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Monday, February 28, 2005
![]() Though admittedly, a share of the feeling better-ness may come from the notification that my Amazon order has shipped, so when I get home, I'll have Tori and Joss goodness awaiting me! And I just got notification that the package room had received my copy of Amber Benson's "Chance", kindly burned for me by a fellow fan due to its unavailability in the US. Feeling sicker than I've been in years. Oh death, where is thy sting? Priscilla said at 12:09 PM ![]() I got GAIM!
Wow, I'm sorry. No one should be subjected to puns that lame. Anyway, Will has been poking me for months to download Gaim, as my AIM hates all life and is determined to cause untold suffering to me and my loved ones. Mmm, open-source Instant Messenger client clones... So far, so good! *taps on cheap synthetic wood substitute* Priscilla said at 1:12 AM
Sunday, February 27, 2005
![]() Will is my Computer Science savior. How many hours of work did he just save me from? I don't even want to think about it. THANK YOU, WILL!
Priscilla said at 9:45 PM ![]() Ah! Apparently I was confused. The UGO HHGTG trailer, which premiered yesterday, is an "internet only" trailer. The first "trailer for a trailer", which premiered the 25th, was a preview for the UK trailer, now available in full-version (as of last night) here. None of these have anything to do with the US trailer for the movie, released on the 16th. And because she is a goddesslike force to be reckoned with, Becky already has a boggling number of screencaps for the lot.
For those teriffically confused by all of this, here's a listing of all the Hitchhiker's Guide trailers to date. They're all downloadable from there, including both versions of the teaser and the UK trailer preview. Madness! Sheer madness! But I'm pretty much beyond convinced that this movie is going to be utterly fantastic, so I'm happy. Priscilla said at 2:57 PM
Saturday, February 26, 2005
![]() Oh! I neglected to mention! For the second Virtual World Design project, my partner Chris and I will be creating an explorable 3D game environment based on a Dave McKean illustration from "The Wolves in the Walls." They told us to pick a work of art from a provided list, or we could do an image of our own choosing, as long as Norm approved it. I feel a bit conspicuous, as we're the only group that ended up picking an image not on their list, but oh well. I'm happy. This is going to be so insanely fun to model and texture! *squeals*
Priscilla said at 8:44 PM ![]() Assembled mockups for two other potential layouts for the QSA website and sent them to Jany. More fun and more colorful. Hope she doesn't loathe them. *crosses fingers*
Priscilla said at 8:43 PM ![]() What the... I sent the Amazon order for Tori's Beekeeper and a couple books--all of which said "Usually ships within 24 hours"--and it hasn't even shipped yet! Estimated shipping date is MONDAY, and estimated arrival date is a week from today. A week from today, when I'll be in Dallas for Spring Break! AARGH. Sure, I did the Free Shipping thing, but that's 5-8 day service, not nearly two weeks. Oh, angst. It's not as if I need it any time soon, but usually Amazon is so prompt, even with the Free Shipping thing. I don't think it's ever taken this long. Meh. I think I'll change the shipping address to my house.
Priscilla said at 8:34 PM ![]() Poor British browncoats! The Serenity UK release date is November 4th.
Also, interesting. It's not going to go anywhere, but interesting. Priscilla said at 12:49 PM ![]() OMGBRILLIANT!!! The full version of the HHGTG "trailer for a trailer" can be found here, immediately below the Vogon Poetry pic. Infinitely better than the version I posted yesterday and UTTERLY HILARIOUS AND SO TRUE. The world must see it before the link goes down! I read somewhere that it's supposed to be released tonight, so the UGO video may not be up much longer. Of course, it's evening in Britain...
Priscilla said at 11:22 AM
Friday, February 25, 2005
![]() Oh! You see how below, I comment on the prettyness of the snow and comment that I wish it meant school was cancelled? I am officially awesome, as they ended up cancelling evening classes. I didn't have to go to rehearsal!
Now playing around with new potential layouts for the Queer Student Alliance. And getting distracted downloading free fonts by the truckload. Oh, fonts! Why must you be more addictive than crack? Priscilla said at 6:50 PM ![]() See Hitchhiker's Guide movie trailer about the Hitchhiker's Guide entry for movie trailers! See Zaphod preen! Preen, Zaphod, preen!
Muchas gracias again to Becky for the link! Priscilla said at 6:03 PM ![]() Following the meme, 10 things I've done that you probably haven't:
1. Gotten hugs from Neil Gaiman and Stephen Colbert. 2. Nearly been shot with a bow and arrow. 3. Fallen off a fence impersonating River in "Objects in Space" at a Firefly shindig. 4. Been bitten by a parrot a decade a go, and still have the scars. 5. Done a table dance before a paying audience. *snerk* 6. Created a website used in quite a few school curricula. 7. Built a model rocket that, when set off (not in my presence, alas), flew some ridiculous distance and apparently hit a moving car on a highway quite some ways away. 8. Never broken a bone. 9. Watched all 7 seasons of Buffy and 5 seasons of Angel in a single summer. 10. Had my first "all-nighter" working on a presentation binder for my high school engineering club. Finished it two minutes after I had planned to leave for the competition. Honorable Mentions: 12. Was one of 5 students recognized in the Undergraduate Fine Arts Juried Exhibition this year. Won $200. 13. Learned that Terry Pratchett cannot spell when he wrote in my Book "Abraham Linclon because he ha a cool hat." Priscilla said at 11:23 AM ![]() A live-action, full-length movie of Terry Pratchett's Lords and Ladies. On 300 Euros.
Priscilla said at 11:13 AM
Thursday, February 24, 2005
![]() Ko just showed me a fun trick. Type the following into Word and press "Enter".
=rand (200,99)I am entertained. Priscilla said at 12:12 PM ![]() Mmm, look at that lovely snow! I only wish it meant classes were cancelled. *merrily edits paper*
Priscilla said at 11:35 AM
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
![]() Oh, fandom! You always know what to do to cheer me up! Paul Kidby releases UK cover art for Thud!
And while I find this delightful, what is the Lost fandom's obsession with giving Charlie Pippin's lines? Not idly do the fingercuffs of Driveshaft fall, hah. They do know Dom played Merry? Priscilla said at 10:03 PM ![]() AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Just got an email from Jany, who commissioned me to design and implement a website for the Queer Student Alliance. Originally, she told me they didn't need the website running until Spring Break, but then a week ago, she told me that she wanted it up today. I told her I'd try my best, but that I could make no guarantees. It's certainly not going to be done tonight, as I have a Paper of Doom to write, so I emailed her this afternoon and told her I'd try to have it done by Friday. Anyway, Monday, I had emailed her a mockup of the design I had in mind, and as of this afternoon I still hadn't heard back from her, so in that email I also asked her what she thought. Apparently, despite my efforts to fulfill her specs to the letter, it's not what she had in mind at all. IF YOU WANTED "FUN", YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME "FUN"! YOU TOLD ME "CLASSIC". I GAVE YOU "CLASSIC". YOU THINK IT LOOKS TOO "PROFESSIONAL"? MAYBE THAT'S BECAUSE YOU TOLD ME YOU WANTED "SERIOUS AND PROFESSIONAL"! IF YOU WANTED "LIVELY, FUN, ARTSY, AND ALMOST EXPLORATIONAL" YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE LIMITED MY COLOR PALETTE TO FRIGGIN BLUE!
Okay, I'm done. Back to my paper. I am so not thinking about this tonight. Priscilla said at 9:09 PM ![]() Is it just my computer, or is Firefox weird and buggy when one rightclicksaves (or "Save Target As"-es) images? There's like a 10 second lag! Meanwhile, if I try to do the exact same thing in Explorer, there's no problem at all and the images download instantly. Oh Firefox! I knew you were too good to be true.
(Oh. Of course. You'll want to know what images I was downloading, yes? More HHGTG trailer caps! And bonus, an IMDB thread dedicated to identifying the music in the trailer) Priscilla said at 6:22 PM ![]() Hey! They changed the logo on the Official (and boring) Serenity website. I wonder if this is an indicator of updates soon to come? I wonder if anyone else has noticed... *toddles over to buffy.nu and whedonesque*
Hah! I rock! Priscilla said at 4:19 PM ![]() More HHGTG Stills! Oh, Becky, how would I get through the day without your links?
Priscilla said at 3:38 PM
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
![]() Happy Birthday to GEORGE WASHINGTON and EDWARD GOREY. I hope you all enjoyed a lovely LINCOLN IS BETTER THAN WILSON DAY yesterday!
Priscilla said at 5:12 PM ![]() Tori Amos' Beekeeper came out today, but when I stopped by the bookstore to pick up a copy, I saw that they had ridiculously overpriced it, so I ordered a copy off Amazon. It should arrive in a few days. Hurrah!
In other news, Tori is coming to Philly April 11th! The Monday after Lady in the Dark finishes! ![]() Any other Philly denizens care to join me? Priscilla said at 2:15 PM
Monday, February 21, 2005
![]() Guess who's having two of her HP fanart images published in Movie Magic Magazine? BOOYEAH. Massive huggage and infinite thanks to Heidi and Alicey for making it happen! Alicey and Moni are getting several images each, as well! My two images are Harry and the Hungarian Horntail (collab w/ Alicey) and Hermione and the Founders (collab with Mon). I'll let Al and Moni can fill you in on the details of their images. :D
Priscilla said at 8:11 PM ![]() Hilarious: Bill Maher on Jeff Gannon
Priscilla said at 1:02 PM ![]() Rebecca -- you may have noticed that I accidentally ended up with both ethernet cords. Email me with an address where I can send yours back to you.
Priscilla said at 12:48 PM
Sunday, February 20, 2005
![]() Mozilla Firefox just may be the sexiest browser in world history. Now if only I can figure out how to get it so that it opens a duplicate window of the current page when I press Ctrl+N, rather than the home page.
Oh, and by the way, I'm home. I left Rebecca's cousin's house in Long Beach at 4:25. We hit every red light on the way to the LIRR station (Rebecca's cousin drove us, as we didn't have time to walk), and arrived instants before the train left. Fortunately, there was another guy racing to make the train, so the conductor held it for us. Triumph! Rebecca and I hugged and said our goodbyes, and my Grand Public Transportation Adventure began! Once I arrived at Penn Station in NYC (about 5:15), I picked up a smoothie, knowing I wouldn't be able to eat until about 8 (lunch was at 3), then I used my awesome subway near-photographic memory to navigate the system WITHOUT AID OF A MAP. Of course, I only had to change trains once, but still. That's kind of awesome. I rode to the East Broadway stop, the closest to the Chinatown bus stop, and walked the remaining blocks to 88 E Broadway, arriving at about 6:15, then I just chilled at the stop and waited for the 6:30 bus to arrive. At 6:45, they were still loading passengers for nothing but DC buses. Watching frantic Chinese women gesticulating wildly at groups of people and giant vehicles, shouting "DCDCDC!" is amusing for the first two minutes, but after 30, I had a headache. The potent auto fumes and the reek of a dozen smokers in tight confines may have contributed. At 7:15, the natives were getting restless. More and more buses kept coming for DC passengers, but we had not heard hide nor hair from any bus bound for Philadelphia. Murmurings of mutiny were heard from within the ranks, and also refunds. At 7:40, the first Philadelphia bus came! I put my bag in the luggage compartment and threw myself into the melee, thronging to give the compact yet surprisingly muscular Chinese women their tickets. I managed to get to the front, but because there were so many people and not nearly enough bus seats, they weren't taking money, only pre-purchased tickets. As my ticket was originally for 4PM, they wouldn't let me on. They actually shut the door in my face. Fiends! The next bus came at 7:50. Rumors were circulating that because it was snowing in Philadelphia, the next after this wouldn't arrive until 9:30. One plucky traveller started a chant of "Where's the other bus?", which went on about a minute before we got bored. Again, I put my bag in the luggage compartment and squirmed my way towards the front of the line, but the other travellers were just too determined. Third-class passengers on the Titanic struggling to reach a free lifeboat exhibited less drive. The bus filled up quickly, and before I reached the front of the line, the doors were closed. Several obnoxious women clammored for refunds, while I exclaimed that I didn't care about a refund, I just wanted to go home. When they denied my plea to sit on the floor, the overhead compartment, the luggage bin, or even the roof, several would-be passengers joined me for a cathartic scream of rage. "Two buses in five minutes!" the Chinese ladies promised (as they had been saying every five minutes for the past hour), but we were getting desperate. At 8:15, I pushed and shoved with all my might, knowing that any bus we encountered might be the last until 9:30. It was like a toy store the day before Christmas, only a hundred times worse. Finally, I managed to make my way to the front of the line, thrust my money at the ticket taker, and didn't pause to allow them to try and stop me. I struck a dramatic pose, shouted with glee, and found a nice window seat. And once again, valor and courage triumph over evil! Or maybe bloody-mindedness and a wicked right hook triumph over old ladies and small children that just don't want it enough. I got back to my dorm at about 10:30 and basked in the glow of central heating. Oh, did I mention that for the 2 hours I was stuck at the station, we were outside, without cover, with temperatures in the upper 20s or lower 30s? Because that was the case. Yeah, that wasn't fun. But now it's over, and it's snowing, and it's pretty, and maybe my Animation class will be cancelled so that I don't have to worry about redoing this walk cycle? Yeah, keep dreaming, Spencer. Priscilla said at 10:43 PM ![]() David Boreanaz to direct a feature film? Largely featuring Alan Cumming? I am so entertained.
Also, Pope compares Abortion to Holocaust; Secular Liberalism to Totalitarianism And coming Dec 31st, a cute-looking 3D animated movie called Happily N'Ever After. Priscilla said at 1:24 PM
Saturday, February 19, 2005
![]() Daily Show "Best Of" on DVD?
Also, London Nuclear Plant Loses 30 kg Plutonium. I'm surprised they haven't phoned Adam Young's parents about the disappearance. Bonus: Priscilla's Government Coolness in the Face of Technology Award goes to Senators Cornyn and Leahy. Priscilla said at 10:30 PM ![]() Excuse me whilst I weep openly. Link ganked from Will. Gah, this is painful.
Priscilla said at 2:14 AM ![]() Hi. I'm in New York.
I actually wanted to leave this entry at that, because I would find it tremendously funny, but some of my readers (read: my parents) might be confused and/or concerned. Therefore, I shall explain myself, even though it detracts somewhat from the sense of glee I get from being deliberately mysterious and coy. It's Rebecca's last weekend here before she goes back to Vermont ("The only state with secession rights! So conceivably, we could break away from the United States and form our own country, with Howard Dean as our king." -R) and it would be difficult for us to get together, and all my homework this weekend is portable, so I decided to be adventurous and take the Chinatown bus (2 hours each way, $20 round trip!) to The Abnormally Large, Firm, Edible Fruit of a Deciduous Eurasian Tree. Wow. Being around Rebecca has freed my inner dork. Well, freed more than usual, that is. Having Ko as a roommate keeps my inner dork fairly outer already. But when you sit in a diner drinking toasty hot chocolate and reminiscing about the dawn of fandom until they kick you out because they're closing, it's a whole different dynamic. The camaraderie of the early days of WOFS, the Mary Sue-induced shame... my god, she now has such dirt on my "my age was still in the single digits" fandom days; I can never insult Woodrow Wilson again. Of course, you know I'll be back to mocking him mercilessly tomorrow. Anyway, I'm off to cavort merrily about with Rebecca and try to get our laptop link to work. I'll leave you with A Parent's Guide to 1337, ganked from Ashley, and a preview of the artwork for the upcoming Serenity comic. And Becky posted a bunch of HHGTG trailer screencaps, because she's just that cool. Tra la! Priscilla said at 1:56 AM
Friday, February 18, 2005
![]() Is anyone else having an exceptionally difficult time getting blogger to publish? And has this been going on for DAYS? *jabs at Blogger for being difficult*
As soon as I get a break, and as soon as I do all the stuff I swear I'll do as soon as I get a break, I'm going to check out Wonderfalls. It's nice that the studio execs are getting an inkling of the purported quality of the show. Maybe this will be a lesson to television that you SHOULDN'T CANCEL TIM MINEAR'S SHOWS, not that I, as a Firefly fan, am at all bitter. Labels: wonderfalls Priscilla said at 12:55 AM
Thursday, February 17, 2005
![]() Guess who got to participate in a videoconference with copyright god Lawrence Lessig this afternoon as a part of her Copyright class? Booyeah. He even mentioned how much he enjoyed the videoconferencing experience in his blog!
Yeah, we're cool. In other news, Kell passed on this amusing link on family history. Spencer -- English: occupational name for someone employed in the pantry of a great house or monastery, from Middle English spense ‘larder’ + the agent suffix -er.Therefore, the name Priscilla Nelson Spencer hereby means SPINSTER "WE WANTED A BOY" LARDER! Woohoo! Priscilla said at 5:54 PM ![]() Lost. <3 Drew Goddard! For the first time, I found myself not passionately disliking Kate. I utterly adored the banter between Sayid and Sawyer (GOOD LORD I LOVE YOU, SAYID. "It ran off with your tarp?" and that little grin and "Yes." OMG *is ded*) and Hurley's ramblings to Charlie. And I adored Locke's story. "Well, that would just be silly." *snorks* And last but infinitely not least: OTP!
Question: Does Clarie know what Ethan did to Charlie? P.S. This random LJer's review had me in mad gigglefits. Priscilla said at 12:53 AM
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
![]() Dear Priscilla,
Checking btefnet.net every two minutes for a torrent of tonight's Lost will not make it come online any faster. Love, Your Brain Priscilla said at 9:52 PM ![]() THE TRAILER OF GLORY is now up on Amazon.com. Of course, if you want to download a copy of your very own, go here or here, or email me (priscellie at theninemuses dot net) and I'll send you the file. Or if your mailbox isn't high-capacity like gmail, I can AIM/Y!M it to you. GLEEEEE!!!
The more I think about it, the more excited I am. I just watched it again this morning (via Amazon, even though it seems my copy is higher-res?), and I am officially in love with: Trillian and Arthur's headtilt; the way Ford holds his towel when he, Arthur, and Zaphod are waiting to be "attacked" again. Ashley and Schlien, did you get the file? Priscilla said at 8:30 AM
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
![]() Back from rehearsal, with a delightfully shiny trailer in my inbox. As of 5 minutes ago, it still wasn't available on the web, so if anyone wants me to send it to them, leave your email address in the comment field and it'll be all yours in moments!
Overall, I'm very pleased. Humma Kavula looks fabulous, the Vogon ships DO hang in the air in exactly the way bricks don't (though I do wish they were their canon yellow), Mos Def doesn't look like his performance will be too painfully bad, Zaphod's second head isn't too disappointing (his third arm is fabulous; I just wish it was in more of the movie!), and I think I'm going to really like Arthur. Downside, movie!Zaphod's voice is going to take getting used to. Though his appearance is great, his mannerisms are definitely not jiving with my mental image. And now I'm going to stop wasting time and get back to working on a reasonably hefty animation project. Priscilla said at 10:56 PM ![]() OH MY GOD SO BRILLIANT!!! EVERYONE MUST GO HERE NOW!!
HHGTG stills, courtesy of the IMDB! (Linked in Becky's journal) This movie is going to be FANTASTIC. And EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Apparently, the trailer is going to be online TONIGHT!!! Check the IMDB and Amazon periodically and be the first to "Zaphod’s second head, Ford Prefect in action, Marvin in motion, Humma Kavula and his body (or lack thereof) and more"! Via AICN, DouglasAdams.se. And hey, there are some folks on DA.se (in the thread linked above) that managed to get a hold of it when it appeared briefly on AICN, who generously offered to email it to the needy. As soon as I get a hold of it, I'll be glad to share. Post there or comment here if you want it! P.S.: Zaphod with black nail polish? YES. In other fannish news, out today on DVD, Angel season 5 and the Director's Cut of Donnie Darko. Plus: Serenity comic tie-in coming in July! And apparently, in the print version of Newsweek, there's a picture? Anyone on FireflyFlans care to scan? Priscilla said at 5:26 PM ![]() WOOHOO!!!! Ko and I got our first choice for housing next year! A two-room double with kitchen and bathroom, in Hamilton. Room 2213! With a REALLY easy-to-remember phone number! I just went upstairs to check it out, and it's HUGE. The bathroom is almost twice the size of ours, and each of the single rooms are the size of Ko and my double room. There's no surplus common room, but no worries. Also, there are massive windows that span nearly the entire wall, facing North. GUH. I am in love! No postcard view of downtown Philly, but hey, this way I can see at a glance if CVS or Fresh Grocer is open.
I LOVE NEXT YEAR'S ROOM! P.S.: Grammar Queens -- what is the proper syntax for saying "the size of Ko and my double room"? Do I say Ko's and my, or Ko and my, or something else entirely? And if it was "Ko and Priscilla's room", would it be that or "Ko's and Priscilla's room"? I'm giving up any bad grammar that does not impose on my writing style for Lent. XD Priscilla said at 4:42 PM
Monday, February 14, 2005
![]() Oh no! It looks like the Second-Annual PA Shindig is probably going to be the same weekend as The Witching Hour. AAAAARGGG, why is life so hard?
Priscilla said at 11:26 PM ![]() Wintry mix! Ooh!
Wow, my brain is made of lumpy oatmeal. Computer science all-nighters NOT a good idea. At least some of the time was devoted to making things pretty... Okay, back to work. Due at 4:30. We can do it! (Oh--and when it really counts, my partner ROCKS.) Happy V-Day, by the way! Muchas smoochies to the family and all my friends reading this! Priscilla said at 8:11 AM
Sunday, February 13, 2005
![]() *jives in the dance of groovitude*
A few links: the many joys of eggs, and proof Superman is a total jerk. 2004 World Press Photo Award Winners Vogons! (PS: The UK and US release dates for HHGTG have been moved up a week to April 29! GLEE!) Priscilla said at 3:41 PM
Saturday, February 12, 2005
![]() A must-see for Photoshop junkies and those that love them: HumanDescent.com
Priscilla said at 4:59 PM ![]() I will gain 50 pounds eating nothing but the new Strawberry & White Chocolate Hershey kisses. Dear gravy, those things are good. *shakes fist at Nikki for giving up chocolate for Lent and giving all her V-Day chocolate stash to Ko and me*
Priscilla said at 1:54 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 12:51 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 11:00 AM
Friday, February 11, 2005
![]() Oh! How could I forget? I went ahead and uploaded the HP V-Day Project Collab with Glockgal I finished last week. Comment and be loved!
Priscilla said at 5:52 PM ![]() *dies laughing* Happy Valentines' Day from The Onion! Link ganked from the infinitely fantabulous Ashley. *schnoogles her*
Priscilla said at 3:21 PM ![]() Arthur Miller died yesterday of heart failure.
Priscilla said at 1:29 PM ![]() Where were these people on election day?
Priscilla said at 11:19 AM
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
![]() Saturn Award Nominees! Very pleased to see several of my fandoms represented. But James Marsters up against Dominic Monaghan for "Best Supporting Actor in a Television Series"? Now that's just cruel.
(oh, and speaking of Angel, they have a few snippets from the Season 5 DVD featurettes here.) Priscilla said at 1:44 PM ![]() In the future, if I'm ever having a bad day, I will look at this video of a goat keening over unconscious after being startled by some lady and feel better.
Also, Bill Gates posed for TigerBeat. Mmm, new Lost tomorrow. Stupid rehearsal. Priscilla said at 1:06 AM
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
![]() Oh my good gravy, make it by May 6th now!
Priscilla said at 4:59 PM
Monday, February 07, 2005
![]() As part of tonight's readings for my Copyright class, I'm "learning" about blogs. I am so entertained by this notion.
PS: They mentioned Howard Dean! *sqeals* And speaking of Dean, Roemer withdraws from DNC chair race. Dean, the former presidential candidate and governor of Vermont, is expected to win the DNC chairmanship at the election February 12. EEEEEEEE!!! Priscilla said at 11:30 PM ![]() Oh yeah! Monday is "Respond to Blog Comments" Day!
Re: Original version of nekkid Michael Phelps -- I didn't save the original scan, and the mini-magazine thing I got the original from is now taped to the Wall of Sex. Sorry. (Also, to the person who goes by "me", please sign your comments with a name I can refer to you by!) Re: Ashley's apparent lameness -- Okay, I apologize. I am the lame one. Ashley indeed posted a link to "Episode III: A Lost Hope" in her LJ, and I somehow missed it, because I am subhuman in all respects. Re: Can I ever love Marcelina again for not noticing I had a boyfriend for 2 1/2 months -- No. Never. *schnoogletackles her with great and t00by love* Priscilla said at 10:10 PM ![]() Preface: Ah! Finally found it again! I don't remember posting this when I first discovered it, but the other day in one of my classes, some of the students in front of me were talking about it, and I knew I had to see it again in all its glory...
The Entry: Sometimes, when we have nothing better to do, I entertain my roommates by dancing and lipsynching to various amusing songs. A splendid time is had by all. However, despite all my wit and charm, I have nothing on this guy. Too funny! Can anyone identify that song? Edit: Here it is again, with subtitles. The title of the song is "Dragostea Din Tei", and here are the lyrics in Romanian and English. Priscilla said at 2:34 PM ![]() Hurrah! My city is still standing! Out-of-control rioters have not burned down any major buildings!
In the end, I only watched about 15 minutes of the Superbowl, but as the ads were disappointingly lame, I instead worked on my HP V-Day Project collab with Jia. It's pretty much done now! So I've done Tanja's and Jia's, and I'm about 4/5 of the way done with Lori/Glock's. Go me! Anyway, I figure I should probably explain my last post. As copied from an email to my mom: What caused the anguish and loss of love for my lab partner? Oh, there was never any love between us. He's just been notorious about not responding to my emails, and we didn't get any work done the past weekend when we only have two weekends to do the assignment, as he works all day during the week and I have rehearsal at night, so we can't meet during the weekdays. I wrote that entry after he emailed me late Sunday evening (when I first emailed him Thursday afternoon), and he claimed to have "forgotten" to check his email for three days, so he didn't get my email asking him when we were going to meet. And he's a computer science major! Forgot to check his email? As if! AAAAAAARG. Even if he did forget, he should have remembered how important this assignment is, and how few opportunities we have to work on it, and how valuable last weekend was, and tried to contact me! That was just the final straw for my sanity and tolerance for this boy.Teh angst. Priscilla said at 12:39 PM
Sunday, February 06, 2005
![]() Dear My Lab Partner for CSE 377,
DEATHMAIMBITESTABKILL. No love, ever, Priscilla Priscilla said at 9:11 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 7:28 PM ![]() According to CNN.com, not only is Dick Cheney not going to run in 2008, he's going to retire.
My day just got that much better. Danke to Tori for the link! Priscilla said at 7:14 PM
Saturday, February 05, 2005
![]() Keith R.A. DeCandido presents the table of contents for the essay collection Finding Serenity: Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds, and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon's Firefly. Shiny!
Priscilla said at 7:56 PM ![]() VOTE in the poll! Even if you don't live in Philly! Philly should indeed have smoke-free restaurants and workplaces! Danke to Ko for the link!
Priscilla said at 5:54 PM ![]() Episode III: A Lost Hope
Ashley SO FAILS for having a still from this parody as a usericon, but not telling me about it. Highly amusing! Priscilla said at 5:51 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 1:23 AM
Friday, February 04, 2005
![]() *cries tears of mirth* I just saw the Leaky headline "Dark Horizons: Hurley for Bellatrix?." The article, of course, describes how Elizabeth Hurley has been tapped for the role in the fifth HP movie (she's still considering it), but to my twisted fandom brain, the first Hurley my memory conjured was Hugo "Hurley" Reyes, the jovial, heavyset character on Lost. As Bellatrix. Hence, the whole "laughing until I cried" thing.
Anyway, there go my dreams of seeing Juliet Landau as Bella... Who was born in L.A., so it's not as if she could ever be a contender. Pah. Oh well, I'll still have my mental images! And also delusions. XD (P.S. Elizabeth Hurley is far too pretty to have been in Azkaban for over a decade) Priscilla said at 11:19 PM
Thursday, February 03, 2005
![]() Priscilla said at 11:23 PM ![]() A batch of Engrish Subtitles for RotK. I am dead for laughing!
(and don't forget these, which Tori capped for me last year! *Mwah!*) Ooh, and here's another! It looks like the same version Tori had. Priscilla said at 9:33 PM ![]() Today, I made Michael Phelps nekkid. *grins*
Ko and I added a bunch of new images to the Wall of Sex this evening, including Michael Phelps, Naveen Andrews, and James Marsters. Because Ko and I are an evil, wicked pair, we couldn't resist improving the Michael Phelps picture. Because we all know the real reason I learned Photoshop. *snerks* Priscilla said at 5:33 PM ![]() Yesterday, I was just introduced to the work of Joseph Cornell. Very cool stuff! I imagine he was probably an inspiration to Dave McKean. Check it out!
Priscilla said at 10:38 AM ![]() *is gobsmacked* Apparently, the cast of 70s children's show "Rainbow Arch" recorded this as a joke during a Christmas party and never intended for it to get out. Wow, it's like what Avenue Q would have been if the writers had even less shame! Click here.
Priscilla said at 10:37 AM
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
![]() Ko and I went to the libbery today and both got libbery cards! Now whenever we want to check out a book, we don't even have to cross the street! *beams*
(Of course, in order to get to the school's main library, Van Pelt, we technically don't have to cross the street, despite it being 5 blocks away, as roads are blocked off through the campus. Well, we have to cross 38th Street, but we don't have to stop for traffic, as there is a bridge. But it's the principle of the thing! Or something. Yes. We have library cards for the new Free Library of Philadelphia branch on the same block as my dorm. Life is good, despite semantics!) La. Priscilla said at 4:24 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 1:48 PM ![]() Finally, someone gets it! New on DVD: Whatever show you didn't watch last year. Fox execs, take note. Mmm, the sarcasm is like butter!
Priscilla said at 1:44 PM ![]() Happy Groundhog Day!
Happy Groundhog Day! Happy Groundhog Day! Happy Groundhog Day! Happy Groundhog Day! Happy Groundhog Day! Happy Groundhog Day! Happy Groundhog Day! (har har) Priscilla said at 8:06 AM ![]() I really wish this was a joke.
I will drown out the sound of me repeatedly banging my head against my desk with what Dylan calls "The Funniest comic about a grassland ungulate EVER." Priscilla said at 1:40 AM ![]() Finally, a time and date for The Pierre Heist, the TV movie starring James Marsters. Love heist movies... love James... Could life get any better? (Maybe if they started airing new Lost episodes at some point in time, but I digress.) Two wonderful things coming together just for me; it's like pickles and chocolate, except not gross!
Completely unrelated, but today I learned the word 'hagiography'. It's a good word to know, which means "A worshipful or idealizing biography." Anyway, now that the filming is over, he can start growing his hair out again! Yup, we're waiting... Anytime, James... *sighs, rereads the description* 22? Umm... I'm sorry, but you cannot pass for 22, especially with you hair at that length. You are almost twice your character's supposed age. You may have aged more gracefully than David Boreanaz and are just as pretty as you were in the second season (more pretty, some would argue), but 22 you are not. La la la not just a river in Egypt la la. Priscilla said at 1:16 AM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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