the rest-stops for the driver and our dinner) was nearly 10 1/2 hours -- we made great time! I knitted nearly the entire time, as there's nothing better to do when watching movies. While scarves are mindless and fun, I really want to learn how to make something else. Sleeny had this awesome knitted hat, which didn't look that difficult to make. It looks a bit like a tea cosy. ::hearts Sleeny's hat:: Sometime soon, I'm going to get some new yarn stuff at MJDesigns, steal her hat to use as a reference, and make one for myself. Far too cute. Sleeny also has a backpack shaped like a cow (his name is "Thomas", after a bass player) and an awesome wallet made out of duct tape, mailing tape, and a Van Gogh calendar. Far too nifty. Anyway, the movies were "Spaceballs" (still funny after the 15 trillionth time), "Keeping the Faith" (hilarious -- I had never seen it and I wasn't sure if I'd like it), and some other movie I don't remember. It'll come to me eventually. [Later: It was "Good Will Hunting"] Much was accomplished after we arrived. We watched "6 Feet Under" because Marcelina's brother was in the episode. Yayfun! It was hilarious to watch Chungy and Rachel squirm whenever the gay couple expressed affection. I can't remember what else we did that evening, so let's go to... Day 2: Thursday The next morning, I went with the Digital Imaging people to hang my art. I got such an ego trip off of all the people that stopped to stare. I was the only person I saw at the festival with CG images (there were a few absolutely phenomenal CGIs, though. ::drools::), so Vimes attracted attention. Of course, I didn't realize until later that people were actually more interested in my September 11th tribute -- something I actually considered not bringing. Out of all of the comments Hockaday digital artists received (something like 13), all but 4 had to do with the 9-11 image. Good grief. Looking through them all with Stephanie (another of the digital artists) was embarrassing. I got to be rather good friends with one of the early admirers. His name was Cory, but I can't remember his surname or school. He had some rather awesome paintings, I later saw. Go him. He led me to realize that all semi-skinny guys with medium-long, light hair remind me vuagely of Riff from Sluggy Freelance. God help us all. Anyway, while putting up my work, I was confronted by a girl named Andrea (accent on the 2nd syllable, I learned), who wanted to know if Priscilla was around. Yes, I said; in fact she was. It turns out that this was Liz's friend (Liz the RMLer, for those with short memories). Liz herself was just around the corner, helping some of the other Duchesne (say "doo-SHEN") girls put up their art. Yayfun! I attended some nifty workshops on college portfolio preparation, martial arts, and charcoal drawing (the knees of my jeans are still black) later that day. Chungy wasn't feeling too well, so I stayed with her in the common room, rereading "Good Omens", then more of "American Gods". I also got to check out the 2D and 3D art galleries. Some of the art there was unbelieveable. I especially remember this stained glass portrait of a girl in various shades of blue -- absolutely gorgeous. Day 3: Friday The next morning, I went to see Liz and Andrea perform in the Duchesne "scenes and monologues" thing, which was highly entertaining. Hilarious stuff, yo. Afterwards, while I was waiting to congratulate them, I heard a group of people singing snippets from "How to Succeed". I had seen on a flier the day before that a school was going to put on H2$, so I knew I had to see it. Hurrah! I went back to the 2D gallery to look at more art, which I gaped at again until it was time for my critique. The critiquer was awesome. I was in a peppy mood, so the symbolic artistic content rubbish was much easier to invent on the spot. We spent about 40 minutes talking about my 5 images, which was quite strange, considering that there were 5 students for the 1-hour period. Unfortunately, Fumiko couldn't come, Izabella's images somehow didn't get packed, and Katherine disappeared at the last minute. Just me and Stephanie. Nifty! Then it was lunch, then I went off to prepare for "The Pajama Game". "Pajama Game" was generally painless. The main hitch was the lack of backstage changing space. The area alloted for costume changes was easily visible from the wings of the audience. Yeep. I generally hid behind the costume racks. Afterwards, I snuck in to a songfest of stuff from "Jekyll and Hyde", "The Scarlet Pimpernell", and "Godspell". That school was fabulous -- I'm so jealous that they do so many musicals. Too much talent. Grrr. When that ended, I ran across campus to try to get into "Spoon River Anthology", which was done at Jesuit a few years ago and really had me curious, but I was too late. They had alreay closed the doors. I waited in the common room until it was time to head back across campus to see "How to Succeed". In line, I met a fabulous group of guys and girls from St. Stephens, a school in Austin. They had done H2$ last year, as well. We hit it off almost immediately when we realized this common bond. My best friend from the pack, Grace, had played Rosemary. We reminisced about how much we loved the musical; I'd have to say it's one of my all-time favourites. Currently battling out for #1. Unfortunatley, the school's performance was less than stellar. Far less than stellar. Painful, in fact. All the actors except Hedy, Smitty, and occasionally Rosemary seemed like they were reading a grocery list. There was no chemistry and no character. Every joke was lost. Grace and I kept flinching at every destroyed scene. Gah. The one really amusing aspect of the show is that the guy who played Finch beared an uncanny resemblance to an older version of the kid in that MST3K classic "Final Sacrifice". The "Rosdower" episode. ::snickets:: I want to rewatch my video of the Jesuit production to remind myself of how phenomenally spectacular it was (no, I'm not modest, what gave you that idea?), but I reminded myself bitterly that my mom only taped the scenes I was in, plus the Act I Finale and "Gotta Stop That Man/I Believe In You". Meh. She was unaware that this camera actually works properly and doesn't run out of battery every 5 minutes like our old one. Anyway, I went to dinner with Grace, who had challenged herself to meet and converse with as many boys as possible. I kept snicketing whenever she waved down more guys to sit at our table. Utter hilarity. After that, I went back to the 2D gallery for one last walkaround, then to the common room. I found out that Chungy had gotten worse and had been taken back to the hotel room to sleep. Especially nasty case of the flu, we suspect. Poor girl. ::hugs Chungy:: As I finished rereading "Good Omens", Marcelina and I got to talking about various aspects of the book and picking out which bits were mainly written by Pterry or Neil. Eunice overheard us. I found out that she was also a big Terry Pratchett fan, to my utter joy. She had been highly entertained by my Vimes picture in the show. Go Vimes. After a while, I went to take down everyone's digital images, then returned to hang out with Sleeny and Eunice. We used Mariam's camera to take random pictures of Marcelina and Eunice slaying vampires, Eunice attacking the camera, and Marcelina curled up in a ball in a corner with Thomas, her cow backpack. I can't wait until Mariam gets them developed! Later, Cory showed up in search of Maria and Allie. They weren't there, so instead, he, Sleeny, Eunice, and I had a highly amusing conversation about topics such as the amoralistic, social-downfall aspects of characters in "Winnie the Pooh". I wish I'd gotten his email address. Anyway, Marcelina, Cory, and I went off to the dance thing in search of Maria and Allie, where we crazy danced and challenged ourselves to plough through the huge mass of bodies at the longest area, through the most dense center. We succeeded. Go us. We found Maria, who had brought glowsticks. We did that groovy wrist-dancing thing with the glowsticks, which was certainly interesting. I was fairly good, for someone who had never tried before. Eventually, we returned to the common room, then went back to the hotel. Sleep. Day 4: Saturday Chungy was in a sad state, so Dr. Magee (the Upper School Headmistress) let her fly home. The rest of us were confined to the bus. Again, I knitted as we watched "Zoolander" (absolute hilarity! I loved it!), the first bit of "Billy Madison", and "Josie and the Pussycats". Again, there was another movie on the list that I couldn't remember. Again, it will come to me eventually. And now I'm home. So that's my story. I'm going to sleep. Priscilla said at 1:30 AM
Saturday, April 13, 2002
![]() Hurrah! I'm back? Didja miss me? Aww, sure ya did! Review-y thing coming soon.
Priscilla said at 11:22 PM
Wednesday, April 10, 2002
![]() Off to ISAS! ::sigh:: Reports suggest everything from 12 to 15 hours for the bus ride, doubled if you count there and back. Not to mention potential bus breakdowns, which happen EVERY YEAR. Bah. Oh well, it'll be worth it! See you Saturday night!
Priscilla said at 7:30 AM
Monday, April 08, 2002
![]() Rearranged "sketch" section on Art page. Do we approve? Vote in the comment field.
Priscilla said at 10:06 PM
Sunday, April 07, 2002
![]() "Big Trouble" is out? ::flails:: Why did no one inform me of this? Must go see it... ::hearts Dave Barry::
Priscilla said at 11:10 PM ![]() Priscilla tries her hand at Watercolor-style CG. Woo.
Priscilla said at 9:31 PM
Saturday, April 06, 2002
![]() Moulin Rouge. Tonight. At the Magnolia. At midnight. I want to go. What do you think the odds are that my parents will let me? ::scowls::
Priscilla said at 10:53 PM ![]() Tanja deserves more credit. She's the only one whose daily sketch is actually more-or-less daily. So go Tanja!
Priscilla said at 10:16 PM ![]() Priscilla plays with fun new styles.
Priscilla said at 10:08 PM ![]() NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! ::Obi Wan at Qui Gon's death voice:: My knees finally came through my favourite jeans. I have this evil rip of doom on the right knee. ::weeps uncontrollably:: Alas and alack, I've become a punk. Percy knows how long I've had these jeans... they fit perfectly! The size was "twiggy"! They were long enough! Curse the fates for their vile and sinister plots. Now I need to go shopping. And before ISAS, too. Bah. And no one is commenting on my Cheery sketches, the fiends.
Priscilla said at 7:23 PM ![]() ![]() which "monty python and the holy grail" character are you? this quiz was made by colleen Priscilla said at 3:07 PM ![]() Okay, very funny. Now what the soggy fruitcakes did you do with my keys?
Priscilla said at 8:19 AM ![]() I had something to say, but now I forgot it. Doom. Bah, I'd better be off. I have the ACT in about 40 minutes.... ::hisses::
Priscilla said at 8:12 AM ![]() As previously observed by Rebecca, the 2002 Holiday Season is going to rock. In addition to Two Towers, the CoS movie, and (possibly) HP5, we also get "Nightwatch" (squee!), the next Discworld book ::hearts the watch::. I seem to remember a lot of other cool stuff, but it's slipping my mind at the moment.
Priscilla said at 8:11 AM
Friday, April 05, 2002
![]() ::snickers:: I love writing English papers the morning they're due. I'm using the phrase "mostly harmless".
Priscilla said at 8:38 AM ![]() I'm cold.
Priscilla said at 12:32 AM
Thursday, April 04, 2002
![]() ::blinks:: Daily Sketch updated.
Priscilla said at 11:47 PM ![]() Another happy bit of news: Mrs. Quick said that my CGs qualify as Digital Images, so she's letting me bring Vimes to ISAS! ::grooves some more:: And she says that for my Independent Study, CGs are acceptable. Now I have an excuse to work on them! ::skips about:: Ooh, I'm having such a good day...
Priscilla said at 12:36 PM ![]() Whee! Maria says that the Midnight Movie at the Magnolia Theatre this week is Moulin Rouge! ::dances merrily:: I love the Magnolia. It's at the corner of Lemmon and McKinney, which I refer to as Lennon and McCartney. Thank Percy for independent theatres!
Priscilla said at 12:33 PM ![]() Woo! I found my copy of Jingo! Oooh, I'm good. ::grooves::
Priscilla said at 12:39 AM
Wednesday, April 03, 2002
![]() Britt. Comic. Read. Now. ::drools lustfully over magnificent artwork:: Britt is to be worshipped. Good lord, her art is fabulous.
Priscilla said at 11:30 PM ![]() Okay, no quizzes for two weeks. Bite me. I'm entitled. XD
![]() Find out which Moulin Rouge song you are. I'm sporadically working on my own quiz, as well. Quite amusing. I'll leave the subject to be a surprise. Priscilla said at 11:13 PM ![]() Ah, Faith. "Back to the Future" will always hold a special place in my heart. Especially "Back to the Future II", which cameos 8-year-old Elijah Wood. I heart those movies. God loves the 80's.
Priscilla said at 2:11 AM
Tuesday, April 02, 2002
![]() Okay, I'm scared. A few weeks ago, I asked Marcelina to get a ticket for me to the Paul McCartney concert next month. ::pauses to squeal in joy:: I had the SAT that morning, so I couldn't camp out in line. Now I'm hearing people talking about ticket prices and I'm terrified out of my mind. The only concert experience I've had in the past was Weird Al, and those tickets cost $30. Obviously, I knew Paul was going to be a lot more than that, but I never gave any thought to how much more. I heard Currin mention the figure $300. Mommy? I've got to talk with Marcelina.
Priscilla said at 11:04 PM ![]() "et moi" asks: Are you going to ISAS this year? Cus I am. I didn't get to go last year, so I was wondering if I'd see you this time.
Si. I'm in the extremely abridged "Pajama Game" (Hockaday/St. Marks musical) and digital photography. May I inquire as to who you are, and where I can see you? Priscilla said at 9:13 PM ![]() Good Lord. I just realized that I had put my soundtrack to Mama Mia (the ABBA musical) in the CD slot where I usually put the first White Album CD. That's some sort of heresy, isn't it?
Priscilla said at 8:15 AM ![]() Yay! Renata invited me to join Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Blog! ::dances:: Am I an honorary member of frowl.org now?
Priscilla said at 8:11 AM
Monday, April 01, 2002
![]() Lots of new photography! Comment.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I have longer, drawn out stories and such in my LiveJournal, but LJ is being evil at the moment. Mrah. Priscilla said at 11:06 PM ![]() Goodness. I just got a letter back from a publishing company, and they want to publish WIAN! Unfortunately, it's a lot more expensive than I had in mind. I wonder just how much it'd sell... their author royalties percentage thing is very attractive; I'd probably get a lot of the money back. Hmmm, ponder ponder ponder.
Note: This post is not an April Fools Day joke. We just picked up all our mail from the college trip, and there it was. 0_0 Priscilla said at 11:32 AM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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