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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
![]() *laughs* Oh, win! Bryan Fuller said at Comic Con that a musical episode of Pushing Daisies is "inevitable." For a cast that includes Kristin Chenoweth and Ellen Greene? Yes please! :D
I've now seen the pilots of Pushing Daisies, Chuck, and Reaper. All three were lots of fun! I feel good about this new fall season. Half of the shows I watched last year were canceled (Veronica Mars, Drive, Studio 60, and you know The Dresden Files was canceled even though they haven't made a formal announcement), so I have some nice openings in my schedule! Chuck was delightfully geeky and has Adam Baldwin, but Jake 2.0 did it better. I'll probably watch the next couple episodes, but the pilot didn't really grab me. I'll probably pass on it. Reaper was absolutely hilarious, and I look forward to seeing if the next batch of episodes can match the pilot's evil brilliance when they aren't directed by Kevin Smith. Could go either way. Pushing Daisies was a treat. I understand the network was looking for a show with a fairy tale sensibility and an Amelie flavor, and I'd say they succeeded. It could run the risk of becoming too cloying and cutesy, but I'll trust in Bryan Fuller's genius to keep it from stepping over the line. Oh, Bryan Fuller! My heart beats! You co-gave me Wonderfalls and Heroes, and for that you win my eternal gratitude and love. For those curious, I'm currently watching Burn Notice and Flight of the Conchords. If you're not watching FotC, boy are you missing out! All my coworkers are obsessed with it, so sometimes I forget that other people aren't as crazy about it as we are. It follows the adventures of a folk duo from New Zealand as they seek to achieve fame and success in New York City, and it's pretty much the funniest thing ever. Every episode is chock-full of musical interludes, for example: The Humans Are Dead and It's Business Time. Also John Hodgman cameoed in a recent episode! Waaaatch iiiiiiiit. And finally, Japan brings us Human Tetris. Labels: bryan fuller, flight of the conchords, john hodgman, pushing daisies Priscilla said at 9:33 AM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
![]() Things that are awesome in the Potter world: (ALL LINKS CONTAIN SPOILERS)
Violet's explanation for yesterday's LJ outage Rowling Plans Hogwarts Encyclopedia JKR SEES MY OTP! -- article about details of the characters' futures not included in the epilogue! Labels: harry potter Priscilla said at 5:22 PM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
![]() I posted pictures from the Union Square Book 7 Release in my LJ here! Spoiler-free!
And can someone please link me to the "spoilery" New York Times article? I want to read it and decide for myself. Labels: costuming, harry potter Priscilla said at 9:28 PM ![]() I wrote a big LJ entry detailing My Deathly Hallows Predictions And How They Panned Out. Also, a meme! SPOILERS ABOUT IN BOTH.
Also, download Bloomsbury's webcast of JK Rowling reading the first chapter of Deathly Hallows here! 18mb, sorry. Labels: harry potter Priscilla said at 7:27 AM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
![]() Last night I went to see Vienna Teng and Christina Courtin in concert. Too awesome! Vienna Teng is quite possibly my favourite artist at the moment, and I was positively gleeful last week to see her name on Union Hall's website when I was browsing for info on the Jonathan Coulton concert. Union Hall is a small, intimate venue in Brooklyn, and its casual and slightly offbeat atmosphere would make it just the kind of hangout I'd frequent if I lived closer. I'm so happy to have discovered it!
Vienna was wonderful and charismatic in person, and to my delight, she played just about all of my favourite songs. I was sitting a little too close to the speakers for comfort and as a result had to listen with a finger on one ear, but I guess that's what happens when you get out of work at 7, the doors open at 7:30, and it takes about 45 minutes to get there. I still had a fantastic time! She opened with "Blue Caravan," a song that has particular significance to me as my roommate choreographed to it last spring. And at the request of me and another random guy in the back, she played my favourite song of hers, "The Tower," performing it solo for the first time. Fabulous! I was particularly impressed with Vienna's percussionist, who was totally hardcore. It was so awesome to see how many bizarre instruments he played and added to the mix. Said instruments included a glockenspiel, a tambourine that he STOMPED on, an ordinary plastic box (which he also sat on), and a weird sci-fi looking thing I've never encountered before that resembled a metal sphere with spikes, played with a bow. After Vienna Teng finished, I spontaneously decided to stay for the other act, even though it was getting late. I'm so glad I did! I'd never heard of Christina Courtin before, but I totally fell in love with her. She seemed so HAPPY when she sang! She performed barefoot, and she gave the impression that she was singing with her whole body, dancing around totally without pretense or self-consciousness. My favourite part was when she sang a cover of The Beatles' "Honey Pie." She was so freaking adorable! I am totally gay for her. XD Here she is on YouTube, singing one of the songs she also sang last night. Three cheers for living in New York! Labels: christina courtin, music, vienna teng Priscilla said at 3:03 PM
Monday, July 16, 2007
![]() Hilarious, but not appropriate for anyone: Alternate Harry Potter Covers, for people who are "too old or too awesome to be seen reading the books."
Labels: harry potter Priscilla said at 3:58 PM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
![]() Let it be known throughout the land that Kat gives the best hugs in the entire history of the universe.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Labels: nerd glee Priscilla said at 9:01 PM ![]() So. Scans of the epilogue of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows have reached the internet. If anyone so much as HINTS that any character so much as SNEEZES in this book, I will disembowel them with a pair of gardening shears.
THIS JOURNAL IS SPOILER-FREE AND WILL REMAIN SO UNTIL THE 27th, A WEEK AFTER THE BOOK IS RELEASED. If any spoilers are posted in the comments, I will track the offender's IP, hunt them down, and rip off their nose with my teeth and EAT IT. With OREGANO. If you wish to link to a post/article/whatever that has spoilers in the comments, please CLEARLY MARK IT so! In the meantime, delight in the fact that fans can get a portion of the book read aloud by JK Rowling at the time its released in Britain. That's 5+ hours in advance for us colonials! Heidi has the scoop in her LJ. And speaking of the book, I dreamed that one of my computer science professors from Penn was heading an effort to get the entire book scanned and OCRed, and he'd gotten all but chapters 2-5 by the time I heard about it. I had to decide whether or not to start reading the book early, but I woke up before I made up my mind. I'm not sure what I'd do if actually confronted with this situation in my waking life. I'd definitely be tempted to start reading it early, as I desperately don't want to be spoiled, but I also want to be able to experience the excitement and the joy with all my fellow Potter fans as the hours tick away on Friday night. Of course, I realized a few days afterward that I narrowly avoided getting spoiled at the book 6 release party. One of the jackasses who cruised bookstores in his car shouting "SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE" was at the bookstore I went to! It was only because I was one of the first in line (thanks to my costume) that I missed him. Now that I'm going to be at a major New York bookstore, I feel the stakes are significantly higher... Labels: death threats, harry potter Priscilla said at 3:06 PM
Saturday, July 14, 2007
![]() My god, do I have some flashing neon sign above my head saying "CRAZY PEOPLE, TALK TO ME!"
So this woman randomly approaches me and asks me if I speak Spanish. I told her no. She then proceeded to sit down next to me and tell me about this masterpiece poem she wrote this afternoon, blathering for like fifteen minutes before RECITING THE ENTIRE POEM IN SPANISH FROM MEMORY, looking at me as if she expected me to tell her how much it had moved me and how it is truly the masterpiece she lauded it to be. I made comments like "I wish I knew Spanish" and "I don't know Spanish, but it sounds beautiful to my ear," but SHE KEPT TALKING. Then she continued to talk, telling me about this poetry recitation club she belonged to and her experience with awful New York hospitals, then recited ANOTHER POEM IN SPANISH. All in all, she must have talked to me for thirty minutes. I need to figure out a polite way of telling people "GO AWAY." Labels: wtf Priscilla said at 7:53 PM
Friday, July 13, 2007
![]() Just got back from Harry Potter. FANTASTIC! And now, one week and one hour until I get the last Harry Potter book!
Though much closer ahead: KAT COMES TO NEW YORK ON SUNDAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Labels: harry potter Priscilla said at 10:13 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
![]() The tax rate may be evil, but I love the opportunities living in New York offers! Tuesday morning, before work officially started, Chris was randomly watching an anime music video set to Jonathan Coulton's "Code Monkey." As a result, I spent much of the morning listening to Jonathan Coulton music on my iPod. I randomly got the urge to check a certain lyric, so I went to his website. Then I randomly got the urge to check whether he was planning any shows in the near future, and... HOLY COW YES! He was playing THAT NIGHT! And VIENNA TENG will be playing at the same venue next week! WIN!
Coulton's concert was a treat. He was preceded by the unimpressive Graham Smith and the uproariously funny The Petersons (who Coulton joined briefly to sing the high note in their cover of "Take On Me," masquerading himself as one of the last remaining Italian castrati). I've had a really hoarse voice all week, so I could only whisper along when he played "Re: Your Brains," but I nevertheless had a fantastic time! Unfortunately, I still haven't gotten over said sore throat. It's been getting progressively worse since Saturday--in fact, my supervisors sent me home from work this morning so I could rest, as I can barely talk above a whisper. Fortunately, our family has a lot of friends in the medical profession in New York, and one was able to check me out this afternoon to make sure I didn't have anything serious. He said I probably just have a virus, and it should run its course by the weekend. I've been taking good care of myself! I slept from 10AM to 6 PM, waking up briefly at 2 for the aforementioned appointment. BEAUTIFUL. Uh, here, have some reasons to watch Psych! Season two premieres tomorrow at 10. Labels: jonathan coulton, new york, sickliness Priscilla said at 9:26 PM
Friday, July 06, 2007
![]() Holy cow! The Harry Potter release party in Union Square just got about fifty trillion times cooler! I knew Jim Dale (performed the US edition audio books) would be in attendance, but we're also getting:
HECK. YES. Labels: harry potter, nerd glee Priscilla said at 9:16 AM
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
![]() Dear Various Taxes Associated With Living and Working In New York City,
You suck. No love, Priscilla Labels: open letters, working for the new york yankee dollar Priscilla said at 3:48 PM
Monday, July 02, 2007
![]() ...and that was my 6000th post! Mmmm, Happy Postiversary, Cult of Lincoln!
Priscilla said at 1:54 AM ![]() I'm amazed. The season finale of Doctor Who makes even less sense than this picture. And that's no sense at all.
Labels: bzuh?, doctor who Priscilla said at 1:26 AM
Sunday, July 01, 2007
![]() Today I wore a size zero dress.
SIZE ZERO. Oh Ann Taylor's policy of "vanity sizing," I think I love you. Usually I wear 6/8! Labels: vanity Priscilla said at 8:33 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 6:32 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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