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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
![]() Oh. My. God.
Does that mean Legolas and Galadriel are now "just friends"? Also: He wants it banned! *dies laughing* Priscilla said at 8:17 PM
Monday, November 29, 2004
![]() I've switched back to BlogBack comments, rather than using Blogger. Hopefully, it should be a lot more user-friendly and less frustrating to post comments. Hopefully the volume of comments I shall now receive will offset the convenience of having my comments emailed to me. (hint, hint) :D
P.S. How long have people been commenting on the abeybaby feed? I don't check those, wah! And they only last maybe two weeks, which is unfortunate. If any of you abeybaby readers posted something important in those comment fields, let me know by some other means! Priscilla said at 9:02 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 6:24 PM ![]() EEEEEEEEAAAEEEEEEEEAH! *squeals* LotR.net has a new 6-minute preview of the RotK:EE, and I am breathless from squealing. (EDIT: Or go here for a larger version. I *heart* TORN)
There are no words for my love for Billy Boyd. My god, they slash themselves! Priscilla said at 5:25 PM ![]() Whee! As I may have mentioned, my gallery show closed last week. But today, before I returned to Philly, Lisa, Nikki, and Deep hung my images up in the common room, and they look fabulous. Yay, prettiness!
Edit: I was mistaken! T'was Ko who hung the lovely pictures! Tra-la! Priscilla said at 1:14 AM ![]() Sean Astin responds to the age-old question, "Are Frodo and Sam gay?"
Yahoo News: Paralyzed woman walks again after stem cell therapy The Bush Survival Bible Priscilla said at 1:02 AM
Sunday, November 28, 2004
![]() Belated Birthday Goodness!
I got a note from Renata, conveying the Birthday wishes of Abe Lincoln and Delirium (how did I not notice that I am now a SCORE? Score!) and a copy of the B&S, the parody newspaper she edits. Bwaha, I am so entertained. *tapes birthday card to wall* Also, though certainly not for me per se, Seviet chose today to gift the fandom with nekkid Percy! Percy is in his birthday suit, so I say that's close enough. :D Also, Happy Birthday to Jon Stewart! Though we've known that he's the answer to life, the universe, and everything for quite some time now. *grins* Priscilla said at 10:58 PM
Saturday, November 27, 2004
![]() So this evening I saw "Finding Neverland" with Chungy and Ashley, which was fantabulous, then went to dinner with them at Cafe Brazil, where I had an utterly fantastic sandwich. We mentioned the election in passing.
Chungy the Bush Supporter: I almost wish Kerry had won, 'cause now I won't be able to spend the next four years griping. Me: !!! My life is full of angst. Priscilla said at 11:46 PM ![]() Wow. At the tail end of last summer, I went with my parents and aunt to my aunt and uncle's house in Colorado. I took a lot of pictures, but I didn't have enough time to develop my black and white or infrared rolls, so I just had the black and whites developed professionally, along with a couple rolls of black and white I found on my bookshelf. My mom just showed me the contact sheets, and I was stunned. The three rolls from my bookshelf were of NYC, from my project on James Fee from senior year, one of which being a roll of black and white equivalents of Empire Burning, one of my favourite photographs.
Currently scanning my favourites while I still have access to the handy-dandy transparency adapter at home. I'll probably post them on LJ eventually. Good gravy I need to update the art section of my website. Priscilla said at 11:31 PM ![]() For those of you who couldn't bring yourselves to watch last week's episode of "The Mountain", buffy.nu was kind enough to assemble this clip of just James Marsters' scenes. Thank you, buffy.nu!
Also, Joss is apparently not out of the running for X3! Series producer Lauren Shuler Donner is quite a Joss fan, we learn. :D Meanwhile, on BandwagonSpotting:
Too true! I tried it again and got "Simon/Kaylee is love" which makes me very happy, though I'm more in favor of "great and t00by loff" rather than "love" for them. Bwaha, fluff! *squeaks* So last night I was listening to the Firefly commentaries while looking through books from the SMU library for my Film History research paper, and my great and t00by loff for Jane Espenson continues to grow. Apparently, in Shindig, she was going to have Simon and Kaylee dancing in the second-to-last scene, which makes my poor shipper's heart squee with nearly-canon glee and merriment. She's a shameless Spuffy shipper and she writes adoreable fluff for Simon and Kaylee? Good gravy I love this woman! Band Candy, A New Man, Superstar, Triangle, Intervention, After Life, Life Serial, Storyteller... and that's only a fraction of the eps she wrote. We can certainly find it in our hearts to forgive you for "Flooded". ESPENSON LOVE! Dear Joss, In the Objects in Space commentary, you gripe about Simon and Kaylee not getting a chance to kiss before the series was cancelled. You can do something about it! With Inara mostly out of the picture, who will be the movie's Big Love? I trust you to make the right decision! Worshipfully, Priscilla *pauses, reads over entry* You know, sometimes I scare even myself. Then I tried it again and got "men at arms--the musical is love". Bwaha. Then "procrastinating is love", which I took as a hint. Back to work! Priscilla said at 9:54 AM
Friday, November 26, 2004
![]() *laughs and chokes*
Now on ebay: The exploded head of the demon that killed Wes! Now up there on my list of most ridiculous BtVS/AtS collectibles in history, next to a lock of James Marsters' hair. Priscilla said at 3:43 PM ![]() I should probably clarify what I meant in yesterday's entry about that pic of PJ reminding me of Dom. First off, I'm probably just imagining it, because I was again strongly reminded of Dom while watching this documentary thing about Andy Goldsworthy last night -- something in the eyes, I think -- so I therefore cannot be held responsible for my hallucinations. With PJ, it was probably the nose and cheek area in that picture. I blame sleep deprivation, as I didn't arrive at the airport Wednesday night until midnight and spent far too much time at the airport, and therefore I could not be expected to be coherent on Thursday, coupled with angst and woe at the absence of a new episode of Lost Wednesday night. So there.
Priscilla said at 3:27 PM ![]() Ooh! UIP Netherlands has a wallpaper-sized version of that new Serenity image I was
Priscilla said at 3:18 PM ![]() Hah! A fellow fangirl on my flist used an LJ cut promising "C/A love!" My first reaction: "Carrot/Angua! Man, it's been ages since I've read a decent C/A fic! Hurrah!" Then I thought, "Oh, wait! It's got to be Crowley/Aziraphale! I don't have any big Carrot/Angua shippers on my flist." Then I looked at the screenname and realized "Oh. This person is a Buffy fan. That means Cordy/Angel. Wow, it's amazing how quickly I stopped caring about this post."
Gotta love fandom acronyms. Priscilla said at 1:12 AM
Thursday, November 25, 2004
![]() Woohoo! Today, in our family tradition, we celebrated a combined Thanksgiving/my birthday. I totally cleaned up! I got some very cute tops from my mom and sister, plus a fabulous velveteen jacket I'm wearing right now. I got a fun bracelet and a pair of earrings from Aunt Janet and Uncle Lew (the earrings will be passed on to my sister, as my ears aren't pierced), and the Firefly DVDs from the family. *does the dance of joyful Joss-age* Man, I've been drooling over those DVDs for months! Mmmmmm, Firefly. I shall finally get to listen to the DVD commentary! And while working on long-neglected CGs! Man, I love the holidays. If only I could find a subtle way to drop hints to my parents about the RotK:EE DVD... such as posting an entry in my blog, which they both read. Durr. Yeah, I'm quick.
Oh, and in my last entry, I note that I neglected to mention those Americans who for one reason or another choose to celebrate Thanksgiving with the consumption of the noble entree of Tofurkey. Be proud, noble eaters of tofurkey! So anyway, I was looking over my aunt and uncle's massive desk of photos, and I saw two I hadn't seen before: my aunt uncle with George W. Bush and the other of them with Jimmy Carter. Wow, could you get any further apart on the international relations front? Good gravy. Of course, after glimpsing Bush's smirk next to my aunt and uncle's smiling faces, I had to clutch the Jimmy Carter photograph to my chest and quietly hum to myself while rocking back and forth in their desk chair for a few minutes. Um... in other Thanksgiving news, here's a commentary about Pangs, the Buffy Thanksgiving ep. Bwahaha, good episode. A yam sham, funny syphillis, femaleempowerment!Harmony, littlematchgirl!Spike... gotta love 4th season Spike. Okay, so I love every season Spike. Moving on. Ooh! And Whedonesque has squeeful news about Joss' "Astonishing X-Men"! TV Guide picked the Astonishing X-Men Vol. 1 TPB as a top holiday gift (even though the TPB isn't coming out until January 12th, I'm given to understand?), and Wizard Magazine have announced that the comic book is their "2004 Book of the Year". Snaps for Joss! And to get all my Joss links and comments in one basket, here's a note from Summer Glau (River) regarding the delay in the Serenity release date. And here's another from Jewel Staite (Kaylee). I'm given to understand some of the other actors have come forward to express their thoughts, but Jewel and Summer are the only ones I've encountered. EDIT: Scratch that! Here's a message from Adam Baldwin (Jayne)! And immediately below, a note from Keith R.A. DeCandido, the guy writing the novelization. In other fandom news, Peter Jackson is posting video diaries on Kong is King.net, and MAN has he lost weight! And the glasses, too. And is it just me, or does he look in this picture slightly like Dom? Anyway, he no longer resembles my high school physics teacher, which is sad. And to finish off this entry, a non sequitor! Literally! It's ObviousMan: The Movie! Priscilla said at 7:50 PM ![]() Happy Turkey Day! Stuff yourselves fat on gravy and taters and cranberry sauce and other bounties of the harvest! Unless you're not in America, in that case have a lovely ordinary day! Stuff yourself fat on haggis or croissants or pasta or weiner schnitzel or whatever. :D
Priscilla said at 1:08 PM
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
![]() NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Thank you, Universal Studios! Worst birthday present ever!
Serenity release delayed until September 30th. FIVE MORE MONTHS. The ANGST! I must have inherited the Buffy n' Simon Birthday Curse, in the absence of any new Joss stuff. *despondently adjusts release date in sidebar* Can I blame George Lucas? Pretty please? Priscilla said at 11:34 AM ![]() So it is now November 23rd. Happy Birthday to me!
Weirdness. Priscilla said at 12:13 AM
Monday, November 22, 2004
![]() *giggles madly* Paratti put into words just what I wanted to see while enduring "The Mountain". Too funny!
Also, this Good Omens take on the Harry Potter fandom. Utter genius! Priscilla said at 9:34 PM
Sunday, November 21, 2004
![]() I just realized that I had a pint of Ben & Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie in the fridge from a couple weeks ago. Thank you, Past Me, for making Present My evening.
So. The Mountain. I am in physical pain. Who watches this stuff? Five minutes in, I wanted to beat my head against a wall repeatedly after gouging my eyes out with a spoon. Seeing James was quite nice, but there was far too much Not James to be worth it. If he's in future episodes, I'll have to see if some kind soul on Buffy.nu will assemble a "Just James' Scenes" version and watch that. Good lord, that was painful. I'd forgotten just how priceless shows like Firefly and Lost are. I'd forgotten just how bad TV can be. Anyway, part of my glee over the Ben & Jerry's thing is my celebration over my ability to eat dairy again. When I'm in a show, I try to eat minimal amounts of dairy, as it thickens the mucus, but now that "Annie Get Your Gun" is finished, I can have all the dairy I can eat, mwahahahaha! This is especially meaningful to one whose favourite foods are chocolate and cheese. Oh! And I haven't written about "Annie Get Your Gun"! The Friday, Saturday, and Saturday matinee performances went swimmingly. My parents came up to Philly and got to see all three, and my roomies cheered me on at Friday's performance. Also in attendance were Ari (Saturday night) and Rachel A (Saturday mat). Whee! Strike went well, though I got a slight graze on the back of my right hand from falling off a bench, disassembling set pieces. Elementary Physics of Levers and Fulcrums 1, Priscilla 0. I only stayed at the cast party for about 30 minutes, as excessively loud music and rampant alcoholism isn't my scene, but there was some Aaron schnoogling and that was nice, so all is good in the world. Except maybe for the fact that as of the moment I'm writing this, 32 hours remain until I am two decades old, which is unsettling and eerie. I will be an ex-member of the Teen Girl Squad, in that bizarre year between teenagehood and adulthood. Madness, I tell you! Madness! Oh, and Monday is the last day for my gallery show, so if any of you Philadelphians reading my blog haven't seen it, check it out! The Arthur Ross Gallery in the Addams Fine Arts Building. Closes at 5. And now, sleep. Sleep can never be overrated. Priscilla said at 10:14 PM ![]() I can't believe I'm actually watching an episode of "The Mountain" just because James Marsters is guest-starring. I am a sad, pathetic human being and should be struck over the head with a large plank of wood.
It's always so weird to see James using his normal voice. I'm so used to hearing him as Spike that hearing him as himself makes me feel like someone has dubbed over his voice with someone else's. Like it's some elaborate "Singing in the Rain"-type conspiracy, but in reverse. Or something. I just want to shake him and say "Stop being not British!" The woe. XD Priscilla said at 8:10 PM ![]() Someone on FireflyFans.net posted a promotional image from Serenity. Whoo!
I'm trying to keep an open mind regarding the ship's new design. I'm so happy that we're getting a Serenity movie that I feel we have no room to criticize those kinds of details. And Joss and the cast are happy about it, so I know we're in good hands, but I can't help feeling that what little we see in this image is in a totally different spirit than the ship in the TV show. What's up with all the blue metal? I want a firefly that was welded together, fashioned out of cheap, ordinary metal that hasn't received any special treatment. I want a ship designed based on function over flash. I don't want clean. I don't want shiny. I don't want blue. AND I WANT MY DOOR SHAPED LIKE A UNION JACK. Is it tremendously mean that I get a modicum of glee at not seeing Inara there? Though the absence of Book makes me sad. Of course, it really wouldn't make sense for him to stay with the crew for any great length of time, especially given that he had no source of income. :D Other things to ponder: Why does River's dress actually fit her? (And does River look oddly like Fred in this picture, or is it just me?) Why is Wash packing heat? Where are the Captain's tightpants? What about Kaylee's overalls? And what is going on with Jayne's hairstyle? Is Kaylee wearing a watch? Hee, I love how I started this entry with "I feel we have no room to criticize." XD Priscilla said at 7:43 PM
Friday, November 19, 2004
![]() Looking through the sidebar, I also realized I had the wrong date for the Hitchhiker's Guide. Good gravy! So we're going to have Serenity on April 22nd, HHGTG May 6th, and Episode 3 on May 19th. It's going to be a very good month for science fiction!
Priscilla said at 2:16 PM ![]() Dude. High-res caps from the RotK:EE! The ship in the last one on that page almost looks like it's out of a McKean illustration...
December... holy cow, do I not have the release date in my "Fandom Dates" sidebar? Good grief, I am useless. *checks Amazon, then remedies the fault* December 14th cannot come soon enough! Priscilla said at 2:05 PM
Thursday, November 18, 2004
![]() Ooh, Blogger says this is my 4,242nd entry! That I reveal no grand truths about Life, The Universe, and Everything is somehow disappointing. :D
Today started off on a good note. And then it got better! It's like a karmic reward for yesterday, I suppose. I woke up early, feeling generally good about the Film History midterm. I studied about half of our essays and glanced back over some of the earlier book readings so they would be fresh. I think I did quite well on the IDs and the scene analysis, but I think I went into too much detail, as I ended up not having nearly as much time as I needed for my essay. Quite possibly the worst essay I've ever written in my life; thank gravy it was only 30% of the test and not anything more. And I did quite well on the essay assignment we had before, and I resolve to prod booty on my next essay, so I'm not that worried about my final grade. What's done is done. It's over, and that's all that matters. All the stress regarding that exam is gone! Immediately afterward, I met with Professor Lewis, and we fianlly managed to get my Homework 6 up and running. I just had 3 little bugs in my code, and it turned out I was using the simulator slightly wrong, so I emerged from our meeting that much more wise. He seemed very easygoing about any deadline for Homework 7, so all the stress there is gone, though I'm certainly going to get it done as soon as possible. So tonight was opening night for "Annie Get Your Gun." To my delight, Auny Janet and Uncle Lew were able to come up to Philly for the performance. Before my call, we had dinner together and stopped by the Arthur Ross Gallery to see my images. Hurrah! The show itself went decently well. The audience was more than slightly dead, but that was to be expected on a Thursday night. Hopefully, tonight should be much more lively. In other musical news, my Lady in the Dark cd just arrived today. Commendable speed, Amazon! You get a cookie! I can't wait to audition for this show. It sounds like so much fun! Also, WOO!!!! We just got our scores back from the Math midterm a week ago. You know, my most difficult class? I got an 83! Without curve! I wonder what the curve will be like this time... for the last exam, it was 11 points. *grooves* I am also quite convinced Terry Pratchett is stalking me. A few years ago (summer before Junior year? Ah! Blog archives say 7/20/01! Zounds), I was taking an SAT prep class, and when we did our initial practice Verbal section, I preened over how I knew every vocab word except for one. That word was "hedonism". That night, while reading "Sourcery" on the bus, I came across the scene in which Conina is trying to remember an unusual word. Rincewind suggests "hedonism". I started laughing uproariously, prompting my hallmates to ask "What's so funny?" "Hedonism!" I chortled. I think it was at that point where they decided not to be friends with me. :D Anyway, while reading Going Postal backstage tonight, I started giggling when I saw Pterry had used the phrase "cocking a snook", which is odd, because the phrase is so unusual that I don't know why he would use it in a book series intended for such a large audience. Meanwhile, the phrase "cocking a snook" is an inside joke amongst me and my roommates, ever since I came upon it in my Film History textbook. And the weird thing is, I was reading the assignment just a week before Going Postal came out. Strangeness. But the other reason Terry Pratchett is attempting to drive me mad is the way he thinks he can nickname a character "Spike" and then use the word "effulgent" a couple pages later. I'm sorry, Pterry, that word is off-limits. It's almost as bad as Jasper Fforde's The Well of Lost Plots and Something Rotten. Thursday meets a character named Spike who is head of Spec-Ops 17 (Hostile 17 anyone?), the Vampire and Werewolf Disposal Operations. And he's more than willing to give his life for our plucky heroine at the end of Something Rotten. Well, okay, so maybe Fforde's is worse. But still. If Neil and JKR introduce characters named Spike I may have to weep openly. I will totally ignore how Moni says she envisions William de Worde to look like William the Bloody Awful Poet. And I will totally ignore that I agree. And ooh, a distraction! The Fox Music Store lists Firefly among its "Future Releases"! Squeeee, finally! A lot of fans have been waiting for a soundtrack for a long time. Priscilla said at 11:59 PM
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
![]() Happy Birthday to Howard Dean!
A couple political links in his honor: Sorry Everybody, and the world's response: Apologies Accepted. Amusing: Rumsfeld a Martial Arts Master Well, a few things have happened today to tip the Priscilla Stress-O-Meter. Professor Lewis (who team-teaches CSE 240 with Professor Martin) is being really cool about my Tetris assignment, and we've made an appointment to meet and try to figure out what's going wrong with my Homework 6 code after my Film History midterm is over. So I'm not going to have to worry about trying to submit anything tonight when I still can't get the first half of the code to run correctly. On the other hand, I set my alarm this morning for 7:30 so I could get an early start studying Film History and make a few tweaks to my latest 3D modeling assignment (we had a progress critique today), but my biological clock had other things in mind and I woke up at 9:05. 3D Modeling class starts at 9, and I have a solid block of class until 1. I threw my clothes on, grabbed a bag of dried apricots, and ran out the door. So with no decent breakfast, a massive headache (fortunately, I did have my Aleve with me!), and a lame scene with lame lighting, I arrived for class 20 minutes late and spent the next four hours starving. I had talked with Scott (the Modeling professor) the other day and told him I wouldn't have much ready for the critique due to all the craziness in my life, and he said it was okay, as long as I can catch up over Thanksgiving. He told me he wasn't worried about me, as he had seen my work ethic on the previous assignments (A's on both! Go me!), so it was all good. At 1, I grabbed a quick lunch and headed over to Van Pelt (the main library) to see if I could watch 400 Blows before tomorrow's exam, as I missed the screening due to working the polls on Election Day. Looking at my watch, I saw that it was going to be a narrow squeak, as the movie is 1 1/2 hours long, and I had about an hour and 45 minutes to figure out how the Library Reserve checkout works, find a viewing station in the already packed room, watch the film, and make the 15-20 minute walk to my 3:00 class. Then my stomach lurched and I was ill in the restroom. To add insult to injury, the Aleve (which I had taken just over an hour previous) did nothing for the sudden pre-period cramps from hell. By the time I felt I could face the world again, I saw that there was no way I could accomplish all I needed to do, so I decided to go back to my room and spend my time on the readings I need to catch up on, and perhaps just try to find info about "400 Blows" on the internet. Our dress rehearsal goes from 6 to midnight. Grgh, if I can just make it through one more day... So please pardon me if I seem crazed. Um... oh! did I mention that one of my classmates modeled Rincewind for the character/creature assignment? I may have squealed in gleeful delight. Good gravy I need a nap. But when it comes down to having a nap versus the chance of maybe passing my Film History midterm, it's gotta be the midterm. Oh, the angst. Priscilla said at 4:55 PM
Monday, November 15, 2004
![]() The extension has given me a bit of breathing room. Therefore: links!
A new-ish teaser trailer for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (slightly modified from the one shown at Comic Con). Also check out the handful of production designs! Nothing like what I pictured, but I'm not complaining. Generally I like what I've seen of this movie so far, with the possible exception of casting a rapper as Ford Prefect. Vote Jon Stewart as EW Best Entertainer of the Year. At present, he's at 65%. I am so amused. And it's nice to see "Lost" doing so well in the TV show category! Silly: The Marauders vs. The Beatles -- with pictures! NewScientist.com Study: Teenagers raised by lesbian mothers show no developmental differences compared to those brought up by heterosexual parents, according to the first large national study in the US. Priscilla said at 4:50 PM ![]() Professor Martin gave me an extension on the Tetris assignment. I just might make it through the day without snapping.
Thanksgiving break cannot come soon enough. Priscilla said at 2:03 PM
Saturday, November 13, 2004
![]() As of 3:06AM, I am Sweet 19, and I have been kissed. And it was really nice. As is snuggling. Snuggling is very nice as well.
I am really, really happy right now. Priscilla said at 4:31 AM
Friday, November 12, 2004
![]() W00t! I think I actually did pretty well on my math exam! Go me! *does a little dance*
Priscilla said at 3:33 PM ![]() *lets out a tortured, agonized scream*
Wow, that was cathartic. *returns to studying math* You know, this wouldn't be so excruciating if this stuff actually had relevance to anything. I cannot fathom how this moronic drivel could have any use to anyone but theoretical mathematicians. Tell me how this is applicable to any field of study and I'll stop complaining. Priscilla said at 11:48 AM
Thursday, November 11, 2004
![]() He kissed my hand. *squeaks*
Tomorrow evening, for his birthday, I'm taking him to see Bat Boy. If I didn't have a massive Math midterm tomorrow morning that I am so not ready for, life would be so good right now. Priscilla said at 11:57 PM
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
![]() I haven't had a chance to blog lately, so I'm just dropping a line to say I'm not dead and/or comatose. Lots to blog about, though! And only a teensy portion of it related to politics!
Anyone in the Philly area is invited to the opening of the Undergraduate Juried Show! 5-7 this evening. Thought for the Day: People that set off the fire alarm at 4 in the morning when there is no fire somehow always manage to incur my wrath. It's uncanny. Especially when we were treated to another fire alarm in which we had to evacuate the building Sunday night at 2:30 AM. Climbing up 15 flights of stairs is not remotely even approaching coolness. On the plus side, we had our print tutorials today (with 4 weeks left in the course, *sigh*), so I'll finally be able to print the images for our common room, the woman in Santa Fe, and a few other people who have contacted me since. Life can be good. Priscilla said at 11:48 AM
Friday, November 05, 2004
![]() Happy Guy Fawkes Day!
Priscilla said at 10:37 AM ![]() Someone put together a Flash movie for the Sam and Gollum Tater Rap. The animation doesn't really do the song justice, but it's still worth a watch.
Priscilla said at 10:29 AM
Thursday, November 04, 2004
![]() Someone made a Flash movie out of the Sam and Gollum Tater Rap. Funny, but it doesn't do the hilarity of the song justice. Ah well, it's still worth a look.
Priscilla said at 6:29 PM ![]() Ooh! My t-shirt design is being voted on today at the Browncoats website. If you're a member, I'd love to have your vote. And if you're not a member yet, you can sign up here and get me 50 points while you're at it. Hurrah!
Priscilla said at 1:52 PM ![]() best news I've heard all day. Ashcroft, Condoleeza Rice, and potentially Rumsfeld are expected to be replaced in the next Bush administration. Colin Powell is on the list, too, which is unfortunate, as I quite liked him in the beginning. Too bad he let the Bush team use him as their sacrificial lamb and destroyed his credibility. And as for Rice, she may end up taking Rumsfeld's old job as Defense Secretary, or she may leave altogether. Fingers are now officially crossed that the new boys and girls aren't worse than the current bunch, though it's hard to imagine a man more evil than Ashcroft, with the possible exception of Adolf Hitler. Yeah, fingers crossed.
Priscilla said at 1:31 PM ![]() Go here! Some lovely new HP artwork from Mary Grandpre for the 2005 calendar.
Humorous: Canada Reports Huge Jump in Immigration Interesting: Global Vote 2004 Suspicious: The Trouble With E-Voting, and similarly E-Voting: Is the Fix In? Priscilla said at 9:33 AM ![]() *goggles* Oh my good gravy. Someone is so getting fired tonight, but man if it's not worth it.
Go here and rightclick the photo of the Bushes. Then check out the filename. If it's down by the time you see it, go here to see the evidence. Unfortunately, this doesn't cheer me up enough to overcome the weight of my other cosmic shoe dropping in terms of why this election was so depressing. It's one thing to say the DNC must be doing something wrong, for people to choose to reelect this man over our candidate. It's entirely different to cope with the mentality of the people themselves. Renata summarized it nicely in the comments, "There are deep, deep problems in this country. Lots of them. Voter apathy, voter ignorance, racial tension, homophobia, latent misogyny, RAGING LIES FROM THE ADMINISTRATION, and whathaveyou." Here's a good reason not to blame Ohio or Florida. Rather sickening, really. My brain is too fuzzy to think straight right now in order to continue this train of thought, so I'm going to sleep, but I'm sure I'll post more tomorrow morning. Priscilla said at 1:46 AM
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
![]() I've come to a realization. Curling into a fetal position and sobbing in a corner will affect no change. Bush is our president for the next four years, and barring a miracle, nothing is going to change that. Living in a state of post-traumatic stress disorder certainly won't. Our civil rights, individual freedoms, women's rights, environmental protections, and more are going to be threatened, and America and the world need us to be strong. I will go to sleep tonight, I will rest, and I will wake up ready to fight again. The DNC is going to have to completely reinvent itself, and we only have 3 years and 364 days to do it.
Obama in '08! Ko put it best in her "Baby's First Political Heartbreak" speech to me last night: What we have to do now is fight. Like what Joss Whedon said about the end of Angel: You have to keep fighting. Except we have half of the country on our side already, whereas on Angel they were four against fifty thousand. Whenever life gets you down, remember: Spike and Angel had it worse!I have the best roommate ever. And after all, if we let our mass depression affect our daily lives and we lose the will to fight back, then the Republicans have won [Note: was that phrasing obvious enough?]. I'll make some snarky LJ icons, put mean photo captions on pictures of Bush supporters in today's "Daily Pennsylvanian" and put them on the wall, and keep wearing my anti-Bush buttons proudly on my purse. While things certainly aren't going to be great, they can still be okay. Also, I found out that the prize for the Undergraduate Exhibition was $200, plus any commissions if my images sell. Add that to my salary from yesterday and I've made $295 in two days. Not too shabby! At the risk of coming off as cheesy or trite, "Let's go to work." Priscilla said at 10:06 PM ![]() It's over.
Priscilla said at 1:12 PM ![]() MSNBC is calling Ohio for Bush. I can't even begin to comprehend the gravity of what I've just witnessed. God, what the hell did Bush need to do? What is wrong with our country? What more do you want?
All those of you who voted for Bush? God, I hope you're pleased with yourselves. I hope you're happy that the US has now lost all credibility internationally, now that we've knowingly reelected someone of Bush's incompetence. I hope you're happy when Bush's new Supreme Court appointees are put in a position where they can take away a woman's right to choose. I hope you're happy when we go off on our next harebrained endeavor, chasing whatever foreign leader Bush feels like targeting, and the ranks of terrorist groups swell, we alienate what allies we have left, and we still haven't caught Bin Laden. I hope you're happy when the rich get richer and the poor get poorer; when more and more families drop below the poverty line, what few new jobs are available pay significantly less, schools don't get proper funding, and students find their financial aid cut. I hope your happy when your health care premiums continue to skyrocket, Medicare has no mass buying power over perscription drugs, and patients can't import drugs from Canada. I hope you're happy when logging and mining companies gain power to venture further into old growth forests and other environmental protections are slowly eroded. I hope you're happy when AK-47s find their way back on the streets, and street violence escalates. I hope you're happy when discrimination is written into the constitution, and states lose the right to decide individually if they will allow two people that love each other to marry. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. I HOPE YOU'RE PROUD OF YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY. I feel sick. I was so looking forward to taking all the anti-Bush pins off my purse. I feel cheated that "Avenue Q" will have four more years to sing the original lyrics of "For Now." I looked forward to making jokes about Teresa being our first African-American First Lady and making a show over using Heinz ketchup at this burger restaurant managed by a Bush supporter I enjoy joking with. I'm angry that I couldn't enjoy Aaron holding me as we cried our our rage and frustration on each others shoulders. Obama in '08. God, I'm depressed. Priscilla said at 1:17 AM
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
![]() More glee in my mailbox:
Dear Igor, Priscilla, Spencer, and Mara,I feel warm and squishy inside. Priscilla said at 9:02 PM ![]() W00t! Just got back from 12 hours at the polls. I went in to vote at 7AM, so that I could have the rest of the day to volunteer and canvass and get out the vote and such, only to find that the polling station was still closed. Apparently, none of the designated polling station attendants had shown up, and various people in mild positions of power were having to to assemble a team of volunteers to work the polls instead. I had previously contacted my two professors and asked for permission to miss class in order to volunteer, and they both gave me their blessing, so I agreed to contribute my services, as I would be able to spend the time I know I was going to spend volunteering out of the cold and with the ability to sit down. Also, as a poll worker, I would be paid $95! Huzzah!
We quickly got into a a rhythm and managed to process voters remarkably fast. We actually had quite a lot of downtime during the day! I was expecting mass chaos. The time passed quite quickly! I marvelled at the beauty of the party affiliations. Roughly one in every 20 voters was registered Republican. This certainly bodes well for Pennsylvania! At 7PM, I had to leave early, as I had rehearsal at 7:30. I got home to more fantastic news: I got an email telling me I was one of 5 to win the Juror's Prize for the Fine Arts Undergraduate Juried Exhibition! I submitted Death, Desire, and Destruction from the Sandman series, and while I don't really know what the Juror's Prize entails, I'm assuming it means I'm going to be in the next art show at Arthur Ross Gallery in the Adams Fine Arts Building. They mentioned tax forms in the email, so who knows, there may be cash involved! Woohoo! Life is so good. Also, I got an email from Aaron, who said he wanted to watch the election coverage with me tonight. Bwa ha ha! Oh, the world smiles. Priscilla said at 8:54 PM
Monday, November 01, 2004
![]() Priscilla said at 7:14 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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