The Cult of Lincoln

Friday, October 31, 2008

  • 10:55 @gypsyjr That's because Ned's eyebrows are a character themselves! I love my Muppet-eyebrowed piemaker. #
  • 12:18 @boymonster ...This Rickroll just took a nasty turn. #
  • 12:19 @mkcho73 Yes, that would be wise. #
  • 12:45 Dr Horrible makes Time magazine's list of Best Inventions of the Year. Wild! #
  • 15:22 @boymonster Your line from Oasis sounded like it was from a creepy, apocryphal verse to the Rickroll song. #
  • 15:47 Hilarious Presidential debate remix: #
  • 15:47 @viennateng How long are you going to keep us in suspense? #
  • 15:48 More gorgeous Obama backgrounds from the talented txvoodoo: #
  • 16:57 @multiplexer Please tell me you have a link! #
  • 17:03 Speaking of Rickrolls, coworker just Rickrolled the entire office. Kind of love my job. #
  • 17:53 @mollycrabapple A scourge of artists? A murder? #
  • 21:06 Woooo, Obama on @Maddow right now! #
  • 21:43 ...Did Obama just call Rachel Maddow "Abby"? Or did I totally mishear that? #
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Priscilla said at 12:19 AM


Thursday, October 30, 2008

  • 07:42 Urgh. Went to sleep at 12:30 last night, but I'm absolutely exhausted this morning. What's that all about, body? #
  • 09:48 Cindy McCain/The Onion: "A Vote For My Husband Is A Vote For Me Not Breaking Your F***ing Neck" #
  • 10:07 Please, take a minute to sign this petition to save Pushing Daisies: #
  • 11:10 @vampirecowboys Wish I could have been there! Stupid 9-7 job, getting in the way of evening shenanigans... #
  • 11:23 Gorgeous Obama backgrounds from txvoodoo: #
  • 11:49 @sinspired Good luck! Subterranean Press is close to selling out of the "Backup" trade. #
  • 11:50 @mkcho73 I don't deny it! #
  • 16:30 @sinspired So Weird Al!!! = SplatterCon!!!? #
  • 18:24 WAUGH. I knew it was coming, but still I flail in woe. David Tennant leaving Doctor Who at the end of 2009: #
  • 18:36 @sinspired *imagines Weird Al and Molly Carpenter proclaiming "Art Crawl!"* #
  • 19:04 Re-tweeted from @boymonster -- brilliant Toy Story/The Dark Knight mashup #
  • 21:13 Oh, Pushing Daisies. You fill my heart with love. Is Obama's infomercial on YouTube yet? #
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Priscilla said at 12:22 AM


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

  • 09:36 @smuu Congrats! You know you've made it big when people are either pirating or parodying you! #
  • 11:40 Coworkers joyously ordering Baconnaise in bulk online. No wonder guys outnumber girls here 4:1. #
  • 15:43 @mkcho73 "Baconnaise" is exactly what you think it is. One coworker also ordered "Bacon Salt." The horror.... the horror... #
  • 17:10 Obama's gonna be on The Daily Show tomorrow! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!! #
  • 18:20 @boymonster That's speciesist! #
  • 21:12 @edeainfj I'm so sorry. #
  • 21:21 Stupid weather. Guess it's time to pull out the winter coat and shop for new gloves and a hat! #
  • 21:47 Woo, vol. 10 of "Y the Last Man" just arrived from Amazon! #
  • 22:36 @mkcho73 *anticipates!* #
  • 23:17 @mkcho73 Not you, too! #
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Priscilla said at 12:22 AM


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

  • 09:22 Feel drained from last coughing jag. Freaking body. Either make me sick enough to stay home from work or heal me. This in-betweenness sucks. #
  • 10:22 @DerekRuiz Thank goodness! #
  • 10:28 WHERE ARE YOU, ELJAY? #
  • 12:34 Obama + joyous baby = my ovaries just melted. #
  • 12:53 @mkcho73 Yeah, but beating the crowds is a big concern, especially in the swing states. Remember Iowa in 04, when folks faced 2+ hr lines. #
  • 13:55 @mkcho73 New York sucks that way. You can only vote early if you're not going to be in your county on ED. #
  • 13:56 Joss blogs about the current Dollhouse sitch: #
  • 18:19 @xiehicks ...I love you for bringing this product's existence to my attention. #
  • 21:01 @xiehicks - These are so cute! Great jack-o-lanterns! #
  • 22:02 Oh, Heroes. It's so cute when you *acknowledge* what a soap opera you've become. #
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Priscilla said at 12:38 AM


Monday, October 27, 2008

  • 01:18 @mkcho73 30 Rock is hilarious. You're missing out! #
  • 01:25 An amusing, Seuss-esque political vid: "The Vet Who Did Not Vet." #
  • 11:17 Palin "annoyed" with Couric for asking "irrelevant" questions. #
  • 11:42 @paulandstorm Doesn't purchasing @hodgman's book exempt one from reading it? #
  • 11:43 @jimmyaquino Write an article about the gloriousness of ME! #
  • 12:06 The ends of my hair were breaking off and getting uneven, so snipped off four inches in the shower. Still looks long, but now far healthier! #
  • 17:03 At NY Obama HQ, phonebanking! Stop by for an hour or two and help get out the vote! 52 B'way at Wall Street. #
  • 20:01 Lasted nearly 2 hrs before voice gave out and I had a coughing fit mid-answering machine message. Bleeeeergh. #
  • 20:01 YES WE CAN hack up trace amounts of blood! NO WE CAN'T record the next ep of Butcher 'Spress tonight. #
  • 20:38 Anchorage Daily News endorses Obama. Buuuuuurn. #
  • 21:40 @boymonster I'll get right on that! #
  • 23:15 @hodgman Causality is for wusses! #
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Priscilla said at 12:24 AM


Sunday, October 26, 2008

  • 11:44 Bravo, Apple! Publicly opposed Prop 8 and donated $100,000 to the No on 8 campaign! More reasons to love this company. #
  • 12:17 *chortles* Joe the Plumber considering Congressional bid in MARCY KAPTUR's district. FAIL so hard! She is AWESOME. #
  • 14:55 @paulandstorm Is "jackanapes" canapés made from jackalope? #
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Priscilla said at 12:20 AM


Saturday, October 25, 2008

  • 00:22 What is this "#lift08" McCain meme? Googled it; got a tech conference. Likely unrelated, as McCain is more of a luddite than Harry Dresden. #
  • 00:28 Whoops. It would help if I spelled "litf08" correctly. Still can't crack the acronym, though. Lepers Inhabit Toxic Future? McCain '08! #
  • 00:30 @stormkite Thanks for the litf08 clarification! I think I prefer my theories, though. How about the Llama, Isopod, and Twi'lek Foundation? #
  • 00:42 @sinspired Thomas kills Dumbledore! "Justine" is a sled! #
  • 14:39 Ashley Todd: "I would've gotten away with it, too, if not for PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY HAVE BRAINS." Did she think the truth wouldn't come out? #
  • 16:28 Retweeted from @DerekRuiz -- Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle HC made #90 in USA Today Top 100 Bestseller List! W00t! #
  • 16:35 - John Barrowman + Superman + Barack Obama = greatest photo ever. #
  • 16:39 Palin Refuses To Answer Whether Or Not Abortion Clinic Bombers Are Terrorists -- #
  • 16:57 My contributions to this week's ONTD_Political Friday LOLitics: #
  • 20:10 @sadbhyl Heretic! #
  • 20:56 Finally getting around to reediting interview with Raoul Bhaneja (Kirmani, Dresden TV show), as previous file got corrupted. Bad podcaster! #
  • 21:09 @sinspired You can has very soon! Perhaps even a Butcher 'Spress, as well! Man, the last episode was in June? REALLY bad podcaster... #
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Priscilla said at 12:16 AM


Friday, October 24, 2008

  • 11:38 @mkcho73 I've never drunk coffee. So why are my boobs so small? That doesn't seem fair. #
  • 13:21 @PSUbrat I wish Tennant would pull a DanRad and bring his Hamlet to Broadway after it closes in London. #
  • 13:34 Obama/McCain DANCE OFF! #
  • 14:28 @edeainfj You make me want to listen to Vienna Teng! *does so* #
  • 16:14 Happy Mole Day! #
  • 16:37 @jimmyaquino Did you have a cameo? #
  • 16:40 Obama makes yet more pie analogies, culminating in chants of "WE WANT PIE!" This clip was MADE for me. #
  • 16:41 @mkcho73 Ah, THAT's what I recognized her from! Good catch. #
  • 17:29 Vlad and friend Boris present "Song for Sarah": #
  • 18:01 @ingridmusic Stay away from Sarah Palin! #
  • 18:12 Parodies that need to happen: Sarah Palin's clothing shopping spree in the style of Liam Sullivan's "Shoes" ( #
  • 21:53 @sinspired Metal detectors don't stop moose! #
  • 21:56 Why am I listening to my Playlist of Songs That Make Me Want to Belt Along when I have a cold? #
  • 23:39 @mollycrabapple That would be amazing! I salivate at the idea of what you could create with so large a palette. #
  • 00:15 Yay, managed to get my backup hard drive working again! Gotta keep all the silliness I generate safe. #
  • 00:22 What is this "#lift08" McCain meme? Googled it; got a tech conference. Likely unrelated, as McCain is more of a luddite than Harry Dresden. #
  • 00:28 Whoops. It would help if I spelled "litf08" correctly. Still can't crack the acronym, though. Lepers Inhabit Toxic Future? McCain '08! #
  • 00:30 @stormkite Thanks for the litf08 clarification! I think I prefer my theories, though. How about the Llama, Isopod, and Twi'lek Foundation? #
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Priscilla said at 12:35 AM


Thursday, October 23, 2008

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

Oh, Ron Howard. Don't you know Andy Griffith and Happy Days aren't the real America, and don't represent small-town American values? Go peddle your radical left-wing terrorist claptrap somewhere else. McCAIN '08!

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Priscilla said at 5:22 PM


  • 11:36 @gypsyjr *tilts head, like an owl* #
  • 13:44 Palin: God will do "the right thing for America" on Nov 4th. Good grief, can she HEAR herself? #
  • 15:37 Palin wears scarf with donkeys and the word "VOTE" to Nevada campaign event. Um. #
  • 20:09 @hodgman Said at signing I turn off Twitter notifications during debates. To clarify: I read your tweets afterward! They are not ignored! #
  • 20:10 @fourteenacross We must work to renew Pushing Daisies! SO BRILLIANT. #
  • 21:13 @fourteenacross Tiny Pushing Daisies Characters universally own my soul. They need to have tiny adventures together in fanfic. #
  • 21:13 @mkcho73 You can; I just don't know how good it would taste. #
  • 22:46 Dear Internet, I'm about 90% sure Sarah Palin was joking about naming her sixth child "Zamboni." Take a chill pill. Love, Me #
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Priscilla said at 12:20 AM


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just signed up for Yuletide. I was quite amused at the character list participants had assembled for the Dresden Files, as it includes a "Frank Hendricks." I know that's the name his player in the Hearts and Minds RPG came up with for him, but I wasn't aware it was so firmly entrenched in fanon! Somehow I felt like a party pooper, correcting it to Nathan.

In other news, Kristin sent me the photographs she took of me as a psychotic, murderous queen. I have a freakishly long neck and evil-looking clavicles. It's good to be the queen!

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Priscilla said at 9:16 PM


Books I am currently in the middle of: (in the order they were started)
  1. The Vor Game, Lois McMaster Bujold
  2. The Sellsword, Cam Banks (a long-time friend of Jim Butcher--we palled around at Comic Con)
  3. The Wordy Shipmates, Sarah Vowell
  4. The Graveyard Book, Neil Gaiman
  5. The Queen's Bastard, C.E. Murphy

    and now
  6. More Information Than You Require, John Hodgman
Self control. I should look into it.

But why, you may ask, is my brain going in so many directions? Perhaps this is because I have done so many awesome things in the past month.

September 15: Attended the Audacity of Jokes Obama fundraiser. Among other notable comics were Kristen Schaal (Flight of the Conchords, The Daily Show) and Jonathan Coulton.

September 29: The Mobile Pie Hole! Enjoyed free pie and Pushing Daisies swag in Times Square as ABC pimped the season premiere.

September 30: Kevin invited me to see Simon Pegg at Comix. I LOVE YOU, KEVIN!

October 1: Pushing Daisies premiere! I made delicious pies for my guests and wore a cute dress. Afterward, Kristen helped me hang the Serenity travel posters I've been meaning to hang for months. I also put up the Pushing Daisies dot I was given by a Mobile Pie Hole attendant. It's about two feet wide, and it looks fabulous on the wall!

October 2: Bought Nation! Listened to audio book Thursday and Friday.

October 5: Toured the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons as a part of Open House New York.

October 8: Saw Sarah Vowell speak!

October 10: Long-time family friend Tex invited me to a performance art production, for which he composed the music. It was very bizarre, but it was great to see him and his family again!

October 12: Kristen and I went out for crepes, then she used me as a model for her painting of a psychotic queen. I'm still waiting to see those photos, Kristen! Later, Tex invited me to watch the Cowboys game, then I treated him to gelato.

October 15: Debate Night! And better, my beloved college roommate Ko spent the night!

October 16: Kevin and I went to the Obama campaign HQ to get training for phone banking, canvassing, and other forms of volunteering. W00t!

October 17: Invited more friends out for crepes! Crepecrepecrepecrepecrepe.

October 18: Planned to spend the weekend phone banking, but woke up on Saturday a nasty cold and couldn't. Lamesauce, body.

October 20: Ko came to town again! She and I and one of our favourite college professors, Veronica, went to Vesselka for shenanigans and raspberry blintzes.

October 21: Saw John Hodgman and Jonathan Coulton speak and perform, respectively, at Barnes and Noble. Fig. 1, Jonathan Coulton summons a great white whale through the sheer force of his awesomeness. Fig. 2, John Hodgman sees whut you did thar. Unfortunately, he does not see the great Brobdingnagian hand come to squish his head and filch a copy of his new book, More Information Than You Require.

Have I mentioned how much I love living in New York?

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Priscilla said at 8:13 AM


  • 00:44 @viennateng Can you explain it in 140 characters? #
  • 09:30 Does Palin's job naming convention remind anyone else of feudal Europe? #
  • 09:30 Also, how is "wealth spender" worse than "deficit raiser"? #
  • 09:50 Missed "Heroes" last night, but find I really don't care. Was it worth watching? #
  • 09:51 @hodgman I have no uke case, but I look forward to seeing you at B&N tonight! #
  • 10:09 @Wraithmaker Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow #
  • 10:30 @hodgman gave a TED talk! The universe is awesome today. #
  • 10:34 Biden on Ellen: Entrance music was "Changes" by David Bowie, and now he's speaking against Prop 8! Be still my heart! #
  • 14:43 The only thing about quiche more fun than eating it is pronouncing it. Keeeeeeesh! #
  • 17:17 WAH. iTunes is crashing a minute into each song. Guess I'll be bringing my iPod into work for the foreseeable future... #
  • 17:18 @jonathancoulton Drat! Can you make an exception for coonskin? #
  • 18:05 At B&N, soon to be captivated by @hodgman and @jonathancoulton. Will any of you guys be in attendance, besides the obvious? #
  • 18:17 @boymonster I am dubious. We may have to thumb-war for the title at the next Comic Con. #
  • 23:26 Did I know before today @hodgman is doing a cameo on Battlestar Galactica? How can sadness exist in the world in the face of such splendor? #
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Priscilla said at 12:16 AM


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

  • 07:57 @fourteenacross We have levers! They make me feel like I've accomplished something. Electronic voting machines are so anticlimactic. #
  • 09:38 Tried a new shampoo this morning. Hair feels really, really soft. It's the little things in life! #
  • 10:43 Jon Stewart to Sarah Palin: "F*** You" #
  • 14:35 Dear Baby Jesus, I'm not sure what I did to deserve this picspam of scruffy Lee Pace, but I thank you nonetheless. #
  • 19:02 @mkcho73 Wish I could join you guys, but I have cunning plans of my own. *rubs hands* Have fun! #
  • 00:00 @Wraithmaker I had dinner with my visiting college roommate and one of our professors! 'Twas quite awesome. #
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Priscilla said at 12:22 AM


Monday, October 20, 2008

  • 00:16 @jimmyaquino Try not to get mugged! #
  • 01:18 @edeainfj What are you quoting? *headtilt* #
  • 08:32 Retweeted from @benjaminspector: Charleston, WV: Early voters say machines changed their votes from Dem to Repub #
  • 09:35 @fourteenacross *dances a merry jig with you* #
  • 11:48 @mkcho73 They are a god-fearing restaurant, and they keep the sabbath holy by not serving delicious fast-food chicken. #
  • 11:49 @jimmyaquino Woooo, Maximus! Give him a necklace of the skulls of his enemies for me. #
  • 11:50 HUZZAH! Colin Powell just endorsed Obama! I can't wait to see how the McCain campaign spins this. #
  • 12:17 Powell's MtP endorsement is a well-reasoned, empathetic analysis. Always refreshing to see that in politics. #
  • 13:51 @xiehicks Oh, man. GORGEOUS. Where was this? #
  • 17:14 @jimmyaquino Most of the time I share with a friend, or I take 2/3 home for leftovers. #
  • 17:15 @edeainfj Oh, hon, I'm so sorry! You and she will be in my thoughts. #
  • 17:55 6pm, and I'm veering napward. Of course, if I go to sleep now, I'll probably wake up at 3am and be incapable of going back to sleep. Arg. #
  • 19:06 @mkcho73 That's what I love about my neck of the East Village. NO STARBUCKS! #
  • 23:09 Oh my god, I'm laughing so hard I'm CRYING. The 2008 political campaign as a D&D session: #
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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Sunday, October 19, 2008

  • 11:47 WAH. Yesterday's predictions were correct. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and a voice an octave lower than normal. #
  • 11:48 Was hoping to do phone banking for Obama all day, but that's not happening. Maybe data banking. But do I want to expose volunteers to cold? #
  • 19:24 Took four-hour nap. Clearly, volunteering will have to wait for tomorrow. #
  • 21:13 @xiehicks @fredhicks Welcome back! Hope you had a fabulous, relaxing time. #
  • 23:37 Palin on SNL's cold open -- not rude enough to be considered a slap in the face; not charitable enough to engender sympathy for her. WIN! #
  • 00:16 @jimmyaquino Try not to get mugged! #
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Priscilla said at 12:18 AM


Saturday, October 18, 2008

  • 09:39 Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? John McCain knows! #johnmccainknows #
  • 09:45 @jimmyaquino ENVY. March is so far awaaaaaaay! #
  • 09:48's word of the day is "genius." Seriously? #
  • 10:25 Oh. My. God. McCain as a a creepy husband on SNL. I will never be able to hear him speak without thinking of this! #
  • 11:23 "Contrary to the rumors you've heard, I was not born in a manger. I was actually born on Krypton, sent here by my father Jor-El, #
  • 11:23 to save the planet Earth." --Barack Obama ( #
  • 14:29 Wooooo, my favourite time of the week! ONTD_POLITICAL: SHENANIGANS FRIDAY! My contributions: #
  • 14:41 @mkcho73 ...Because it's the Sci-Fi Channel? #
  • 15:55 Too funny: Joe Cocker sings "With a Little Help From My Friends" #
  • 16:07 Raaaaarg. Getting that tickle in my throat that warns of an oncoming cold. Must begin mainlining Vitamin C! #
  • 16:26 Extraordinary photos of animals in today's The Big Picture: #
  • 17:22 BoingBoing: Top 10 TED Talks -- #
  • 17:49 Check out this cool game, testing color acuity. I scored a four, w00t! #
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Priscilla said at 12:24 AM


Friday, October 17, 2008

  • 10:15 McCain's moment of utter gobsmackitude, btw: #
  • 10:22 @mkcho73 Yes. Yes it is. Have you ever seen it rain on that show? #
  • 11:15 Screw you, New York Metro, for spoiling the season finale of Project Runway on your front page. :P #
  • 11:35 @mollycrabapple Knife? Nah. He used a stake. :D Glad to hear the MoSex event went so well! Wish I could have gone. #
  • 11:37 ...One of my MALE coworkers was just humming Katy Pfaffl. I think my head exploded. #
  • 12:03 Coworkers ordering lunch. One dials a number and asks if they have live mice. #
  • 12:04 (Okay, he's a snake owner, trying to find a pet store in his new neighborhood. Still disconcerting.) #
  • 12:29 Best photo ever: #
  • 17:54 Nobody loves you like Obama loves you! #
  • 18:23 Live mice-inquiring coworker now calling every sex shop in town for a Green Man suit. I love my job so much! <33333 #
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Priscilla said at 12:18 AM


Thursday, October 16, 2008

My beloved Becky is facing a tight financial situation, and she's opened up shop for graphics commissions! See her post on the subject and check out some sample graphics here.

Priscilla said at 2:49 PM


Kat and I have invented a new game: Flan In the Cupboard! See how many ways you can describe the slow collapse of the McCain campaign in a pithy metaphor.

Me: like a punctured tire
Kat: An air mattress with a hole you just can't find.
Me: a week-old mylar balloon
Kat: A Coke left out all night.
Me: Violet Beauregarde in the hands of the Oompa-Loompas
Kat: Those giant balloons the day after the Rose Parade.
Me: A randy young guy who just discovered the hot chick he picked up at a bar has a suspicious bulge.
Kat: A bitten-into dumpling.

I think you can tell what I thought of the third Presidential debate. :D

Man, watching political anything is infinitely better when I'm with Ko. Yes, my beloved college roommate crashed at my apartment last night! She flew out of JFK at crazy o'clock this morning, so it was my job to deny her beauty sleep through obnoxious giggling and general tomfoolery. We heckled the debate with an enthusiasm that would shame Rocky Horror audiences, exchanged much-needed back rubs, and squealed over photos of Ko's new gerbil and the surprise babies that came a week later. SO CUTE! She'll be in and out of NY the next few weeks, and I look forward to more of the unquenchable silliness that accompanies our reunions!

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Priscilla said at 2:42 PM


  • 09:57 @sinspired Work is overrated, especially when the alternative is Tony Stark and Harry Dresden. #
  • 10:00 @Wraithmaker No way! Yesterday afternoon, I kept incessantly chanting bits from "Rock Island" at my coworkers. Mmm, Music Man synchronicity. #
  • 10:12 @boymonster Where economics is concerned? I think you have an extra "s" in there somewhere. #
  • 11:00 #
  • 11:58 Woo, internet is back! It's so hilarious how frantic the office gets when the network goes down for twenty minutes. #
  • 14:42 Two Alaskan women share their views on Sarah Palin: #
  • 14:57 Hayden Panettiere: "Nobody F***s With John McCain!" #
  • 15:31 Talk to your parents about John McCain: #
  • 17:00 @jimmyaquino Yeah. I ain't gonna lie. :D #
  • 17:38 @boymonster I KNOW. My patience with the "Heroes" writers is wearing out FAST. #
  • 17:43 I think it's impossible to listen to "Urinetown" OBCR on headphones without making silly faces and/or subtly dancing in chair. #
  • 21:57 Daaaang, McCain's gettin' SCHOOLED. #
  • 22:02 WOW. Did you see McCain's utterly GOBSMACKED look when Obama mentioned the small business health insurance tax exemption? GLORIOUS. #
  • 22:06 @hodgman Can we have an adze? That's a good Scrabble word. #
  • 22:20 @fourteenacross No spoilers! I'm watching it tomorrow. #
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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

  • 10:45 Today's Big Picture has some extraordinary photos of the sun: #
  • 11:37 @boymonster I used yesterday's word, "koine," in a scrabble game last night. Educational AND Scrabble-profitable! #
  • 11:38 @mkcho73 You should follow the Big Picture blog! Gorgeous, high-res photos on a variety of topics, posted daily! #
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Priscilla said at 12:21 AM


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Coworker: I have one change for you guys. The cashier's apron needs to be blue.
Me: Pale blue, sky blue, bright blue, slate blue, navy blue?
Coworker: Dannon blue.
Me: So like, Container Store blue?
Coworker: Dannon blue!

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Priscilla said at 10:14 AM


  • 12:11 Rrrr, all the places I want to eat lunch are on the East side! Stupid parade. #
  • 12:25 Highly amusing new song: Hey Sarah Palin, to the tune of Hey Delilah #
  • 13:29 Hiccups! #
  • 16:57 I have a cookie! Oatmeal raisin, to be precise! Envy me! #
  • 17:02 @Wraithmaker MENERGY!!! #
  • 19:09 Play the Eyeball Game! Can you beat my 2.35? I'm currently the second-highest score! #
  • 21:48 I wish I had someone I could greet as "Nemesis!" #
  • 21:48 ...Heroes WHAT? #
  • 00:19 Blaaaaaaarg. 12:20, and my laundry isn't dry. This is going to be another of those "wake up every two hours to restart dryer" nights. #
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Priscilla said at 12:23 AM


Monday, October 13, 2008

  • 17:57 @mkcho73 Holy cow! That's like 13 months here in Alphabet City, utilities and cable/internet included! #
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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Sunday, October 12, 2008

I took Kristin to Creperie today! I had the prosciutto, mozzarella, sun-dried tomato crepe and part of a strawberry, banana, nutella crepe. She had the sugar-lemon crepe and a strawberry nutella crepe. Good LORD this place is amazing! I swear, they put crack in these things. I'm taking another group of friends on Friday.

Afterward, Kristin took a bunch of photos of me pretending to be a psychotic, murderous queen for reference for one of her paintings. I had ridiculous amounts of fun! Why didn't I go into acting again? She also gave me a two-minute skateboarding tutorial, which was super-snazzy.

She said she'll send me the reference photos when she gets home. I can't wait to see them!

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Priscilla said at 5:17 PM


  • 00:27 Retweeted from @edeainfj -- Alaska panel finds Palin abused power in firing. Trying not to groove. #
  • 00:46 @ABCPieHole The show always makes me crave pie! It leaves my heart aglow, but it's hazardous to my waistline! #
  • 12:21 Cool. The "Life on Mars" remake-remake is solid! Now trying to gauge if it's worth my time--there's just no replacing John Simm in my heart! #
  • 12:27 @edeainfj I remember JStewart saying months ago he hoped McCain would be nom, as McC vs O/HRC would raise standard of discourse. Yeah right. #
  • 12:34 "McCain Defends Obama" by saying he's not an Arab, "he's a decent human being." THE TWO AREN'T MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. #
  • 13:35 Man, Obama is doing a rally in Philly today? I wish I'd known! I'd travel a lot further than that to see him speak. #
  • 13:46 Obama is talking about pie again, and how he wants to have a Sweet Potato Pie Contest in Philly. Oh, Obama! I will make pie for you! #
  • 14:05 WOOHOO! USA has renewed Psych and Burn Notice! #
  • 19:27 Went to Browncoats meetup, then hung out briefly with @jimmyaquino. Now watching Eleventh Hour. Good way to spend an evening! #
  • 00:04 @ingridmusic Welcome to twitter! #
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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Saturday, October 11, 2008

  • 08:24 @gypsyjr *glomps* #
  • 08:28 @sinspired Nope, I'm from Dallas, then I went to school in Philly. Mr. Rogers' love knows no geographic boundaries! #
  • 10:09 @sadbhyl Also the Middleman! #
  • 10:28 At a rally today in Chillicothe, OH, Obama just spent a full minute talking about pie and how delicious it is. I love this man. #
  • 11:47 Made a bunch of character extras with name tags. Anyone that thinks I didn't name them after fictional characters doesn't know me at all. #
  • 12:01 @mkcho73 Best pens ever! #
  • 12:02 @mkcho73 I read "mangas" as "mangoes." Now I want a mango. #
  • 12:38 Paris Hilton seeks advice from greatest fake president, Jed Bartlet: #
  • 13:10 McCain on Negative Attack Ads. In 2000. #
  • 14:22 I just had to google image search "obese man." *CRIES* #
  • 15:40 The brilliant and hilarious Sarah Haskins on Palin: #
  • 15:58 Vladmir Putin got a tiger cub for his birthday. I swear, the man is a real-life Bond villain. #
  • 18:52 Heeeee, others took note of the Smeagol-eyed lady in blue at the 2nd debate! #
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Priscilla said at 12:25 AM


Friday, October 10, 2008

  • 09:53 Piiiiiipe wreeeeench fiiiiiight.... This song is going to be stuck in my head all day. #
  • 11:21 @boymonster Very shady, NZ. I mean, what kind of name is "Oceania" for a continent? Are you a land mass or are you ocean? Make up your mind! #
  • 21:07 Advertising agency Goodby & Silverstein assembles 2 spots, postulating brainstorming process for McCain campaign: #
  • 22:44 "WATCH OUT! I have a trellis, and I know how to use it!" #
  • 23:07 @sinspired TAKE THAT BACK. #
  • 23:46 @edeainfj Watching the Fox clip. HORRORZ, HUMANS HAVE PORES. I love how they use "clear slap in the face" 5 times! #
  • 00:10 @mkcho73 Mmmm, Big Red soda. It's the only soft drink I've drank since 7th grade. It's my childhood in a bottle. #
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Priscilla said at 12:20 AM


Thursday, October 09, 2008

  • 10:13 @txvoodoo Also, how is referring to a fellow senator as "that one" remotely okay? Could you get any more patronizing? #
  • 10:49 *chortles* Hot Political Topics, according to Twitter users: my friends, Tina Fey, maverick, Not McCain's Friend, Cindy McCain, Ayers #
  • 12:51 Freaking uterus. #
  • 13:26 @mkcho73 Don't make me hurt you. #
  • 16:23 McCain totally loses it, calls Americans "my fellow prisoners": #
  • 18:03 Woo, gonna see Sarah Vowell! *grooves* #
  • 18:49 @jimmyaquino Sarah Vowell is speaking at the B&N in union square. It starts at 7. Still a few seats, if you can make it here quickly! #
  • 20:04 Yay, Sarah was awesome! I got a copy of her book signed for Renata. And whadayaknow it, home in time for Pushing Daisies! #
  • 20:14 ...Except how Pushing Daisies starts at 8, not 9. Yeep! #
  • 21:02 Apparently someone is actually saying good things about the Life on Mars remake-remake. Does anyone know if it's any good? #
  • 21:07 @fourteenacross I'll totally look the other way, and I'll tell the police you have an alibi. #
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Priscilla said at 12:25 AM


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I need to get back to actual blogging. Twitter has made me complacent! Unfortunately, this is not an actual blog entry, but instead a 1AM conversation over IM. I went to sleep soon afterward, no doubt to face wacky, delightful dreams.

Gypsy: *leeeeeeeeeans*
Priscellie: *snugs*
Gypsy: Middleman/Pushing Daisies fic - does it exist? And if not, WHY NOT?
Priscellie: Okay, I just conceived of Emerson/Ida grumpyawesomeness. By rule 34, it must exist. Therefore, Middleman/Pushing Daisies fic must exist!
Gypsy: ... OMG YES.
Priscellie: OMG OMG OMG
Priscellie: Emerson can knit her a Baby Heydar cozy.
Gypsy: X3
Gypsy: Chuck and Lacey would bond... Olive and Wendy could swap stories about their bosses...
Priscellie: The Middleman could take Aunts Lily and Vivian to see old-timey movies. Somehow, they would end up in a 3D feature, and Lily would have a red-glass monocle and a blue-colored eyepatch.
Gypsy: Brilliant!
Gypsy: DUDE, they both take place in unspecified vaguely fantastical locations.
Gypsy: (Unless they don't. Did they ever say where The Middleman took place?)
Priscellie: other than an illegal sublet, shared by two photogenic young artists? Not that I recall.
Gypsy: hee
Priscellie: and Ned's power... totally crossoverable.
Gypsy: Soooooo totally.
Priscellie: We are lunatics. But only the best kind.
Gypsy: You know you love me.
Priscellie: *hugs your brain*
Priscellie: I love mah Becky!

Labels: , ,

Priscilla said at 12:55 AM


  • 13:51 @PSUbrat I haven't! #
  • 17:05 @sinspired That's because you're awesome. Was it worth the wait? #
  • 21:01 Keith Olbermann has muppet eyebrows. Like Lee Pace. #
  • 21:10 McCain wants to appoint the founder of eBay to be the Treasury Secretary? That's ADORABLE. #
  • 21:14 McCain accusing Obama of being a crony. Obama trying not to LOL. #
  • 21:50 The woman in the top row, wearing a blue shirt, looks like a kindergarten teacher fondly watching her kids perform in a spelling bee. #
  • 22:00 @mkcho73 Word. The man is herding cats! Cats with flamethrowers. #
  • 22:09 Heeeeeeee, kindergarten-lady has smeagol eyes! This woman is so entertaining! #
  • 22:20 @hodgman Did you see McCain's grimace at "Bomb Iran"? He looked like he had severe indigestion. Check, indeed. #
  • 22:42 @edeainfj "My Friends" makes me think of the Sweeney Todd song. Hilarious that it's currently one of Twitter's "Hot Political Topics"! #
  • 22:44 @hodgman Obama leads NH 53-42 according to I think he's safe. #
  • 23:25 @fourteenacross Sarah Vowell is speaking at Barnes and Noble in Union Square tomorrow! I wonder if I can get permission to leave work early. #
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Priscilla said at 12:29 AM


Monday, October 06, 2008

  • 11:32 @edeainfj Which sketch? I only watched the Tina Fey bit. #
  • 11:34 @boymonster Congratulations! I know pearls, silks, or colored precious stones are traditional for the 12th, but Batman masks work, too. #
  • 13:05 Palin basically said to women that if they don't vote for her, they're going to hell. Want to punch her in the ovaries. #
  • 13:39 Also, in that clip, Palin SQUEES. VPs do not squee, unless they are VPs of their local Doctor Who fanclub chapter... #
  • 13:41 ...and someone on LJ has posted a picspam of David Tennant looking all rumpled and lickable. #
  • 13:41 Now whenever I squee, I will feel slightly sullied, knowing Sarah Palin has squeed too. #
  • 13:58 @sinspired Is no one condemning you, lined up like lemmings you led to the water? #
  • 21:58 Vice-Presidents of Doctor Who fanclubs are also permitted to squee over John Barrowman's new puppy! #
  • 23:49 @boymonster Or it's like Rob Thomas' show "Cupid." #
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Priscilla said at 12:25 AM


Sunday, October 05, 2008

  • 09:08 @viennateng April 7 is going to be the best day ever! New Jim Butcher, new Patrick Rothfuss, and now new Vienna Teng? JOY! #
  • 09:25 Eating cinnanom toast! And yes, that's a typo, but seeing as how my thoughts consist only of "NOM NOM NOM," it's an appropriate one. #
  • 12:30 @mkcho73 But are you two great things in one? #
  • 18:26 @sadbhyl How is PhauxCon going? You'd better be having crazy fun for me! #
  • 19:35 @boymonster I vote you build a robot army. Those are always fun! #
  • 22:31 @fourteenacross *cries jealous tears* #
  • 22:32 There's something hilarious about seeing "The Mega-Minicast" cited as a reference on Wikipedia. #
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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Saturday, October 04, 2008

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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Friday, October 03, 2008

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Priscilla said at 12:17 AM


Thursday, October 02, 2008

  • 01:21 @jimmyaquino Absolutely! Do you work Thursday? I'll bring you a slice! #
  • 01:28 Apologies for the "Don't you wish" comment earlier tonight. Looking back, I see it was super rude. Not sure what was going through my head. #
  • 01:29 @mkcho73 I actually have some homeopathic remedies, but they can't be taken within 15 minutes of food. They wouldn't make good pie filling. #
  • 01:45 After 4.5 hrs in kitchen, Pear+Cream Cheese done, Peach Ginger oven-ready, and Apple+Gruyere crust made--in fridge overnight. Phew! #
  • 01:52 @sinspired *offers Homeopathic Mood-Enhancing Pies to Repubs slighted by Pelosi; urges them to buck up for nat'l interest, stop being petty* #
  • 08:36 @mkcho73 I want cinnamon toast now, too! I'll have to make some tomorrow morning. #
  • 10:11 @boymonster Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries! #
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Priscilla said at 12:12 AM


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

  • 10:14 BRB OFF TO SEE THIS GUY --------> #
  • 14:25 Dear Universe, unless you are writing about ninja mountains, the proper spelling is "sneak peeks." Love, me. #
  • 15:18 @ABCPieHole My excitement goes up to eleven. Currently browsing recipes for pies to make for my viewing party tomorrow! #
  • 15:20 @mkcho73 "In volatile market, only stable investment is PORN!" --Trekkie Monster #
  • 20:40 I'm making PIES! Tart Apple+Gruyere, Peach Ginger, and Pear+Cream Cheese. Don't you wish you were coming to my Pushing Daisies party? #
  • 21:42 @Wraithmaker What's your email address? I'll add you to the invite. :D #
  • 00:03 Two sheets of wax paper + poster tube = impromptu rolling pin! Oh, gruyere crust, you'd better be worth the effort. #
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Priscilla said at 12:17 AM


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