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Thursday, September 30, 2004
![]() ::sings::
Suddenly there is music In the sound of your name: John Kerry! HOLY COW. That was just BEAUTIFUL. I mean, I imagined going into the debates that Kerry would do a better job, but that the media would lambast him regardless of whatever style demeanor he would choose to adopt, just because they're infuriating like that. But good grief, this was beyond my wildest dreams! I challenge anyone to even suggest Bush won the debate. Kerry handed Bush his rear end on a PLATTER. And watching the debate in a crowded auditorium filled with College Democrats, already energized from getting to meet Vanessa Kerry, who was as eloquent and poised and intelligent as her father in tonight's debates? Booyeah. Not to mention her delightful wit, a quality she and her father both share, given the humorous anecdotes she shared in her brief time with us. My summary of the debates: Kerry: [clear, poised explanation of an aspect of international politics, taking personal past experience into account, ah oh yes, I wrote a book about loose nukes from the former Soviet Union] Bush: Umm... [5 second pause] The evil terrorist enemies of freedom hate democracy! Saddam--I mean Osama! Kerry: [*smirk visible on C-SPAN splitscreen*] He CLEANED his CLOCK. It was like GRAVY on TOAST. It was like CHRISTMAS MEAT. Kerry was respectful, VERY presidential, eloquent, and used anecdotal and historical evidence to make his points. Ko marvelled that he sounded like her International Relations professor at times. Meanwhile, Bush was on the defensive from the get-go and never deviated from his talking points, which he repeated ad nauseum (he put me in the mind of a techno remix), until he looked like a trained parrot. He never once put Kerry on the spot. He looked like a fool! I love that Jim Lehrer had to pause every so often and clarify what exactly Bush said. And how Bush kept trying to interrupt Kerry? Good lord that was beautiful. MAN, life is so good right now! Ko and I can't stop randomly squeeing. Eee, I'm so glad the rehearsal schedule was changed so that I ended up being able to see the whole debate. I love what Jon Stewart said afterwards, how this was the moment when so much of his constituency stopped being "Anyone But Bush" supporters and started really taking pride in having Kerry as their candidate. Highlights: Bush's pal "Vlod-mur" "It's hard work!" the 15th time "Don't forget Poland!" I am on such an emotional high right now... Ko and I keep looking at each other and squealing. Life is so good! Priscilla said at 10:42 PM
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
![]() More Nightmare Before Christmas niftyness! Clicksee!
Priscilla said at 1:52 PM
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
![]() *snorks* A random guy tried to flirt with me in the bookstore line yesterday, uttering what I now consider the funniest pickup line ever, "I've noticed that Democratic women always seem to be so much prettier than Republican women." I wonder if he knew about this poll.
Priscilla said at 3:30 PM ![]() Priscilla's Bad Pun of the Day!
![]() Sorry, it had to be done. XD (for those of you fools that haven't seen Firefly, the character's name is Shepherd Book. Now go buy/rent the DVDs, heathen!) Priscilla said at 3:03 PM
Monday, September 27, 2004
![]() Teresa! <333! Gravy I love that woman.
Meantime, why do all the debates have to be scheduled during my rehearsal time? RRRRRRGH. I wonder if they'll be rerun on CSPAN.com or something. Also peeved because Barack Obama had a rally in Philly today at a very accessable venue, but I had class. Life is so hard. :D Edit: Woah! Just got an email from the Penn Dems announcing that Vanessa Kerry (Kerry's younger daughter) will be coming to Penn on Thursday and hanging out with us as we watch the debate and all cheer on her dad. Dude! Fortunately, I'll be able to attend part of it, as I've found out my call on Thursday isn't going to be until 9:30 and the debates start at 9. Man, it's good to go to school in a swing state. Priscilla said at 5:15 PM
Sunday, September 26, 2004
![]() Yay, MiniVSP is DONE! I cannot WAIT for October 1st. *cackles*
Priscilla said at 1:57 PM ![]() *sigh* I dreamed Kerry won the election and that winning Pennsylvania was the tipping point. And his win was in the margin of voter registration forms I handed out at his rally on Friday (some 3 dozen?). And then I got on my computer and blogged "What happens to the Avenue Q lyrics now that George Bush is no longer 'for now'?" Kind of like how people were talking about changing the line in RENT to "the dawn of the millenium" after 2000.
Suffice it to say, waking up was not fun. :D A few links: San Francisco Chronicle: Flip-flopping charge unsupported by facts Bush, Kerry Twisting Each Other's Words Mad Magazine: Bush vs. Jesus Priscilla said at 8:54 AM
Saturday, September 25, 2004
![]() Molly Ringwraith brings us LotR joy! Blooper Reels and RotK:EE DVD info!
Priscilla said at 9:39 PM ![]() For my 3D modeling class: Zero, from the Nightmare Before Christmas
Priscilla said at 8:54 PM
Friday, September 24, 2004
![]() Grfsgl. I have been on my feet for the past 6 solid hours, 2 of which were spent talking to a woman who was clearly crazy, as to stop her from bothering those in the line around her, and the rest I spent shouting, whether cheering for Kerry and the other speakers, trying to register people to vote, or trying to drown out the eternally clever chants of "Flip Flop! Flip Flop! Kerry is a waffler!," all of which under the scalding sunlight, with no hope of a breeze. And I had made the mistake of wearing heavy jeans and a dark t-shirt. And then after the rally was over, when I hadn't eaten or drank water in 6 hours and already felt mentally deficient and close to heatstroke, to be repeatedly accosted by Republicans who want to debate me. I don't even have the energy to sit in my chair and type. The things I do for my country. *collapses face first on bed*
Priscilla said at 2:06 PM ![]() Off to volunteer at the Kerry rally! Wow, I don't think I've been out the door before 8 all this year...
If you still haven't registered to vote, do so now! I know that there are only 10 days left to register in Pennsylvania, so the deadline is probably creeping up wherever you live, too. Priscilla said at 7:35 AM
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
![]() *snorks* Oh, Lordy. We have a new mascot, and oh my good gravy, it looks like a giant muppet. Our previous mascot's appearance was rather appropriate for a team dubbed "The Fighting Quakers," guaranteed to give one nightmares (is it sad that the only image of our mascot I could find in 5 minutes of Googling is from my own website?) in its infinite scaryness. Just look at those eyes! It wants your babies for its supper.
Well, the DP (Daily Pennsylvanian and not the Daily Prophet, much to my chagrin) had a back-page story on the new mascot, including a rather poor photograph of the horrifying creation. I am gobsmacked. Look at its little hands! But then, I guess it could be worse. In honor of our new mascot, here's a list of Top 5 UPenn Mascots That Would Be Worse Than What We Have Now! 5. The Ugly Fish -- I've been lobbying for this for ages. Fighting Quakers are not intimidating. Ugly Fish you just don't want to mess with. Derived from the hideous and random heraldic element of UPenn crest, a dolphin (the fish, not the mammal), which was apparently taken from the Franklin crest. Why anyone would want to associate their family with an ugly fish is beyond me. Some people juggle geese, I guess. 4. Angel Puppet -- If we're looking for intimidating puppet mascots, the Angel Season 5 episode Smile Time's, "Angel Puppet" would be a fitting mascot for any athletic team! Not only did he manage to thoroughly trounce Spike in a brief tussle--not to mention a half dozen assorted puppet demons in an all-out puppet brawl--but also managed a greater range of facial expression than actor David Boreanaz. 3. Shaking Quakers -- In an effort to involve community values as well as athletics in this manifestation of school spirit, we could replace the Fighting Quakers with the Shaking Quakers (or "Shakers"), a religious group formed in 18th century England when dissidents from various religions, including English Quakers and Methodists, formed a religious study based on prophetic doctrine. As an added bonus, as "Shaking Quakers," Penn students would be exercising school spirit when overdosing on caffiene or suffering from withdrawal. 2. Scott Robinson -- the Wharton student that allegedly kicked a female protester at a Republican Youth Convention. Because I'm sure our football team would appreciate a kicker and the soccer team probably has room on its roster for a Right Winger. 1. The Cast of Avenue Q -- puppets much more loveable and less horrifying than the new Quaker Muppet, with the added bonus of having no idea what to do with a BA in English. Of course, a few things would have to change. Princeton would have to change his name to either Stanford, MIT, or Duke, cocking a snook at the three universities we so thoroughly trounced in the US News college rankings that we were tied with last year. Furthermore, in an attempt to reflect the ethnic makeup of the campus, 97% of cast members would be Asian Jews. and the bonus mascot, in case anyone is confused: 0. Upenn Not Penn States! Because coming home to a barrage of "If you wanted to go to a state school, why not A&M or UT?" can drive a girl to mass chocolate consumption. Speaking of official stuff, our dorm now has an official song, "Boom Boom Ain't It Great to Be Crazy," the chorus of which now graces our answering machine message. Give us a call, we want to flaunt it! If you don't have the number, email me and I'll send it to you. Hurrah! And now, back to actual work. :D Priscilla said at 10:11 PM ![]() Smallville season premiere. Mmmmmm, scantily-clad Tom Welling. Complete with Butt Dimples. Combine it with a scoop of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream and a girl can be blissfully happy, despite period woes and The Return of the Coughing Up of Small Amounts of Blood style sickliness. If I can't get Ewan McGregor to sing to me, naked Tom Welling will suffice in a pinch. The only way life would be better is if it wasn't at the same time as Lost, making me choose between him and Dominic Monaghan. *shakes fist at the heavens* His accent is so pretty! Teh sob.
And oooh, news from the creator of My Other Shows That Have No Scruples Regarding Scantily-Claddedness, Joss Whedon! Ah, Joss Whedon. You make the world a better place. And this is why I should never let myself start posting political stuff, because then I can't stop. Feel free to... I dunno. Set fire to my blog and poke fun at my loved ones. First off: *jaw drops* There are no words. And good grief, please tell me Bill O'Reilly doesn't actually believe this. Because if so, he wins my Gold Star Of Completely Missing The Point for today. This makes me feel a bit better, because we can laugh at him for being a bitter and jealous old man. 87%? I am so amused. Wow, I can't believe I'm just now realizing what an idiot Bill O'Reilly is. I mean, they talk about it all the time on Air America, but I'd never really experienced it firsthand. Zounds. Priscilla said at 9:20 PM ![]() Wow! I can actually CG hair!
I mean, grr, this computer science homework sure is challenging! Grumble grumble grumble... okay, not fooling anyone. :D Mmm, bite-sized VSP! Coming in just over a week! Anyway, I was really pleased with how my scene is coming for my 3D modeling class this morning. I'm really getting the hang of modeling in Maya! Our assignment is to render an object in a scene, and on the first day, the professor offhandedly used the phrase "objects in space," which made me want to do something Firefly-inspired. So I brainstormed out a lovely composition, settling on Kaylee's umbrella and a box of strawberries, but then I realized (as we went around the room, describing our ideas) that given the time frame we had to model, this would be far too simple, so I needed a new idea. I frantically looked around the room, searching for inspiration, and found that I had fortuitously decided to wear my NMBC shirt to class that day. So I'm rendering the spiral hill and the pumpkin patch and Jack and Zero and such. T'will be luvverly! Now if only I can get out of the habit of doing what boils down to fanart for school projects... Priscilla said at 4:45 PM
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
![]() Hah, I knew I was forgetting some: Name The October Surprise.com!
Amazon.com interview w/ John Stewart And mildly bad taste, but funny: The New Republican Emblem And An Open Letter to the US Government. Not Funny at All: Medical Services for Military Women Priscilla said at 3:06 PM ![]() In honor of Kerry coming to speak at Penn, here's a bit of political humor I've come across the past few days:
Article: Kerry Laughs it up on Letterman Article: Kerry: Bush Wanted Debate 'Life Lines' Amusing Coincidence: God vs. Bush Interview: Ten Questions for Jon Stewart, and in that same vein: Book Excerpts: Jon Stewart's America (the book) -- A Guide to Democracy Inaction And not particularly humorous, but something more people should know about Kerry, and not political, but funny: SomethingAwful.com -- New Changes to the Star Wars Saga. Priscilla said at 1:38 PM ![]() EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! It turns out that Penn and the College Dems are hosting the Kerry Rally! It's taking place on Hill Field, practically right outside my last year's dorm room window! Oh, the awesomeness!
Priscilla said at 1:23 PM ![]() YESSSSSSS! Score! I'm going to the Kerry rally!
Hi Priscilla,*does a little dance* Oh, life is so good. Priscilla said at 1:17 PM ![]() HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOMMY!
I'm a bit saddened, as Kerry just announced he will be holding a major rally in Philly on Friday, and of course all the College Democrats are invited, but the rally will be at noon, and I have class. My class at noon is missable, but my class at 2 definitely is not. Wah! Unless... okay, I just emailed my TA, asking what Friday's agenda looks like. The course website talks about weekly quizzes, which would definitely be unmissable, so I asked him if I could possibly take the quiz a day early. Hopefully, he'll recognize my name and connect it with the face of the girl that answers all of his questions in recitation right off the bat and contributes actively in class discussions. :D Priscilla said at 8:07 AM
Monday, September 20, 2004
![]() EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I just got a call from the theatre chair, who offered me two absolutely fantastic roles. In The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940, they offered the part of Marjorie, a very flambuoyant producer (the kind that says "dahling" and "fabulous" and such), and in Annie Get Your Gun, the role of Dolly, second to the leading lady, and in this version a huge singing role. I picked Dolly, but I would have been overjoyed with either part. And even better, my friend Ari was in the room at the time I got the call, picking up a copy of my notes from Thursday and Friday's CSE classes (he went home for Rosh Hashana), so he got to share in the squeeage. And he is very good at squeeful, dorkish celebration! He and Ko and I did silly dances and made scary high-pitched noises and generally made merry.
LIFE IS SO GOOD! Priscilla said at 1:57 AM
Sunday, September 19, 2004
![]() Oooh! Various Browncoats are organizing a Shindig just an hour North of Philly for Columbus Day weekend! Link and link. How much crazy fun would that be? Any other of my Philly area friends game? Schlien? M? I vowed to indoctrinate Ko in the joys of Firefly, so she might be interested... Oh, this is going to be awesome, provided I actually end up going. XD
Oh, and um, arr? Ha, I am the lamest wannabe pirate ever. XD Priscilla said at 3:27 PM ![]() Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day, ye scurvy landlubbers!
Ahoy! Cyth be pointin' out this arrrticle that say the trailer for Sarrrrrenity will arrrive in theatres January 14th, attached to Electra. Also, check out the new Incredibles trailer! I just revised the sidebaaaaar, adding the release dates for a bunch of upcoming movies, just for my own reference. And this comic is great. Priscilla said at 10:35 AM
Saturday, September 18, 2004
![]() Ko and I saw the Underground Shakespeare Company's free performance of Macbeth this evening (their brilliant advertising slogan: "Free Willy!"). The show was excellent, but what I'll really remember was what happened before the show began. Because of the rainy weather, the performance was held inside, in the rooftop lounge of High Rise East (Harnwell -- I'm in High Rise North, Hamilton). We arrived just before 7, and the timing was just perfect to see the sunset. It was amazing. I'm not used to seeing the vast expanse of sky afforded to the inhabitants of the tallest buildings in the area. So naturally, being me, I immediately took out my camera. Results here, here, here, and here (mmm, the lovely effect of shooting through dirty glass).
Also, last night, Ko and I spiffed up the room considerably. I'm still rearranging my walls, but suffice it to say, our room is at least 600% cooler than when we began. Pictures of our Door-O-Liberalness, our ceiling tapestries, our poster hoard, etc. soon to come. I am supremely vexed, as I was highest bidder on a set of 10 "Hero" miniposters for seveal days, and I was outbid this evening with NINE SECONDS TO GO. So the poor blank spot on our poster wall will remain blank a bit longer. (Dad, don't even think about intervening.) We shall continue to seek out something befitting of the spot! In other news, this is awesome, and this is about time! Priscilla said at 4:25 PM ![]() Whee! I arrived at callbacks promptly at 10 this morning, only to have the express pleasure of waiting with my fellow auditionees nearly half an hour, so that someone could unlock the doors. Der. Oh, and did I mention the pouring-down rain? That was also a fun factor, especially as the building had only about 6 inches of awning to stand beneath, and I found that my umbrella leaks.
The actual callback went quite well, though. The show looks like it's a lot of fun, and the other auditionees look like a great bunch of people. I'm one of 17 girls trying out for 5 female roles, so we'll just have to see. "Annie Get Your Gun" callbacks are tomorrow evening, and tomorrow night, or probably more like Monday morning, at an estimated 5AM, we'll find out casting. Tra-la. Man, this is one fabulous sandwich. *eats half and saves half for later* Priscilla said at 1:43 PM ![]() HELLO! PEOPLE WHO I AUDITIONED FOR YESTERDAY! CALL ME ALREADY. I know you said you'd be contacting me late tonight, but you'd think it would be before 1AM!
Edit, the next morning: So Billy called me after 3AM, merrily waking up the whole suite. Death is too good for him. And by the morning, the Penn Players finally put the callback lists online, even though they said they would contact us individually. Callbacks for Quadramics ("The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940") today 10-12AM; callbacks for Penn Players ("Annie Get Your Gun") tomorrow 8-10PM. Tra-la. Priscilla said at 1:18 AM
Friday, September 17, 2004
![]() The "Jersey Girls", the five 9/11 widows who effectively pressed for a 9/11 Commission, endorsed Kerry Wednesday. One of them, Kristen Breitweiser, arguably the quintessential "security mom," may be the most powerful advocate for Kerry in the country. Click here to read her interview with CNN's Judy Woodruff.
Click here to read Gov Dean's statement on Bush and DeLay's failure to renew the Assault Weapons Ban. Gah, this is just one of those situations where you have to ask why on earth anyone would want to let this crucial piece of legislation lapse. And randomly, urgh! He's a Wharton student? (video here). Priscilla said at 10:58 AM
Thursday, September 16, 2004
![]() Some beautiful, beautiful person remastered the rather shoddy boot of the Serenity preview from Comic Con. Go check it out! How swiftly and beautifully it transfers on bittorrent! *makes whooshing noises* Still not great quality, but it's a lot better than where it was before.
And in the name of political silliness, my dad just forwarded me an email containing these manips. Sheer utter brilliant genius, and also scary. Arnold's girlie men: Bush, Cheney, Kerry, and Edwards. HAHAHA. Priscilla said at 9:36 PM
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
![]() I know this "quote" was discredited as an internex hoax, but I still appreciate the sentiment. Who says you have to be famous to be quoteable?
Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.The concept of those 9/11 commemorative coins and the new "Patriot Day" makes me feel nauseated. 9/11 is not a holiday, George, and it's not about patriotism. The fact that it shares the name with The Patriot Act makes it even worse. It's like calling Holocaust Remembrance Day "Jewish/Gay/Gypsy/etc Pride Day." 9/11 could have become a Memorial Day for the victims of terrorism worldwide, but now it's in the calendars as a day for American national chauvanism. They do realize that it wasn't only Americans that died on that day? What in the name of all good and holy is going through these people's minds? Oh, and more hypocrisy. Priscilla said at 5:53 PM ![]() Mmmm, disheveled Percy! From a deleted scene, mayhap?
Priscilla said at 2:38 PM ![]() Yet another reason to vote Kerry!
Priscilla said at 1:57 PM
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
![]() Heads up: a few (relatively) new photos have been posted in my Deviant Art gallery. Yay!
Priscilla said at 11:54 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 10:38 PM ![]() Rebecca reminds me that Talk Like a Pirate Day is this Sunday! Arr! And this just in from Cinefex!
TheOneRing.net reports The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: Extended Edition DVD will be released on December 14. The 4-disc set expands the film's 201-minute theatrical running time with 50 minutes of additional footage, including the Fellowship's confrontation with Saruman and, no doubt, the Mouth of Sauron. This brings the total running time of all three Extended Editions to 11 hours 22 minutes.Tra-la! Mmm, I know what I want for Christmas... Priscilla said at 4:36 PM ![]() The Witching Hour, 2005. Why was I thinking it was on the opposite side of the country? Man, I could actually go to this. I wouldn't be able to attend the whole thing, as my fall break is a different weekend, but still. Dude. I wonder if it's too late to participate in the Percy panel....
Priscilla said at 12:19 PM ![]() Today the College Democrats hosted a rally with Terry McAuliffe, Chairman of the DNC. Coolness squared! And now, Ko and I have new signs and buttons and bumper stickers and assorted swag to further liberalize our room. Did I mention we're co-hall captains for the College Dems? Because I should probably mention that at some point, seeing as how Ko has rerouted all her LJ readers to my blog in absence of her posting anything, ever, in the past age. XD Guest speaking at the rally, before Chairman McAuliffe arrived, was Melissa Fitzgerald, who plays Carol (CJ's secretary) on The West Wing. W00t. Pics here.
I didn't get into Penn Singers, which was no surprise, especially considering that they only let members miss one hour of rehearsal a week, and I'd have to miss an hour and a half due to my film history screenings on Tuesday nights. Maybe next semester. And after three rejections from the Singers, I find that it gets easier each time. I find I feel only mildly bitter that they're the only theatrical people to reject me when every other director has not only not rejected me, but given me a principal role since Mrs. Felice jump started my theatrical exploits by casting me in H2$. Yes. Just mild bitterness, as they do have their rules and my audition was quite bad and plenty of girls would do anything to land some of the roles I've had. Grr, got to get off this line of thought. I wonder what time Fresh Grocer closes; chocolate soymilk sounds really good right now, and I finished up my carton the other day. Maybe pineapple juice will make it better. Man, how does everyone in this suite have chocolate except for me? And why is no one else here so I can ask permission to steal it? Meanwhile, someone linked me to this alternative Chosen script. Uh, spoiler alert for anyone it may concern. In its own way, it clears up some ambiguous or otherwise unresolved stuff (or stuff that had other fanon explanations beforehand), but also tends to beat the reader over the head with the tieing of several aforementioned threads. And I might never be able to forgive Joss if it was The First in the "fade out on Buffy and Spike standing at opposite sides of the basement" scene rather than the real Buffy. Hmph. In other news, Jewel Staite is adoreable. Here endeth tonight's moodswing. :D Priscilla said at 12:03 AM
Sunday, September 12, 2004
![]() Cyth posted this link to some behind the scenes shots from Serenity. W00t!
Meanwhile, just got back from auditions. Since the invention of the musical theatre audition there have been five that were deemed the most laughable, most pathetic, most ridiculous. This one left them all behind. I was very pleased with the quality of my voice, and my scales were truly a force to be reckoned with, but it turned out I had been practicing my song in the wrong key, so I had to belt it when I intended to sing it in my head voice. And because I wasn't used to belting, I wasn't sure where my break point would be, so to be safe I sang the high notes in my head voice, which sounded weak in comparison with the belt. Wah. And also I kind of flubbed the lyrics at one point and had to start the line over. Durrr. Oh well, there's always next semester, and there's always "Annie Get Your Gun." Sigh. Priscilla said at 6:02 PM
Saturday, September 11, 2004
![]() "The opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation." --Mark, "La Vie Boheme," Rent
Click for a creation Priscilla said at 12:59 PM
Friday, September 10, 2004
![]() Cliquez-ici! My unbelievably belated collab with Glockgal! Man, as soon as I finish the several dozen things screaming at me from my to do list, I want to collab with her again. Now that I know she knows I exist and all that. :D
Mmm, fandom. It's like one big mutual admiration society. Priscilla said at 6:37 PM ![]() This made me snort water up my nose. Several times. I had to put the water away before I could read more, because it's just that funny. Rowboat Veterans For Truth!
Thanks to viola_dreamwalk and her lovely Swing Voters for Kerry community. Priscilla said at 4:06 PM ![]() Dude. The stupid, evil math class I was scowling about yesterday? I just completely ownzed the recitation today. I was Hermione in potions class, but without the buck teeth. After answering out the first two problems, I started holding back and waiting for a minute before putting my hand up, in order to let others answer.
Life is so good! Also, I switched out the textbook I had been mistakenly sent, I got a new bookbag (as I don't want to use the satchel I usually use for carrying my laptop, and my bag from last year broke), and I got the other notebooks and such necessary for the semester, and all is good! Currently trying to decide what to paint on the back of the bag, as it has a big, lovely blank space itching to be filled by something fannish. And best of all? It's the weekend! Woo! Priscilla said at 3:23 PM
Thursday, September 09, 2004
![]() Ko and I need a button that says "Gravy boat veterans for truth." Also, the best hypothetical political debate ever would be Ashcroft vs. Flan. The dessert, I mean.
In the meantime, I have two books for my Film History class. One is a hulking 824 pages and weighs about the same as a small dog. The other is a dinky 189 pages and could be eaten by the other for breakfast. They cost nearly the same price. The little one cost 10% more. I don't pretend to understand this, but I am soothed by its cover, which has hobbits on it. Weathertop. With Billeh in the front. Mmm, hobbits. Out of curiosity, I looked up Lord of the Rings in the index, and found that it was only mentioned once, and in passing reference of no consequence in the introduction. I don't pretend to understand that, either. I also don't pretend to understand evil, procrastinating Math teachers who change the textbook THE DAY BEFORE CLASS STARTS. And then try to be all cute and ask the class if they've had a chance to go to the store yet, and everyone says yes, and he holds up the book, and everyone is like "wha?," then he acts all surprised that his students might actually show initiative and buy their textbooks more than 24 hours before classes begin. AAARG. I hope I still have my receipt. Not that I have any latent aggravation pent up, that may or may not have anything to do with things I would have rather forgotten three years ago suddenly coming back to haunt me, or anything. Wow, when did this entry get to bitter? I'm actually in a pretty good mood. Ko is the best roommate ever, and I think I burned off at least half of my dinner through laughing. So life is fabulous and good and I'm going to do my computer science homework now, hurrah! Edit: Okay, apparently somehow I got really confused and projected my confusion onto the rest of the class. It turns out the bookstore sent me the wrong book when I ordered my textbooks online. No idea why I distinctly remember him talking about changing textbooks the day before, yet Ari does not. Weird. Priscilla said at 10:21 PM ![]() Too bad they can't vote. We'll just have to do it for them. If you still haven't registered, do so now!
Priscilla said at 9:21 PM ![]() I LOVE YOU, TERESA HEINZ KERRY.
Priscilla said at 8:51 PM ![]() Der. Most auditons are in three days. Now would be a good time for me to start thinking about which song(s) to polish. :D
Hmm, Penn Singers is doing "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" and Penn Players is doing "Annie Get Your Gun." Tossup. Priscilla said at 7:36 PM
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
![]() Terry Pratchett. EEEEEEEEEEE. I got my hardback MAA signed (the one with scary Angua cleavage and a stubbly Carrot that looks slightly like Adam Pascal) and my Good Omens doublesigned. And he gave me a special message for Rebecca in my Book:
![]() I love how Renata and I have used that EXACT PHRASE countless times in our promotion of our favourite emancipator proclamator, Abey Baby. You're slipping behind, Grabman. :D I think the high point of the evening was him doing his impression of "little goth girl" GNeil fangirls. "What was it like to write a book with -- EEEEEEEEEEE -- Neil Gaiman?" Hahaha, hearing that man squee is something I hope to never forget in all my days. I wanted to record the talk, but apparently the batteries died, and I wanted to make a phone post, but LJ confuses me with its skankyness. Alas. I did get to talk to him about MAA: the Musical, and he filled me in on some of the basic procedure, then gave me his email address. I also asked him if we would see any more of the Carrot and Angua dynamic (as my friends and I are quite cross at the lack of recent shippage--they've only been in one scene together since T5E, and otherwise haven't even been mentioned in the same books), as he said the next non-kids book after Going Postal would be a Watch book, called Thud!, with lots of Vimes and miniSam merriment (the kids book between Going Postal and Thud! being another Tiffany Aching story called Wintersmith). Man, that was a convoluted sentence. Anyway, he said (rather gravely) "Yes, but not necessarily in the best of circumstances." Make of that what you will, especially seeing as he had said Thud! will be a murder mystery about a political assassination. The first line is something along the lines of "Thud was the sound his body made as he hit the floor." Bwaha, spoilers are so much fun. Another line from the book: (Vimes' moment of epiphany) "That is not my cow!" I love how I'm planning fanart for a book that won't come out for another year. I am a deeply sad and pathetic individual, and I love every second of it. :D Oh, and he pronounced Crowley like "CROW (the bird)-lee" and Aziraphale like "Ah-ZUR-ah-fell" (he actually had difficulty getting this name out, kind of like Bush trying to pronounce "Abu Ghraib" in the State of the Union), which is tragic, as I've grown so fond of pronouncing it "Ah-zee-RAH-fay-el," as Neil said it should be pronounced. Oh well. So YAY, Pterry is awesome and the funniest public speaker in the world, with the kind of voice that would be perfectly situated for reading children's books. OT5! L to R: Dee, Ko (mah roomie), Pterry, moi, and M. Priscilla said at 10:24 PM ![]() Whee! Just when I was thinking I had nothing artsy worth giving to Pterry, I remembered that not all my Discworld art is old and lame or inside-jokey! Young Vetinari! Score! Oooh, I hope I can use one of the keen printers tomorrow before I meet him. I'd be a lot happier being able to give him a quality print, rather than something off my dinky-in-comparison printer. I hope there's not a wait to reinstate my printing priviledges... thankfully, I'll be able to ask first period in my 3D Modeling and Animation course. Whoo! And it'll be nice to be able to print some of my Sandman images to put in the common room... and I'll be able to finally print a copy of "Dream" for Linda, the woman from my Santa Fe workshop who bought a print.
Edit: I tried a test print here, and it's not that bad. Still, the color is a bit dingy, and it would be nice to have a better quality paper. Eee, I hope he likes it and is not horrified and confused by my senseless abuse of canon! :D Priscilla said at 12:09 AM
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
![]() Eeeee, Pratchett tomorrow! *does a happy dance*
Priscilla said at 6:50 PM
Monday, September 06, 2004
![]() *giggles madly* I think this is my new favourite Bushism.
Man, it's so great to have a Liberal roomie that shares so many of my interests. I love being able to share hilarious internet stuff with people IRL. *schnoogles Ko* Priscilla said at 11:12 PM ![]() Glock drew River and Simon and Kaylee for me! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! My love for her and for them knows no bounds. [Note: You have to be a member of the glockart community to view the post, and if you're not, I heartily recommend joining. She is so fabulous there are no words!]
Priscilla said at 3:04 PM
Saturday, September 04, 2004
![]() PotC Crossover postcards. Utter genius.
Priscilla said at 7:43 PM ![]() Oh. My. Good. Gravy.
Mom and Ko just took me see "Hero." This is easily one of the most amazing movies I have ever seen. Go see it. Now. I am rendered incoherent by beauty. Priscilla said at 6:25 PM ![]() WOW. Wicked = SOAMAZINGLYAWESOME. Everyone must fly to New York this very minute and see it, or else this friendship is over.
Mum and I took the train to NYC yesterday morning and spent the day shopping and generally taking in the city. Then we went to dinner at Sardi's and saw Wicked, which was wicked awesome. Even though it has absolutely nothing in common with the book, which was quite vexing at some points, but I learned to cope, and all was dandy. And let the record continue to show that Idina Menzel is beyond fabulous. So now I'm back in Philly, waiting for my storage boxes to arrive. Mmm, modern conveniences! Is it really really nerdy that the thing I'm most eager to get back is my bookends? And they're not even cool bookends, they're just basic, functional, bent pieces of metal. But they will make my room orderly and nice, and for that I am grateful. Mmm, bookends. I so need a life. Priscilla said at 11:12 AM
Thursday, September 02, 2004
![]() I'm in Philly! I've unpacked all I can at the moment, until my boxes of stored stuff arrive on Saturday morning. Right now I'm hanging out in the computer lab with the ITAs, making sure my laptop is up to snuff security-wise. It's so great to see Ari and Jing again, and my fantabulous roommates Ko and Deep. And M, of course, former roommate of Ko! Tonight we shall engage in zany hijinks, hurrah!
Priscilla said at 6:18 PM ![]() Off to Philly, whee!
Priscilla said at 6:27 AM
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
![]() DUDE! Alicey just sent me this link. Man, I love my city.
Priscilla said at 6:44 PM ![]() Clearly, today is "link to stuff Cyth links to" day. Ah, I love Nathan. :D Spread the Serenity love! Or if you haven't experienced the fabulousness that is Firefly yet, go buy/rent the DVD! You won't regret it.
Priscilla's Top 10 Reasons to Watch Firefly: 10. Shirtless Simon 9. Shirtless Simon 8. Shirtless Simon 7. Shirtless Simon 6. Shirtless Simon 5. Shirtless Simon 4. Shirtless Simon 3. Shirtless Simon 2. Shirtless Simon 1. Um, the writing is really good. Cyth suggests starting potential Browncoats on "The Train Job," and I concur. Though it's tragic that one should miss out on the Rose-Tinted Glasses of Moral Ambiguity. Sigh. Hmm... I wonder if my roommates still have been unexposed... *cackles* Priscilla said at 6:27 PM ![]() From here:
Wednesday, September 08, 2004 07:00 PM Terry Pratchett, will be promoting Going Postal Appears on/at: FREE LIBRARY OF PHILADELPHIA/Speaking/Signing Montgomery Auditorium 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 Tel: 215.567.4341 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I am so glad my classes end at 4:30 on Wednesdays. I must remember to bring my copy of GO that Neil autographed! Woo, doublesignage! Urgh, I wish I had more songs from MAA finished. Maybe if I spend the next week frantically working on "My Kind of Town" or "I, Comma" I could polish something half-decent... EEE! (reminder to self: doors open at 6:15) Priscilla said at 11:26 AM ![]() Amy just sent me this link. Frankly, I'm surprised this didn't happen years ago. XD
Priscilla said at 10:46 AM ![]() Ooh! Keenness from the Cinefex Weekly Update!
Flushed Away: Variety and THR report Sir Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis and possibly Hugh Jackman will lend their vocal talents to this Aardman Animation stop-motion film about a snooty, high-rent English rat who accidentally takes a trip through a U-bend to end up in London's low-rent sewers.Every name mentioned makes me positively squee. And Aardman! Eee! Wallace & Gromit, Chicken Run, Angry Kid... Man, those guys are awesome. So much love! Priscilla said at 10:35 AM ![]() Cyth just linked to these screencaps from an unaired scene from "Waiting in the Wings." I think I just broke something trying to stifle my laughter, as not to awaken my parents. Like a lung or spleen or something else vital. Please tell me there will be video eventually!
Priscilla said at 2:03 AM ![]() Dude. First he voices his anti-FMA stance, and now this. What benevolent spirit has suddenly posessed Dick Cheney's body, and can we get one for Bush?
Priscilla said at 1:51 AM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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