The Cult of Lincoln

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

  • 00:38:15: Yay, going home! Trying to set a hot trend: 12:30am is SO the new 5pm.
  • 01:00:59: @fredhicks Toldja! Now if only I had a way of watching tonight's episode... *pokes Hulu*
  • 01:10:18: Man, this story is getting talky. Jabber jabber jabber. Needs more ACTION! *flexes fingers, then types madly away*
  • 02:02:49: The prologue of @longshotAuthor's "First Lord's Fury" is up! Check it out and RT!
  • 07:48:59: ilu so hard, Castle. Viva proper grammar!
  • 09:49:44: Headline: "Inspiration behind 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' dies at 46." My brain: Didn't she die millions of years ago? No, Priscilla.
  • 11:16:37: RT @mental_floss: While they were in the White House, John & Abigail Adams had dogs named Satan & Juno. // Imagine that happening today!
  • 11:22:30: RT @stephanieyee: Newest weight-loss device is tongue patch that makes eating painful // *look of horror*
  • 11:30:33: After my last tweet, I was followed by "FAST WEIGHT LOSS." Targeted marketing fail.
  • 11:59:05: Reading up on Google's SideWiki. Sounds intriguing, but how are they going to stop spam? I mean, look at Twitter...
  • 12:36:11: RT @dresdenfiles: New blog post: What's Out There? (Part 1)
  • 12:36:46: RT @ShannonKButcher: My new romantic suspense LOVE YOU TO DEATH comes out today! Yay! // Woohoo, great stuff! Check it out, folks!
  • 13:52:29: I love it when people share my psychoses.
  • 14:54:23: @beyondabsurdity They're never too young for Schoolhouse Rock! Sam displays excellent taste.
  • 14:59:19: RT @qikipedia, @waldron76 The happiest country is Denmark. The unhappiest is Burundi. Happy-map: #qikipediaHunt
  • 16:34:54: I just got a fortune cookie with no fortune. I feel like that dude in Flash Forward who doesn't have a vision. Am I going to die?
  • 16:37:02: @Uilos Sounds like fun!
  • 21:20:03: @Uilos *handwave* You will share this link right now.
  • 21:41:11: RT @OKBJGM: if you love title sequences, art, creativity or just plain awesomeness: // SWEET, though I only knew half.
  • 21:41:40: RT @fredhicks: Must remember to pick this up: // Ooh, where has this been all my life?
  • 21:52:00: This Salon editorial nicely summarizes my thoughts on the Roman Polanski media blitz:
  • 23:59:55: @ShannonKButcher Hand the boy a spatula and make him churn out some FLAWLESS BAKERY!

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Priscilla said at 3:09 AM


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

  • 00:12:14: Sent the "First Lord's Fury" sample chapters to Fred. The first will be posted tomorrow night at midnight! (MDT, I believe)
  • 15:00:43: @boymonster You have taught him well!
  • 18:53:42: @ShannonKButcher Oddly enough, I'm doing a stage combat workshop called "Rabid Vamps." Perhaps Jim is taking his exercise literally?
  • 21:27:11: Stuck at work once again. Must be... oh, wait, it's EVERY DAY.
  • 21:31:21: RT @mtvmoviesblog: Disney Prepares To Replace Johnny Depp In 'Pirates Of The Caribbean' Franchise // HAHAHAHA
  • 21:32:41: @fredhicks "Sleep Camel" is a fantastic expression and I am stealing it for my own nefarious purposes, whatever they may be.
  • 22:23:12: 3 1/2 hours until the 1st sample chapter of "First Lord's Fury" goes up at! Will I still be at work? Wouldn't be surprised.
  • 22:31:53: @Uilos You know where my loyalties lie!

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Monday, September 28, 2009

  • 10:14:42: Your daily LOL: Harry Potter meets Inglorious Basterds --
  • 10:26:58: Richard Castle book signing for Heat Wave. -- come on, @NathanFillion, you know you want to do one in NYC, too!
  • 19:15:46: Whew! Back from Week 2 of Rabid Vamps. @beyondabsurdity kicked my butt once again, though I'm not in as much pain as last week. Improvement!
  • 19:16:25: @ksmccarthy24 I am all yours!
  • 19:18:13: Oh! And at some point in today's workout, I regained the ability to breathe through both nostrils! Thanks, @beyondabsurdity!
  • 19:21:48: @xiehicks *high-pitched squeak* Oh my LORD, that's adorable. Mommy and baby look so happy! Camping must agree with you. :D
  • 19:23:39: @Uilos *flyingleaptacklehugs* Better?
  • 19:28:56: Happy Birthday, @vampirecowboys! Hope you, @beyondabsurdity, and Baby Badass do something special together.
  • 19:38:18: @gypsyjr @dark_puck "Up" had me in tears in the first 20 minutes. No human is safe! It's better than Voight-Kampff.
  • 19:48:56: @Dark_Puck Ooh! We talked about mythopoesis in my fairytales class. Did you know Tolkien coined that word?
  • 20:29:15: RT @BreakingNews: PAP news agency: France and Poland to ask the U.S. to drop child rape charges against Roman Polanski. // WORLDS OF FAIL.
  • 21:13:44: Looking back through Comic Con pictures. Just spotted @OKBJGM's "Sargasso Planet" t-shirt! Well played, sir. :D
  • 21:26:07: Kind of freaked out at how skinny I look in my Wendy Watson costume. Comic Con Me needs to eat a cheeseburger.
  • 23:30:29: HURRAH! "Lie to Me" and "Castle" don't conflict! Eagerly anticipating tomorrow's LtM premiere.

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Priscilla said at 3:09 AM


Sunday, September 27, 2009

  • 00:27:17: Freaking spammers.
  • 00:55:20: @longshotauthor Sounds hilarious! I want to bring a cricket bat. :D Though man, I'm so behind in my movies. Still need to see "District 9."
  • 01:12:03: Was that massive crashing sound thunder? No sign of rain...
  • 01:17:23: Well, Priscilla, it seems the city is safe. You can go back to sleep now.
  • 08:31:13: @OKBJGM I get to see "An Evening Without Monty Python" on the 10th. Can't wait!
  • 12:12:46: @lisawalkscom You go, girl! And wow, you've lost so much weight since then. You are phenomenal!
  • 12:17:02: @Dark_Puck Luke & Owen Wilson are brothers. They're from Dallas. Their mom, a photographer, gave my family advice when we built a darkroom.
  • 12:22:22: @ShannonKButcher I'm sure Frost will defend him against the savage crackling noises!
  • 12:23:56: @mkcho73 Do the ATLA characters look like their movie or TV counterparts? Or is it a hybrid, like the GN of the unaired Middleman episode?
  • 12:28:33: @anglophile80 @ShannonKButcher Oh, no! You can't pop one at a time! You have to put all the bubble wrap on the floor and dance on it.
  • 17:29:23: @jonathancoulton I must see this show! Hmm, do I know anyone in Boston who could put me up for a weekend...
  • 17:46:49: @xiehicks WOE! *sends crates of Vitamin C to the House of Plague*
  • 18:22:45: Another merry trip to the Magical Place That Washes And Folds My Laundry For Me For A Small Fee! God bless Capitalism.
  • 18:31:13: @Dark_Puck A magical laundromat where I drop off my laundry, then people wash and fold it for me! MAGIC.
  • 18:34:51: @DC_Zol My home has no cleaning faeries, alas. You'd think it'd come with the @LongshotAuthor web minion job, but nope. I should renege! :D
  • 18:57:55: @DC_Zol He's fed me cheeseburgers, and I have eaten pizza in his presence. Does that count?
  • 19:19:05: Interesting. Target is trying to make "frugalista" a fashionable word. It sounds like "pugilist."
  • 19:36:54: Jim suggests "bargainista." I concur. It sounds sassy! He clearly missed his calling as a Target ad copy writer.
  • 19:40:16: Pugilista!

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Saturday, September 26, 2009

  • 00:52:41: The good news: The FLF sample chapters are 104 pages in MS Word! Fangasm! The bad news: I get to HTML format all of it. *wibbles*
  • 00:54:40: Do you think if I left out a pizza and a saucer of warm milk, the HTML fairies would do it for me?
  • 01:18:36: I WIN! I FREAKING WIN! Just noticed a map detail in FLF I hadn't spotted before, and it's actually reflected in my version! I am psychic.
  • 01:21:21: @Dark_Puck Ugh, no pizza for me while I'm sick. I'm snotty and phlegmmy enough already.
  • 01:43:31: Whee, formatted the prologue, which is over half the length of all the sample material. You guys are going to be so spoiled. :D Sleep now!
  • 08:19:07: Hmm. The prologue really is insanely long. It's technically in five parts--should I post it in two chunks? Or would the fans massacre me?
  • 12:19:56: @sinspired I had nothing to do with it. This is the first I've heard of it. We haven't done anything with/for Facebook.
  • 13:13:03: @sinspired Yup, wrong link. What's up?
  • 13:26:15: @sinspired *laughs* Nope, not us!
  • 14:24:11: RT featherjean, @FoxBroadcasting: Hey NYC--confess your lies 2day @ Confession/LietoMe Wall. 5th Ave btw 58/59th, 9am-8pm. Swag! #lietome
  • 14:58:24: At @SheckyX's suggestion, today's WOTD is "charivari." Fantastic word!
  • 15:30:22: Waaaaaah, go away, plague! *is smothered by used tissue mountain*
  • 17:02:18: FYI, @longshotAuthor is a psychopath. And this is why we latch on to his every word. :D
  • 17:03:57: @ksmccarthy24 I'm pretty sure the cover was blue. Can't you do your job?
  • 17:09:07: @ksmccarthy24 I would read that in a HEARTBEAT.
  • 20:36:00: @WriteRCastle *laughs so hard she starts coughing and wheezing* Oh, man. That is a thing of beauty.
  • 20:43:19: RT @BreakingNews: U.S President Obama: Iran is “on notice” // So Iran is at Terrorist Level: Bears?
  • 20:47:01: "Flash Forward" reeks of desperation to be the next "Lost." I want Red Panda to be an ice cream store, just to blow fans' minds.
  • 21:03:22: #followfriday @jk_rowling -- Wow. How am I only follower #199?
  • 21:44:10: @gypsyjr *squeaks* Aww, adorable!
  • 23:00:51: @sinspired Here I was thinking of posting it in 140-character chunks... :D
  • 23:05:35: Woohoo, figured out how to structure my ficathonfic! Gotta cut a lot, but it's better than having to write a freaking novel.
  • 23:59:13: RT @lisawalkscom: 1 more hour for pink boxing gloves signed by casts of Dr Horrible, Fringe, FOTC, and Pushing Daisies!

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Friday, September 25, 2009

  • 00:00:36: I keep sneezing, and my abs still hurt from Rabid Vamps. Blaaaaaaarg.
  • 00:03:31: RT @whedonesque: Nathan Fillion visits the Apple Store in New York City. // For those like me who missed it...
  • 07:44:42: @Uilos Yes. And "Leverage" is made of awesome. Which episode(s) did you see?
  • 07:46:10: Feh. Trying to decide if I'm sick enough to stay home from work. Mind is still active and alert, but body is a teeming cesspool of germs.
  • 07:46:37: @ksmccarthy24 Wonderful! Can you use it in a sentence?
  • 07:57:37: RT @NathanFillion: Vote to help KNTR win up to $10,000! Listed as The Kids Need to Read Foundation. // I voted!
  • 08:36:30: Decided to stay home, as not to spread my deathplague to others.
  • 10:04:55: Happy Birthday, @Dark_Puck ! *glompschnoogles*
  • 12:48:11: New symptom: Headache. Looooovely.
  • 13:16:49: Tempted to go back to sleep, to escape my wretchedness. As I wrestle with indecision, I shall unload Joss pics from my camera.
  • 14:03:06: @holajupiter YAY! My friend is not going to die a bone-crushingly painful death! *huggleglomps*
  • 14:09:06: @ShannonKButcher It's probably out of concern for his audiobook fans. Marsters reading the sex scene in DM = global underwear combustion.
  • 14:12:29: @psychwrites CANNIBALS.
  • 19:26:02: Wow. Guess I needed more sleep than I thought.
  • 19:37:36: @ksmccarthy24 Woe! I'm sorry! *feeds you chicken soup and Blessing of the Night*
  • 20:50:43: @AnnLarimer SUPERCROTCH!
  • 21:43:28: @ShipLizard Oh, man, I just laughed so hard I felt a little nauseous. XD This has been added to my crackfanon.
  • 21:46:32: Feeling tired and headachy again. And here I was worried I'd have trouble falling asleep! May turn in after Project Runway.
  • 21:51:29: Got the First Lord's Fury sample chapters from @LongshotAuthor. You guys are going to be over the MOON! Prologue goes up Tues.

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Thursday, September 24, 2009

  • 00:34:50: Woohoo, home time!
  • 01:59:57: RT @lisawalkscom: A good week for bears!
  • 02:05:21: @Dark_Puck Exporting the first part of last night's Joss interview, as promised! I'm going to sleep in a few minutes.
  • 07:58:38: Still sore, and feeling the beginnings of a cold coming on. But someone left me gushing praise on one of my fics, so it's all good!
  • 14:11:04: I uploaded the rest of the Joss interview here: Check it out!
  • 15:01:37: @boymonster I would watch that in theatres. Six times. And I'd buy popcorn!
  • 15:49:13: RT @sampotts, @brettmartin Tomorrow is National Punctuation Day???
  • 15:50:47: Oh man, I'm totally jazzed now. I need to figure out a good punctuation-related WOTD! I like "antecedent," but that's grammar.
  • 15:51:54: Speaking of WOTD, "bloviate" was a huge hit, @ksmccarthy24! Keep those awesome words coming in!
  • 16:04:28: @scifantasy Ooh, I like!
  • 16:45:07: @ShannonKButcher Welcome back! I'm glad I didn't drive you from Twitter forever. :D
  • 18:31:08: @ksmccarthy24 You know who else is a Vienna Teng fan? Me. :D So thrilled that your AR is proving to be so A!
  • 18:31:55: @ksmccarthy24 Ooh, good word! I shall include it on the Dresden theme week list, because Mab used it to delightful effect.
  • 18:33:24: Of three Punctuation Day suggestions, two are votes for "interrobang." Thanks, @scifantasy and @ksmccarthy24! I have tomorrow's word!
  • 18:38:25: OMG, new favorite punctuation: irony mark! Also called "zing" or "snark"! LET'S MAINSTREAM THIS SUCKER.
  • 23:17:56: Wow. If I had to choose the ideal place for my shoe to break, I couldn't've picked a better spot than 20 feet from my front door!
  • 23:23:52: And added bonus: Waiting at my apartment door, I found Castle DVDs! Castle DVDs far outweigh broken shoes on the Scale of Woe/Joy.
  • 23:25:41: There is so much pretty on "Dollhouse." Hello, Helo! Hi, Kitai!
  • 23:30:44: Did dinner and a show with @spodalicious and friends! We went to a sneak preview screening of ABC's "Flash Forward." FF = meh. Company = A+!
  • 23:31:08: RT @laughingsquid: amazing photos of a massive dust storm that turned Sydney, Australia orange
  • 23:47:15: @SheckyX That is a fantastic word, and I thank you for it! *adds to list*
  • 23:51:19: Ahmadinejad: Iran had a "glorious and fully democratic of the most democratic nations in the world." Can he see the pyramids?

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Priscilla said at 3:10 AM


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

  • 00:00:18: Had fantastic time at Doctor Horrible! Ran into about 20 people I knew, if not more. Shall upload videos and photos soon!
  • 00:24:19: @jbkuma Seriously. I worked my tail off for my 1480. Now that just sounds pathetic.
  • 00:37:54: @beachkid I fail to see the problem. *halo*
  • 07:30:16: Oh my dear and fluffy lord, how am I still in as much pain as yesterday?
  • 07:33:25: Dreamed Jim told me he was using my joke about dads. "What joke about dads?" I thought. He turned into one of my coworkers, and it repeated.
  • 07:36:25: RT @DerekRuiz: hahah // Guaranteed sexual assault prevention tips. I approve!
  • 08:43:38: Good grief. Every day this week is going to feel like Friday, isn't it?
  • 09:30:24: RT @NotableNYC: it's CUPCAKE WEEK! Buy cupcakes this week and help kids with cancer!!
  • 09:32:25: @tomlenk "Otorhinolaryngologist" was a running joke in a high school friend's comic. It's still one of my favourite words!
  • 09:36:23: @ksmccarthy24 Win! Reminds me of Castle's mom's speech last season about awesome clothing. Can't wait to steal time to watch the premiere!
  • 10:05:45: RT @viennateng: Special concert packages avail for late NY & early SF shows. // Just got my ticket! Can't wait!
  • 11:07:08: @beachkid I hope you're not blaming Molly for something Harry told her to do? It's majorly icky, but I don't put that on her.
  • 11:36:54: @beachkid Ah, gotcha. Next step in the slippery slope, then? Yeah, you're right. It's pretty icky in retrospect...
  • 12:22:03: @beachkid OH! When you were talking about consent originally, I thought you meant Blanche. I was like " She was dead?"
  • 12:24:02: @beachkid Yeah, the male gaze was creepy as all get-out. And as the icing on top, Molly learns that compromising oneself for a case = GOOD!
  • 12:29:56: @beachkid OH MY DEAR SWEET JESUS TAKE IT AWAY
  • 15:28:08: Urgh, my abs. It hurts to sneeze!
  • 15:54:46: RT nprnews Activists Thrilled That Empire State Will Glow Green As Ahmadinejad Is In NYC
  • 16:03:29: I uploaded a bunch of videos from last night's Joss Whedon Q&A to YouTube. Start here: The rest are in my profile.
  • 17:09:52: RT @jbkuma: Who's looking out for Big Insurance? New video from @MoveOn, Will Ferrell about poor, misunderstood execs.
  • 22:09:04: How did I end up the only person left at the office AGAIN? To be fair, I didn't work last night, but... yeesh.
  • 22:10:39: Tasked with making a doll. Realized that it looked a little like Neil Patrick Harris. Deliberately played up said resemblance. Muahahaha.
  • 22:27:04: RT @SmartBitches: Shoot me now: "Wuthering Bites" Retelling with Heathcliff as vampire. Puppykilling assmonkey is never enough. Btw 50-99k
  • 22:28:29: @fredhicks @xiehicks Have a wonderful time with the n00b!
  • 22:45:39: It's funny when your computer does that spazzy broken record-style freezing when you have Regina Spektor's "Edit" playing.
  • 22:50:53: Fact: It took me three months to realize I had a scratch on my copy of Ingrid Michaelson's "Girls and Boys" during "Breakable."
  • 22:54:53: RT @Dark_Puck // I need that on a throw pillow! It would perfectly match the Blue Sun travel posters decorating my room.
  • 23:02:07: @Dark_Puck *empathetic snuggles*

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Priscilla said at 3:09 AM


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

  • 08:15:14: @ksmccarthy24 Welcome back, m'love! I prescribe lots of @jonathancoulton music to alleviate the whole zombie thing.
  • 08:26:35: @ksmccarthy24 F'reals. I've *written* Harry/Luccio, and "The Other Son" has very pro-Harry/Susan moments. I see only respect from H/Kers.
  • 11:14:42: @ksmccarthy24 On 2nd thought, there's a vocal anti-Susan thread on the forum, fueled by the opening of "Changes." It's not H/Kers, though.
  • 11:40:56: Totally geeking out over @beatonna plug in today's XKCD. A perfect storm of comics nerdery!
  • 12:05:04: Today's WOTD: Manichean. Worry that I'm getting a bit esoteric, though. (Ooh, "esoteric"!)
  • 13:37:03: @ShannonKButcher You are a cruel mistress, harsh but fair!
  • 13:53:03: @ShannonKButcher *laughs* I was referring to your authorial torture, justified by promise of nookie. :D
  • 13:53:39: @ShannonKButcher I concur! Ability to cook is a HUGE plus in the Boyfriend Handbook.
  • 14:08:27: @ShannonKButcher I am innocent! You misperceived my original tweet! This is why god invented the "in reply to" function. :D
  • 15:10:01: A better video of Doctor Horrible hijacking the Emmys: (thanks @Jamie1km)
  • 15:34:53: @NathanFillion Leaving us already? I would've bet money you'd be at Joss' Sing-Along Q&A tonight. Hope you enjoy yourself wherever you are!
  • 15:52:35: @gypsyjr Woohoo, congrats!
  • 16:08:41: Just took five minutes to streeeeeeeeeeeeetch. Mmm, hair of the dog. No longer feel quite as geriatric.
  • 16:10:18: RT @threadless Goodbye summer, HELLO #ZIPTEMBER! All @threadless hoodies only $30 all week! (please RT for a chance to win one!) // Woo!
  • 16:37:39: RT @USA_Network: What a guy! Walk-On Role on Burn Notice w/Jeffrey Donovan Goes for $36,000 (and a Kiss)! @BurnNoticeUSA
  • 16:38:52: @laughingsquid Ha, I wondered why some dude at Grand Central was handing out free copies of the Post!
  • 17:31:52: Woe! The next Improv Everywhere event conflicts with Rabid Vamps! Hope everyone that can attend has fun.
  • 17:44:57: Man, this mini-cupcake is obscene. Two kinds of mint frosting with mini-kisses, chocolate cake, and a gooey fudge center. Happy B-Day, K!

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Priscilla said at 3:09 AM


Monday, September 21, 2009

  • 00:09:49: @beachkid *laughs* I'm in the same boat. The 'thon calls for 1k, and I'm at 1.4k and maybe a fifth of the way done. XD
  • 10:03:40: @featherjean Too cute! Your sister is going to love it. Great patterns.
  • 10:19:58: Leverage dream! I was Parker, and had to do an insane parkour run over fire escapes to HQ to warn team of imminent explosion. Woke up sore.
  • 10:23:04: @Uilos This I gotta read. :D
  • 10:23:30: @SheckyX It involves fanfic. I'm sure you don't want to know. :D
  • 10:28:41: @SheckyX *clutches heart* You need to watch some of their films. Their work is gorgeous. They spoke at my Film Analysis class at Penn.
  • 10:31:39: Oh! Hey! You know what? *adds the Alera map to my resume, DUH self*
  • 10:47:35: @SpanoMano Did we miss the Rapture?
  • 11:35:27: @MickeydotFinn We watched a few of their films in my class and discussed them before the Quay brothers spoke, so we had some grounding.
  • 11:44:22: RT @lisawalkscom: has 54 live auctions live to support @avonwalks for breast cancer! Please check them out and RT!
  • 11:46:34: RT @thinkgeek: Apparently, the cake really is a lie. Well, at least with buttercream frosting... // fascinating!
  • 11:49:45: Looking at new Dresden art by Brett Booth. Wow. Explosions PRETTY.
  • 11:55:32: Off to the @vampirecowboys' fight studio! I believe I was sore this morning b/c they will kick my butt so hard I felt it in the past.
  • 14:04:26: You know how I resolved to start going to the gym a month before Fight Studio began, so I would not die, but then my job got crazy? Yeah.
  • 15:34:23: Recovering mid-buttkicking with ravioli and vitamin water. Lunch of champions!
  • 17:55:00: They shine like... little angels... *collapses in a heap*
  • 21:05:02: Just turned on the Emmys. Is that John @Hodgman reading the blurbs?
  • 21:28:23: RT @Dark_Puck: ...did @pricellie just go crazy and then fall asleep? // No, but @priscellie did. :D
  • 21:30:27: HAHA, I KNEW IT!
  • 21:34:51: Loved the Doctor Horrible interruption! Can't wait to see what happens to the DVD sales. :D
  • 21:35:29: @featherjean Resistance is futile!
  • 21:39:58: @simonpegg Welcome to Twitter!
  • 22:14:34: RT @gossi: Dr Horrible takes over the Emmys, broadcast live on CBS -
  • 22:22:52: One of the people in this photo just won an Emmy! I would like to thank my parents and sister for their support...
  • 22:56:47: Trying to hobble around apartment during commercial breaks, so I might be in less pain tomorrow. Crossing the room: Feel the burn!
  • 23:01:42: Despite my twitter-whining, I had a fantastic time at Rabid Vamps Fight Studio. @BeyondAbsurdity kicked my butt, but I loved every minute!
  • 23:21:57: Just watched Kristin Chenoweth's acceptance speech on YouTube. Too cute (and high-pitched) for words!
  • 23:47:03: Mkay, sleeptime! Cross your fingers that I'll be able to walk tomorrow!

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Sunday, September 20, 2009

  • 01:56:08: Getting bleary. Close to falling asleep at my desk. Don't think I'll stay much longer.
  • 02:10:58: @Uilos Can we be delirium buddies? I'll let you wear my wig.
  • 02:20:06: Whee, I'm out of here! Let the weekend begin! By which I mean sleeping.
  • 10:01:47: Mmm, sleep. Gak, forgetting about and sleeping through my acupuncture appointment this morning. Yay, secretary rescheduling for 11:30.
  • 10:03:37: @bleusuns I work for a company that creates 3D-animated test commercials. I do character design, 3D modeling, and texture painting.
  • 14:12:26: Holy moley. Is something happening in NY? A line of 21 cop cars just zoomed past, sirens wailing. Hope no one is hurt.
  • 16:50:55: Ah, accomplishment! Ran a bunch of errands that had been burning a hole in my To Do list. What would I have done if I'd had to work today?
  • 16:53:27: RT @AnnLarimer @kyuuketsukirui: HAAAAAAAAAAATE whiteboy cast to play Chinese-American superhero. // WHAT THE HELL?
  • 16:54:40: @ProfBanks Talented kid! There has to be some way you can channel this power for the betterment of humanity.
  • 17:04:24: @smuu Fantastic pages! This comic gets more and more extraordinary with every new addition.
  • 17:06:21: @Dark_Puck I thought that was just a joke from "Wonderfalls"...
  • 17:33:54: Oooh! Billy Boyd's band is coming to Joe's Pub in October. Anyone interested? (@spodalicious, should I start a Lord of the Rings glove?)
  • 17:36:01: RT @jennyowenyoungs: Quay Brothers exhibit at Parsons // EEE! Any of my usual suspects interested? May have to round up coworkers, too...
  • 17:36:38: Link to the Quay Brothers' exhibit blurb:
  • 17:38:10: @ShipLizard Ooh, it's out? Must get to Midtown soon.
  • 17:40:49: @ProfBanks Ooh. "Henotheism" is a fantastic word. Adding it to the list!
  • 18:09:53: @Uilos Oct 8th and 10th. We'd go on the 8th, as we have the Python thing on the 10th.
  • 20:17:52: @hobbitwriter Can you get to NY? If so, you're in!
  • 21:05:56: Dude! The NYC Fringe Festival's "Viral" and @vampirecowboys Saloon's "Mother Sacramento" were written by same dude, Mac Rogers. Both fab.
  • 21:15:15: Hey, Mac Rogers is on Twitter: @MacWrites! Thanks, man, for some of my favourite theatrical experiences of the year. See you at Saloon #2!
  • 22:28:09: Yikes. I'm creeping myself out, writing something that is not supposed to be creepy. Where is my beta when I need her?
  • 22:35:26: Just used the word "susurrus." That makes me feel a little better. Hmm, should that be one of my WOTDs?
  • 22:45:26: (To @ShipLizard) Now there's an idea! Theme weeks! Weird vocab popularized by my favourite works of fiction. Can't wait to use "effulgent."
  • 22:55:12: Discworld fans: What are some great words you learned from Terry Pratchett? (Real words. "Detritus" counts, "Squidaped oyt" doesn't.)
  • 23:04:36: @ShipLizard True, though I've never encountered "chrysoprase" elsewhere. Now I've learned it, "detritus" is ubiquitous, like "filch" for HP.
  • 23:12:39: @ShipLizard Hee! Worn dollar bills aren't that intense a green. XD And ooh, syzygy is another A+ fandom word, though for me it's X-Files.
  • 23:24:15: Dear Priscilla, I know you like to imagine a certain love lambda as a delta, but that doesn't work when writing a canon-based fic. Love, me
  • 23:27:47: @Uilos It ALWAYS needs more Invidia! Invidia is like the whipped cream on the sundae of evil--there can never be too much of it.
  • 23:30:31: @boymonster Kinky.
  • 23:35:12: @boymonster Dad taught me "pulchritude" as secret weapon in Name Game. @ 7 yrs old, "Pulchritudinous Priscilla" got srs looks from teachers.
  • 23:50:44: Dear Priscilla, When a ficathon calls for a mere 1000 words, "I WILL WRITE ABOUT EVERYTHING" is not a wise approach Love, me.
  • 23:55:58: @featherjean Ooh! The sewn bear? Will we get to see it?
  • 23:59:54: @RockyShields Bah, just throw out whatever comes to your head first! I'm only looking for 5 or 10 good words from each fandom.

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Saturday, September 19, 2009

  • 00:13:02: @Dark_Puck I've been working there for over two years. Surely you've gotten used to my ridiculous overtime schedule by now? :D
  • 00:54:51: @ShannonKButcher Kneel Before Brow! Fantastic work. Will the boys get to premiere the armor this weekend?
  • 01:02:19: @ProfBanks My theory: in-joke on Engrish trans. of Purdue's "tough man/tender chicken" to "it takes a hard man to make a chicken aroused."
  • 01:22:30: RT @stephanieyee: Hooray! The Philly libraries are staying open!
  • 08:24:35: @ShannonKButcher @LongshotAuthor Wow. J.J. wasn't kidding about the Alera books being written about him. That's my mental image of Tavi!
  • 11:53:54: Via @DerekRuiz: and - awesome (and unapproved) Brett Booth Dresden pages.
  • 12:24:04: @Dark_Puck I believe it's based on Nuptial BT
  • 12:26:32: @Dark_Puck Maybe Virgo?
  • 12:32:44: No, brain, you are not in the mood for a milkshake, and you are not getting one, so don't even try.
  • 12:50:22: @Dark_Puck *shakes* Nope.
  • 12:58:11: Yesterday's word: Lilliputian. Today's word: Defenestration. Gave coworkers history lesson on Defenestration of Prague. Life is good!
  • 14:16:33: RT @lisawalkscom has 54 auctions live! Can we raise $5K for @avonwalks for breast cancer? Please check them out & RT!
  • 15:44:07: "I generally believe people when they write things." --Eric
  • 17:59:04: @NathanFillion Have a fantastic time! Wish I could join you. I'll be at work a mile and a half away to the NE--send Nathan-y vibes my way!
  • 21:15:24: @anglophile80 *is still at work at 9:15* *whimpers*
  • 21:54:17: Wow. That's adorable. The thing I spent the past 3 1/2 hours on doesn't work. At least I don't have to come in over the weekend!
  • 23:01:44: WOOHOO! Everyone else is packing up! I am going to be the only person still at work, and I will be here all night! I WIN!
  • 23:03:15: @Dark_Puck *sends the Harry/Susan shipper love and schnoogles* Does it help if my primary flagship is S.S. Whoever Makes Harry Happy?
  • 23:04:42: @longshotauthor Godspeed, sir! Godspeed!
  • 23:08:01: @Dark_Puck Johnny in the earlier books, Johnnie in the later ones. I like to think he dots the "i" in "Johnnie" with a little skull.
  • 23:28:01: @tomlenk Big broken legs to you and Kerry!
  • 23:30:46: RT @mkcurry: A Tori Amos Christmas album? Seriously? // My thoughts exactly.
  • 23:33:35: @kelldar *sporfle* Brilliant!

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Friday, September 18, 2009

  • 00:00:01: Roommate just asked if I'd mind if she waxed her legs in the common room, because the bathroom is awkward. I am so amused.
  • 00:02:42: Oh. My. God. How has the entire internet not latched on to this picture of Obama fencing with a lightsaber yet?
  • 00:07:01: @fourteenacross Yikes! Hope you feel better soon. Get some rest.
  • 00:11:22: @amber_benson Too cute! Hope you had a blast with the flash mob.
  • 00:50:34: @RockyShields Oh, man. Can I do the Summer Lady a favor? I could get used to people doing my menial chores for me. Also the scent of pine.
  • 08:19:15: Pre-order "Death Masks" audiobook from @buzzymultimedia! James Marsters reads a love scene. 'Nuff said.
  • 12:40:32: Arg. Figured out how to save ONE MORE WIZARD in @emshore's Riddle of Doom, making my total 94 saved. Must figure out how to save 5 more!
  • 16:40:16: @CUnderkoffler I don't know about that. Mummies are buried with vast treasures and convenient slaves. How much is your love worth?
  • 16:47:25: @ksmccarthy24 Your minions have been working until 1 and 1:30am and have no time to do your bidding. :D
  • 17:24:09: @Uilos See? There was not a hilarious mix-up with the Crichton vests! You're slimming down, and you're looking great!
  • 17:32:12: @ksmccarthy24 This is why god invented damp sponges. *hugs*
  • 21:01:00: @Dark_Puck I'd compare them to folks like the Alphas--like a wizard who can only do one trick.
  • 22:18:45: @Dark_Puck We'll noodle it out over IM, when I'm not at work. :D
  • 23:42:30: Woohoo, heading home!

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Priscilla said at 3:09 AM


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

  • 00:06:39: @Dark_Puck Kat's "dear aol: why u hatin" :D
  • 00:38:48: @tomlenk My little Flip Video works very well with my Mac, and it has pretty nice sound for what it is. :D
  • 00:45:57: Am last person left at work! VICTORY! *eats a cookie*
  • 01:01:49: What the... it was 12 o'clock, then I did a little work, and then suddenly it was 1. That's just unfair. I intended to work until 11.
  • 01:19:32: It's 1:17, and I have officially stopped caring about this character. Goodnight, everybody!
  • 01:52:45: Aww, roomie left the light on for me when I told her I was working late. I'm keeping her! :D
  • 07:52:07: @longshotauthor WOW. "Even Hand" was spectacular! I may have cackled with glee more than once. The first being Hendricks' laptop. :D
  • 08:32:13: Gave up on trying to find time to do my laundry and dropped it off at a wash-and-fold near my apt. Not sure if this is genius or pathetic.
  • 09:02:57: @ShannonKButcher I believe the power comes from being 24, and sure! Can I borrow some of your word count?
  • 11:29:19: Blarg, forgot to vote. Civic duty fail. Oh well, it was a primary for a local election. And I was tired. And there was laundry.
  • 12:27:59: @billharting @longshotAuthor It's for an anthology called "Dark and Stormy Knights," due in spring '10! @ShannonKButcher has a story, too.
  • 12:28:27: @RockyShields I work 9-7, and I'm almost certainly doing overtime again tonight.
  • 14:20:46: "Nail Polish and Nihilism" would make a terrible album name, but I would probably buy it anyway.
  • 14:36:06: @AnneSowards These September books all sound fantastic! I shall raid my library post-haste!
  • 15:55:59: @ksmccarthy24 *keeps your stuffed horses and blows raspberry*
  • 17:34:08: I'm implementing a "Word of the Day" at work, where I teach my coworkers fun words with amusing histories. Today = Mondegreen.
  • 17:34:33: Tomorrow, I shall teach them to pronounce "floccinaucinihilipilification." Suggestions for the future?
  • 18:09:24: RT @dresdenfiles: New blog post: Maxims of the Dresdenverse (Part 3)
  • 18:14:59: @WriteRCastle Not to mention the hot coeds, eh Rick?
  • 18:36:14: @xiehicks *squeals* That's adorable!
  • 20:52:31: @ShannonKButcher Whee, new toys! New toys with face-meltability!
  • 21:01:17: @Dark_Puck I'd ask "Do you hate me?" But considering my earlier tweet about the Marcone story, I fear I know the answer. :D
  • 21:37:51: Pondering a riddle. I have saved 93 wizards of 100, but that is apparently not good enough! Come on, brain, prove your MENSA worthiness!

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Priscilla said at 3:09 AM


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

  • 07:56:46: @gypsyjr *gives you lovesqueezins*
  • 08:49:21: Post office changed hours to 9-5:30. How is anyone with a job supposed to use it?
  • 11:29:31: @ZiggyNJ Yeah, but it sucks when you need to pick up a package.
  • 13:24:44: Oh, man. Eric's fish smells RANK. I want to spray Febreeze directly on his lunch.
  • 17:48:54: Yikes. Someone fell on the subway track at 110th St, and they had to shut down power at the whole station. Hope you're okay, person.
  • 20:18:36: "If you can't laugh about your disease, it just isn't worth having it." --Me
  • 21:55:33: @SheckyX We're working on a pharmaceutical spot and putting words into the protagonist's mouth. I have no disease. :D
  • 22:10:07: RT @nprnews: Marvelous Mashup: Kanye West's Outburst Morphed On To Obama's Speech
  • 22:52:41: @Uilos WOOHOO! BRING ON THE CRACKFIC!
  • 23:19:24: Am I still allowed to eat Official @ShannonKButcher Victory Cookies when I'm still at work at 11 ?
  • 23:57:52: @Dark_Puck @ksmccarthy24 ...These are the EXACT WORDS my brain provided in response.

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Monday, September 14, 2009

  • 01:11:42: - The map continues to haunt me at @spodalicious' birthday...
  • 01:19:48: @longshotauthor You are having WAY too much fun. Can't wait to see what follows that brilliant opening!
  • 01:22:04: @longshotauthor My loyalties are split! I want you forcibly removed from your computer so you can RELAX, and I want to read the next story!
  • 01:23:52: I had an AMAZING time at @vampirecowboys' Saloon! How did @beyondabsurdity and @robertrosspark cram so much awesome into such a tiny space?
  • 01:32:35: CONGRATULATIONS @FeliciaDay, @NathanFillion, @DrHorrible, @ZDubDub, @MoTancharoen, et all! Your awesomeness reaps its reward!
  • 01:36:01: Only had one appletini at Lisa's party, but I had no trouble walking in the Maeve stripperheels! My grace is the stuff of legend.
  • 01:58:40: @MoTancharoen You look gorgeous! Joss has scary puma eyes.
  • 02:05:26: @mollycrabapple HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May the okapis of the world sing your praises on this special day.
  • 11:42:52: @Uilos I left about 15 minutes after you did. A guy latched on to me and refused to talk about anything but politics.
  • 11:44:36: @SheckyX No, I'm referring to his temptation to spill a Coke on his work computer. :D
  • 11:49:07: @ksmccarthy24 You are accomplished!
  • 11:55:34: RT @amber_benson, @doctorow Detroit teacher needs YA ebooks for her blind students' Braille library PLEASE RT!
  • 12:06:52: RT @donttrythis: Josh Olson (screenwriter of History of Violence) on why he WON'T read your frakking script
  • 13:10:48: @NeilMSchwartz Did it sparkle? Did it smoke? Or was it shielded by a convenient pane of necro-tempered glass?
  • 13:21:55: @beachkid Welcome back! The internets missed you, too!
  • 13:22:15: @mkcho73 Why not?
  • 17:23:36: "There's no math on birthdays!" --Chris S
  • 17:25:56: "I want to kiss Google on the mouth." --me, on behalf of Chris S, who does not tweet
  • 17:32:51: And by "Chris S," I mean "Chris C." On 6th or 7th sangria. I blame the demon liquor! (at least I can still spell)
  • 17:36:14: I witnessed a "yo"! As did @spodalicious.
  • 17:52:00: Have taught @spodalicious to walk in heels with my Maeve stripper heels. Sangria does wonderful things!
  • 21:16:20: @ksmccarthy24 I'm on now! I've been absent the past few days, as I was celebrating the glorious @spodalicious!
  • 21:20:07: @mkcho73 Looks like a deodorant stain.
  • 21:24:41: @ShannonKButcher Streaming tweets over TV shows? What purpose could that possibly serve? That is using technology for EVIL.
  • 21:25:20: @ksmccarthy24 @DarkPuck Pretty sure I did, too. Isn't the PB a promotional pic from Dollhouse?
  • 21:34:12: @Dark_Puck Thank you! I needed to see that again. So much love for Pirates of Penzance.
  • 21:43:53: Still sleepy from likker. At least I didn't conk out during "9," as I feared. Must tidy room after trashing it, searching for costumes!
  • 23:22:42: @Esperacchius Blair Butler is a friend of a friend, but I've never seen the show, no. How is it relevant?

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Sunday, September 13, 2009

  • 00:07:23: @ShannonKButcher I have no idea what "fuse tacking" is, but it sounds intriguing! Glad your eyebrows are safe!
  • 00:24:20: RT @Dark_Puck: "House Plans Vote On Condemning Wilson Outburst" GUESS WHERE MY BRAIN WENT. I DON'T EVEN WATCH HOUSE. // I'd read that fic.
  • 07:42:57: @emshore Thank you for filling the void in my life I never knew I had! Those ads are genius.
  • 07:55:15: @ShannonKButcher You say "in-combat vivisection" like it's a BAD thing!
  • 07:57:36: @tomlenk I know, I can't wait to see you! Fun that you're now starting the same day as Kerry--I loved her in "Bat Boy". :D
  • 08:01:24: @OKBJGM I expected her to look... pinker. :D And I concur, the Spanish term is awesome--sounds like a chibi Zorro. I'd watch/read it!
  • 08:04:02: Arg! I left the Facebook groups of the clubs I belonged to at Penn because I was sick of getting email, but I still am! Facebook fail.
  • 11:53:59: RT @Uilos: Going over the Shows with Brandon then Saturday Night Saloon, presented by @vampirecowboys // Woohoo, see you there!
  • 12:00:38: Roommate making toast, and it smells amazing. Dude, brain, it's TOAST. Get a grip!
  • 12:28:00: RT @donttrythis: How does a construction crane build itself? With craploads of, wait for it... AWESEOME
  • 13:36:25: @Dark_Puck Yup! The weather is going to be gross again in NY tonight, but it's going to be beautiful tomorrow!
  • 16:18:19: Johnny Depp announced a 4th PotC movie. I headdesked. Can we please just do a "Matrix" with this trilogy and pretend 2 & 3 never happened?
  • 16:23:54: ALL PHILLY LIBRARIES CLOSING. Oh HELL no. (via @stephanieyee)
  • 16:29:27: Dear Middle East, WHAT IS GOING ON? First we have Lebanon and Israel trading rocket fire, and now the Israeli president collapses mid-Q&A?
  • 16:30:32: Ooh, I have a good opening line for my ficathonfic!
  • 16:38:24: Planning outrageous outfit for @spodalicious' karaoke fest! Have re-taught self to walk in Maeve's 6" stripper heels, but can I do it tispy?
  • 17:16:26: @ksmccarthy24 Well, the 3D artist in me relished every second Davey Jones was on screen, but the story made baby Jesus cry.
  • 17:23:04: Decided on variant of Maeve costume that eases up a tad on the skank throttle. Wig, silver sequinned tank, jeans, and aforementioned heels.
  • 18:18:56: @Discovery Man, the Mythbusters clean up purdy! The "geeky =/= sexy" myth is safely BUSTED.
  • 18:22:14: ...I SUCK I SUCK I SUCK. Just found a GLARING error in the map. The first of many, as I'm sure the fans will let me know, but still. Arg.
  • 18:34:53: @amber_benson Jim Butcher is on Twitter--@longshotauthor. Have you met? If not, perhaps @AnneSowards could arrange something at NYCC '10. :D

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Saturday, September 12, 2009

  • 00:35:59: @SheckyX Character Land = the character department at work, where all the characters are made! I'm usually second-in-command.
  • 00:37:18: @AnneSowards Do they dream of electric tweets?
  • 00:50:47: RT @SheckyX: Best. Vickbusting. Ever.
  • 00:57:32: @sinspired I helped make the Polamalu shampoo commercials! *preens*
  • 01:02:01: RT @Dark_Puck: Six minutes of sugar glider footage. You're welcome. // *watches for the frillionth time*
  • 07:48:40: @CapricaSeven The "romantic punk tiger" dress was gorgeous! My favourite of the night.
  • 07:52:20: @ce_murphy Ard's going on to such huge, exciting things! I'm thrilled for him! Sad he couldn't finish "Storm Front," but I wish him well.
  • 07:52:45: @Uilos Yup. Because you're awesome.
  • 14:42:13: @MickeydotFinn *thwaps you with Robert Pattinson's hair*
  • 15:55:35: @Uilos ...Kitty!
  • 16:00:25: Two newspapers handed out in subway today. Metro cover: remembering 9/11. AM NY cover: remembering Michael Jackson. SCREW YOU.
  • 16:44:02: @Uilos I'm going to see the "Toxic Avenger" musical with @spodalicious! Hope you have fun!
  • 16:44:30: I made Robert Pattinson. Now I get to make his fangirls! *deranged cackle*
  • 16:53:33: Random YouTube Insult Generator:
  • 17:01:17: @WhiteCollarUSA Promotional photos need more @NatalieMorales!
  • 17:50:21: @beachkid Be sure to preorder through! Or wait until the virtual signing is announced, if you want one signed.
  • 20:02:15: Hey, @TomLenk just sprinted past me! Run, @TomLenk, run! Don't miss that rehearsal!
  • 23:58:32: "Toxic Avenger" musical was HILARIOUS. Thanks for organizing it, @spodalicious! Good seeing you tonight, @jimmyaquino and @travelingheidi!

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Friday, September 11, 2009

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Priscilla said at 3:10 AM


Thursday, September 10, 2009

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Wednesday, September 09, 2009

  • 00:41:13: @longshotauthor LEGENDARY! Now go to sleep, you crazy man!
  • 00:50:30: @longshotauthor Enjoy your triumph! Our beta muscles are primed and ready. Bring on the words!
  • 00:51:16: @boymonster You can take my double spaces between sentences when you pry them from my cold, dead fingers!
  • 00:52:59: @boymonster Clarity of design never goes out of style!
  • 01:57:05: Whee, final map tweaks have been made, and the file is all formattified for @AnneSowards and Penguin! Time to upload and SLEEP.
  • 02:58:49: @longshotauthor Vince, Butters, or Hendricks!
  • 03:06:53: Sleep. Right. *goes*
  • 08:06:41: RT @theliz13: @priscellie You get inside information. Then leave tantalizing hints on twitter. //Me: Marcone's favorite color is polka-dot!
  • 10:47:51: @mkcurry Thanks, but how on earth did you see the map? It shouldn't be available to the public.
  • 10:55:33: @mkcurry PHEW! I think my heart skipped a beat, there. Nice to put a Twitter user to a face! Poke Jenn to show you the final version. :D
  • 10:59:00: FYI, @longshotAuthor, the forum folks without Twitter accounts are weighing in here:
  • 11:05:19: @fredhicks I like the way you think!
  • 11:07:18: @fredhicks Yup! Faith Astor is about the same age as Molly. And suddenly I want to change my vote, @longshotAuthor... :D
  • 11:21:59: Current task at work: googling pictures of George Clooney. My life is so hard. :D
  • 13:19:48: Coworkers have partaken in @ShannonKButcher's Victory Cookies! They cheer for me with bellies full of peppermint!
  • 14:52:41: @SheckyX I found a similar recipe that called for 6 tbsp milk. It worked, but still tasted too floury. It's 2.5c *sifted* flour, not packed.
  • 14:53:46: @sinspired *wild applause*
  • 15:25:24: Phone call I just made: S: Hello? Me: Your crotch has been kicked. S: Thanks. ::hang up::
  • 15:25:27: Oh, my job. Every time I think it can't get weirder, I am surprised.
  • 17:20:46: @Esperacchius You should flex them! You never know what could come of it.
  • 17:22:14: @fourteenacross I'm late to the party, but Y!
  • 19:15:01: @ksmccarthy24 TESLAAAAAA! \o/ /o\ \o\
  • 19:18:49: @spodalicious *cheers wildly* You can do it!
  • 20:24:54: @NathanFillion Come to the Bull Moose saloon to hang with the NYC Browncoats!
  • 21:06:09: Oh, man. I just realized I could go to sleep RIGHT NOW without repercussion. How wonderful it is to be done with the map!
  • 21:06:26: @scalzi The archangels are bowling.
  • 21:25:33: Lovely Twitter stats from @infobeautiful:
  • 21:33:44: James Patterson signs 17-book deal btw now and end of 2012. *twitches*
  • 21:52:00: @ShannonKButcher Two Jims would be superfluous. The romantic in me is happy to have a Butcher who doesn't doom her hero to die alone. :D
  • 23:02:46: It's 11:01. I'm going to read a bit, then go to sleep. MADNESS. Y'all can ring in 9/9/09 without me, right?

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Priscilla said at 3:09 AM


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