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Friday, December 30, 2005
![]() I'm in Hydra! I found a pharmacy where I could check my email and purchase some echinacea, as Chungy, my dad, and the world are conspiring to get me sick. I'm still feeling more-or-less fine for the moment, though, so hopefully I can keep it at bay until Little Shop of Horrors auditions.
Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous: perfect sun, deliciously warm! I took a ridiculous number of photographs, which I look forward to sharing with all of you. I woke up early this morning to try to get the sunrise, but unfortunately, today is very overcast. Hopefully I'll get some good light before we leave for Spetses tomorrow. Must be off now! Loff to all! Priscilla said at 3:37 AM
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
![]() I'm in Greece! Note: About 90% of this entry is me whining about travel. Skip to the end if you don't feel like being subjected to my angst.
Highlights of my voyage: Joy: And now, I sleep! I'll post again when I return from the island tour January 1st. Priscilla said at 2:01 PM
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
![]() I'm off! Those that sent me their addresses will get postcards! I'll still have email access, but I won't have time to check my flist, so if anything comes up email me at priscellie (at) gmail.com.
Priscilla said at 12:51 PM ![]() A bunch of amusing political links to keep you company:
Media Matters' Misinformer of the Year and Outrageous Statements of 2005. Jeff Gannon Retrospective Video Craig Ferguson's "Is Bush Drinking?" comedy skit and SNL: Condi vs. Boxer Triumph The Insult Comic Dog vs. Obscure Republicans The Daily Show: Pope TV and Justice Sunday. Ah, how I love CrooksandLiars.com. Priscilla said at 9:08 AM ![]() Got some of the old gang together (Christine, Ashley, and Elizabeth) to see Narnia; then we went to IHOP to feed our Southern cooking withdrawal. Mmmmm, Southern cooking. It's the biggest drawback to living in Philadelphia. It was great to get to catch up with friends I hadn't seen in months!
Priscilla said at 2:43 AM ![]() A Conservative Christian organization describes Serenity as "wholesome fluff."
*falls out of chair laughing* Priscilla said at 2:36 AM
Monday, December 26, 2005
![]() Dear .avi of Doctor Who: The Christmas Invasion that aired on a channel that we don't get,
DOWNLOAD ALREADY. 6Mb in 30 minutes? That's just sad. If you're not finished when I wake up in the morning, there will be WORDS. Pending love, Priscilla Priscilla said at 1:02 AM
Sunday, December 25, 2005
![]() Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam
shehecheyanu v'kiyimanu v'higi'anu laz'man hazeh. (Amein) Chanukkah Tov, Chaverim -- Happy Hanukkah to my friends in the Tribe! Priscilla said at 6:41 PM
Saturday, December 24, 2005
![]() As per tradition:
--Neil Gaiman MERRY CHRISTMAS! Priscilla said at 11:45 PM ![]() Got my Christmas card from DeeDee! Happy Holidays, loffie! *snugs*
And again, if anyone wants a postcard from Greece email me with your address! Priscellie (at) gmail.com, doncha know. Priscilla said at 5:26 PM ![]() Why are all my dreams demented? I dreamed that the kids that play Harry, Ron, and the Weasley twins were all children of Stephen Colbert, and I was trying to catch the eye of another of his sons that looked like a mini version of Will Bailey on West Wing.
A few nights ago, I dreamed I was Jack Sparrow and I wanted to make myself a salad, but then a bunch of people joined me, so I gave my salad to an old lady, then made salad for all the other women present, then everyone else, and by the time I was able to make my own salad, Barbossa and his gang came around and started acting all intimidating, so I gave Barbossa my salad and ran away. Part of my Book 7 dream centered around horcruxes that reflected each of Harry's 7 Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers. Lockhart corresponded to a flamboyantly gay dance instructor Voldemort once had, as he had a passion for musical theatre (and a crush on McGonagall). My brain is a scary place to live. Priscilla said at 11:42 AM
Friday, December 23, 2005
![]() Bwee! Harper Collins published Crowley and Aziraphale's New Year's Resolutions early!
Priscilla said at 7:26 PM ![]() I'm HOME! Actually, I got home yesterday, but I just couldn't be bothered to blog. :D
Saw Memoirs of a Geisha with Mom (which was awesome), and I look forward to (hopefully!) seeing King Kong, Brokeback Mountain, and The Producers before heading off to Greece with Chungy on the 27th. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I cannot get over how cool that is going to be! I'm planning on bringing my body weight in film. Mail call: Got Christmas cards from Heidi, Renata (actually it was a belated birthday card, but whatever), Natalia, and Sannali! Alas, as I feared, my dad's Christmas gift didn't arrive in time. And if you want a postcard from Greece, send me your address at priscellie (at) gmail.com. Also, from Gneil's blog: Terry Pratchett and I have written Aziraphale and Crowley's New Year's resolutions. They'll be up somewhere at HarperCollins.com just after Christmas.GLEE. Priscilla said at 12:08 PM
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
![]() I noticed an ad in the Daily Pennsylvanian advertising an apartment with C/A. Now, A/C I get. But C/A? Does that mean that the inhabitants ship Carrot/Angua? Or Crowley/Aziraphale or Cordy/Angel? C/A already has far too many fandom associations. Why must housing ads tread already trampled turf?
Amusing Links of the Day: SNL's Chronic(les) of Narnia Rap Naill_renfro's Narnia parody Indy's LotR Nostalgia Picspam The Discovery Channel: G-String-Clad Gladiator Found (from DeeDee) Priscilla said at 11:51 PM ![]() A very amusing article from TV Guide: Buffy's creator gazes into the future of TV.
Priscilla said at 8:30 PM ![]() Done! Physics was just about what I expected. Now off to Cosi with Ko to enjoy Spinach and Artichoke dip and other type goodies.
I have to leave for the airport at 4-4:30 tomorrow for a 6AM flight. Originally I was thinking of just staying awake, but now I'm thinking not so much. So tired. ZZZZZZzzzz. Priscilla said at 5:49 PM ![]() Ah, Tucker Carlson. The Daily Show is going to have so much to talk about when it comes back from its holiday break! Last week, MSNBC host Tucker Carlson, a well-known conservative pundit, let loose with a string of anti-Canada rants.
"Anybody with any ambition at all, or intelligence, has left Canada and is now living in New York," he said. "Canada is a sweet country. It is like your retarded cousin you see at Thanksgiving and sort of pat him on the head. You know, he's nice but you don't take him seriously. That's Canada." Carlson also said it's pointless to tell Canada to stop criticizing the United States. "It only eggs them on. Canada is essentially a stalker, stalking the United States, right? Canada has little pictures of us in its bedroom, right?" ... "It's unrequited love between Canada and the United States. We, meanwhile, don't even know Canada's name. We pay no attention at all," he said. Priscilla said at 11:58 AM ![]() EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Hot Topic now carries Serenity merchandise. Of course, I already have my own handmade version of the Medallion tee and I'm not as fond of the "My Turn" design, but still. Look at some of the potential designs we may see in the future! Glee! Our first real official merchandise. I wonder what effect this will have on the thriving fan-made merch economy?
(And of course, today I happen to be wearing my "I can kill you with my brain" tee from Shiny Shirts, in hopes that it will help me to thoroughly pwn my physics exam!) Priscilla said at 11:20 AM ![]() DUDE. I just dreamed that I dreamed a huge chunk of the 7th Harry Potter book. If the real ending is anywhere as cool as my dream-ending, it's going to ROCK.
Priscilla said at 9:01 AM
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
![]() So much Joss Whedon love today! (Have you bought your copy of Serenity yet?) One post on the joys of "Release-of-Serenity Day" and the other correcting Entertainment Weekly assumption that Joss would not be returning to the Firefly 'verse.
"I hate Serenity, I hated Firefly, I think my fans are stupid and Nathan Fillion smells like turnips." and "It's like Christmas in July--in December!" (reg req) Also, here's a really fun interview with Nathan! Priscilla said at 10:41 PM ![]() Tonight, the reek of cigarette smoke was particularly obnoxious, so I wedged our door open. It comes in from the vent in our kitchen, and unless it has somewhere else to go, it makes a beeline for my desk and hovers about me in a toxic cloud. In a nice twist, our open door served as an encouragement for people to hang out with us. First M (Ko's roommate freshman year) came by, then Alex. M, who had declared last year that she was a lesbian, told us that she was getting back together with her 38-year-old ex-boyfriend, and Alex, our beloved gayboy, told us that he was going to come out to his parents this Friday.
"It's just our night to be visited by gay people!" Ko observed. "First it was gayness past, then gayness present... will the next person be gayness future?" I pondered. The next people to come by were Deep and Nikki, whom we decided will totally turn gay for each other, despite displaying nothing but heterosexual tendencies. "Maybe they'll pull a Willow!" I suggested. But then their heterosexuality was spared when Lisa (also gay) came by, and we decided that because she had not had sex yet, she could be our individual of Gayness Yet To Be. And all this was triggered by the visitation, not of the ghost of Marley, but of the smoky presence of what X-Files fans know as Morleys: the Cigarette Smoking Man's preferred brand. And now that Ko and I have had our Final Exam Eve visitation of homosexuals, we'll grab a Christmas goose (actually chicken flavored Ramen), plum pudding (actually Izzy & Zoe's apple crumble), and a new crutch for Tiny Tim. God Bless Us, Every One! Priscilla said at 9:56 PM ![]() Two awesome new links today!
Pandora -- heard about it on Air America Radio. It's a free (and completely legal) music listening service. Write in a song or an artist you like, and based on the different musical qualities that exemplify that song/artist, it'll generate an endless playlist (or "radio station") of songs that it predicts you will like. I was in a Muse mood this evening, so that's what I used for my input. Amusingly enough, the song it played to exemplify Muse was "Time Is Running Out," the song I'm eventually vidding. Then the first song it recommended for me was by one of my sister's favourite bands! I'm going to have to borrow some of her CDs over Christmas... MyHeritage Face Recognition -- submit a picture of yourself, and it'll tell you what celebrities you resemble. Ganked from Kell! Picture #1: (not smiling) Grace Kelly 52% (dude!) Katrina Kaif 50% Aaliyah 49% Picture #2: (smiling) Anne Frank 67% (hurr?) Lucille Ball 65% Alyson Hannigan 60% (or not) Picture #3: (a baby photo) Pierce Brosnan 60% (ha!) Gene Hackman 59% Thierry Henry 58% A chorus of "umm... no?" to the lot of them, but still fun! Priscilla said at 8:24 PM ![]() Best. Headline. Ever.
Drunken Santas run riot in Auckland A group of 40 people dressed in Santa Claus outfits, many of them drunk, went on a rampage through Auckland, New Zealand's largest city, robbing stores, assaulting security guards and urinating from highway overpasses, police said Sunday...Also, "Drunken Santa Riot" would be a great name for a rock band. Priscilla said at 8:20 PM ![]() Serenity is released today! Buy it for all your friends, loved ones, random passersby, and even mortal enemies! Makes a great gift for Christmas, the War on Christmas, Hanukkah, Chanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Festivus, Winter Solstice, Atheist Kids Get Presents Day, generic Holiday Season, and any late December birthday and/or anniversary! Also the top selling DVD at Amazon. Fifty million Elvis fans can't be wrong!
Priscilla said at 3:35 PM ![]() GO ME. Just got my Poli Sci final paper back, and if I hadn't turned it in a day late, it would have been an A/A+! As is, I have a B/B+. *does a groovy dance*
To celebrate, here is a movie of a freakishly flexible woman doing a bendy gymnastics dance. I am so very afraid, yet I can't look away... Priscilla said at 3:16 PM
Monday, December 19, 2005
![]() I am cheered from my rage and disappointment by the fact that WE ARE #1, WE ARE #1 HEY! at Amazon, and it isn't even released until tomorrow. Top Seller: Serenity! BOOYEAH. And the Firefly box set is #9. SO GOOD.
In the meantime, I have eaten all my leftovers, and I have nothing in the kitchen but oatmeal, granola, and Ramen. When I get back to school after the holiday break, I'm going to have a major grocery spree. My diet for the next three days: delivery from CampusFood.com! Oh wait, I lie! I still have a small container of wonton soup, and a few nibbles of Appley Ever After. That, oatmeal, granola, and Ramen. I win at the Frat boy gastronomic lifestyle. After the break, I'm whipping out my recipes and making some real food. Priscilla said at 7:43 PM ![]() I SUCK I SUCK I SUCK. Just realized that I absentmindedly put my dorm for the shipping address on my Dad's Christmas present a few days ago, and I doubt it will arrive before I leave. There's the barest smidgen of a chance we'll overlap, but I don't think it's likely. GRAAAGH.
Priscilla said at 7:24 PM
Sunday, December 18, 2005
![]() The latest from JibJab: The Year 205
Priscilla said at 3:33 PM
Friday, December 16, 2005
![]() Well, the Computer Science final went significantly better than I thought it would, but that's what I thought about the midterm (Mrs. Krabappel: "At least it's a high F!"). I guess it'll just depend on how nice the graders feel like being and how the curve works out. *crosses fingers*
Four down, one to go! Physics on Wednesday. But now I relax! Priscilla said at 4:30 PM ![]() Three down! And now, I scurry to #4!
Priscilla said at 11:48 AM
Thursday, December 15, 2005
![]() Just took a four-hour nap, full of really intense dreams. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was gone, and it felt like a full night's sleep. Someone must have been sleep-deprived! To give you an idea of the weirdness quotient of said dreams, the last was a crossover between Pirates of the Caribbean and Peter Pan.
I've found that when I dream really intense dreams, I drool. This has been "things you never knew about Priscilla and probably didn't want to." Priscilla said at 4:32 PM ![]() Dear Smokers of Hamilton College House,
I know that you know the dorm's strict "No Smoking within 20 feet of the building" policy. I understand that it's cold outside. But just because you don't want to be cold doesn't give you the right to smoke in your rooms or the stairways, filling our rooms with noxious fumes via the ventilation ducts. This is Philadelphia! We don't have a smoking ban! Find a bar or a restaurant and light up there. If I catch you smoking in the building, I will shove a boot where the sun don't shine. No love, Priscilla Priscilla said at 11:21 AM ![]() Wow. I don't know if I just knew the material better or if the questions were just less tricky, but I feel really good about my PoliSci final. Whoda thunk it?
Priscilla said at 10:50 AM ![]() Feh. Today is only Day 2 of exams, yet I feel like I've gone through a week of them. Instead of taking my PoliSci exam, could I just take a nap? That sounds fair. *trudges off to the trenches*
Priscilla said at 8:22 AM ![]() Aww! My ikkle prospie got in to Penn!
Priscilla said at 6:17 AM
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
![]() Almost as funny as the comic itself is the mere idea of Harry Potter and Aslan at a bus stop together. Also the idea of Dumbledore biting Voldemort's face off.
And speaking of wizards named Harry, I just made the connection today that the height difference between Harry and Murphy is double that of Mulder and Scully. 5' vs. 6'6", whereas (according to IMDB) Duchovny and Anderson are a mere 6' and 5'3". That's like M and Matt! M is 4'11" and Matt is 6'5". I wish I still had my picture of them standing next to each other. Stupid me and my stupid "oh, I don't need this picture anymore!" purges. And speaking of height differences (wow, I'm all about the segue today!), did you guys see Howard Stern on The Daily Show? Howard was a full head taller than Jon. I always forget Jon is only 5'7"! They hugged and did a little dance. It was beautiful. And speaking of beautiful, my math textbook arrived this afternoon. $25 (including shipping) for an $80 book. God bless Speaking of New Delhi... I got nothin'. Priscilla said at 6:30 PM ![]() For those who felt their fandoms were cheated in the nicknaming of planet Xena and her moon Gabrielle, meet Kuiper Belt Object Buffy the Theory Slayer.
Priscilla said at 12:04 PM ![]() Who ROYALLY TROUNCED her Psych exam? Oh yeah, that would be me. *grooves*
Priscilla said at 12:02 PM ![]() As the torrent itself is a bit pathetic, I uploaded the episode itself to SendSpace. I also emailed the folks at Whedonesque, as I feel the fandom should know. And maybe I can swing a membership out of this!
Okay now, less The Inside and more studying for Psych. Priscilla said at 6:03 AM
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
![]() Dude! There's an unaired episode of The Inside on TorrentSpy! Interesting that they chose not to air this one. While the subject matter is touchy, it's nowhere near as graphic as the aired episodes. Darkety dark dark! And hey, look! Celeste Kane with a baby! I'm having Veronica Mars flashbacks.
I wish this show had continued--I would have loved to see what they did with character arcs. Priscilla said at 9:43 PM ![]() It may not be Monday, but I feel like
Keith: My-Neer. Emphasized in such a way that "I watch the many shows of Tim Minear" would be iambic pentameter. My god I need a life. Keith: You're right! My new favourite Greek phrase is "MiLAte AngliKA?", which means "Do you speak English?" gg83: "Ventas Servitas" is a Dresden Files thing. It's Harry's spellword for conjuring wind. And as James did the audio books, it just seemed appropriate. XD Priscilla said at 6:35 PM ![]() HAPPIEST OF HAPPY BIRTHDAYS TO MY BESTEST FRIEND CHUNGY! She joins me in 21-hood! *does a happy birthday dance*
Priscilla said at 1:23 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
![]() Looks like Fox has greenlit Tim Minear's newest pilot. Given Tim's past history, I'm placing my wager at "6 episodes aired." Who else wants a piece of the action?
In the meantime, when is ITV4 going to start airing the unaired episodes of The Inside? Still curious to see as to whether Tim made good on his "promise" to put Adam Baldwin in a kilt. XD Priscilla said at 9:04 PM
Sunday, December 11, 2005
![]() You know how in those language guides, they don't tell you how to simply say, "I don't speak Greek"? Shouldn't that be the first thing you learn how to say?
Priscilla said at 9:40 PM ![]() The "Year in Review" Meme! Take the first sentence from the first post of each month and make a paragraph. Mine makes an amusing amount of sense!
Well, it's the new year! Finally, a time and date for The Pierre Heist, the TV movie starring James Marsters. Mmmm, feeling much better. Blogger ate the post I was composing Thursday morning, detailling recent fannish stuff. *hums Camelot's "Lusty Month of May", as per tradition* You are bidding on a mint condition, perfectly preserved slice of evil toast. Firefly Photoshop Silliness in my LJ. Very awesome and rather lengthy interview with Joss Whedon! I just got a $150 textbook for $30. *snickers quietly for a few seconds, before erupting into a great guffaw* Got the poop on the Serenity DVD coming out on December 20th, just in time for Christmas! Veronica Mars. Priscilla said at 4:37 PM ![]() So who will be the one to win my everlasting love, worship, and devotion and make a fanvid of the Death Eater bits in Goblet of Fire to the Chad Mitchell Trio's "Friendly Liberal Neighborhood Ku Klux Klan"?
Priscilla said at 4:32 PM ![]() All your base are belong to Susie.
Priscilla said at 4:16 PM
Saturday, December 10, 2005
![]() From Wonkette's The War on Christmas: Mutually Assured Embarrassment, via Indy:
"But be careful what you wish for: if the President was to learn of a mysterious trio of swarthy gentlemen smuggling goods to a newly born child who's destined to grow up to be the leader of a Middle East insurgency, he'd have Colin Powell up at the United Nations portentiously waving around a vial of frankincense. They bomb mangers, don't they?"Bill O'Reilly accuses Jonathan Stewart Leibowitz of being anti-Christian. Jon Responds. Speaking of scary evangelicals, go here to see a truly frightening human being. From Trading Spouses. For actual war-on-Christmas, here's a link to a highly amusing Unitarian Universalist filk of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen." And totally unrelated, but hilarious: A report from the set of Brokeback Mountain. "Ang Lee recounted in several interviews that when Michelle Williams needed to film a scene in which her character is devastated to discover that her husband is involved with another man, she asked Heath Ledger (her off-screen, as well as on-screen, love interest) and Jake Gyllenhaal to stand off camera and make out for her benefit. Ledger and Gyllenhaal agreed, and when she thought their kissing was not involved enough, she asked them to intensify it." Priscilla said at 6:12 PM ![]() I can't make changes to previous entries without it doubleposting on the RSS feed, so let me amend my Narnia review to state that Ko was "writhing" in her seat, not "writing."
The statement about Mr. Tumnus + Me = OTP remains incontestable. Priscilla said at 2:28 PM
Friday, December 09, 2005
![]() I might not post again for a while. Mr. Tumnus and I are running off together, getting married, and having ten thousand tiny, Scottish-accented, scarf-wearing, human/calf hybrid babies. Just so you know.
So Ko, Aaron, and I saw Narnia, which was fabulous. I'm still in the throes of a costume/makeup/special effects-gasm. I absolutely adored the White Witch's costumes, and I was very impressed with the creature shop and creature special effects work. Aslan was nothing short of amazing. I applaud Rhythm & Hues for finding the right balance between realistic and cartoony/anthropomorphic for the animals. And the music? Love. I last read the books when I was quite ikkle, so I didn't have as firm a grasp on how closely it followed the source material, but Ko, who reread the book last week, was squealing with glee and writing in her seat, so I get the impression that it was quite faithful. XD See it if you haven't already! Priscilla said at 11:52 PM
Thursday, December 08, 2005
![]() Bwee! Caps from the three-second Dresden Files teaser on Sci-Fi! Paul Blackthorne as Harry = YES.
Priscilla said at 10:10 PM ![]() Mmmflg. Should have saved Veronica for later and slept all afternoon, instead of only letting myself get an hour and a half of sleep. I don't wanna go to a group meeting for my Cinema Production class! I don't wannt leave my warm, comfy bed! Morpheus beckons. Trudging out to the Fine Arts building in the freezing cold does not sound appealing.
In other news, you're skiing in shark-filled waters, Veronica. At least this week's episode wasn't quite as hokey as last week's, but come on. Where is the brilliance of last season? The whole Meg subplot is so soap opera-ish I want to suffocate myself with cartoon birds. Yay at Wallace being back, but does this mean we have to get back to putting up with Skanky McWhatserface? Priscilla said at 5:36 PM ![]() Back in my room! Got food, got Veronica: I'm ready to relax!
Priscilla said at 1:56 PM ![]() Woohoo, finished! And I was able to slip in three hours of sleep last night! Off to Ko for a quick peer edit (how much do I love having an English/Poli Sci dual major for a roommate?), then I'm home free!
Well, home free as soon as I do my CSE homework. Then I'll do the Physics homework that's due tomorrow, watch last night's Veronica Mars, sleep for 12 hours straight, and emerge a new woman! A new woman that will be spending a significant portion of the weekend working on Cinema Productions stuff, as the movie has to be finished by the 16th, and cramming for exams. Bleh. Priscilla said at 8:59 AM ![]() Curse you, Lost. I keep wanting to refer to Rousseau as "she."
Paper update: Getting there! Have caved and eaten my precious Appley Ever After with waffle, but only to give me the sustenance to complete my task! Ooh, and tomorrow afternoon, when life is wonderful again, I'll have a fresh episode of Veronica Mars as a reward! No new Lost eps for several weeks, if I recall. Priscilla said at 12:12 AM
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
![]() Psst! Priscilla! Finish your paper by midnight, and you can have Appley Ever After on waffles!
Mmm, good thinking, Priscilla's id! *types* Priscilla said at 10:07 PM ![]() Is there an adjective form of "anathema"?
Edit: There is now. Priscilla said at 9:44 PM ![]() Nothing like unholy terror to get the creative juices flowing. My paper is prodding buttock.
Priscilla said at 8:06 PM ![]() I don't usually curse, but DAMMIT. DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT. I had EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL. I was going to overcome the obstacles my professors placed before me with grace, poise, and academic eloquence. Now I re-check my PoliSci syllabus to see what time tomorrow the paper is due, and I see DECEMBER 7TH, 4PM. I have no idea how I could have made this mistake. RRRGH, I'm furious with myself! If necessary, I could have finished it last night! Or if I'd gone to Lecture today rather than staying in my room to work, Professor Lustick would have certainly mentioned the due date, and I could have emailed Josh and skipped Cinema Production class to finish the paper by the 4PM deadline.
Off to email the TA and beg for an extension to tomorrow morning. And now I'm going to have a grade deduction, and I was so pleased with the direction the paper was going, and ARRRRGH. Priscilla said at 6:30 PM ![]() Woohoo! My revised credits sequence for my Cinema Production class was a huge hit. It better have been, as I spent nearly 6 hours on it last night, in addition to the 5 hours I spent on the original sequence last week.
One nightmare down, three to go! Due tomorrow: Priscilla said at 5:57 PM ![]() Wow. As soon as school calms down, I really need to clean out my gmail box. I have 1010 emails. (Not unread, mind you. Just that I haven't deleted or whatever.) If I had a dalmatian puppy for every email in my box, I could make ten coats!
Priscilla said at 8:26 AM
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
![]() ![]() Oh Great Cthulhu!I have been an extremely industrious devotee this year. When the stars were right, I made a burnt offering to the Dead Dreamer (100 points). In May, I rammed a ship into you (sorry Cthulhu!) (-1000 points). In December, I burnt my copy of the Necronomicon (-75 points). In September, I wore an Elder Sign (-10 points). In November, I recruited In short, I have been very bad (-975 points) and deserve to have my body used as a host for one of your servitors. Your humble and obedient servant, priscellie Submit your own plea to Cthulhu! Priscilla said at 8:21 PM ![]() "Is it Christmas?" Mal asks. It most certainly is! My gift to you all: The Serenity gag reel.
And now, back to the grindstone! Priscilla said at 8:04 PM ![]() Just got an $80 textbook for $25 and change, including shipping. For my second class, I already owned the book (got it for $5 from a graduating DMDer), and the third doesn't have a textbook. Still waiting to hear about the fourth class, and I doubt my independent study will have a book.
Spring semester = WIN. Priscilla said at 10:06 AM
Monday, December 05, 2005
![]() If your performance in a golf game was sub-par, would that mean you did really badly, or really well?
This thought has been brought to you by the Priscilla Has a Lot of Work to Do For This Week But Is Having Difficulty Bringing Herself to Buckle Down and Do It Foundation. Priscilla said at 10:48 PM ![]() X3 pics of Beast and Angel!
And speaking of people named Angel, do any RENT fans know where I can find high-res pictures of Angel in the Santa outfit? Any actor will do. Priscilla said at 4:01 PM
Sunday, December 04, 2005
![]() You know how Serenity doesn't come out on DVD for another 2+ weeks?
![]() Yeah, they're real. Suggested caption: "My precioussss..." Full story with my big Shindig report post! Priscilla said at 5:14 PM
Saturday, December 03, 2005
![]() Whee, off to the NYC Browncoats Holiday Shindig! Back tomorrow afternoon.
Priscilla said at 10:15 AM
Friday, December 02, 2005
![]() Wow. Check out FictionAlley's amazing new search engine! (I only wish there were equivalent engines for the fandoms I actually read from!)
And tangentially related, here's a lovely essay from Barb on Lost, and how to make a character sympathetic. Wordy McWord. Priscilla said at 11:51 PM ![]() Hmph. Am irritated, as I just realized that I don't have anything to submit for this semester's undergraduate juried art show. Last year, I entered Destruction, Desire, and Death, and was chosen as one of 5 students (out of 300+ submissions) to win the Juror's Award. But the rules say that submitted art work must have been done for a class, and I don't have anything from the past year that qualifies. I suppose I could spruce up some of the lighting and texturing for "Little Old Lady Land" and submit a few stills? Bah. Why couldn't I have taken a real Fine Arts course this semester? And here I was all excited about the prospect of submitting some of my recent photography...
Priscilla said at 11:29 PM ![]() Oops, didn't notice that my Four Houses: An Interpretive Dance! link was broken. It's fixed now.
*watches it for the umpteenth time* Man, that just never gets old. Priscilla said at 9:55 PM ![]() Can anyone look at this picture and not think "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"? (or, y'know, "Ventas Servitas!", but that ship has sailed...)
From here. Priscilla said at 7:13 PM ![]() Ko and I got up to quite a bit of sillyness last night, and she insisted I post this. I present, for your entertainment and spiritual wellbeing, The Four Houses: An Interpretive Dance! (18mb, about 10 sec)
Priscilla said at 6:19 PM ![]() *snorks* Amazon has a new feature (or at least, a feature I hadn't noticed before) called "keywords." Here are the keywords for Serenity:
Loyalty | Interracial Marriage | Freedom | Future War | Gatling Gun | Katana Sword | Shepherd | Pilot | Funeral | Impalement | Kitchen Scene | Firefly | Fugitive | Priest | Shoot Out | Female Pilot | Cgi | Interracial Friendship | Companion | Female Warrior | 2500s | Alliance | Operative | Mind Control | Android | Cannibal | Husband Wife Relationship | Shot In The Leg | Interracial Love Relationship | Hologram | Mechanic | Steampunk | Loss Of Friend | Stabbed In The Foot | Martial Arts | Subliminal Message | Resistance | Broken Arm | Returning Character Killed Off | Super Soldier | Reavers | Stabbed In The Chest | Bickering | Space Travel | Doctor | Veteran | Brother Sister Relationship | Space Battle | Ex Soldier | Shot In The Back | Camouflage | Mercy Killing | Corpse | Body Armor | Terraforming | Shot In The Shoulder | Studio Logo Segues Into Film | Cannibalism | Wedding Ceremony | Shot In The Chest | Child Murder | Shot To Death | Blood Splatter | Slit Throat | Attempted Suicide | Death Of Child | Shot In The Neck | Attempted Murder | Spaceship | Wisecrack Humor | Eaten Alive | Kicked In The Crotch | Title Spoken By Character | Shot In The Hand | Deceit | Spaceship Crash | Futuristic | Space | Based On TV Series | Space Western | Captain | Anti Hero | Humor Half the "wounds" mentioned I don't even remember happening... and the huge number of "interracial" comments crack me up. Wash and Zoe's differing ethnicities are probably one of the last things you notice about the couple. I'm surprised there's no keyword to encapsulate the romance of Mr. Universe and the BuffyBot. Also, the mentions of "impalement" and "wedding ceremony" crack me up. Now I'm imagining that spoilerific scene in Serenity with a StrongBad voice over: "Impalement!" Oh, I'm going to fandom hell. :D Priscilla said at 10:14 AM ![]() Oh, weird! Out of curiosity, I checked Amazon to see if we had a release date for the Mirrormask DVD. (They do: February 7th.) But you know how Amazon always does those "buy this movie/book/CD with this second movie/book/CD and save a few bucks" deals? Usually the two items are related in some way, part of the same series or by the same director. For some unfathomable reason, Mirrormask's partner is Serenity. The only connection I can think of it that they came out on the same day. Then there was that TIME interview with Neil and Joss, but neither of those seem significant enough. Oh well. Serenity's partner is Firefly, which is to be expected. Anyway, yay word-of-mouth-esque publicity!
Priscilla said at 10:04 AM
Thursday, December 01, 2005
![]() We caught a mouse.
I really wish the traps worked instantly. They would be so much less traumatic that way. So you wait a few minutes until you're sure it's dead, but the beady black eyes look the same as they do when the mouse is alive, and it looks like it's staring you down, but it's skull is just crushed, and it's dangling limply from the trap, and you know you're likely to hear that soft "snap" again some time this winter and just because you opened the trash chute and let the dead mouse fall, fall 22 stories, you can't stop it from happening again, and you shouldn't still be seeing those beady eyes, bulging accusingly from their sockets, because I like cheese and peanut butter, too. So passes the lesser pointed archer. Priscilla said at 8:09 PM ![]() A fun meme! Ganked from corellianjedi.
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, (even if we don't speak often) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me. It can be anything you want - good or bad - BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE. When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your LJ and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON'T ACTUALLY remember about you. Priscilla said at 7:57 PM ![]() Yet another Lost/Harry Potter crackfic!
Priscilla said at 7:50 PM ![]() Oh! I forgot to mention that I randomly ran into Aaron at lunch yesterday. It seems every time I go to Pizza Rustica, he's there! We chatted a bit, and he mentioned that the Spring Fling musical will be Little Shop of Horrors. GLEE! I rejoiced, as it's been one of my favourite (if not the favourite) musicals since I was in... what, 2nd grade?
I can't wait to audition! Priscilla said at 7:28 PM ![]() What does it say about me that I like Kate more now that she's actually murdered somebody? It takes away the whole irritating "poor me, I cannot tell my friends the truth, even though I didn't really do anything wrong!" vibe. Her actions make so much more sense now!
As for shirtless!Jin, YOWZA. Now I know why Sun was so eager to get off Sawyer duty! I feel much better about my powers of observation--shirtless!Jin was going on while I was still watching basketball on UPN and willing it to become Veronica Mars. I didn't turn the TV to ABC until the second act, when Kate was talking to her mother in the diner. Meanwhile, WAH. The internet needs a new convention for spoilers. The day after episodes air, we need distinctions between "spoilers for last night's episode" and "spoilers for future episodes." I just clicked on a link and saw something about next week's Veronica Mars episode that I didn't want to see. Woe! Priscilla said at 2:55 PM ![]() Who pointed me to Simply Potterific, a highly amusing series of fan comics? Was it Makani? I do believe it was she!
Anyway, very funny! Check it out! Priscilla said at 11:08 AM ![]() Also? Cassidy/Mac OTP.
Priscilla said at 11:01 AM ![]() Oh, WOW. Two weeks of durr?-inducing Math just clicked. The action of clicking actually hurt my brain, like some kind of metal part snapped. But yay, stuff makes sense now! Except the last two problems of the homework, which make sense, but I just have no idea how to solve them. :D
I think that when a TA has to cancel office hours, she should have to find someone to take her place. Just a thought. Priscilla said at 10:41 AM ![]() Veronica Mars. Capes and a sidecar. Someone PLEASE Photoshop that so I don't have to!
Good god I love this show. As for Lost, even though it was a Kate episode, I really should have paid more attention, rather than just listening to the audio while chatting online, taking only occasional glances at the screen. I completely missed shirtless!Jin, which is a tragedy. To the BitTorrent, Robin! Also: Sayid on TV? Maybe he won the lottery, too! Or maybe they were watching Bride and Prejudice or The Kama Sutra, both of which are very appropriate for military installations. But heeeeey! The little swivel mirror I have next to my laptop for whenever I'm doing facial modeling/animation can be easily moved a few inches to reflect my TV! Why didn't I think of that last night? Priscilla said at 10:27 AM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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