The Cult of Lincoln

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wow, that was cathartic.

Over the past few weeks, I've let my room get intolerably messy. Never unhygienic or grubby, mind you--just wildly disorganized. Last night, I sorted all the stuff piling up in the middle of the room and started in on the teetering stacks of papers and books atop my dresser. Soon I won't wince when I look at the state of my room! Huzzah!

In the process, I found a bunch of stray papers and mementos that I never got around to putting in The Book. Chances are, if you know me in Real Life, you know about The Book. It's a combination scrapbook/sketchbook/notebook that never leaves my side. It's about 5.5"x4", earning it a permanent place in my purse.

I never write captions or blurbs for the things I put in. It's like a way of documenting the noteworthy (and occasionally mundane) moments in my life that only I can completely decipher. Ticket stubs and playbills and autographs and newspaper articles are self-explanatory, but only I can provide the backstory for the little flower bloom pressed between the pages, given to me by a random Greek woman on the first day of Chungy's and my first day in Spetses. And I love to get creative with the things I put in. Items flip up to reveal other treasures beneath, and newspaper articles fold out accordion-style to accommodate the full text. All in all, they represent a significant investment of time and memory.

But for whatever reason, I've barely touched the Book in months. This is really unlike me. I've kept an incarnation of the Book since March 2003, and my first Book was filled in a little over a year. This latest Book--with a few odd exceptions--hadn't been added to since May 2008. I actually had some ticket stubs swimming around unscrapbooked from 2007.

It's understandable why I wouldn't take the time to chronicle my life during summer 2008, because frankly, I didn't have a life. I spent practically every waking hour either at work or cooped up in my apartment, recovering from work. That was around the time my blogging tapered off, too. And as the backlog of stuff I wanted to add to the book piled up, resistance mounted to add anything new before I'd tackled it. I always feel so weird about blogging minutiae when I have a massive "event" post in the works, like the one I'm composing for ConDFW. It's like I stifle myself, because I don't want anything that happens chronologically after the event to be blogged/scrapbooked before. I guess the same goes for the Book.

Yes, I am a nerd.

So I spent an hour last night bringing the Book up to date, using all my ingenuity to fit mementos in the scant page space allotted to them chronologically. Hopefully, I've taken away any excuse not to blog or Book-chronicle. I love being able to look back through past Books and my blog archive and remember how I felt during those experiences. Now I need to get back in the swing of documenting my existence!

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Priscilla said at 11:31 AM


  • 10:05 From @neilhimself: Vote for your favourite character! (To Twi-fans: character =/= self-indulgent, masturbatory fantasy) #
  • 11:39 (Coworker G flexes arm gingerly) Coworker ES, reassuringly: "Your elbow looks fine. It looks like an elbow." #
  • 11:49 @mkcho73 I had the same feeling this morning! It stayed with me all through my commute. Mad mojo in the city today. #
  • 17:19 RT @politicaltickerHow to get Michelle Obama's toned arms - *weeps openly* #
  • 17:24 @Esperacchius *hands you a box of caffeinated gum* #
  • 20:09 @emshore At least it looked healthy? #
  • 21:11 Ah, Dollhouse. Have I mentioned here that Dichen Lachman (Sierra) needs to play Kitai? Because she does. #
  • 21:41 *cackles* Eliza has a Hulu ad, too! #
  • 22:08 Dollhouse. Wow. That SUCKED. #
  • 23:16 Urgh, how is it so hot in my apartment? How can we have control over the A/C but not the radiator? *opens windows* #
  • 23:17 @epicFlail People have no patience and want their toys NOW NOW NOW? #
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Priscilla said at 12:09 AM


Friday, February 27, 2009

This afternoon, I went to the Doctor Who NY meetup. They hold two meetups per month: a pub meetup for booze and conversation, and a "video" meetup for watching of classic episodes. This month was a tribute to the third Doctor, and we watched "Terror of the Autons." It was cool to see an instance of how the old school monsters were resurrected for the new series. I also got to chat with some fun folks about costuming. Yay for getting out of my apartment!

Heading over, on my way out the door, I tucked my copy of The Name of the Wind in my purse. I finished Barrayar the night before last, and Watchmen is too big to fit without shoving, and I wasn't about to risk damaging a copy signed by Dave Gibbons. NotW has been on my mind a lot recently, and even though it's no longer coming out April 7th, I decided to go forward with the reread as scheduled.

Good lord, I'd forgotten how much I love this book. I remember loving it, but getting that thrill of readerly intrigue at the end of the prologue--every bit as effective the second time around--reminded me of exactly why this story kept me spellbound for a week. Looking back, I'm amazed I managed to drag it out that long, despite my slightly mad work schedule. I was caught in a bizarre tango of savoring and devouring. I wanted to forgo sleep and ignore my job and just keep reading, but I also wanted to ration it, because when it was gone, it was gone. I knew the sequel wouldn't be coming any time soon, and the author hadn't written anything else in that vein. It was my favourite book I read last year.

Even though I've "known" for ages, but it's still somewhat disheartening to see it in writing: yes, the sequel to The Name of the Wind has been delayed. It was originally slated for April 7th, the same day as Jim Butcher's Turn Coat, and watching Jim barely scoot under the publication deadline while Pat continued to blog about writing and revising, writing and revising, the frustrating reality set in.

I'm glad Pat is taking the time to get the book right, though. The last thing I want to see is the sequel getting rushed out the door before Pat is satisfied. I'll happily wait another year or longer to have another experience like that I had reading NotW. For now, I'll savor my reread!

It's kind of odd, though. Last year, after I finished NotW, I was at a loss as to what to read next. What could follow it? Finally, I picked up Bujold's The Warrior's Apprentice, the first book I read in that series. As I mentioned earlier in this post, I just finished Barrayar, my last book. Funny that such an awesome novel would bookend such an awesome series for me.

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Priscilla said at 10:50 AM


  • 09:30 My work computer was re-imaged last night. So begins the slow process of getting all my settings back in order. #
  • 09:33 @boymonster Remember, they're more afraid of you than you are of them. #
  • 10:03 Wow. I wonder if the creatives realize how sexist their latest round of changes is. #
  • 12:05 OMG. Photoshop CS4 has tabbed windows! I am so turned on right now. #
  • 12:12 Spam: "Get king-kong in pants." My first thought: Aww, gorilla pants dance! #
  • 13:17 Gak! Here's me, wondering why my food hasn't gotten here yet, only to realize I never pressed "send" on my order. Smart, Priscilla. #
  • 16:32 So ready for this day to be over. Why can't I have a normal 9-5 job, where I would get out in 30 minutes, as opposed to 2 1/2 hours? #
  • 16:33 @Phil_Boswell He was reading from an ARC. What differences did you notice? #
  • 19:08 Sometimes I wonder how people dress themselves in the morning. #
  • 20:11 YES! I'm not the only person who thinks my coworker looks like Tony Stark! I've been silently giggling over this for a year and a half. #
  • 22:25 @creativeboost Rob! #
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Priscilla said at 12:09 AM


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm about midway through writing my Big ConDFW reaction post, but as I'm going to be working crazy late all week, it may be a while before I'm ready to post it here. In the meantime, I'm scurrying to post the sample chapters Jim read aloud for the Butcher Block. While editing, I came upon the following conversation snippet:

Jim: Chapter 2!
Me: Wait, saving.
Jim: Ah. We see who's really in control here!
Me: *dramatic evil laugh* Alright, go!
Attendee: ...You did that scarily well.
Jim: Yeah, I think she's got this hidden serial killer streak we'll see one of these years. I'm looking forward to it.
Me: Well, if Bad Horse worked so long on his whinny...
Jim: Alright, chapter 2!

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Priscilla said at 12:18 AM


  • 00:11 @hobbitwriter Only because you said "Please"! Midnight MDT, which is 2EST, 1CST, and 11PST. #
  • 09:44 @MelissaRuby Welcome to Twitter, Melissy! #
  • 09:58 @Uilos Except the cliffhangers btw later chapters are far more agonizing than the ones you get, & we don't know when the next hit is coming! #
  • 09:59 @sinspired Edit it yourself! Lord knows I've rectified my share of oversights on that website. That's that wikis are for! #
  • 10:00 @sinspired Also, curse you for telling me @tvtropes had a twitter account! It's hard enough skirting the time-suck as it is. :D #
  • 10:04 Mrsfgl. Is it naptime yet? #
  • 10:34 Aww, "First Lord's Fury," final book in the Codex Alera, comes out the day after my 25th birthday! How momentous. :D #
  • 11:43 @Phil_Boswell Hahahahaha no. That would be a recipe for instant burnout for Jim. Plus, I want to know what happens to Glencannon! #
  • 12:31 Hmm, what to get for lunch? I want Indian, but that's pretty much all my fridge is filled with. XD #
  • 16:06 @KevinConn Does God speak in CAPS LOCK? Serifs? #
  • 16:10 @hobbitwriter You did indeed! If all proceeds as planned, the first chapter of Jim's Turn Coat read-aloud will be posted tonight. #
  • 18:47 @sinspired Imagine if they combined forces? Humanity would be doomed. #
  • 20:20 "Man, my food is supposed to come within from ten minutes ago. Now." --Coworker M #
  • 21:48 Yay, heading home! Probably should be staying later, but two thousand-plus subscribers to the Butcher Block would be out for my blood. #
  • 22:56 Arg. Toted three trash bags full of plastic bottles to Grand Central, only to find they're no longer recycling in the terminal. What now? #
  • 23:15 DUDE. Audacity's noise reduction filter is awesome! I can't believe I haven't tried it before. #
  • 23:53 Attempting to record a podcast while your roommate is trying to sleep is not a good combination. Stealth mode engaged! #
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Priscilla said at 12:10 AM


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

  • 00:20 @Esperacchius Yeah. It kind of makes my brain bleed. #
  • 00:25 @mkcho73 Are you hating on Roberto Benigni? Because I can arrange to kick your ass. #
  • 00:31 @ee1013 I do believe so! Kinda nifty--I didn't think Jekyll & Hyde was well known enough for Oscar filk. #
  • 09:59 Winter weather + slight weight loss = my rings keep falling off. Should I get them re-sized nowish or wait for summer? #
  • 10:00 @redone17 Wordy McWord! Coraline in 3D is not to be missed! #
  • 10:11 Finally got around to watching the latest Dollhouse. Don't be evil, Middleman! Stay good! #
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Priscilla said at 12:09 AM


Monday, February 23, 2009

  • 00:13 It's amazing how much sleepier I feel when I forget my computer's clock is set an hour late. #
  • 09:11 Last day of ConDFW, which promises to be relaxing. No panels to moderate... No 26+ person party to choreograph... Just fun and friends. #
  • 11:01 Fresh from delicious breakfast with family, I'm off to learn how to blow up spaceships! #
  • 11:09 Dear everyone at every panel at every con ever, Turn your cell phones on "vibrate.". Love, Priscilla #
  • 18:25 Brust signed my copy of Jhereg "To the petty lady." Inside joke I don't get? Drunken typo? Secret scorn? #
  • 18:31 @Uilos "Petty" is not a compliment. Mal said so. #
  • 21:13 Did the Best Animated Short winner just thank his pencil? I kind of love this guy. Domo arigatou for being awesome, guy. #
  • 21:25 Why are half the clips they're using to showcase the makeup in Benjamin Button not makeup but CG? #
  • 21:36 Ben Stiller in crazy person makeup looks kind of like Alan Moore. #
  • 22:00 Oh, Hugh and Beyonce! I hope the musical is back! #
  • 22:15 Bad form, Bill Maher. #
  • 22:32 Sound editing: Wall-E was freaking robbed. Also, what's the difference between Sound Editing and Sound Mixing? #
  • 22:39 ...ilu so hard, Tim Gunn, you magnificent sellout. #
  • 23:01 How cool is it that two of three nominated songs are not in English? #
  • 23:45 Robert Pattinson looks like a vampire crack addict up past his bedtime. #
  • 00:03 Aww, Dev Patel is holding the little girl that played Latika! He is so freaking adorable. #
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Priscilla said at 12:08 AM


Saturday, February 21, 2009

  • 10:37 @boymonster I don't even know what that means! #
  • 10:39 @redone17 joy! Do the powers that be *know* that they're working again? :D #
  • 10:48 @beyondabsurdity You deserve every glowing word! Fight Girl and Soul Samurai represent the most fun I've had at the theatre in ages! #
  • 15:52 I have decided that this will be awesome, even though I have no idea what I'm doing. Reality has no place in my panels. #
  • 16:02 ...One of my panelists is one of the Guests of Honor. Fantastic. #
  • 17:03 Set up recording equipment for Jim Butcher's reading. Radiating false authority and slowly realizing that said authority may be genuine. #
  • 18:13 Recording went well! Audacity spazzed midway through chapter 5, and at first it wasn't going to let me save, but I coaxed it into doing so. #
  • 18:28 People keep approaching me and complimenting my computer. Yeah, it's shiny, but it's identical to every other 17" MacBook Pro on the planet. #
  • 18:34 T-minus 27 minutes until my first panel. Must remain chill. #
  • 18:34 @boymonster I'm dressed like a normal person, which probably counts as dressed up if you're me. #
  • 20:09 I survived my panel! Huzzah! #
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Priscilla said at 12:07 AM


Friday, February 20, 2009

  • 00:27 ConDFW has a costume contest. So many options! Molly, Maeve, Delirium, Trelawney, Sally, Kaylee... Nightcrawler would take too much time. #
  • 02:01 Oh good lord, I forgot how utterly enamored I am of my Maeve wig. I feel like a goddess. #
  • 08:10 Torn between Maeve and Delirium. Will base it off whichever can give the best show. I know what I'd do for D, but stumped re: music for M. #
  • 08:13 @jimmyaquino Aww, I assumed you would be! I was hoping to catch it as a CNI bonus. Wish I'd stayed, even if it meant no sleep last night. #
  • 16:37 On the bus to the airport! Dallas, here I come! #
  • 16:43 I've quadruple-checked my mental list. Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something of profound importance? #
  • 16:53 ...Was that someone's cell phone, or has my bus been ambushed by the Priceline Negotiator? #
  • 17:43 Passenger looks uncannily like Tim Gunn, down to mannerisms and attire, except from dead-on forward. Also, name sounds like "Burba Mini." #
  • 17:51 Huzzah! Made standby on an hour and a half earlier flight! Sometimes, the world is awesome. #
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Priscilla said at 12:07 AM


Thursday, February 19, 2009

  • 13:42 Oh my god, I ate soooooooo much lunch, and it was AMAZING. I love Nirvana. Tandoori chicken and lentils and spinach and rice nom nom nom. #
  • 14:03 @Uilos For that, I shall let you live. #
  • 15:01 @Uilos But... he *was* an emo twit. #
  • 15:18 @beyondabsurdity Got my Soul Samurai ticket for tonight! Can't wait. And I'm already making plans to bring a group on March 5th. #
  • 17:32 Ah, the precious alchemy of creating "coolness" out of "schlubbiness" while adhering to an impossible set of guidelines. I kind of rock. #
  • 20:09 Woo, Soul Samurai time approacheth! #
  • 22:39 Everyone capable of visiting New York before March 15 needs to see Soul Samurai at their earliest possible convenience. Brilliant! #
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Priscilla said at 12:07 AM


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

  • 00:24 @viennateng It was great to meet you tonight and give you Evil Lessons! If we fans can do anything to further your evil goals, let us know! #
  • 00:52 @Uilos Damn you are indeed! #
  • 07:30 @sinspired Yeah, that's a screw up. Fortunately, it's easily retconned. When B found out about Max, B ended engagement with C and engaged F? #
  • 13:41 Wooo, got tickets to Watchmen in IMAX on opening day! It's a magical world, Hobbes. #
  • 18:50 @Esperacchius @Uilos Our exploits shall be chronicled in poems and songs! #
  • 19:49 Man, this is blowing my mind. A coworker is playing music I like! Perhaps together, Eric and I can overthrow Pascarella's musical tyranny. #
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Priscilla said at 12:08 AM


Monday, February 16, 2009

  • 01:32 Coraline = freaking awesome. High-tail it to a 3D theatre this week, before the Jonas Brothers steal all the screens! #
  • 01:36 *seethes* People are wrong on the internet. #
  • 10:49 Do I need to get a hotel room at I-Con, or could I easily commute from NYC? I'm thinking the former, but I just want to be sure. #
  • 12:15 I'm blogging again, baby! FINALLY! Thoughts on Dollhouse at and NYCC recap at #
  • 12:16 @sinspired The phrasing was a reference to this xkcd comic: There's an xkcd for every situation! #
  • 12:55 Seriously? The dryers are broken AGAIN? This is getting ridiculous. #
  • 13:37 @Uilos Yeah, I'm fine. Someone was just being stupid. The stupidity has been addressed and corrected. #
  • 17:59 @sinspired Because new situations are constantly being created! #
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Priscilla said at 12:06 AM


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Man, I hope I'm not getting my roommate's cold. It's phlegm city in Priscilla's head.

Last night, I saw Coraline with Will and Craig. Coworker Matt was supposed to join us, but he didn't get a ticket in advance, and the show sold out. Now, I was already predisposed to loving the movie. The perfect storm of a story by Neil Gaiman, the directorial chops of Henry Sellick, the voice acting of John Hodgman, the music of They Might Be Giants, and the stop-motion wizardry of Laika pretty much guaranteed my affection. Therefore, I may not be the most neutral party when I say OMG LOVE GO SEE IT NOW BEFORE THE STUPID JONAS BROTHERS EKE IT OUT OF THE 3D THEATRES.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Friday night, my friend Adam hosted a Dollhouse viewing party. What better way to ring in Joss Whedon's new series than on a 50" HDTV? I was somewhat stunned to realize that this was the first Whedon production I saw live--I'm choosing not to include downloading Doctor Horrible the instant it was first posted. It's so strange to think that it's been so long since he's done TV.

I enjoyed the episode, but I'm concerned. On one hand, I'm concerned about how long the show can sustain itself without getting gimmicky, but I trust in Joss' combined twelve seasons of television experience that he knows that he's doing. On the other hand, I'm also concerned about how the show is being marketed. In the interviews with Whedon surrounding the premiere, he's emphasized the tricky territory he walks between telling a story about exploited woman and becoming one of the exploiters himself. The first episode expressed the former well--the bit about Topher having no qualms about handicapping Echo for verisimilitude was quietly horrifying--but the ads? Ye gods!

I know sex sells like hotcakes with boobs, but to have brunette bombshells Summer Glau (holy cow, when did River grow up?) and Eliza Dushku smirking about the enviable position of being capable of being anything "you" want them to be? NOT HELPING. Amping up the titillation factor of the show's fundamental moral questions doesn't feel like "girl power," it feels like misogyny.

But oh well. I'm used to loving unmarketable TV shows. I guess we'll have to wait and see what direction Joss and Fox take the show. Thirteen episodes have been contracted so far. I wonder how many will air.

In the meantime, I'm quite amused! Friday night has become my Night Of Shows Featuring Actors I Picture Playing Jim Butcher Characters. BSG already gave me Starbuck as Murphy, Dualla as Amara, and Adama as Morgan (if you were to convert a little of the old man paunch to muscle), plus Lee as one of my OCs. Now Dollhouse has Dichen Lachman, who would be the perfect Kitai, and Amy Acker, who Jim says he pictures playing Isana. Yay for one-track minds!

Oh! And in my previous post, I mentioned my woe at once again being faced with the dilemma of What To Read Next. Looks like that issue is going to be delayed a bit! I'm nudging Bujold's Barrayar aside for the moment to down Jhereg by Stephen Brust, who will be at ConDFW. There will be a number of authors there, and I feel a bit silly that the only one I've read is Jim, considering how many write in the genres I fancy. I also downloaded his Firefly novel, but I'll stick with the original stuff first.


A Cut above the Rest?: Wrinkle Treatment Uses Babies' Foreskins. In other news, *shriek of horror.*

KILL IT WITH FIRE. Most terrifying-looking woman in the world breaks record-length fingernails in car crash.

Photo of a sleeping dormouse curled up on a rose, to compensate for the previous two stories.

And speaking of girl power, have some Old School Ju-jitsu. Thanks to Peg for the link!

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Priscilla said at 11:51 AM


Saturday, February 14, 2009

I need to get back in the swing of blogging. The sheer length of time I've gone on Twitter alone is unspeakably lame, and friends and family alike are becoming increasingly frustrated with the prolonged string of half-indecipherable, 140-character hints of what's going on in my life. So here's what's been going on lately!

Work: A couple weeks ago, I was moved to the back room. While it's tragic that I am no longer sitting near Tommy, an endless fountain of amusing non-sequiturs, I am now blessed with WINDOWS. My stir-craziness factor has diminished significantly. The windows look out onto the uninterrupted brick siding of another building some twelve feet away, but I nevertheless revel in the occasional birds, diffused sunlight, and glimpses at the actual weather conditions my beloved window offers.

The reason for the move is to reflect a change in the structure of the company. We now have a separate Asset Department responsible for characters and props. Previously, animators were responsible for making their own props. Character folks (like me) have always been separate. Once the few hiccups are ironed out, it looks like this system is going to be a lot more efficient. Yay efficiency!

I have also been named Texture Tsar (okay, that's the name I made up, but it's more fun that Textures Lead or whatever the official title was), so I'm getting tasked with occasional opportunities to step out of Character Land and do some serious Making Stuff Pretty. Yay variety! And as far as the characters go, we're in the process of bringing their quality up another notch, as well. I'm very pleased with the direction we're going!

Litra-chur: My beloved Kat, who has exquisite taste, has finally pushed me over the tipping point with regard to Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan saga. She lent me the first omnibus at the end of last summer, which I read at a snail's pace despite my enjoyment of the stories, but only recently did I delve headfirst into the series. I got the rest of the books in audio format and plowed through nine books and three novellas in the past 2 1/2 weeks. I'm almost nervous to start the final book, because I'll once again be faced with the dilemma of what to read next.

I can feel myself getting sucked into the Reread Rut, as I'd like to reread Princeps' Fury to refresh my beta-memory as Jim pens First Lord's Fury, and I'm thinking a reread of Watchmen is in order before the movie comes out, and I definitely want to reread The Name of the Wind before its sequel hits stores on April 7th, and gah. I can't let myself get boxed in with rereads! Gotta discover something new!

Fandom: This past weekend, I went to New York Comic Con. I had a fantastic time! Friday night, I assembled a crowd of folks from the forum for dinner at Brother Jimmy's BBQ, which was quite a hit! In attendance were my forum/IRL hybrid friends Craig, Shecky, and Sue, plus forum members Mark and Allison, a fantastic Harry cosplayer I met at San Diego Comic Con named Matt, and Matt's friend Jerry. The Dabel Brothers crew was going to join us, but they had some last-minute business that ran long, so they were only able to stop by a few minutes. Afterwards, we huddled in Penn Station, dodging zambonis and homeless people, for a reading of the first chapter of Turn Coat. It was a great start for a delightfully geeky weekend!

Saturday, I donned my Molly costume and hooked up with RPG pal John to meander about the con. We first checked out a fight choreography demo by the Vampire Cowboys, a theatre troupe that performs original, cross-genre plays with a strong stage combat element. I saw their previous show, Fight Girl Battle World, twice last year, and I can't wait for the opening of their newest creation, Soul Samurai! I'll have to get a big group together.

Afterward, John and I did some browsing/people watching as we waited for the others from the previous night's group to arrive. I stopped by the Penguin table to chat with Anne Sowards, Jim's editor, who gave me a bunch of Dresden buttons to give away on the website. I'll have to figure out a fun way to determine who gets them! Meanwhile, John geeked out at the neighboring booth, belonging to Phil Foglio, when a group of fans arrived in glorious Girl Genius cosplay.

We then swung by the Comic News Insider booth, in hopes of seeing Kristin and Jimmy. Jimmy is one of the co-hosts of the show, and Kristin had volunteered to booth babe for a time, but Kristin had something far more nefarious up her sleeve! At cons, Jimmy makes a point of dressing in pinstriped vests, going so far as to accuse those similarly attired of "stealing his look." Because we are pure evil, Kristin and I conspired to dress Kristin in Jimmy's con uniform. Unfortunately, Jimmy wasn't there at the time, but I got to greet Kristin and admire her uncanny resemblance to the absent friend.

Next, John and I stopped by the booth, where 6th Doctor Colin Baker was wrapping up his signing. I snagged one of the Big Finish audios for my Who-obsessed friend Kat, autographed by the good Doctor himself, and got a picture with him, in which he looks like my cute grandpa. After Colin finished, Doctor Who comics scribe Tony Lee took the autographing table, and I got a few issues of the serial signed as we chatted. I'd gotten to meet him and hang out briefly at the CNI recording a few days prior, and we'd hit it off rather well. It was fun to see him again.

John and I also spent some time dawdling around the Pendragon booth, where Matt, Jerry, and Matt's girlfriend Nicole were working. Nicole's creations were flat-out gorgeous, and over the course of the day, I tried on two of the Renaissance dresses and a woman's leather duster. You bet your sweet bippy I took pictures! I feel in love with one of them, but I didn't know if I wanted to spend so much on a dress I'd only wear a couple times a year, so I elected to hold off and think about it overnight. Soon, Craig, Shecky, and Sue appeared, and we all trooped off to grab a late lunch.

The afternoon was filled with a performance by the New York Jedi, lots and lots of aimless ambling about the exhibit hall, and some chillage with the Dabel folks. Matt joined us for much of it. I finally got to meet Dresden GN editor David Lawrence in person, and he loaded me up with a bunch of Dabel comics and goodies. We swung back by the Penguin booth and chanced to run into Amber Benson, who played Tara on Buffy. We had a brief conversation, and I snagged a photo with her. What an unexpected surprise!

Toward the end of the evening, we walked by the DC booth and saw Watchmen artist Dave Gibbons signing posters. There was no way we could get through the line by closing time, so we resolved to bring our copies of Watchmen the next day to be signed then. Finally, we bade farewell to Sue, Shecky, and John, who were only at the con for the day.

Sunday morning was a source of great amusement. I awoke to find a pair of text messages on my phone, one drunken missive timestamped around 3am, waxing lyrical on my finer attributes, and another around 8, apologizing profusely. I will not disclose the identity of said individual, because I am not a cruel person, but suffice it to say, it was hilarious.

Dressed as Delirium, I high-tailed it to the IGN Theatre, where a line was already forming for Joss Whedon's Dollhouse panel two hours before showtime. Because it was painfully obvious what we were all there to see, they con staff either canceled or moved the MegaMan panel that was to be held before it. In line, I met up with Craig, Kristin, Adam (host of the weekly Pushing Daisies viewing parties, back when that was applicable), and fellow NYC Browncoats Kathleen, Simon, and Gypsy.

The panel was a delight. Though I'd met Nathan Fillion at SDCC and Amber Benson the day before, I'd never before seen a panel with any Whedon alumni, and here was Joss himself! Also present was Tahmoh Penikett, aka Helo on BSG, and Matt Rousch of TV Guide. The program reported that Eliza Dushku and Dichen Lachman were also supposed to be in attendance, but any disappointment was more than compensated for when Joss revealed the first act of the Dollhouse pilot, which looked fabulous. I can't wait for Friday's premiere!

By that point, the con was nearly over, but I still managed to squeeze in some last-minute awesomeness. An hour before it was slated to start, we staked on spots in line for the Dave Gibbons signing. We befriended another line-waiter, who volunteered to save out spots in line so we could enjoy ourselves for said hour, and went off in search of last-minute fun. We returned to Pendragon to poke Matt, and I saw that the dress I'd fallen in love with the previous day had been sold. Guess that made my decision for me! I'm glad such a lovely dress is getting a good home.

We returned to the Gibbons table with ten minutes to spare and found an utter mob scene. The line snaked around itself four deep! They were processing fans ASAP, so there was no time for conversation with the man, but it was still cool to see him in person and get his signature in my copy of Watchmen.

And that was it! I was rather stunned toward the end to realize that I only attended a single panel, as I'd meticulously planned out a schedule for myself ahead of time, but when it came down to it, spending time with my friends felt like a much higher priority. I feel like a Lifetime movie. And now I can't wait for ConDFW the 20th-22nd!

And that's all I have to say about that for the moment. Hopefully, now that I've gotten that off my chest, I'll be able to go back to blogging about silly things?

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Priscilla said at 1:25 AM


  • 11:38 Ah, Friday the 13th! All our job folders disappeared for about twenty minutes. Yay engineering department for saving our collective bacon! #
  • 13:03 One of the most fun aspects of working on spots for pharmaceuticals is seeing how many important emails get sent to gmail's spam filter. #
  • 18:53 Who wants to see @jonathancoulton and @paulandstorm in NYC on Friday, March 27? #
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Priscilla said at 12:06 AM


Friday, February 13, 2009

  • 16:19 If you're curious as to what I do all day, here are some examples: #
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Priscilla said at 12:16 AM


Thursday, February 12, 2009

  • 20:57 No way! The Vatican just declared Darwin's theory of evolution is compatible with Christianity! #
  • 16:19 If you're curious as to what I do all day, here are some examples: #
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Priscilla said at 6:37 PM


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Monday, February 09, 2009

  • 13:11 "I'm just a bitter, sad man, and this is my bitter, sad show. Welcome to it!" --Joss Whedon #
  • 13:33 Annoying, fidgety, loud kid behind me. I can has chloroform? #
  • 13:49 "I think I speak for everyone here when I say Nathan [Fillion]'s a cock." --Joss Whedon #
  • 16:25 "Everything you see here is leather, except for the fabric, and that's fabric." -- Matt (@esperacchius) #
  • 18:25 @morganc14 The con was righteous indeed! And now my feet are sleepy. #
  • 18:26 @Esperacchius Are there other comments you would have rather had me immortalize? :D #
  • 18:26 @CBSisSlayer730 Consider it bait to get you to come to the next con! We miss you! #
  • 18:41 @CBSisSlayer730 It's a deal! #
  • 19:44 @smuu At least four! Powerful pages, which will lodge themselves in my head whenever I think of Christmas songs. Thanks a lot, Faith. :D #
  • 19:47 @boymonster Fabulous? Feisty? Falafel? #
  • 19:56 @mkcho73 *pats* You're a good person! #
  • 23:44 Any New Yorkers left that haven't seen "Coraline"? Anyone wanna see it Tues or Thurs night? Or Sat, after NYC Browncoats meetup? #
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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Sunday, February 08, 2009

  • 07:55 Mrsfgl. Sleepy. Awesome night partying with the forum folks. Do I have time to watch BSG before heading to NYCC? #
  • 20:38 Oh man, how good does it feel to take off my boots and sprawl on the couch after a long day's con? Really, really good, I assure you. #
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Priscilla said at 12:11 AM


Saturday, February 07, 2009

  • 10:14 @CBSisSlayer730 Aww! We need to set a date for the next Shindig. Kristen said we could have another, provided I do all the planning. :D #
  • 10:15 @CBSisSlayer730 What will Ryan be dressed as? #
  • 10:45 Obama swears like a sailor in audiobook of his autobiography. Please baby Jesus let this be real. #
  • 12:51 Just caught the hulu Superbowl commercial. My reaction: Yes. That is how you advertise to me. #
  • 16:11 Coworker C has the giggles. #
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Priscilla said at 12:21 AM


Friday, February 06, 2009

  • 11:45 Good LORD it's cold back here today. I think I'm going to bring a big, fleecy blanket to put over my legs in to work tomorrow. #
  • 14:05 @Esperacchius Tomorrow at 8:30 at Brother Jimmy's BBQ (31st and 8th)! Be there, or be somewhere else less awesome! #
  • 14:13 Why on earth would the publisher choose a reader for Bujold's "Diplomatic Immunity" that sounds like someone has wired his jaw shut? #
  • 14:18 Let's limber up that voice! "Better Butter Bugs for a Brighter Barrayar," five times fast! #
  • 17:08 RT from @txvoodoo: Torchwood promo is on youtube! #
  • 17:10 @EuropaMoon "Chance" is very cute. Fun to see Andy Hallett without his makeup. Hope you enjoy! #
  • 20:08 @beachkid *patpat* It's okay. One of my friends didn't figure out Tavi's name until it was explicitly spelled out. :D #
  • 20:09 @mkcho73 The koala punches you! #
  • 22:35 @CBSisSlayer730 Welcome to Twitter! Are you and Ryan coming to NY Comic Con? #
  • 23:49 Whew! What a relief! Thought I'd misplaced my SplatterCon!!! shirt for tomorrow night, but eventually found it. Molly is ready to go! #
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Priscilla said at 12:21 AM


Thursday, February 05, 2009

  • 09:43 Joy! I've been moved to the back room, facing the outside window! Sun, glorious sun! I can know the weather without checking online! #
  • 10:03 Coworker A is threatening to cover windows with posters. I am threatening his manhood. I believe we have reached an Understanding. #
  • 10:37 Also, my monitor is no longer ghosting! Today is a good day. #
  • 10:49 OH HEY BIRDS! Good lord, I love my new desk! #
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Priscilla said at 1:20 AM


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

  • 12:22 379 restaurants to choose from. That's just mean. #
  • 13:37 NYT: I Lego NY. #
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Priscilla said at 1:28 AM


Tuesday, February 03, 2009

  • 09:29 *snorks* Out of the fifty frillion white kids in "Avatar," they replace Zuko with the "Slumdog" kid. It's cute how hard they're failing. #
  • 10:04 Played Folgers' brilliant "HAPPY MORNING!" commercial for coworkers. Now unable to dislodge it from my skull. #
  • 10:42 OMG IT'S VORK! #
  • 11:20 Oh, hey, the Dead Like Me movie is out! Will I be completely lost if I've only seen the first season and the first couple episodes of S2? #
  • 19:36 Dear Tastebuds, I get that you like Middle Eastern and Indian food, but when you crave ONLY that for two months, it gets tiresome. Love, P #
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Priscilla said at 1:10 AM


Monday, February 02, 2009

  • 21:08 Did I ever eat dinner? #
  • 21:11 @fourteenacross Ooh, what show was the Obama interview on? I wonder if/when it'll surface on the interwebs... #
  • 00:30 GREAT Coraline ads. "Go away, I do not need refinancing!" shall be quoted often in Priscillaland. & #
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Priscilla said at 2:19 AM


Sunday, February 01, 2009

  • 09:20 Ghosts of the Living! "The Middleman" is finally coming out on DVD this summer, in time for SDCC! #
  • 13:14 BSG = OMG #
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Priscilla said at 12:27 AM


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