Thursday, June 30, 2005
Things that are great:
Locksmith makes key from X-ray Tony Blair Confirms Authenticity of Downing Street Memo Thai Fishermen Catch and Eat Record-Sized Catfish Anthony Steward Head and James Marsters on Rove Live (video and screencaps) Karmic Moebius Strip: Summer Glau a potential Kitty Pryde? (Also -- Joss is joking about Serenity sequels again! Yay!) and this thread on the Browncoat boards continues to churn out hilarity. Flans, check it out! Priscilla said at 10:38 PM Priscilla said at 10:33 PM What made those gmail ads suddenly decide I'm a Bush supporter? And I used to get so many lovely left-wing links, too...
Priscilla said at 8:20 PM *squeaks* I found out the names of my four peer advisees yesterday (did I mention I was going to be a peer advisor? Because I am.), and I sent off my first email last night. I've been waiting all day with bated breath to hear back from them, in the hopes that they wouldn't think I was a total dork. But I just got my first email back from one of my advisees, and she's COOL. She's an Anglophile that loves musical theatre and Tim Burton movies, and she wants to be a Disney Imagineer. I don't know why I worried. I haven't met a DMDer yet who wasn't awesome. Okay, boys. Your turn!
Priscilla said at 8:12 PM Wow. Three passes to the Arboretum that expired in 2002. I need to clean off my bulletin board more often.
Priscilla said at 1:22 PM *snorks* And now, the entire duel! And as a bonus, special edition feature: Inara instructs Mal in the art of proper lightsaber maintenance. IcedPhoenix on the Browncoat boards wins at life. Check out the full thread here.
Other fandom humor: Things You Can Learn About the Plot of the Next Harry Potter Book Just From Looking At the Cover Art. Alyson Hannigan tours the set of "The Inside" Priscilla said at 11:08 AM Priscilla said at 12:17 AM
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
*snorks* Teacher passes failing students in exchange for stealing and burning car -- A chemistry teacher who was $20,000 behind on car payments gave passing grades to two failing students who stole and burned her car so she could collect insurance money.
I love this country. Priscilla said at 5:05 PM *cheers*
Canada: Same-sex marriage law passes 158-133. Supported by most members of the Liberals, the Bloc Québécois and the NDP, the legislation passed easily, making Canada only the third country in the world, after the Netherlands and Belgium, to officially recognize same-sex marriage. Not to mention all the countries that have civil unions or similar! America: your turn! *crickets chirp* Priscilla said at 4:20 PM The first issue of Angel: The Curse came out today.
And here's something fun: a graph of the Firefly DVD Amazon Sales Rank for the past 2 1/2 months. Priscilla said at 4:16 PM *dances* Tonight's episode of The Inside was written by Jane Espenson! La!
Priscilla said at 10:37 AM Oh my good god. Out of curiosity, I randomly googled "Animal Mother", to see what Adam Baldwin (Jayne) looked like in "Full Metal Jacket" (which I have not seen), and I came across this Swedish site that had pictures of him in all his past roles.
1983 ADAM IS LUKE SKYWALKER'S BRUNETTE BROTHER. And there is something terribly Zen about seeing Jayne chilling with Mr. T. From here, you can get to everybody else's page. I was shocked to see nothing from Space Cases on Jewel's page, but there are enough pictures of 80s soap opera Nathan to make up for it. And now I'm sorely tempted to see "A Knight's Tale" and "28 Days" solely for the Alan Tudyk. Priscilla said at 12:26 AM
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Joss stuff:
An excellent song based on the The Ballad of Serenity: "Mal's Song", by Escape Key. The MPAA has given Serenity a PG-13 rating. (Despite the R rating on our screening tickets) And a hilarious bit of X-Men 3 news: Maggie Grace (Lost) is out as Kitty Pryde. The production team has just issued a casting notice for the role. Ratner and Co. are a smart bunch because they're using the script to The Astonishing X-Men comic-book as sides. Wanna know the irony? The comic-book is written by Joss Whedon, who every fanboy dreamed of having writing and directing X-Men 3. Priscilla said at 11:20 PM
Monday, June 27, 2005
Ganked from Beth, a candidate for the weirdest thing I've ever seen for sale on Amazon: The Penguin Classics Library Complete Collection. A mere 8 thousand dollars! "From Edwin A. Abbott to Emile Zola, the 1,082 titles in the Penguin Classics Complete Library total nearly half a million pages--laid end to end they would hit the 52-mile mark. Approximately 700 pounds in weight, the titles would tower 828 feet if you stacked them atop each other--almost as tall as the Empire State Building."
I wonder if a single instance will be sold. Priscilla said at 11:06 PM Aww, Peej! For me? But my birthday isn't for another 5 months!
Our first peek at the King Kong trailer. Ganked from Indy! I just hope the CG improves before December. The motion itself is excellent, but in terms of texture and whatnot, the dinos look nowhere near as realistic as the beasts of LotR. I'm actually surprised that they didn't mention LotR in the trailer. I guess they assume the average moviegoer knows who Peter Jackson is. (Otherwise, I may have to slap the average moviegoer with a fish) *hums "I'm Going Home", for reasons that should be obvious to anyone familiar with Rocky Horror* Priscilla said at 10:37 PM Ooh. A second Spike one-shot comic coming in January, set in 1940s L.A. Not to mention the post-NFA Angel comic miniseries, coming in November.
(Judging from the talkback, am I the only Redemptionista that enjoys evil!Spike?) Priscilla said at 6:49 PM Yeah, that's right, Dell. GROVEL.
Priscilla said at 4:53 PM Oh! I neglected to mention that I ran into Mr. Oliver and Miss Morton (or rather, Mrs. Oliver, but we all still call her by her maiden name) at Good Eats yesterday! They did all the music-related stuff at Jesuit, so we got to be very close in the two musicals I got to do there. It was great to get to catch up with them! I only wish I wasn't in my dorky exercise clothes at the time. :D
Also, I decided last night that rather than trying to attend "The Witching Hour" (the HP convention in Salem), I'm going to the second-annual Pennsylvania Shindig instead, which is the same weekend. Many of my online friends I had thought were going to TWH have said in the past month that they were no longer able to go, and because of my class schedule and the difficulties of getting to and from Salem by public transportation, I would miss half the programming. Nimbus 2003 was insanely fun, but a Firefly convention the weekend after Serenity opens? Hijinks will most definitely ensue. Priscilla said at 10:10 AM
Sunday, June 26, 2005
I understand Grokster will be decided tomorrow. Let's hope none of our morally-sound-and-currently-technically-legal practices are deemed otherwise!
Priscilla said at 6:13 PM I don't remember who sent me this link, but it's pretty amusing. Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex: An analysis of Superman's sex life.
Priscilla said at 5:47 PM Middle-aged men dancing in the backyard! Highly entertaining. Link ganked from Meghan.
Priscilla said at 2:02 PM
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Dear Dell, UPS, etc:
SEND ME MY LAPTOP ALREADY. No love, Priscilla Priscilla said at 5:03 PM Bionic Man Moves Artificial Arm With Brain -- Breakthrough Could Change Lives Of Amputees, Patients With Spinal Cord Injuries.
Link ganked from Alicey. Amazing. Priscilla said at 4:53 PM Priscilla said at 2:17 PM Read this post from Ann's LJ. The Villiage Voice reviews Bewitched. Make sure you read the comments, as well! *snorks*
Priscilla said at 2:13 PM Hah! I knew the wife on last week's "The Inside" looked familiar! She played Sister Katrina on "Wonderfalls"! Hee, yay Minear vets!
Priscilla said at 1:59 PM
Friday, June 24, 2005
Every bit as amazing the second time around. And Ashley, who has never seen an episode of Firefly, really enjoyed it, and is now harassing me for the DVDs. Ladies and menfolk, we've got ourselves a winner.
I'll post pictures tomorrow. Unfortunately, my three shots of me with my parents were either horrendously underexposed or incredibly unflattering, so I might have to persuade them to re-don their Wash and Zoe outfits again for a quick photo op later. Priscilla said at 2:05 AM
Thursday, June 23, 2005
*cackles with glee for obvious reasons*
Got jumpsuit with heart and teddy bear patches, got cute undershirt, got Chinese top, got flipflops, got cinnabun hair, got Asian parasol, got winning smile, got box of tissues, Happy Birthday, Joss! Behold the cuteness of me! Priscilla said at 6:40 PM Further harassment of my Dell customer support agent has revealed that the new estimated arrival date for my laptop is Friday. And yes, this is the laptop I ordered May 27th. *kicks Dell in the face*
Priscilla said at 12:49 AM
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
The Inside. Hahaha! New law of television humor: Adam Baldwin + guns = always funny. That scene was just adorable! Also, "Once More With Feeling", Tim? Hah!
And speaking of Whedonverse alumni, they had a preview for the new David Boreanaz show, "Bones". Oh look! Facial expressions! It's like I'm watching Angel outtakes. Priscilla said at 11:15 PM Would you all shun me if I geeked out upon noticing the use of Nuptial BT (the Firefly font) in La Madeleine ads?
Or would you shun me if I didn't geek out? Priscilla said at 7:55 PM I busted out the sewing machine and made a few alterations on my Kaylee jumpsuit. I removed the arms, as hers is sleeveless, and I took in the sides, so that it's flattering on top as well as on bottom. Am seamstress-goddess and total hottie!
Priscilla said at 6:17 PM Have you guys heard the Firefly/Serenity Podcast yet? It's awesome. Give it a listen! Even those that aren't fans should listen in. Maybe it'll convince you to give the show a shot!
Priscilla said at 2:07 PM
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Mom discovered an Army Navy store that wasn't lame, and I went over this afternoon before class. I found an utterly perfect Kaylee jumpsuit, go me! And because it is downright tragic that my Zoe costume wasn't going to be worn again to Thursday's screening, I concocted an evil plan. My parents have agreed to dress as Wash and Zoe.
Let's hear that again. My parents have agreed to dress as Wash and Zoe. Good Lord my family is awesome! Priscilla said at 11:51 PM
Monday, June 20, 2005
New Teen Girl Squad! I'm going to have to start referring to my friends as Spanish Galleons. *snerks*
Priscilla said at 1:05 PM
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Happy Father's Day to the most thoughtful, generous, kindhearted, devoted, and all-around cool dad in the entire universe. The fact that this individual is my dad is not up for discussion. MUCH LOVE!
Priscilla said at 12:28 PM Oh, and I should mention that Veronica Mars is awesome, and that Cyth is lame for thinking I wouldn't enjoy it. It's especially amusing, because Kristen Bell (Veronica) also played Mary Lane in Reefer Madness. Most of the time, she looks different enough that I don't think about it, so when we see her as past-Veronica, the resemblance always surprises me. Gigglefits occasionally ensue.
In other news: Sean Biggerstaff (Oliver Wood) cast in the leading role of Cashback. The Times article Leaky links to is hilarious. Priscilla said at 11:55 AM From Alan Cumming's website:
EX X MAN!! Alan will NOT be appearing in X3. Fox has not picked up his option to play Nightcrawler for a second movie.No Alan and an "expanded role" for Miss Prima Donna "Ensemble Cast? But I Won an Oscar!" Berry. Yeah, this movie is going to rock. *drips sarcasm* Didn't they just lose their director a couple weeks ago? Priscilla said at 11:22 AM Priscilla said at 11:01 AM Oh! I failed to mention that I saw Batman Begins the other day. The movie was excellent, but honestly. Is the Discworld series the only place where the lives of police officers hold any value?
Priscilla said at 10:29 AM
Saturday, June 18, 2005
*makes continutous EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE noise for 10-15 minutes*
Chungy and I might be going to Greece for the Christmas holidays. *continues EEEEEEEEE-ing* Priscilla said at 6:49 PM *laughs loudly and obnoxiously* Photo from James Marsters' high school yearbook: Modern Dance Class. Is he the only guy in the class? Because that's just fabulous. Haha, the Mar 'Fro kills me every time. And he's wearing the ancestor to that horrid blue "Beneath You" monstrosity.
More where that came from. *can't stop laughing* The funny thing is, his hair and posturing remind me strongly of a guy in our production of "How to Succeed..." four years ago. Though I doubt my friend Bern will grow up to be a sex symbol, alas. Priscilla said at 12:10 AM
Friday, June 17, 2005
The Entertainment Weekly 2005 "Must List"! Featuring the casts of Serenity (with, interestingly enough, Sean and Jewel looking more couple-y than Alan and Gina or Nathan and Morena! Bwaha!), Veronica Mars, The Producers, and Rent, plus Mary GrandPre, Jake Gyllenhaal, "The Daily Show: Indecision 2004" DVD, Jorge Garcia, PJ's King Kong, Hugh Laurie, Mos Def, Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, and Zhang Ziyi.
So what's the deal? I went by Barnes and Noble to try to pick up a copy, but in the 6/17/05 issue on the newsstand (Cover: Tom Cruise), they just had a lame 10-item "Must List" that had nothing to do with the version online. And does anyone know if there's a high-res version of the Serenity cast image floating around online anywhere? I'm so joyously freaked out by the idea of new publicity stills of my Big Damn Actors. That's the fun of having such a small canon, I guess. There's so little of it that everything becomes precious. Priscilla said at 4:46 PM The trailer for The Brothers Grimm is online!
*makes obligatory grousing noises over the stupid American studios and their unwillingness to front a paltry $15 million for a Good Omens movie* Priscilla said at 1:39 AM ONE MONTH until Harry Potter book 6!
ONE WEEK until Serenity! Priscilla said at 12:49 AM
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Mixed-Fandom Post:
Possible advance in opening of Serenity? Upcoming guests on The Daily Show: Mo 6/20: Ringo Starr Th 6/23: Howard Dean An utterly adorable Dom picspam. A convenient list of film release dates. Antidote for smooshed pairing names? Lots of fans are reporting that the Serenity trailer is playing with Batman Begins! And that's the morning report. Priscilla said at 10:23 AM Priscilla said at 1:04 AM Sun's HBP contest winner gives prize to sister. I have no words. Come on, let them both go!
Priscilla said at 12:41 AM *cackles*
Priscilla said at 12:05 AM
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Veronica Mars and The Inside are on at the same time. Now that's just annoying. Watching shows during their actual airtime makes me feel more justified in my piracy.
Edit, at 8:57 -- You know, Yahoo!TV needs to have some cookie that senses what time zone your computer clock is set on, and then display its schedule accordingly. Or at least have write "All times in EST". *sighs and waits for The Inside to go up on BitTorrent, and glares at the episodes of Veronica Mars that have been downloading for 6 hours and are at 42%, 78%, and 14% completion* Priscilla said at 6:44 PM JACKPOT! MY BOOBS SHALL BE CLAD IN SPLENDOR!
My sister just gave me a big bag of bras that no longer fit her, that happen to be exactly my size and in some of my favourite styles. Some days, life is just awesome. Priscilla said at 5:20 PM I'm such a ditz. Earlier this morning, I watched the pilot of Veronica Mars (they're re-airing the first season on UPN), which was highly enjoyable. This afternoon, I caught myself thinking "I look forward to seeing the second episode tonight!" Duh, I could just download it. That's what I was planning on doing in the first place, before I found out about the re-runs. Wouldn't it be nice to have a functional brain?
Priscilla said at 4:03 PM
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
The word of the day is "Guh." New Mirrormask trailer. Related links and such in Neil's blog.
Priscilla said at 11:25 PM Mirrormask opens the same day as Serenity. NOT COOL.
Unless... who's up for a double feature? Bwaha, bad idea. My brain would melt out my ears. Priscilla said at 8:44 PM *snorks* I was reading back through my entries on the Pennsylvania Shindig last fall, and I came across something I'd completely forgotten about. The name I came up with for the Mal/Inara ship: Spongebath Tightpants. I am so easily amused.
Priscilla said at 3:20 PM Huzzah! My replacement iPod car adapter just arrived, just in time for my weekly commute to UTD for my Animation class! Now if only my laptop would arrive SOME TIME THIS CENTURY. It should have arrived yesterday at the latest! *sets Dell on fire, but with love*
Priscilla said at 3:13 PM Phoenix Browncoats: 60 More Tickets to the 6/23 screening to go on sale tomorrow! Snatch them up while you can! Oh, and Tori -- the ticket is yours! Be at the AMC Valley View theatre no later than 9:30, as the screening starts at 10. I'm going to be there at 7.
Tangentially related (if your brain works like mine): I uploaded the series premiere of "The Inside" to YouSendIt for a friend. Download here if interested. 345Mb. EDIT: Will says that the file wouldn't play for him. Feh. If anyone else downloads, would you mind jotting off a quick comment, saying if it works for you? Priscilla said at 12:57 AM
Monday, June 13, 2005
Priscilla said at 11:53 PM Proof I should never be allowed near Photoshop again, a Companion Piece to my "Serenity -- The Special Edition" tangent. I call it "Special Ed." Apologies to Mark Sheppard and his very fine hat.
Priscilla said at 11:36 PM *does the "10 Days Until Serenity" dance*
Priscilla said at 9:01 PM
Priscilla said at 6:14 PM Oooh! There's a fantastic article in the Dallas Morning News about the Serenity screenings! It takes up the full "Arts Day" page, on the back of the "Texas Living" section. All complimentary, and it doesn't portray the fanbase as a bunch of wackoes. And me and my girls are mentioned indirectly, as they mention the group of fans dressed in costume, answering trivia! Read it here (requires registration, but it's free) or in my LJ.
Priscilla said at 11:07 AM
Sunday, June 12, 2005
*snorks* Poor, typecast Summer. Here's hoping that Serenity opens up some new doors for her, as well as all our Big Damn Heroes. All so talented, and so very pretty.
Priscilla said at 10:41 PM Dear Download of the Season Premiere of The 4400, Guest Starring Summer Glau,
You have been at 99% for over 5 hours. Finish or I'll hit you with a big ruler with a thumbtack taped to the end. No love, Priscilla Priscilla said at 7:34 PM Finally got around to watching the first episode of Tim Minear's "The Inside". Quite good! I'm going to have to start watching regularly. It'll bring meaning to my Wednesdays, now that Lost is over for the year. And it's fun to play "Spot the Minear Vet", most notably with Adam Baldwin, who played Jayne on Firefly, and Katie Finneran, who played Sharon on Wonderfalls. *surfs IMDB* Hey, the guy who plays the medical examiner (Rich Sickler) was the First Assistant Director for Serenity! Um, the guy who played Sheldon was in the Buffy episode "Homecoming", but Tim Minear didn't have anything to do with Buffy, did he? Just Angel. But the actress who played the "New Girl" was in the Angel episode "Happy Anniversary"!
Meanwhile, in a less pointless exercise, why does the IMDB schedule show that they're showing the episodes out of order? You'd think Tim Minear would have learned his lesson about Fox by now. Gah, I really hope this show makes, if only to prevent Tim Minear from having a psychotic break and swearing off TV forever. *pats Joss* Priscilla said at 7:17 PM Ashley -- My Firefly DVDs are very much in use at the moment, but Premiere Video and (I think) Hollywood Video have them in stock. I'm sure some kind family member could be cajoled into renting them for you! *grins* Or you could try to persuade Rachel to lend you hers.
Priscilla said at 1:14 AM
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Tori: Extra Serenity tickets? Why yes indeed I do. Interested? Jo: It's not that bad, it just reduced my brains to porridge. I'm sure kids will enjoy it. And maybe the excessive hyperactivity quotient would be ameliorated by a small screen, rather than in the theater. Tori again: We had Chicken Little, Shark Boy and Lava Girl, a horse movie, and the Wallace and Grommit trailer. Speaking of trailers, I find it hilarious that I will have seen Serenity twice before seeing the trailer on the big screen. Ko: I sent you a link to the file, which I uploaded to my webspace because it is 5Mb and you use lame Penn email with a 10Mb quota. Hahaha, the song kills me dead. Other people that want to hear it, email me (priscellie at gmail) and I'll send you the link. Offer good for the next five days! Offer also good for a highly entertaining version of "YMCA" sung in Cantonese. Becky: *pokes you back* *procrastinates* Renata: By "The 4400 is the funniest show ever!", do you mean funny-badness or actually humorous? Ah well, I guess I'll find out soon. *downloads the Summer Glau episode* Rebecca: Where did you find a Kaylee-esque jumpsuit? Bah, our sole Army surplus store sucks. Meghan: I fail! Make that "Captain of the ship Serenity and veteran of the Battle of Serenity Valley, who rarely experiences serenity, Mal's character in Serenity veers more towards the darker range of his spectrum, even more so than in 'Serenity'." *commits grammatical hari-kari* And that's as far back as I feel like going. Priscilla said at 8:50 PM Last night was so much crazy fun! Chungy spontaneously called me at 6 and asked me if I had a tennis racket. At 7, we were off to the SMU tennis courts to reprise our grand match of CalvinTennis (derived from CalvinBall), in which every missed ball is coupled with increasingly ridiculous insults, and the only real rule is "Be as silly as possible." Definitely the most fun I've had exercising since the last time we played CalvinTennis, in 9th or 10th grade.
Afterwards, we ate a healthy dinner at Good Eats (veggie plate for me, club salad for Chungy), and we brought home a slice of apple pie to munch on while watching the replay of "Into the West". I delighted in Alan Tudyk and Chungy enjoyed Matthew Settle. It's a shame Alan's entire subplot was cut, but I guess it works. The brothers never see each other again (I presume), so if Joshua never learns of Nathan's exploits in Tejas (*snork*), we shouldn't either. Anyway, I lent Chungy the first of the Firefly DVDs and she gave me back a bunch of the Tori Amos CDs she borrowed, then I burned her a copy of the pilot of Tim Minear's "The Inside", which I still haven't watched yet. God bless BitTorrent. Hopefully, Chungy will be Firefly-savvy by the 23rd, when I take her to see the advance screening of Serenity! Priscilla said at 7:33 PM HERESY!
They're remaking Charlotte's Web. A mixture of live-action and 3D animation. Steve Buschemi? Yes. Julia Roberts and Oprah? NOT A CHANCE. Priscilla said at 11:49 AM
Friday, June 10, 2005
I just discovered the word "osculation", which in addition (ha!) to being a mathematical concept also refers to the act of kissing. It wins my "most unromantic word for a romantic thing" award of the day. Three cheers for osculation!
Okay, I'm done. Priscilla said at 7:28 PM We have a date for the first Serenity prequel comic: July 6th. Also, check out the first five pages on Comics Continuum. Previously we'd just seen the first four. Bonus!
Also revealed today, the back cover of the UK edition of HP6! Priscilla said at 3:41 PM Good news for UK flans! Attendees of the London Film and Comic Con 3 can register for special preview screenings of Serenity. These will be the first UK screenings, yes?
Priscilla said at 12:33 PM Linked from Heidi -- The Periodic Table of Haiku
Priscilla said at 11:06 AM
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Mom dragged me to Madagascar. Dear god, my eyes are bleeding. This movie was definitely intended for someone with a far shorter attention span than I. One or two hyperactive characters is funny. When ALL of them are hyperactive, it makes me long for Excedrin. And PLEASE, Dreamworks. Take a hint from Pixar. Quality over Quantity! And some sort of message, moral, or basic purpose might be nice. The message I got was "Hey! It's okay if I lust after my best friend's flesh, because sushi tastes even better!"
The Wallace and Grommit trailer was nice, though. Priscilla said at 11:33 PM My roommate just emailed me this article. Read the sixth paragraph from the bottom.
Priscilla said at 6:57 PM I'm catching up on Das Book1, pasting in some stuff from the previous Serenity showing and other recent events. I made a photocopy of Jane Espenson's signature (I won an autographed copy of her Finding Serenity, the Firefly essay collection, in the costume contest), and next to it I wrote "Champion of OTPs everywhere!", as she's quite a fan of Spike/Buffy and Simon/Kaylee. That got me thinking. Using the idiotic and often hilarious system of combining two names (ie "Spuffy", which still kills me dead), what would Simon/Kaylee be? Skaylee (Scaly)? Because you'd think Simon would have some kind of ointment for that.
Yay for the random thought tangents of Priscilla's brain. And speaking of stupidity and random tangents, this metaquote amuses me. 1 Do the people reading this blog know what Das Book is? Pretty much everyone that has met me IRL would know, but I doubt I've said much about it in my blog. For just under three years, I've carried around a little blank 4x6 book, which I use to jot down quotes and notes-to-self and paste in ticket stubs and fortune cookie messages and photographs and momentos and stuff like that. I'm on my third now (well, the first was sketchbook-sized, and I only partially filled it, as I found it far too unweildy to carry it around at all times), which I call "Das Book", a weak pun on "Das Boot". The previous was just called "Book", and I think the next will be called "Mah Book" (how do you indicate the "moon" oo sound phonetically?), in a tribute to the "Children's Book" short (my all-time favourite) on Strong Bad Email. And that's all I have to say about that. Priscilla said at 5:57 PM *snorks* Not only did we crash Fandango, we crashed the Browncoat forums, as well!
No power in the 'verse can stop us, except perhaps bandwidth limitations. Priscilla said at 12:00 PM I GOT TICKEEEEEEETS!!!!!! Tickets, tickets, tickeeeets! *dances around room, squealing madly*
Wow, my hands are actually shaking... I have 8 tickets, with 6 spoken for. Those that know me IRL may commence with the worshipful adoration. Who will the extra two tickets go to? Who indeed! EDIT: HOLY COW. It looks like Dallas sold out in less than 10 minutes. We have kicked Trilogy Tuesday's shiny hobbit backside and thoroughly trounced the Star Wars prequels. BOOYEAH! Priscilla said at 10:58 AM Seattle appears to have sold out in 15 minutes. Now waiting on pins and needles for 10:00, when the Dallas manager gets in, and tickets will start to be sold. And then I'll actually be able to get out of this chair and have a life again. Wow! In the meantime, here's an excellent article about the Firefly fanbase.
Also in the meantime, NOOOOOOO Theater: A Star Wars Fan's Tribute to the "Noooooooo!" Laugh-out-loud hilarious. Priscilla said at 10:34 AM
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
*is dead with laughter* Who on my flist posted the song "Partydance" by Ed Shepp? Because that is so going to be next year's dorm theme song, last year's being "The Alpacalypse".
In other news, 35 CITIES!!!! Serenity screenings in 35 LOCATIONS ACROSS Priscilla said at 7:26 PM Link ganked from Jo:
CITIZENS FOR A HAYDEN-FREE ROTJ: BE HEARD! That's another thing I love about Joss Whedon. We don't have to worry about a Serenity: Special Edition coming out in 20 years, in which the scene in the trailer suddenly goes like: Operative: I want to resolve this like civilized men. I'm not threatening you. Though I'm in fact, not unarmed! *pulls a pistol and shoots at Mal, who barely even has to move his head to dodge, despite being four feet away, at point-blank range* Mal: Good. Now I feel morally justified in shooting at you. Despite being a smuggler, unconcerned with matters of legality and obviously savvy enough to fit in at the Maidenhead Cantina, I must make it clear to my fans that I would only ever consider harming another if they shot at me first, regardless of the danger to myself and my crew in a given situation and regardless of how they had threatened or hurt me in the past. *shoots, feeling morally righteous* Maybe Joss could add a troupe of singing and dancing CGI aliens to add color to River's barfight scene, replace the Force-ghosts of the 40-odd cowhands that helped rear Mal back on Shadow with Hayden Christensen, replace all shots of Niska with Ian McDiarmid, and replace all English text with Chinese. Then a giant CG Badger1 could confront Mal on his way out of a bar on Persephone, and then the Mudders singing "The Hero of Canton" could be replaced by a lot of boring images of various Canton residents celebrating. And then rerelease it all IN 3D. *clutches original Star Wars theatrical release VHS box-set* Wow, Bitter McBitterson came out to play this morning. Don't mess with a materpiece, Lucas. It's like Leonardo coming back a few years after painting the Mona Lisa to make her smile more obvious, because it was only subtly done the first time. Give us our original theatrical release on DVD! 1 Of course, I meant the character Badger, as played by Mark A Sheppard, but whenever I read that line now, I see Mal being menaced by massive "badgers badgers badgers mushroom mushroom"-or-Monty Python-esque carnivorous burrowing mammals of the family Mustelidae. Which I have to admit would be awesome. I would pay to see Mal being menaced by a giant badger. Priscilla said at 11:39 AM Now this is amusing: Abusing Amazon Images!
Priscilla said at 11:25 AM *snickers*
I woke up this morning, horrified that I had slept through the alarms I had set to go off every two hours. I saw with a thrill of excitement and a sense of impending dread that the "alert" on my URLy was blinking, indicating a change in the website. Then I realized that it was only the date switching, due to's moronic URL system. What a relief! So in short, tickets still aren't on sale and they probably won't go on sale until tomorrow afternoon, but two cities have already jumped the gun, and they sold out within hours. One must be ever vigilant! The tickets shall be mine. Priscilla said at 10:12 AM The RENT trailer, again, yet all shored and proper this time. Looks like higher quality than the version leaked early on that Canadian site, though when I tried playing it, the sound and video didn't quite match up. Oh well. Still shiny.
Priscilla said at 2:40 AM How could I completely forget about the LJ permanent account sale? I lose. This is what I get for reading fanfic instead of checking LJ in class.
Umm... this t-shirt design is funny. Priscilla said at 2:23 AM
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Priscilla said at 11:38 PM Bwee! I just got an email from Barnes & Noble, informing me that Jasper Fforde's next novel, The Big Over-Easy, is going to be released a week earlier than what I had previously thought! July 21st, as opposed to July 27th! *does a little dance*
Of course, that means that the two books I'm most excited about this summer (the other being HP6) now come out within a week of each other, which isn't very cool, but oh well. *skips off to update the Summer Guide* Priscilla said at 1:16 PM This entry has no real purpose; I'm just trying to test this piece of software that auto-detects changes in webpages. It would make the crazy refreshapalooza for Serenity tickets a lot simpler. :D
For those curious: URLy Warning. Priscilla said at 11:23 AM What am I doing on Fanthropology's "History of the Harry Potter Fan Fiction Community"? How is my pathetic Mary Sue Litmus Test a milestone event? I threw it together as a joke, cribbing 9/10s of it from equivalent tests in other fandoms!
Bleh. Priscilla said at 12:12 AM
Monday, June 06, 2005
Stupid people in charge of the Serenity screenings. Regardless of how unbelievably awesome it would be to sell out all 23 screenings without a single official announcement, it's kind of infuriating to do this all on our own. The fans suggested that the tickets were likely go on sale in the middle of the night, probably around 1AM EST (Midnight Central). Being paranoid, I set my alarm to wake me up every two hours. Each time, I remembered vivid dreams of acquiring tickets successfully (then I dreamed my hair was knee-length, so I must have done something right, karmically), so it took a few seconds for me to realize that these were only dreams and that the tickets still weren't on sale. As of this morning, tickets still aren't on sale yet, and fans in other cities are reporting that their Box Office had informed them that tickets won't go on sale until the 7th or the 9th. I wish the people at our local AMC would actually talk to me, to alleviate some of the anxiety.
Priscilla said at 9:20 AM Summer Glau was in tonight's season premiere of The 4400? Why was I not informed of this? You all fail.
Priscilla said at 12:32 AM Silly Fandom Stuff:
Unofficial Smile Time spinoff comic, because there can never be enough Puppet!Angel. Too funny! High-Res pic of the Mal and Jayne Serenity action figures. Rarely have I ever seen so terrified in my entire life. Lost fans petition: Get Hurley Some Lovin' Priscilla said at 12:17 AM
Sunday, June 05, 2005
*looks at rumored list of songs for the RENT movie*
*blinks* Is Mark even in this film? Nearly every one of the songs he leads is cut. And here, I was imagining he was the de facto narrator of the stage production. Tread lightly, Columbus. Priscilla said at 8:27 PM Rewatched the Comic-Con Serenity teaser, just for grins. I recognized pretty much everything, even that which was going by at warp speed, but there seemed to be one moment that was still foreign. Mmm, tantalizing. Let's cross our fingers that the Big Damn DVD has lots of Deleted Scenes!
Meanwhile, I'll be watching for that clip if I manage to score tickets for June 23rd. Priscilla said at 7:53 PM Me: *spends 10 minutes listening to automated "Press 1 for blah, press two for bleh" stuff*
Bored Theatre Customer Service Representative: This is AMC Theatres Valley View 16, how may I help you? Me: I was wondering if you had any details on the "Special Advance Preview" on June 23rd. BTCSR, who has obviously heard this question a LOT in the past few days: We have no further information at this time. Me: Do you happen to know when tickets will go on sale? BTCSR, in a voice that could freeze Beelzebub's summer resort: We have no further information at this time. Me: Okay, thank you. Poor, poor customer service people. And of course, you know I'm still going to call back this evening. Priscilla said at 2:24 PM
Saturday, June 04, 2005
In other news, my fandom is full of hotties. A fandomer asks for confirmation of her theory: "FanArtists are generally better looking than FanFiction Writers," but it looks like a draw. (harhar) Priscilla said at 2:26 AM It looks like the July 23rd screening is definitely Serenity! Tickets are rumored to go on sale Monday; further details here.
I love Joss Whedon fans. Anyway, I just showed Train Job to my parents (my dad came down a few minutes in, with the introduction of Niska's wife's nephew), and my mom at least really enjoyed it. It'll be easier to guage my dad's impression once I feed him the backstory. I have the coolest parents ever. I tend to use Crow's death as a benchmark for whether someone is going to like Firefly: if they're amused, we're in luck. If they're horrified, then maybe we chose the wrong person to try to recruit. Though she enjoyed all non-violent aspects, throughout the entire episode, my mom was audibly wincing through the brawl sequences. As a result, I awaited Crow's demise with great trepidation. I was absolutely delighted when she burst out laughing. Then she told me that if the screening wasn't until the 23rd, I should go online and look for a jumpsuit to cosplay as Kaylee, as I couldn't find anything in Dallas. Again, I reiterate my parents' coolness. Though I'm probably going to as Zoe or River, seeing as how I already have perfectly servicable costumes assembled. Award winning! Or something. "Shindig" next, as I tend to skip "Bushwhacked" when indoctrinating the more squeamish masses. *goes off to watch the "Wash describes Zoe's many appealing qualities" sequence on the Blooper Reel* Priscilla said at 1:12 AM
Friday, June 03, 2005
I knew it! It looks like there's another set of Serenity preview screenings later this month. Fans speculate that the next round will be held June 23rd, at many of the same locations as the May 26th batch. However, though I squeal in delight at the thought of seeing Serenity again, unless my friends are set on going, I think I'll pass. I know how many fans were disappointed by "Sold Out" messages, and I think it's only fair to let some other Dallas Browncoat have a chance to see it.
AND EVERYTHING I JUST WROTE IS A LIE. I AM NEITHER NOBLE NOR SELFLESS! Mom just came in, and I told her of my altruistic intentions, and she said "You wouldn't even go with me?" That was all I needed. MOM AND I ARE SEEING SERENITY JUNE 23RD, IF INDEED IT TURNS OUT TO BE A SERENITY SCREENING! Who else wants to go? Priscilla said at 11:34 PM Showed "Serenity" (the episode) to my mom this evening. She enjoyed it, and she seems open to watching more. Bwaha, come September, I do believe we'll have another Browncoat on our hands!
To reduce confusion, I hereby adopt the following convention: Serenity in italics for the movie. "Serenity" in quotes for the episode. Serenity in plain text for the ship. serenity in lower case for "the absence of mental stress or anxiety", unless it's at the beginning of a sentence, in which case you're out of luck. ...resulting in sentences such as "Captain of the ship Serenity, who rarely experiences serenity, Mal's character in Serenity veers more towards the darker range of his spectrum, even more so than in 'Serenity'." Though hopefully my context should make the distinctions obvious enough. Oh well. If I ever write a sentence like that again, please hit me with a bat. *steps off soapbox* Oh, and BTW, for those of you that do not own Firefly or feel compelled to buy extra sets for lending purposes and/or bringing religiosity to the fuzzy wuzzies, there are some excellent sales going on at both Barnes and Noble and Amazon. Details at Whedonesque. Give yourself and your loved ones the gift of Joss! Priscilla said at 1:54 AM
Thursday, June 02, 2005
P.S.: RENT trailer caps
Priscilla said at 6:56 PM Ownzed! took down the Rent trailer! That's annoying, but also hilarious. Guess we're going to have to wait until the 7th after all, unless someone worked their funky poaching and downloaded it in the brief time it was up.
Edit: You can download it from here. If LJ gives you an error message, join the rent_the_movie community, then you'll be able to view the protected entry. Then you can always leave the community, if you so desire. Or if you have a high-capacity mailbox, email me at priscellie(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll send pass on the file. The file is just under 8Mb. Priscilla said at 6:38 PM Official, non-bootleg RENT trailer up at
Also, images from Serenity on Seeing as how most of them are publicity-style photos and I only recognize a fraction of them from the May 26th screening, I wouldn't really call them spoilery. Priscilla said at 2:31 PM Happy Birthday to Jewel Staite! I wish I could be as awesome as you at age 23.
Priscilla said at 12:21 PM The deadline for the Spinoff Challenge on the Browncoats website was today, so I decided I might as well submit an entry. I entertain myself far too easily. Gotta respect the first rule of fandom: The more esoteric, the more amusing.
I envision an epic tale of life. Adventure. Drama. Intrigue. Food pellets. My story is that of a young girl named Maria and her quirky and surprisingly astute sidekick Simon, the hamster she named after the doctor that reattached her entire leg after a freak tetherball accident. Her dangerous brush with paraplegia awakened her desire to see the universe. Her self-imposed challenge: to travel the galaxy on 6 credits a day.It was either tetherball or unicycling. Other characters considered: Bester, the "Good Dogs" guy in the pilot, Rick Meadows (heroic Mudder beloved of the Pennsylvania Shindig), the crew of the Brutus, Fes Higgins, and YoSafBridge as a futuristic Sydney Bristow. Priscilla said at 12:05 AM
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
A new piece of HP fanart up in my LJ: Umbridge Fires Trelawney. And eeee, I just made Editor's Pick at HP Art Daily! *PREENS*
Priscilla said at 11:59 PM Does anyone know where I can find the Club For Growth anti-Dean ad that started the whole "tax-hiking, government-expanding, latte-drinking, sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New York Times-reading, body-piercing, Hollywood-loving, left-wing freak show" thing? Great googly moogly, that was hilarious.
Priscilla said at 6:09 PM Blogging from my mom's laptop that is now my dad's, as something is horrifically wrong with dad's desktop machine. Guh, this computer is deliciously awesome. It makes me even more excited about my new laptop, which should arrive in a week.
According to, the Rent trailer will debut on AOL June 7th. Priscilla said at 5:43 PM You are bidding on a mint condition, perfectly preserved slice of evil toast.
Link ganked from Indy. Also: "Predicted American Idol winner Carrie Underwood is on my toast!!!!!!!" Some people have WAAAAY too much money. Priscilla said at 2:53 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. |