The Cult of Lincoln

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

  • 18:05 YAY! The two packages that have been lost in the mail for weeks both arrived yesterday! You are not wholly useless, USPS! #
  • 19:14 I don't think I could hate Fox more than I do at this moment. #
  • 19:15 Dude, Twitter, stop saying my posts are over 140 characters when they're 138 characters long! #
  • 19:16 Fox's legal team says it isn't looking for monetary compensation and instead wants to prevent [Watchmen] from being released altogether. #
  • 19:22 @mkcho73 *juggles geese for your entertainment* #
  • 19:58 @xiehicks I believe the problem lies in use of quotation marks. They mess up my char count in Twittelator; must do the same in Firefox. #
  • 20:00 My friend just rickrolled me via Christmas gift mix CD. #
  • 23:49 @fredhicks Do you know of any special magic characters that don't have this problem? #
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Priscilla said at 12:32 AM


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

  • 01:24 @mkcho73 Scientology. Failing that, napalm. #
  • 11:40 It's kind of hilarious to hear alarm after alarm go off in my sister's bedroom, without a hint of her actually waking up. #
  • 11:43 @mkcho73 Heck no! Flying. Sisters living on opposite coasts are why God invented airplanes. #
  • 11:46 Latest alarm playing "Peanut Butter Jelly Time." I love my sister. This marks the fifth or sixth alarm, over a period of 40ish minutes. #
  • 12:22 @jimmyaquino Welcome! #
  • 12:23 @mkcho73 I was not aware of any trip! I won't be able to participate anyway. My time in CA is booked solid! #
  • 12:24 Oh, hey! Alarms did not belong to my sister, but my sister's roommate! Suddenly they became less cute and more obnoxious. #
  • 12:41 @NeilMSchwartz Are you in midtown? Try the post office at Rockefeller Center sometime. Mind-bogglingly short lines! #
  • 19:57 Is there an (un-jailbroken) iPhone app that allows you to control camera exposure? #
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Priscilla said at 12:49 AM


Monday, December 29, 2008

  • 23:19 In L.A. with sister! Found some really cute earrings with mom today. Good day. #
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Priscilla said at 12:48 AM


Saturday, December 27, 2008

  • 15:04 Spam subject line of the day: "Bomb her womb from your huge cannon!" #
  • 15:05 "You WILL have bigger love wand, forget all your doubts!" Sounds like a line from a pornographic Harry Potter musical. #
  • 16:06 @jimmyaquino Glad you enjoyed it! (Faith is on twitter at @smuu, FYI. :D) #
  • 16:14 @gypsyjr Would it help to think of the cheese grater as a "Sports Night" reference? #
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Priscilla said at 1:54 AM


Friday, December 26, 2008

  • 09:37 EEEEE. I am the happiest Yuletider EVER! My Santa gave me hilarious and adorable Molly/Carlos fic! THANK YOU! #
  • 15:46 Mrfgl. Ate too much amazing apricot ginger pie. Feeling bloated and gross, yet happy. #
  • 18:04 Dear Doctor Who Christmas Special, if you aren't finished downloading by the time I get home from my Christmas party, there will be words. #
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Priscilla said at 12:40 AM


Thursday, December 25, 2008

  • 08:49 MOMENT OF HORROR this morning when dad woke me, saying our car had been stolen. Turns out I just hadn't parked it in its usual place. Phew! #
  • 11:29 A Filipino "Twilight" telenovella? WORLDS OF YES. #
  • 11:31 Mmm, Kristin Chenoweth. Sing Christmas songs to me! #
  • 11:36 Sweet fanvid: Carol of the Firefly #
  • 11:51 Earn an instant strip-search at the airport with these hilarious cards: #
  • 11:52 @fredhicks NICE. Yay for shiny new toys! #
  • 12:29 I love trying on clothes from my closet at home. Each garment is a delightful reminder of the 15 pounds I've lost since high school. #
  • 17:41 USPS sucks. 1) Dental appliance my mom sent over two weeks ago, and 2) Xmas gift friend sent a week and a half ago, still have not arrived. #
  • 17:43 @redone17 We don't have to work next Thursday or Friday? Sweet. That makes the amount of vacation days I'm losing slightly less outrageous. #
  • 00:06 Where are you, Yuletide? *pokes it* #
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Priscilla said at 1:17 AM


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

  • 02:06 An unpleasant thing: having the north-facing bedroom in a house with poor insulation and heating. #
  • 02:09 Sleeping in fleece sweater, flannel pants, and slippers, under about 50lbs of blankets. Feel like a skeleton buried in the ashes of Pompeii. #
  • 17:05 Congratulations, boss. You just RUINED CHRISTMAS. #
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Priscilla said at 12:43 AM


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

  • 00:59 Oh my good lord, Sam has written the best Doctor Who Christmas story EVER. Read it and die laughing! #
  • 16:09 @jimmyaquino Shame it never got off the ground. Hopefully you'll find a new outlet for your brilliance before too long! #
  • 16:28 @gypsyjr Ditto. I use the same username for every social place I register. Anything else is just CONFUSING. #
  • 16:42 @beyondabsurdity Kickass! Will it be released before or after the show opens? #
  • 16:43 @hodgman Dude, how did I not know Amtrak gave discounts for AAA members? I must use this knowledge to my advantage! #
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Priscilla said at 12:55 AM


Monday, December 22, 2008

  • 13:25 @mkcho73 You know they have pills for that, now. #
  • 13:26 "I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major General": Fun song to parody, or MOST fun song to parody? #
  • 14:19 Taken on my iPhone yesterday: A cold front comes into Dallas. #
  • 14:27 Hmm. There is a flaw to simply grabbing all songs with Christmas in the title when compiling a mix. RENT's "Christmas Bells" is not a carol. #
  • 14:51 @gypsyjr Try thinking about something really, really monotonous. Bore yourself to sleep. Works for me! #
  • 17:02 Christmas Bells may not belong on holiday mix, but Making Christmas and Kidnap the Sandy Claws certainly do. I dare you to say otherwise. #
  • 18:22 Very cool: Britain From Above, A visualisation of Britain's information economy. #
  • 18:33 The Big Picture blog rounds out its "2008 In Pictures" series: #
  • 18:37 @feliciaday Urgh, that store is a misery! The heavy cologne started making me feel lightheaded after two minutes! #
  • 19:15 @xiehicks Feeling the holiday gilt? *rimshot* #
  • 19:17 @xiehicks Wow. Sounds amazing! It's going to be a happy holiday for bellies! #
  • 19:19 @jimmyaquino WOE. #
  • 23:35 I have a gingerbread man, half-dipped in chocolate! I have eaten his legs. #
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Priscilla said at 12:47 AM


Sunday, December 21, 2008

  • 09:32 Sitting pretty at my gate with plenty of time to spare, despite best efforts of NYPD! They pulled over my cab driver for talking on phone. #
  • 09:39 OH HELL NO. Someone is toying with me. Last time I was at LGA, heard Susan Rodriguez paged. Today, Carlos Ramirez. Whaaaat. #
  • 09:45 Sweet! They just paged "Mina Matejami!" I know she isn't fictional! Losing your touch, LGA. #
  • 10:55 I love how upfront the airline is, telling us our bags almost certainly will not be on the flight due to a weight restriction. Merry Xmas. #
  • 10:57 Ooh! But first, they have to de-ice the plane! That's not ominous. #
  • 20:37 Mrsfgl. Submitted *something* to Yuletide, at least. Not really proud, not really betaed. Will have unlame version in my LJ for reveal. #
  • 23:28 Dear Priscilla, Yeah, so you have a fanfic on the internets that you aren't proud of. BOO HOO. Get over yourself. Love, me. #
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Priscilla said at 12:29 AM


Saturday, December 20, 2008

  • 12:08 "It's critical that the characters not be too attractive. Therefore, they should look like Brad Pitt and Cameron Diaz." Oh, clients... #
  • 12:48 SNOW! #
  • 14:55 BOOYEAH! Got tickets to see Kristin Chenoweth! #
  • 17:22 @hodgman As someone who works in advertising, I LOATHE PEOPLE THAT ARE IN COMMERCIALS. See how hurtful words can be, Hodgman? #
  • 19:25 @xiehicks Don't let go! Double spacing after periods is a noble practice! #
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Priscilla said at 12:35 AM


Friday, December 19, 2008

My fandom stocking is up!

Let me know where I can find yours!


Priscilla said at 10:33 AM


  • 12:10 Holy hemmorage, Batman! Going home to change jeans. Hate this time of the month. #
  • 13:28 And I am a human being again! #
  • 15:30 WHAT THE HELL, BODY. #
  • 15:32 How the HELL does a person bleed through a heavy tampon, a pad, underwear, and a heavy pair of jeans, onto her desk chair, in TWO HOURS? #
  • 15:32 I think if I ripped out my uterus with a toasting fork, I would actually BLEED LESS. #
  • 15:32 Oh, and TMI WARNING. #
  • 17:24 @marshallpittman Okay, that's creepy. #
  • 17:51 @beyondabsurdity *chortles* I love you guys. Happy Holidays! #
  • 18:43 Thank you, Universe. Even on a day as cruddy as this, I can count on you to give me Neil Patrick Harris as Indiana Jones. #
  • 22:32 Mrfsgl, freaking Yuletide. #
  • 00:02 OH HECK YES. I actually have a theme for my Yuletide fic now! It may not be a disgrace after all! #
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Priscilla said at 12:42 AM


Thursday, December 18, 2008

  • 12:53 @boymonster If you ever come to NY, I'm sure I could find a cheesecake willing to take you at least to second base. #
  • 21:47 @Wraithmaker Dude! Under what circumstance? #
  • 21:48 Roommate is playing with my new blender. Woo, smoothies! #
  • 21:50 @sinspired This is why God invented the internet, dear. #
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Priscilla said at 12:27 AM


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

  • 01:41 @xiehicks Take care of yourself! You're napping for two, now! #
  • 01:47 @mrdavehill R.I.P. Burritoville. May it live on forever in our colons. #
  • 10:02 Yay! My laptop was freaking out this morning, but now all is shiny. Disaster averted! Shall run another backup tonight. #
  • 14:26 @mkcho73 Freezing rain, yeesh. And after yesterday's heat, I didn't wear my scarf or gloves or bring my umbrella. Brilliant. #
  • 16:01 This day is SO LONG. Yesterday, at 7, it felt like it was 4. Today, when it's 4, it feels like it should be 7. Stupid bugs in the Matrix. #
  • 17:55 raaaaaaaaaaaargh, how is this day not over yet? #
  • 21:30 @ingridmusic It's not a carol, but the girl's "What's in this drink?" from "Baby, It's Cold Outside" always weirded me out. #
  • 21:48 Snow tonight was lovely. The southern gal in me still gets excited over the first real flurries of the season. #
  • 21:54 I think Roommate is watching Mary Poppins. Meanwhile, I am totally writing my Yuletide story and not procrastinating at all. #
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Priscilla said at 12:42 AM


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

  • 08:28 @gypsyjr You know I would! #
  • 18:06 I keep thinking of this image and giggling myself silly: Kate Beaton is a genius. #
  • 18:34 @jimmyaquino *sings* It's the eye of the Spider, it's the thrill of the bite... #
  • 18:56 On Ch. 26 of Princeps' Fury audio book. Man, this book is even better the second time. Aso, Kate Reading's performance is awesome. #
  • 22:14 Oh, Heroes. I wish I knew how to quit you. You are SO BAD, yet I continue to tune in every week, like an abused dog returning to her owner. #
  • 22:33 Dear Priscilla, Your desktop pattern is not inhibiting you from writing. Get back to work, slacker. Love, Priscilla. #
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Priscilla said at 12:26 AM


Monday, December 15, 2008

  • 15:40 LOLOL!!! McCain unsure if he'd support Palin for president Says, "My corpse is still warm, you know?" #
  • 15:44 @fredhicks Snazzy! Want me to link it on Jim's news site, or do you want to wait until you've hammered out all the kinks? #
  • 15:45 @stephenfry I wonder if an astronaut has ever twittered from orbit? Could a bored NASA employee create a twitter feed for a space probe? #
  • 15:49 @JHOCHE Bryan Fuller is a god. I wish I lived in one of his worlds. #
  • 18:34 Folks across the street put a blinking star in their window. Out of the corner of my eye, it looks like fire. Yeah, that's not distracting. #
  • 18:43 What possessed me to do three loads of laundry when only one dryer is working? #
  • 21:41 Roommate is watching Iron Chef. "Cod cheeks"? Seriously? I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. #
  • 21:56 @boymonster Hey, you know what other game you'd like? Dragonlance. #
  • 22:25 Actual line from Iron Chef: "They look like ball bearings, but they're much tastier than ball bearings." Actual reaction: *headdesk* #
  • 22:28 More friends are finally discovering the genius that is The Middleman! Please god let this show be renewed! Have *you* felt the MM love? #
  • 22:38 For any that need convincing, here's 101 Reasons To Love "The Middleman": #
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Priscilla said at 12:51 AM


Sunday, December 14, 2008

  • 09:21 Putting Human Chess to shame: Human Risk! #
  • 09:25 @fourteenacross No prob! Can't wait. :D #
  • 09:50 @gypsyjr JOY! I'm so glad to have contributed the the birthday squee! #
  • 09:51 Today is the birthday of two of my favourite people: Chungy and @gypsyjr! HAPPY B-DAY TO YOU BOTH! LOVE YOU! #
  • 11:11 @redone17 Glad you're feeling better! Have a fabulous time! #
  • 00:24 A prominent member of Jim's forum passed away today. Found out while I was hanging out with two other members. Raised a glass in his honor. #
  • 00:26 Got to spend a good chunk of the evening talking with my best friend. Why don't boys recognize the goddess she is and treat her accordingly? #
  • 00:29 "Day the Earth Stood Still" remake actually good! Perhaps due to low expectations? (Plus, Watchmen/Wolvie trailers worth price of admission) #
  • 00:35 Passed Christmas tree lot this morning and wanted to get mini-tree for apartment, even though I'm going home in a week. Patience, Priscilla! #
  • 00:37 @feliciaday I love my WD MyBook! I've had it a little over a year, and it's served me well. #
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Priscilla said at 12:42 AM


Saturday, December 13, 2008

  • 07:45 Boo! I dozed on the subway on way to work, got off at wrong station, and ran into Tina Fey. We became instant friends! Then I woke up. #
  • 09:38 (Clarification: Said dream all took place at home, in bed. I do not make a habit of falling asleep on New York public transit.) #
  • 09:40 @smuu Maybe Tina Fey psychically projects herself into our sleeping brains to encourage viewership for 30 Rock. I already watch, Tina! #
  • 09:41 Dream-Tina also told me a really good pie restaurant in the city... #
  • 09:41 ...and told me that if you mention the name of the actress that plays Young Chuck on Pushing Daisies, you get 20% off. #
  • 09:42 I wish Dream-Tina were real. #
  • 09:53 @greggrunberg Sounds delicious! Hope Parkman doesn't have any shirtless scenes coming up. :D #
  • 09:55 @hodgman Every time you say there is no Santa, a seasonal department store employee DIES. *claps frantically* #
  • 10:10 This article ( about Bryan Fuller returning to Heroes-consulting is depressing. #
  • 10:11 Yay for Heroes maybe not sucking so hard in the future, but I WANT PUSHING DAISIES BACK. #
  • 16:12 *sporfle*Oh, Kate Reading. I really don't think that's how Shuar is pronounced. You don't sound like you're growling, more like throwing up. #
  • 17:51 ...Okay, there we go. Much better, Kate. #
  • 17:53 2nd-funniest voice-over session EVER. We just mumbled for 30 sec. (Funniest was when I recorded a spot in Spanish. I don't speak Spanish.) #
  • 22:05 @fourteenacross MFY. #
  • 23:42 Hilarious! The Twilight Before Christmas: #
  • 00:06 Katy Pfaffl is awesome and adorable and sings beautifully. @fourteenacross is an amazing cook. My evening kind of rocked. #
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Priscilla said at 12:31 AM


Friday, December 12, 2008

  • 07:32 YIPES. How is there like fifteen degrees' difference between the temperatures of my bedroom and the common room? I'm SHIVERING. #
  • 14:47 Dear Client, "Can you come back in, wearing a nightgown?" is not an appropriate greeting. #
  • 14:48 When I blink in surprise, "I'm in therapy, so I can say whatever I want," is not an explanation. Harassedly, Priscilla #
  • 18:35 Why did no one tell me the Intarwebs have an excerpt from Pat Rothfuss' next book? UNACCEPTABLE. *scurries off to read* #
  • 20:30 The weather is so gross in NY. Rain soaked through paper bag and lunch leftovers went splat all over floor of Grand Central. Pasta tonight! #
  • 22:18 Why does today feel so much like a Friday? #
  • 23:19 Instead of exchanging gifts this Xmas, my family is giving to charity in each other's names. Just made my donations. Feeling warm and fuzzy. #
  • 23:20 Can't say here where I donated, of course. My parents read my blog. :D #
  • 23:31 Other thing cheering my mood: Spent parts of workday doing concept art for weird character. Realized I'm not as bad at drawing as I thought. #
  • 00:08 Hrm, gotta start brainstorming for a new costume for NY Comic Con. Feb will be here before we know it! #
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Priscilla said at 12:44 AM


Thursday, December 11, 2008

  • 00:56 @jimmyaquino I had a fabulous time! Hope the rest of the evening goes well. #
  • 01:06 @sinspired I get that sometimes. I love Rowling, yet I can't bring myself to care about Beedle the Bard. Interests wax and wane, I guess. #
  • 08:56 Just passed a homeless dude doing tai chi. Only in New York. #
  • 10:25 Re-linked from @feliciaday -- check out s2e3 of The Guild! Hilarious! #
  • 10:56 Live-action Avatar casting: Why are they all so... white? #
  • 12:44 Oh, yeah. Yuletide. I should probably write that at some point. #
  • 14:18 I'm giggling my head off over a missing comma. Life is better when you're easily amused! #
  • 15:13 Coworkers just burst into the score of the "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" musical. I kind of love my job. #
  • 17:12 @JHOCHE Ah-AH-aaaaaaah! #
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Priscilla said at 12:22 AM


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

  • 01:06 There are never enough hours in the day. #
  • 01:15 @jimmyaquino HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Can't wait for tomorrow's shenanigans. #
  • 12:34 I know I gushed yesterday, but it deserves to be said a second time: I love Gmail's new Tasks feature! #
  • 16:12 "We fattened the cheerleader--We fattened the world!" #
  • 16:13 @greggrunberg He would have, if not for those meddling kids! #
  • 19:36 Ah, so THAT'S how I get my To Do list done! Or nearly done, at least! I am a deed-accomplishing MACHINE. #
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Priscilla said at 12:28 AM


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

  • 00:50 @sinspired Good! I don't understand spoilerphiles. I cringe when I see folks begging for the Big Reveals before the book's release. WHY? #
  • 10:00 @greggrunberg Have fun storming the castle! #
  • 12:13 Why is the freaking air conditioner on? #
  • 12:42 @DerekRuiz But if it's too cold, we can't type! #
  • 12:44 Linked from @smuu -- A "Fables" TV show? I'm intrigued! #
  • 16:10 Aww! #
  • 19:58 @JHOCHE Good luck, if we ever see you again! #
  • 22:53 Loving Gmail's new "Tasks" feature! #
  • 23:53 Finally finished ripping all 14 discs for the "Princeps' Fury" audio book to iTunes. Why on earth doesn't Penguin do mp3-CDs, like Buzzy? #
  • 23:58 @DerekRuiz I'm sure everyone on the West Coast Feed appreciates the near-spoiler. :D #
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Priscilla said at 12:42 AM


Monday, December 08, 2008

  • 00:49 @greggrunberg I like Twittelator. #
  • 08:06 @xiehicks Mmm, yes! Fage is my favourite, too. #
  • 08:16 I FEEL HEALTHY. I FEEL NORMAL. Thanks, Universe! Also, thanks for this: #
  • 14:02 @feliciaday Unclean! Unclean! #
  • 23:17 Simultaneously betaing for Jim, answering Thematic Consultant questionnaire, and carrying on two conversations on AIM. Viva multitasking! #
  • 23:18 @mkcho73 Heck, I'm surprised when they show something sci-fi related on SciFi. #
  • 23:28 @smuu I picked up Ellsmere tonight, and it was AWESOME. You write fantastic characters. Can't wait to see what comes out of your brain next. #
  • 23:33 @sinspired Nothing specific, except to say you'll recognize it when you read it as THE CHAPTER THAT MADE MY HEAD EXPLODE FROM AWESOME. #
  • 23:44 @sinspired Let that be a lesson to you: never try to sneak details from a beta! Jim has trained us to be merciless. :D #
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Priscilla said at 12:32 AM


Sunday, December 07, 2008

  • 08:53 In the past 33 hours, I have slept 23. #
  • 09:05 Mmm, just got a new batch of line art for issue 3 of the Storm Front graphic novel. Good grief, this issue is going to be awesome! #
  • 12:48 @sinspired Isn't that why human flesh is referred to as "long pig"? #
  • 13:24 I can stand up long enough to take a shower without feeling queasy! WIN! #
  • 13:28 Wearing new shoes! They're all classy on the outside, but all fuzzy on the inside. Stealth comfort! #
  • 14:51 Roommate just turned on the first Harry Potter movie. So glad they sacked Columbus for the later movies. Most uninspired directing ever! XD #
  • 14:56 Also, no one can act. Best to imagine the Wizard People, Dear Reader audio track instead! #
  • 16:01 mrrrm. May need to take another nap before this bug is 100% kicked. #
  • 18:58 Hey, that was my 1,111th tweet! #
  • 19:50 Back to feeling precarious. I am so DONE with this bug. #
  • 20:20 @xiehicks Yay, Greek yogurt love! It's fabulous on granola or with fruit, or with a dab of honey. Hope it helps with your queasiness. #
  • 21:30 Hey, look! It's snowing! #
  • 22:10 @DerekRuiz Oh ye of little faith! #
  • 22:31 @mkcho73 I don't think @jimmyaquino is going to let you off that easily! #
  • 23:44 @mkcho73 Speed Grapher? That sounds like a computer program you might need to buy for a statistics class. #
  • 00:15 @mkcho73 I read the first book in C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy for a sci-fi class senior year. Entertaining, though anviliciously Christian. #
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Priscilla said at 12:18 AM


Yikes. LoudTwitter didn't ship a week's worth of my tweets. Hopefully they'll correct the mistake, like they did once before. For the time being, they're all available here.


Priscilla said at 12:16 AM


Saturday, December 06, 2008

Now that's just... neat.

When you search Amazon for the Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle trade hardback, you get:

(Click image for full-sized version. I didn't want to screw up anyone's layout.)

It's total happenstance on the excerpt, but... thank you, universe, for taking steps to make up for my total suckfest of an illness these past few days.

Labels: ,

Priscilla said at 11:46 PM


  • 07:54 mrglfrsl. feel weak and queasy again, after being back to 100% yesterday. what the hell, body? #
  • 08:01 trying to muster resolve to force down h2o and yogurt (only thing that made me feel better Wed), but I quail at the idea of eating anything. #
  • 12:29 This is the lamest sickness ever. I feel like if I could just get on my feet and get moving, I'd be fine, but if I tried, I'd throw up. #
  • 12:57 @boymonster I'm convinced New Zealand and Australia actively want me dead. On the other hand, I live in New York, so that's nothing new. #
  • 18:05 @mkcho73 Come on, don't you want to see shirtless, sudsy Hugh Jackman pour a gallon of water on himself? #
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Priscilla said at 12:19 AM


Friday, December 05, 2008

  • 15:52 @fourteenacross You are a shelving rockstar every day! #
  • 22:51 @edeainfj I love your brain. #
  • 00:13 Why does betaing always give me the curious urge to diagram sentences? #
  • 07:54 mrglfrsl. feel weak and queasy again, after being back to 100% yesterday. what the hell, body? #
  • 08:01 trying to muster resolve to force down h2o and yogurt (only thing that made me feel better Wed), but I quail at the idea of eating anything. #
  • 12:29 This is the lamest sickness ever. I feel like if I could just get on my feet and get moving, I'd be fine, but if I tried, I'd throw up. #
  • 12:57 @boymonster I'm convinced New Zealand and Australia actively want me dead. On the other hand, I live in New York, so that's nothing new. #
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Priscilla said at 2:34 PM


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