The Cult of Lincoln

Monday, November 24, 2008

  • 16:48 Gorged self on hot chocolate at Max Brenner, saw Bolt in 3D, then strolled through Union Square w/ friends. That's how birthdays are done! #
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Priscilla said at 1:19 AM


Sunday, November 23, 2008

  • 14:48 @sinspired Oh, sweet! I made a note to myself to check the FIT Dark Glamour exhibit out, but I completely forgot! Let me know how it is. #
  • 14:49 @mkcho73 Are you wrapped around a riddle? #
  • 19:11 @boymonster Your daughter wins. Next Comic Con, I'll have to get a picture with you when I'm in my Delirium costume. :D #
  • 19:13 I have new running shoes! And oh my gosh, they're so comfy and cute. I can't wait to run the Turkey Trot with my dad this Thursday. #
  • 19:28 @edeainfj I want to sic Dr. Manhattan and Shere Khan on people that give their babies such stupid names. #
  • 19:28 @gypsyjr Isn't it usually supposed to be the creepy dolls doing the stalking? #
  • 19:31 @fredhicks You expect something technological to work with a wizard? Has Jim taught you nothing? #
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Priscilla said at 12:53 AM


Saturday, November 22, 2008

  • 09:45 @smuu A world without Pushing Daisies is a world that sucks. #
  • 10:14 Google is all decked out for Magritte's birthday. If I'd known, I would have worn my "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" shirt! #
  • 12:03 @mkcho73 Clearly, today is a good day for awesome people to be born. :D So is the day after tomorrow! #
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Priscilla said at 1:11 AM


Friday, November 21, 2008

  • 13:04 Waugh! My gmail just changed themes! I am afraid of change; bring back the old version! #
  • 13:16 * addendum to last post: Unless said change is brought by a progressive political movement and/or Barack Obama. #
  • 13:19 Hmm. Apparently I'm supposed to have a "Themes" tab on my Settings page. Could the BetterGmail2 extension be conflicting? #
  • 14:19 @boymonster + influx of undiluted CRAZY #
  • 14:30 Oh, gorgeous! I can now change gmail themes, and they're so PRETTY! I expect I will spend the day alternating between Pebbles and Phantasea. #
  • 14:32 "Waxman Defeats Dingell For Coveted Chairmanship" is a truly beautiful headline, sublime in its ridiculousness. #
  • 14:33 Oh, even better! "Waxman Unseats Dingell For Energy and Commerce" (from @nprnews) #
  • 15:21 @gypsyjr Let me inject some JOY into your ambivalence! #
  • 15:22 @sinspired If you get a spare moment, there should be shenanigans! #
  • 15:25 Pushing Daisies was excellent last night, but watching it in HD at my friend's place creeped me out. Regular TV for me, please! #
  • 15:43 @DerekRuiz My friend has maybe a 40" TV. The universe shouldn't be that crisp. I spent the entire episode staring at people's hair. #
  • 15:45 Just changed my Gmail label colors to better match my new theme. On a scale from electing Obama to canceling Middleman, how lame am I? #
  • 16:07 @JHOCHE It isn't official, but I fear it's inevitable. And that's just lame. #
  • 16:15 Retweeted from @nprpolitics -- Lizard People FTW! #
  • 17:03 @DerekRuiz I've had three or four moments today where I was convinced it was Friday. *sigh* #
  • 18:17 @greggrunberg Epic indeed! You and Brea should badger Masi into joining Twitter. #
  • 22:49 Dear ABC, YOU SUCK YOU SUCK YOU SUCK. Heartbrokenly, Priscilla #
  • 22:51 @fourteenacross Now NO ONE IS LEFT. Except those that don't use Gmail, of course. #
  • 01:10 I like that the Themes change color, but my placid waters vanished into red murk at the hour I need them most. I left work after midnight. #
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Priscilla said at 1:37 AM


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Aww! My daddy sent me flowers at work to celebrate my birthday on Sunday. I've put them in a place of prominence, so all my coworkers can enjoy them.


Priscilla said at 12:46 PM


  • 16:22 @DerekRuiz I think Winter is Here. There were flurries at my apartment yesterday morning! #
  • 16:40 @DerekRuiz John Barrowman for Cap! *flees* #
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Priscilla said at 1:04 AM


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

  • 08:25 *chortles* Oh, Heroes. Haven't you shamelessly ripped off "Watchmen" enough? ilu. #
  • 10:04 @boymonster "heuristophones" is not a word. :D #
  • 10:15 @boymonster I must not be a heuristophone. There's nothing common about my senses! #
  • 21:45 Stevens lost his Senate race! YOU ROCK, ALASKANS! (And by "rock" I mean "are sensible enough not to vote for a mentally-unhinged felon.") #
  • 21:47 @hodgman Nah. The Church of Tim Gunn. #
  • 22:31 @sinspired Aww, I love Daphne's hair! It has personality! It *vibrates*! #
  • 22:39 This is my thousandth tweet! I tried to think of something witty, but all I have to show for it is getting "Rockin' Robin" stuck in my head. #
  • 22:42 @sinspired Nathan Fillion likes half-dreadlockie hair! #
  • 22:42 As does Muppet Jack Sparrow! #
  • 23:01 *watches the Doctor Who Christmas Special trailer again, filled with unadulterated glee* #
  • 23:03 @fourteenacross That happens to me sometimes. Not sure why. It's working fine for me now, though. #
  • 00:19 Rereading bits of the Codex Alera books for Yuletide. Good grief I love this series. #
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Priscilla said at 1:01 AM


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

  • 08:27 @jimmyaquino Nope! We're getting a second season. We just aren't getting any more FotC beyond that. #
  • 08:30 Obama is doing Fireside Chats. Have I mentioned lately I love this man? #
  • 08:31 @jimmyaquino Aww, man! I hoped the clip would be one of your performances. #
  • 11:03 @jimmyaquino If I correct you, it's not to make you feel stupid, it's to let you know what the real answer is and to generally educate. :D #
  • 11:04 @edeainfj Michelle will kill you if you try anything. #
  • 11:05 @mkcho73 Can I hire them to bring puppies into my apartment even if I don't have bedbugs? #
  • 11:12 When rappers go on and on about how tough they are and how great they are in bed, I can't help feeling they're compensating for something. #
  • 11:22 @jimmyaquino Hee, I know you know! When have I ever taken you seriously? :D #
  • 11:38 @jimmyaquino Serious like a zombie attack? I guess I could take you seriously in that kind of situation. Zombies are nothing to laugh about. #
  • 13:47 Terrifying and beautiful photos of the SoCal fires on Big Picture today. God, those poor people. Stay safe, guys. #
  • 14:04 examines the melancholia of LOLcats: #
  • 15:44 Tetris theme on glass bottles: #
  • 18:54 ARG. SIX FORTY-FIVE, and they tell me I have to stay late. I wanted to go to the @vampirecowboys show! YOU SUCK YOU SUCK YOU SUCK. #
  • 22:14 @mkcho73 You take that back! Krackels are delicious. #
  • 22:14 @gypsyjr "So. How 'bout them Popular Sports Team?" #
  • 22:19 Boo, no Keith Olbermann tonight. I miss my big-headed, muppet-eyebrowed, Liberal blowhard. *snugs* #
  • 23:02 Mmmm, got new Burt's Bees chapstick! My lips feel all tingly. #
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Priscilla said at 12:54 AM


Monday, November 17, 2008

  • 09:51 @EuropaMoon Heee! Even better is his/her's Doctor Who version of "Skullcrusher Mountain" #
  • 12:05 Urk, no bottled water left at work. Only the sparkling stuff, which is giving me a stomach ache. I'll have to sneak out and get some. #
  • 12:10 This is so ridiculous. I've been craving Middle Eastern practically every day for the past two weeks. Variety, Priscilla! The spice of life! #
  • 12:23 @sinspired You've seen the address in which Obama claimed he was born on Krypton and sent to Earth by his father Jor-El to save the world? #
  • 12:58 @mkcho73 Hi, Mess! #
  • 16:05 @sinspired Oh! I thought it was inspired by the Stephen Colbert-meets-Spidey thing! #
  • 16:56 @Wraithmaker You mean Jersey? #
  • 16:58 @DerekRuiz Reading "Twilight" is like having one's brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick. --HHGTG #
  • 18:11 @jimmyaquino I think his lips have decomposed at this point. #
  • 19:12 @boymonster Huzzah! More moneys for Cam! #
  • 19:12 @boymonster Ugh, those are the worst kinds of dreams. Major hugs. #
  • 20:20 @ingridmusic Does having three ears make you a witch? #
  • 20:21 @fourteenacross Awesomest First Family-Elect Ever. #
  • 21:39 Why do I have "Mrs. Dr. Vandertramp" stuck in my head? That was from French class in NINTH GRADE. You fail, brain. #
  • 21:57 You just lost the game. #
  • 23:30 Bought a Neti Pot! Wonder if this is what waterboarding feels like. Worth it for the gloriously open nasal passages afterward, though. #
  • 00:06 @boymonster Elephant tranquilizer? #
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Priscilla said at 12:59 AM


Sunday, November 16, 2008

  • 10:14 Dear Weather, Please stop torrenting rain in time for the Prop 8 protest! This is lameness squared. Love, Me #
  • 10:16 @stephenfry You terrify me. But at least you haven't started chanting "I like to move it move it" incessantly! #
  • 16:07 Back from the Prop 8 protest at City Hall! My arms are exhausted from holding a "Straight Against H8" sign. Fight for equal rights, woo! #
  • 22:12 Is someone smoking directly beneath my window? #
  • 23:06 New Star Trek trailer! Simon Pegg, how are you so awesome? #
  • 23:07 (Anybody else think he sounded a little like Billy Boyd there? Aww, I miss my hobbits.) #
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Priscilla said at 1:08 AM


Saturday, November 15, 2008

  • 18:53 Aww, Ardian. So cute. I'm pretty sure that when *you* draw Dresden characters for your own amusement, it isn't fan art. #
  • 23:04 @DerekRuiz As long as it wasn't an electronic voting machine. :D #
  • 23:17 @mkcho73 As opposed to pants? #
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Priscilla said at 12:48 AM


Friday, November 14, 2008

  • 10:59 RPattz is up for consideration to be Doctor #11. Um, what? He already looks like the child of David Tennant's hair and an Abercrombie model. #
  • 12:29 @sinspired *waves magic wand* Shazam! "Princeps' Fury" is out! Though only in Sweden, unfortunately. Two more weeks for us 'Mericans. #
  • 12:29 @mkcho73 What's this about birth control pills as synchronized swimmers? You do know I helped make that ad? :D #
  • 12:46 @mkcho73 Hey, I have a character limit to deal with! Also, that's his nickname on fandom_wank. :D #
  • 12:47 @mkcho73 The Darling NuvaRing Darlings? #
  • 12:49 What should I have for lunch, Twitter? #
  • 12:58 @boymonster Wind! Water! Heart! GO PLANET! #
  • 18:22 @jimmyaquino If you go, I'm coming too! #
  • 18:33 There's a new girl at work whose voice sounds exactly like mine, apparently. I can't hear it, but it has my coworkers in stitches. #
  • 19:00 Boss got us Magnolia cupcakes to celebrate success. Oh. My God. Best cupcake ever. #
  • 22:45 @jimmyaquino Did you play Dim Sum Poker? #
  • 23:17 Ooh, @sarah_haskins has a twitter! I have such a girl-crush on her. #
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Priscilla said at 1:24 AM


Thursday, November 13, 2008

I wrote fic! Fic for Kat for the Dresden Halloween Ficathon! Fic that I'm really, really proud of, and that made Kat cry!

I promise to never use my powers for evil.

Title: The Other Son
Fandom: Dresden Files bookverse
Characters: Thomas, Harry, Justine, Susan, and an unexpected guest or two
Prompt: "Thomas on Harry. Let's see his POV on his baby brother. I don't want slash of any sort, just brotherly shenanigans." --Kat
Word Count: 4,846
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Thomas Raith has a brother.
Spoilers: Up through Blood Rites
Disclaimer: Thomas, Harry, and all other assorted Dresden-y characters and concepts belong to Jim Butcher and Penguin Books.

Link: Read it at The Archive!

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Priscilla said at 1:08 AM


  • 10:13 Watchmen movie spoilers. What. #
  • 10:29 Where I'm going to be this Saturday: #
  • 10:38 Yee! New Torchwood Babiez! #
  • 10:43 @gypsyjr *fist bump* #
  • 11:35 Twitter, you can fix the "in reply to" glitch any time now. #
  • 11:36 ...Wow, they fixed it AT THAT INSTANT. Uh... World, you can give me ten million dollars any time now. #
  • 15:22 @DerekRuiz "Storm Front" comes out today? Oh. Whoops. Maybe I should have posted an announcement on #
  • 15:24 @mollycrabapple You mean iPhones *don't* explode and kill people? Why on earth did I get an iPhone, then? #
  • 22:31 Oh, Simon Pegg! You didn't just use "there" instead of "their"! #
  • 22:34 Okay, fine. The awesomeness Simon Pegg writing Star Wars fanfiction more than compensates for homophone abuse. #
  • 22:42 10 Insulting Words You Should Know: #
  • 22:43 @mkcho73 You take that back! I have lots of friends whose names sound alike! #
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Priscilla said at 12:55 AM


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hello, Yuletide Santa! This is my first year participating, and in my confusion I was woefully unspecific in my requests. My letter clarifying my desires is here.

Thank you!


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Priscilla said at 2:37 PM


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Priscilla said at 1:01 AM


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

HA! Long ago, I mentioned my Neil Gaiman story to a friend, who passed it on to one of his friends, who went to see Neil at his big live-action Sandman thing on Saturday. Neil did a similar-style Q&A there, and the friend of a friend submitted this. It's in the first ten seconds.

I kind of love the universe.


Priscilla said at 6:23 PM


Yeah, so I fail at NaBloPoMo. I was too busy this weekend having a fantastic time with my aunt and uncle to write blog entries! We attended two spectacular Broadway shows, Gypsy (with the extraordinary Patti LuPone) and Chekov's The Seagull, and spent Saturday afternoon at the MoMA.

Regarding Gypsy, I find it hilarious that two of the most "upbeat" audition songs I know, "Everything's Comin' Up Roses" and "Cabaret," are sung by women fighting not to break down in despair.

Regarding MoMA, SO MUCH JOY! They're doing a special exhibition on Van Gogh's paintings of night scenes, and my faith in "Starry Night" has been restored! I first saw "Starry Night" in person when I was a senior in high school, and I was crushed to see it was so much smaller than I imagined. Note that this came the year after I saw the Rosetta Stone in person, which I'd imagined as a 2001-esque monolith. It was like learning Santa wasn't real. Anyway, since then, the shock made me misremember the size of "Starry Night" as being much smaller than it actually was, so when I saw it again, I was overjoyed. YES, that's how big "Starry Night" should be! It's perfect! Three cheers for confusing the brain with unreasonable expectations! Now if only the Mona Lisa and "Persistence of Memory" would follow suit.

Anyway, yay for getting to spend time with my aunt and uncle! Best relatives ever. Don't try to argue, because you will be wrong.

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Priscilla said at 5:51 PM


  • 10:11 Hissss. One of my coworkers used my computer over the weekend, and he screwed with my monitor settings. He needs to put them back pronto. #
  • 14:58 @mkcho73 Please do! #
  • 16:51 Yuletide sign ups end in like four hours. I should probably come up with some prompts, yes? #
  • 17:54 Passed TV showing photo of Laura and Michelle meeting in the White House, and was struck by another moment of OMG WE ELECTED OBAMA. #
  • 18:44 OOOOOOH. The trailer for Pixar's "Up" is up! Good lord, I would sell a kidney to work for that studio. #
  • 20:26 OOOOH. Rothfuss' Kingkiller series is among the accepted fandoms for Yuletide! TEMPTING. Oh my god, I need to reread that book. #
  • 21:15 Everything has an obsession with pie! First Pushing Daisies, then Obama, and now Heroes. Come on, ABC, you know you want to renew PD. #
  • 21:26 @boymonster Perri-Air? #
  • 23:36 @boymonster It was PEACH! #
  • 23:37 Car alarms should be illegal. #
  • 23:39 @edeainfj Gay people don't care about leg room! Have you seen how they pack people like sardines in Broadway theatres? Worse than airplanes! #
  • 23:41 @edeainfj So angry Prop 8 was even on the ballot. Because a fearful majority will always vote to protect the rights of a minority. *eyeroll* #
  • 23:47 Okay, if the car alarm won't stop, I reserve the right to smash the windows with a bat. Give the car something *real* to be alarmed about. #
  • 23:49 And it's off! THANK YOU, JESUS. 15 minutes: by no means an Avenue D record, but still "Shining"-level crazymaking. #
  • 00:15 Hmph. I guess that's what comes of finishing a fic after midnight. My betas are asleep. I probably should be, too. #
  • 00:27 @fourteenacross Then afterward, Keith should wash his suit. You don't know where the internet has been. #
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Priscilla said at 1:03 AM


Monday, November 10, 2008

  • 10:27 @mkcho73 Where are you seeing the beta option? Netflix still says my Mac is incompatible, and I even have Crossover installed. #
  • 10:29 @mkcho73 Aha! Should have searched Google for answers first. I have now joined the Netflix Instant View for Mac beta! *grooves* #
  • 10:33 To other Mac users: opt in at #
  • 10:47 @sinspired Yay! Can't wait to hear how everyone else responded. You had some great questions, with high potential for hilarity. :D #
  • 11:03 @edeainfj Happiness is a warm kitten and an episode of Pushing Daisies. #
  • 11:09 @gypsyjr OMGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Congrats, hon! Your hard work and perseverance (and stressful Election Day interviews) have paid off! #
  • 11:12 @fourteenacross Man, and I thought Psych scheduling their Christmas episode over Thanksgiving break was nuts. Which shows? #
  • 11:37 @sinspired I know you get a lot of people trying to evangelize shows/books to you, but... Pushing Daisies is something special. Watch it. #
  • 17:10 @PSUbrat So... I should be watching it, despite its lack of John Simm? But... John Simm! #
  • 17:12 @drhorrible "Doctor Horrible" is going to be the most amazingly brilliant DVD in world history, isn't it? #
  • 17:18 @mkcho73 R2D2 knit hat? Where do I get one? I need a new hat for winter! (Hmm, only finding patterns. Guess I can just make my own...) #
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Priscilla said at 1:05 AM


Friday, November 07, 2008

  • 16:58 Wrong number-caller just called me "sweetheart" in a slightly skeevy way. Eww. *HANGUP* #
  • 00:11 @sinspired My god, Kim! In seven pages of tweets, only twenty *aren't* from you. Methinks you need to move that discussion to email. :D #
  • 00:15 @boymonster Gah. "CoS" in my head still means "Chamber of Secrets." Brain boggled "Rahm is the Heir of Slytherin?" I am silly. #
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Priscilla said at 12:45 AM


Thursday, November 06, 2008

  • 08:16 Good morning, New America! Life is grand. I still feel intoxicated, but now I'm intoxicated with HOPE. #
  • 08:25 ...except how gay marriage is now BANNED in CA, FL, and AZ. WTF? At least the anti-abortion initiatives in SD and CO failed. #
  • 11:33 @xiehicks Any chance I can crash in your spare room for the inauguration, or even curl up on the floor somewhere? #
  • 12:21 Coworker: "Oh my god, my Baconnaise might be here! That would make this the perfect day!" #
  • 12:38 @xiehicks Ooh, I wasn't aware tickets were required. Just called my congresswoman! #
  • 13:36 Michael Crichton died of cancer at age 66. I never even knew he was sick! I adored his books when I was a kid. Condolences to his family. #
  • 13:37 @mkcho73 Looks like we overthrew the government a day early. :D Happy Guy Fawkes Day! #
  • 15:06 @Wraithmaker Obama and his supporters are VERY mockable. Comedians have never been short of political material. #
  • 15:15 @nprpolitics Getting Obama elected was only the first step. We still have a lot of work to do as a country! #
  • 19:58 @paulandstorm Have you read Terry Pratchett's "Nation" yet? #
  • 20:00 Hilarious headline: "Waxman working to oust Dingell." Sounds like an elocution exercise. #
  • 20:01 Retweet @txvoodoo CA Will Continue to Honor Marriages of Same-Sex Couples Who Married Before Passage of Prop 8 #
  • 23:28 My Palin-horror has lost its steam now that she's lost race for VP, but... she didn't know Africa was a continent. #
  • 23:39 @fourteenacross IT'S OVER TEN THOUSAAAAAAAND! #
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Priscilla said at 12:40 AM


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Aww, I love my coworkers. Work has been very stressful the past few days, especially as my partner, Chris, took off Friday and Monday to move into his new apartment, and his alarm didn't go off this morning, meaning he got in around 11. My job feels about four times harder when doing it on my own, and some of the time frames our producers have been giving me alone would be tight even with both of us working on the characters at the same time.

Anyway, I got a text message from Chris after work: "Thank you so much for all your hard work lately. It is not going unnoticed obviously. You rock."

Warm fuzzies. :D

Though alas, on the cold, non-fuzzy front, Michael Crichton died yesterday. His were some of the first "adult" novels I read. I remember being nine years old, and my mom (quite wisely) wouldn't let me see Jurassic Park, so I checked out the book from the library and read that instead. Then I picked up Sphere, which became one of my favourite books at that age. My sister asked me if I was carrying around "big books" to make me look smarter.

I don't think I've read anything of his since junior high, but... he had a hand in shaping the craziness that is my brain today. He was singly responsible for kicking off my paleontology obsession phase. He will be missed.

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Priscilla said at 8:07 PM


  • 05:59 OH HELL YEAH. It's VOTING time, boys and girls! GoBAMA! #
  • 07:27 I voted! I had to go to two different polling locations, eventually voting through affidavit, but I voted! #
  • 07:29 #votereport #10009 #reg election board told me wrong polling location, then I wasn't on the rolls at new location #wait:15 #
  • 07:30 @EuropaMoon Yay! I'm wearing my "Republicans for Voldemort" shirt. Elections + Fandom = Entertainment! #
  • 07:53 Retweeted from @txvoodoo: Obama wins Dixville Notch, NH - 15 to 6. First time they've gone Dem since 1968. #
  • 07:56 A new Twitter meme: Happy Obama Day! I approve. #
  • 15:22 @txvoodoo Do you have a link? I'm only finding photos of Obama and Michelle (which are nonetheless adorable). #
  • 19:01 -- whatever happens, I'm going to cry when it's updated. #
  • 19:04 Heading home. How will I withstand my 40 minute commute without the ability to obsessively refresh #
  • 22:08 LOVE Jon's "it's faaaaar from over" grin. #
  • 22:59 @EuropaMoon I want a simultube at my job. :D #
  • 23:01 *opens window and joins the entire East Village in SHOUTS OF JOY* #
  • 23:02 @DerekRuiz It is the Golden Helmet of Mambrino! When worn by one of noble heart, it renders him invulnerable to all wounds! #
  • 23:05 East Village is FLIPPING OUT #
  • 23:08 mkay, gonna go mob the street. WE DID IT, YOU GUYS! #
  • 00:10 At bar. So drunk; but so fill of joy and HOPE! Obama in '12! #
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Priscilla said at 12:57 AM


Okay, so I've failed to live up to the requirements of NaBloPoMo after only three days. But I think tonight merits an exception. I am drunk on a hybrid of JOY and HOPE and apple martini. I only had one of the latter, but even after, four glasses of water and over an hour of digestion, I can barely type straight. Or walk straight. Thank goodness the bar I chose was only three short blocks away! (Had intellectual policy discussion with random guy named Sebasitian. Don't know where I got the impression people that go to bars aren't the type of person I'd be interested in. I wasn't interested in this guy, buty his polictical savvy was nice. Yeah, that description made no sense. Se above, re: drunk on a single appletime. Am a total lightweiht, but OBAMA WOO!)

My god, people. We elected a BLACK MAN named BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. We finally proved that anyone can be President, even a kid born to a single-parent household, raised by his grandparents. We showed that a campaign of hope can triumph over a campsign tailored to fearmongering and divisiveness.

\MICHELLE OBAMA is going to be out First Lady! She is opinionated and fiercely determined, and she will do great things of the office. Sasha and Malia are adorable and genuine, and I look toward to seeing what dog they choose. Biden is honest and has strong roots in the communities he grew up, the complete anyithesis of Chenes. And the SUPEREME COURT! My god, we don't have to worry about more Rebupican appointees stacking the court.

And I see how many spelling mistakes I'm making, but I'm too joyous and drunk off only ONE apple martini to care. Good grief, that was strong. I feel like I've had two or more. Hope I don't have an hangover tomorrow--boss is a Republican, and he frowns on political discussions in the office. (So naturally, we discuss plitics when he's not present.)

I feel like sitting here is making me ever nore drunk, even though my lisp have not toughted alcohol since McCain finished his speech, through that's probably me getting tired. I was up at 5:45 this morning, after all. And I know I'm making spelling mistakes, but I'm too amused to correct them. I'm going to go to sleep and dream of four--nay eight--years of an Obama administration. I'm so happy with the direction the country has chosen.

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Priscilla said at 12:54 AM


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

  • 09:43 @gkneeisme Thanks! It's now quite possibly my favourite photo of me ever. Bless you, Bruce Campbell, for filling the world with awesome! #
  • 09:47 Retweeted from @multiplexer - massive typo in McCain ad. John McCain's campaign: Can't vet, can't use spell check. #
  • 12:24 Hear Neil Gaiman perform "Creepy Doll" with Jonathan Coulton and Paul and Storm: #
  • 16:50 Cutest Halloween costume ever: baby Sarah Palin! #
  • 17:59 Epic Obama picspam, bane of dialup! #
  • 18:01 RIP Madelyn Dunham, Obama's grandmother. I wish she could have held on for two more days. May her dream come true tomorrow night! VOTE. #
  • 18:20 Where do some people get the impression that it's okay for them to type entire emails in caps lock? #
  • 21:36 New Yorkers! Anyone want to watch the Stewart/Colbert election coverage at my place? Or want to invite me to some other election party? #
  • 23:09 Manassas, VA: Obama just told a long, rambly story that nevertheless ended in AWESOME and HOPE. I can't wait to vote tomorrow. #
  • 23:12 @DerekRuiz Hee, that's my plan, too! Vote at 6, then go back to sleep until work time. Gotta love living two blocks from my polling place. #
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Priscilla said at 12:49 AM


Monday, November 03, 2008

Dear Priscilla, and only update once per day. You can check them every couple hours, but the data will not change.

Also, according to, McCain has a 1.9% chance of winning.

Just watch SNL's election special and be cool.



Priscilla said at 9:02 PM


Sunday, November 02, 2008

  • 11:57 The McCain camp is sending Fred Thompson to be their MTP surrogate? Okay, that clenches it: they WANT to lose. #
  • 23:33 My full tale of "Molly Carpenter" meeting Bruce Campbell is up in my blog. (Yeah, I'm blogging again! Shock!) #
  • 23:34 @boymonster Methinks Cam needs to teach Lego Batman the story of Godzilla. #
  • 23:42 A meme, retweeted from @sinspired: "Twitter is good for the soul" Pass it on! #
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Priscilla said at 11:48 PM


Hokay! The second half of the story of my weekend!

Saturday was the last day to submit entries to the Dresden Files Halloween Costume Contest, and though I felt it was inappropriate for me to enter, I still wanted to get in on the costuming fun! Early that afternoon, I pondered over how I could pose to best depict Molly. The first thing to come to mind was to have her with the beaded leather bracelet she wore in White Night, struggling to move the beads up the strap with her mind. However, as I didn't have the materials and the light was quickly fleeing, I realized I would have to think of something else.

Then it hit me.

The costume I have for Molly is based on how she looks in the book Proven Guilty, in which she helps staff a horror movie convention called "SplatterCon!!!" Considering her appreciation of the genre, dollars to donuts she's a big fan of the Bruce Campbell oeuvre. I kicked myself for not dressing up as her the previous night when I went to see My Name is Bruce, losing the opportunity for a "Molly fangirling Bruce Campbell at SplatterCon!!!" photo.

But wait! All was not lost! Halloween wasn't Bruce's only night in New York! My friend Shecky saw him enter the theater around seven the previous night--what if I could catch him on his way in?

I mentioned this idea to my friends on the forum, and Craig (a fellow New Yorker I've palled around with on a couple occasions) volunteered to join me and bring his camera. SCORE!

Craig and I went over at 6:40, in hopes of catching Bruce before he introduced the 7:20 screening. We whiled away a significant chunk of the time laughing about how ridiculous we were being. Alas, Bruce must have gone in a different door. At 7:25, the sensible thing would have been to call it a night, but no one has ever called me sensible! Instead, we went in and spoke to the manager. I explained the situation and asked him if there was any way we could pull it off. Shockingly, he didn't gape at us in horror and tell us to beat it! He suggested we come back during the Q&A at 9 and ask Bruce if it would be okay. He even said he'd let us go into the theatre without tickets! If you're out there, Justin, you ROCK.

Craig and I went out for crepes and conversation, then returned at 8:45 to catch the tail end of the movie. At the Q&A, I explained the story to Bruce, and rather than publicly mocking me, he waved me down to take the picture! EEEEEE! He asked who I was dressed as, then asked if I looked like the character. The audience was largely silent, save for a couple smartasses who said no. (Hmph! Jim himself has [url=,7771.msg260409.html#msg260409]commended me[/url] on it!)

Alas, my camera's flash wasn't on, and Craig didn't know how to turn it on, so he took two blurry photos before Bruce humorously shoved me away for taking too long, saying "Gah, Evil Dead IV will be made by the time you take the picture!" I laughed and thanked him, though inside I lamented getting so far, only to be thwarted by a stupid flash.

As a last ditch effort, I talked to one of the ushers and verified which door he'd be leaving from, and we waited for him outside. I thanked Craig for the umpteenth time for indulging my insanity. Finally, Bruce emerged! "I turned the flash on this time!" I said by way of greeting, and he grinned and said "Let's do this thing!" We took the picture, and it was everything I hoped it would be, and Craig shook his hand, and then he was off! Craig and I did a little squee dance, and parted ways.


Though I think we can all agree that the real winner is AMERICA.

File under: costuming, dresden files, epic win.

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Priscilla said at 10:49 PM


  • 00:31 My shoes were fine all day, but by the end of the evening, OW OW OW. I need to get some Dr. Scholls for those babies. #
  • 00:33 But why am I complaining? Just saw "My Name is Bruce"! Sat in front row during Q&A, not four feet from the man himself. Brilliance! #
  • 11:21 My costume: and #
  • 11:21 With Linda, as Mrs. Lovett: and #
  • 11:22 His Name is Bruce! #
  • 11:58 Oh, man! Obama and Palin to be playable characters in Mercenaries 2: #
  • 12:07 Is there a Godwin's/Snacky's Law equivalent for bogus claims of violation of the 1st Amendment? B/c Palin's broken it. #
  • 12:11 @jimmyaquino Linda is my favourite coworker! Alas, she has a boyfriend. :D #
  • 13:56 @paulandstorm Wish Coulton could have led that entire crowd in the chorus to "Re: Your Brains." #
  • 15:40 @ironicsegue Good lord on a stick, woman! You're making us all look bad! #
  • 16:25 I AM BRILLIANT. Details to come later tonight, if my brilliance pans out. #
  • 18:05 wtf. The Sarkozy/Palin prank is REAL? NO WAY! I am gobsmacked. #
  • 23:18 HAHA! My brilliance worked! May I present THE MOST AWESOME PHOTO IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE? #
  • 23:20 For non-Dresden fans: I'm dressed as Molly Carpenter, who staffed a horror con in one book. She is certainly a Bruce fan. Bruce is... Bruce. #
  • 00:03 @sinspired What is NaNoPodMo? #
  • 00:04 @sinspired oh! HA! No way. I'm doing NaBloPoMo. I barely get enough sleep as it is! #
  • 00:20 @boymonster Ben & Jerry's is giving away free scoops to voters. Rotten luck! #
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Priscilla said at 12:22 AM


Saturday, November 01, 2008

Because I've become so lax about blog posting lately, I think I'm going to try NaBloPoMo, in which folks are challenged to blog at least once a day for a month. This used to be no problem for me, so let's see if I can't get back in the swing of things!

Life is good in Priscilla-land. There has been a blessedly low amount of overtime at work, and as I alluded to in a post a week or so ago, I've enjoyed a deluge of awesome celeb encounters and fun events with friends.

Last night, I added to the celeb list when I went to a special screening of My Name is Bruce, with Bruce Campbell in attendance! Kevin, Richard, Kevin's friend (was it Bob? My memory fails me), and I sat in the front row for the Q&A, meaning that for most of the time, I was sitting about four or five feet away from him. Groovy!

This was the first time I'd seen him speak, and it was lots of fun. He delighted in mocking fans and their questions, playing the endearing jerk. The big moment of the evening came when one fan announced to his girlfriend, "With Bruce Campbell as my witness... Will you marry me?" Bruce goggled, then grabbed a guy dressed as Gallagher and blessed them with "four years of happy marriage," with Gallagher waving his mallet in benediction. Mazel-tov!

All in all, I had a great time. But little did I know, the awesomeness did not end there! I shall details tonight's hijinks in tomorrow's post.

Priscilla said at 12:12 PM


  • 10:06 I'm dressed as Sally, from Nightmare Before Christmas! Are any of you guys in costume yet? #
  • 15:07 @vampirecowboys Fingers are crossed! I'd love another chance to bring a big group of friends to see it. It's so brilliant and fun. #
  • 15:11 @jonathancoulton Did he look like Alan Rickman? Was he an anthropomorphic wolf? #
  • 15:44 @boymonster Photos? #
  • 15:47 @mollycrabapple The Slipper Room is DANGEROUSLY close to my favourite Creperie! You are a cruel temptress, Molly. #
  • 15:49 @xiehicks A coworker's taking pix this afternoon. Another coworker is dressing up as Mrs. Lovett, so we'll have a lovely Tim Burton twosome! #
  • 15:59 Eee! Bard wrote me Pre-SF Murphy for the ficathon! <3333333 #
  • 18:19 Reagan's chief of staff Ken Duberstein just endorsed Barack Obama! How's that for an October Surprise, McCain? #
  • 18:22 Coworker just started blasting "Thriller." I love Halloween! #
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Priscilla said at 12:24 AM


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