The Cult of Lincoln

Sunday, May 31, 2009

  1. Friday was gaming night with Shecky and Sue! I've never actually played an RPG in person, so it was quite interesting. Man, my first Faire and my first RP experience within a week of each other! *slops mortar over the gaps in my geek cred*

  2. The gaming itself fulfills slots two through five. Great banter, great fun, and great Mr. Burns impressions when we plotted evil against each other. :D

  1. This was an EXTRAORDINARY day! I started the day right with a feast of scrambled eggs and bacon, cooked by Sue. I spent the morning chilling with them and being tolerated by their cats, who were gracious enough to allow me to give them back scratches.

  2. I scurried back to New York to meet Kait and her friends in Central Park, where she was celebrating her birthday with a cupcake picnic. Mmmmmm, sugar coma. Kait's friends are pretty much universally awesome, and it was great to get to meet them.

  3. I had to leave the party early to go to ANOTHER party, the Comic News Insider 200th Episode Bash! I hung out with all sorts of great folks, and I got to chat with Lost's Michael Emerson and dreamboat of the comic book world John Cassaday.

    The live recording was lots of fun. Listen here to the episode, which includes a musical number, a radio drama, Michael Emerson reading memorable movie quotes in his Ben Linus voice, and a smattering of my incisive puns, catcalled from the sidelines.

    Afterward, co-host Joe bowled all of us over with free tickets to Wednesday's production of Cirque du Soleil's new show, Kooza! I can't wait to go! Also, friend Lisa invited me to hang out with her friends Sunday and play a crazy fun card game involving killer bunnies. She's currently training for the Avon breast cancer walk, so we're going to walk the 5 miles to her friend's apartment together. Good thing...

  4. ...I went shoe shopping! I bought three pair to jazz up my feet for the summer. The store was doing a Buy One, Get the Second Half-Off sale, but the two more expensive models weren't part of the sale. However, the manager randomly came over and started chatting with me as I was trying on one of them--she loves to see young people wearing shoes that are actually good for their feet--and she gave me the discount anyway. A ten minute conversation saved me fifty bucks! I win!

  5. I also ran by the grocery store for more almond milk, and I squeed in joy to see that peaches and apricots are now in season! I can make my favourite pie!

  6. And as a bonus, as I took the easy way out yesterday: Today's xkcd. Oh my god, the more I laugh at this, the more I feel like a hopeless nerd! Heck, the fact I can relate to it should be enough to consign me to endless mockery.

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Priscilla said at 12:30 PM


Saturday, May 30, 2009

  • 08:01 @fourteenacross Looks like rain on Saturday. Are you considering moving it to Sunday? #
  • 08:03 @Esperacchius Sleep well, sleep right! #
  • 08:08 @beachkid I would totally participate! #
  • 08:11 @beachkid I also want a "Let's write Alera fic before the series ends, because there are THREE fics in existence and that's lame" ficathon. #
  • 11:15 @whedonesque Favourite non-Joss show? Pushing Daisies! *shakes fist at the gods* #
  • 18:17 @Jamie1km At least you'll be safe from the zombie invasion! #
  • 18:19 @Esperacchius YE-HAW! You'll be brilliant! #
  • 18:21 *laughs* I was right! Google Wave's name WAS inspired by Firefly! #
  • 18:35 Considering a new system: rank priority of character requests by the number of grammatical errors they contain. It's about standards, guys. #
  • 18:50 @CBSisSlayer730 Oh, man. "The Phantom Tollbooth" was my favourite book as a kid. Enjoy! #
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Priscilla said at 12:10 AM


Friday, May 29, 2009

  • 11:13 Dude! "Up" comes out tomorrow! How did that sneak up on me? Anyone want to see it with me on Sunday? #
  • 11:14 @CBSisSlayer730 What the HELL. So glad I read your Twitter! I thought there was something fishy going on. #
  • 12:15 Wow. Am I actually in the mood for sushi? I haven't been in the mood for sushi in months! #
  • 12:43 @whedonesque Lord, no. Buffy without Joss isn't Buffy. #
  • 23:42 @vampirecowboys Mo was fantastic, but I can't wait to see Bonnie in the role! She rocked in "Soul Samurai." #
  • 23:43 RT @whedonesque Alan Tudyk on stage in LA and New York [Monty Python + Alan Tudyk = I AM SO THERE] #
  • 23:48 RT @txvoodoo Openly gay male teen voted prom queen at L.A. high school: #
  • 00:05 I knew Google <3 Firefly, but this is hilarious! Didn't Firefly invent the word "wave" as an equivalent of email? #
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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blarg. I got knocked off my feet on the subway this evening, and I fell backwards across a row of people, with most of the impact getting absorbed by a dolly cart to the kidney and a briefcase to the butt. Every so often, said butt muscle will twinge. Inertia, you're on notice.

Happy Things:
  1. Fantastic, sitcom-worthy banter with my coworkers today!
  2. The Continuing Saga of the Hair continues apace. I finagled the model into crashing far less often with some very effective problem solving, so go me! Then, to compensate for the high-poly drama of the hair, Chris gave me a ridiculously low-poly, cartoony character to model. Thank you, Chris!
  3. My dad surprised me with a book on the natural history of Manhattan. Coolness!
  4. I'm re-setting up my utilities, now that everything has been shifted from joint accounts with my roommate to being solely under my name. Tonight, while verifying some information about my electric bill, I was reminded that for the past year and a half, my roommate and I have used all Green sources of energy. I'd forgotten! It's nice to be reminded that I've been putting my money where my mouth is in contributing to The Solution instead of The Problem.
  5. I was reminded of these hilarious entries on TV Tropes, fabricating massive shipwars within the Dresden fandom. It's kind of cute, really. And This Troper was serious about her offer to send cookies to the first person to write delightfully self-aware Pink Court fic.


Priscilla said at 11:04 PM


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Priscilla said at 12:18 AM


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Today's Happy Things:
  1. The crazy hair I spoke of yesterday is ridiculously frustrating to work with, but it looks great. And I work left at 7 again today! Ditto yesterday. Life is good.
  2. I watched Brazil for the first time. Fantastic! For someone who claims to enjoy Terry Gilliam so much, I've seen shockingly few of his movies. Matt showed me The Fisher King a couple months ago, and it's one of my favourite movies I've seen recently. Next, I shall Netflix Twelve Monkeys, which I've never seen, and Baron Munchausen, which I saw when I was ikkle and wee. My dad did an excellent job introducing me to the classics as a child. :D
  3. I coordinated travel plans with Sue and Shecky. They invited me to gaming night at their place on Friday!
  4. I read more of the Locke Lamora sequel, which continues to be awesome.
  5. I tried to play with Ko's gerbils, but they remain terrified of me. Even a yogurt treat couldn't buy their love! They're still ridiculously adorable, though. I'm enjoying the chance to take care of them this week.


Priscilla said at 10:47 PM


  • 08:37 Well-rested and ready to take on the day! Will my dream about going to a karaoke bar w/ Bruce Campbell, Alan Cumming, &EJO prove prophetic? #
  • 09:47 RT @beachkid -- Kid keeping a lending library of banned books in her locker. HERO! #
  • 09:50 @horsehearted I agree completely! #
  • 10:02 @mkcho73 To make us laugh? To generate internet memes? The possibilities are endless! #
  • 10:46 @SheckyX EJO = Edward James Olmos. Curse Twitter's 140 character limit! #
  • 10:51 Oh, man. This new spot is so ridiculously cracktastic, it makes me want to buy the product even though I dislike it. Well done, creatives! #
  • 11:02 RT @ironicsegue - Ikea! Such language. :O #
  • 11:23 @NathanFillion Too cool for words! I'd see it in a heartbeat! #
  • 13:07 Belly stuffed full of delicious Indian food. Good day! *rolls around office* #
  • 13:31 Coworker's Mexican food smells amazing. My over-full stomach is most cross at this development. #
  • 13:32 CALIFORNIA FAIL. #rejectprop8 #
  • 14:31 @JHOCHE Either day works for me! *celebrates in advance* #
  • 18:22 @jonathancoulton Suddenly, the fate of @Hodgman's cat comes into terrifying focus! You sacrificed it to Twitter! #
  • 18:23 Sounds like Samantha + He-Man. #
  • 18:54 @beachkid Nope. My guess is that the punky one is Natalia and the butch one is Elisa, but I have a 50% chance of being dead wrong. :D #
  • 19:00 Is the gay marriage rally still going on in Union Square? #
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Priscilla said at 12:12 AM


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Things for Sunday:
  1. I slept almost twelve hours. Tweeeeeeelve hoooooooours. I didn't even wake up briefly at 7:30, like I usually do by dint of sheer biological programming! My body is truly grateful. I could get used to this four-day weekend thing!
  2. Kat's birthday! We ate more dragon cake and made my increasingly famous Apple and Gruyere Pie. Mmmmm, pie.
  3. Commentary: The Musical!
  5. Kat and I stayed awake nearly an hour after we turned off the lights, giggling like loons.

Happy Things for Monday:
  1. Had a sliver of pie to complement breakfast. Don't judge.
  2. Went over idea bunnies for original and fanfic stories. Feel motivated and full of story-juice!
  3. Watched Death at a Funeral with Kat. Alan Tudyk fills the world with joy! Hallucinating, naked Alan Tudyk even moreso.
  4. Hugged Kat approximately every ten seconds, to compensate for unendurable wait for our reunion July 16th.
  5. Using Kat's new iPod radio adapter (a birthday gift from her dad), we listened to the playlist for a fic I'm writing. Kat quizzed me on how each of the songs related to the story, which was quite entertaining. I had it on shuffle, and it kept coming up with Vienna Teng songs. I swear, there are only ten songs by her in the 62-song mix!

Happy Things for Tuesday:
  1. Dreamed I went out to a karaoke bar with Bruce Campbell and Alan Cumming! We were later joined by Edward James Olmos and a random girl in an Utena costume. Heidi twittered about it from afar. No, I have no idea either. It was a good way to start the week, though!
  2. Woke to a new chapter of First Lord's Fury on the beta list. Jim is rocking this book!
  3. Got a new set of storyboards for a series of spots so absurdly ridiculous, they make me want to buy the product even though I've used it before and don't like it! Utterly cracktastic!
  4. Said spots involved modeling long, luxurious hair on a dude. The jokes were many!
  5. Went to a marriage equality rally after work. Incipient rain forced me indoors after only about 30 minutes, but I still got to hear some strong speeches and lend my voice to the crowd.


Priscilla said at 8:34 PM


  • 18:36 And after a phenomenal weekend, Kat and I must part. Boo, return to reality! #
  • 18:40 Aaaaaand the bus is running late. Delightful. #
  • 19:33 Bus finally arrived! Wonder how long until we leave. Will I get back to NY before midnight? Only time will tell! #
  • 19:45 If the girl next to me stays on her phone the entire bus ride, I swear I will not be responsible for my actions. #
  • 23:18 Lovely. The trip leg that took two hours on Thursday took us three today. How many hours is the remaining three hour leg going to take? #
  • 00:08 Back in NY! Must've been mistaken about the truck stop. #
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Priscilla said at 12:10 AM


Sunday, May 24, 2009

  • 09:44 On way to Ren Faire w/ Kat, El, and Sarah! Look profited greatly from bodice-lacing instructions from @Esperacchius! #
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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Kat and I slept over at Sarah's house yesterday, computerless, then we and El spent all day at the Spotsylvania Renaissance Faire! Therefore, I was unable to post yesterday's Happy Things until now. Here we go:
  1. Kat and I slept in until noon. NOON, you guys. I haven't slept in until noon since... oh, man. I can't remember the last time I slept in until noon. I think it's been over a year. Well, maybe that time I was really sick, but other than that? Wow.
  2. Discussing that awesome New York Times story about a soldier fighting the Taliban in pink "I <3 NY" boxers with Kat's mom. Conclusion: America is awesome.
  3. Perfect pancakes. Apparently I am like some kind of pancakes genius, because I made a heaping helping of perfectly round, perfectly cooked pancakes for Kat, her brother, and myself. Kat decorated hers with a perfect smiley face of honey. It was glorious.
  4. Kat and Sarah introducing me to the cheesetastic Queen of Swords, and Sarah and myself introducing Kat to the brilliant-tastic Lie to Me.
  5. Making a dragon cake with Kat and Sarah! Sarah's birthday was the 22nd, my half birthday was today, and Kat's birthday is the 24th. We are crafty liek woah. I added a marshmallow victim, because I am weird.
And today's:
  1. Deciding at the last minute to piece together an outfit from some of Kat, Sarah, and El's extra Ren faire clothes, instead of wearing my little sun dress. I felt so much more involved in the festivities! Also, corsets are always entertaining.
  2. Plotting out an utterly cracktastic Dresden high school AU RP in the car involving a baby chlorofiend, sibling rivalry, and a crossover with Highlander. I played a Thomas seemingly incapable of not speaking in double entendres. I love my friends.
  3. Trying on utterly amazing corsets! Mine was so tight I had difficulty breathing and had to bail early, but it looked fantastic while it lasted! Behold my lack of internal organs: from the front and the side. Also bask in the hotness of Kat and Sarah! I didn't get any good photos of El, alas, but she looked brilliant.
  4. Singing out loud in the car with Kat and El as we drove El home, then back to Kat's place. Lots of Vienna Teng and Spring Awakening!
  5. Then all the little things of awesome I couldn't hope to choose between: fresh strawberry lemonade at faire, snazzy gold chignon spike things we all got and which look awesome, dabbling in archery (in which I got a bull's eye my first shot), participating in the costume contest and pulling off a to-the-floor curtsy without falling over, perfect weather (glorious sun with tolerable levels of heat), Kat discovering pointy objects, failing gloriously at juggling sticks, and being greeted by Kat's brother to the Imperial March on harmonica.
And above all: the fact that this weekend is only half-over!


Priscilla said at 10:15 PM


Friday, May 22, 2009

It's time for Thursday's Happy Things! As I am on my four-day weekend, I refuse to even think about work, so my Happy Things will all be stuff that happened after I left at 5:45.
  1. I got on the bus half an hour early, the 6:30 instead of the 7. Yay for not having to stand around in the blistering sun an additional 30 minutes!
  2. The bus people had removed a pair of seats, and I sat in the row behind them, achieving infinite leg room!
  3. The guy I sat next to was a total geek. He gushed about Ren faires and Tolkien, and we exchanged book recs. He recommended The Life of Oscar Wao and the assorted works of Murakami, and I recced him the series I was reading (Red Seas Under Red Skies, sequel to The Lies of Locke Lamora) and the Thursday next series for his wife.
  4. KAT AND SARAH ARE MINE ALL MINE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! There was much hugging and tackleglomping and also yawning, because the bus driver was incompetent and got us to DC an hour late. Clearly, the Karma Police found out I'd only paid a dollar for my ticket and decided to penalize the entire bus for my cheek. Hopefully, the return trip should not be as dire, as that ticket was purchased legitimately.
  5. I told Kat and Sarah the opening sentence to the twelfth Dresden book. Kat's face turned bright pink as she squeeeeeed her mind off! I'm so glad I was prudent enough to wait until we were parked, because I'm confident we would have had an accident had we been driving.


Priscilla said at 1:52 PM


  • 16:30 Can we pretend it's 5:45, so I can leave? #
  • 23:00 Karma police found out I only paid a dollar for my bus ticket and decided to delay us an hour. Must the whole bus pay for my sins? #
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Priscilla said at 12:26 AM


Thursday, May 21, 2009

  • 09:25 @ShipLizard Tim Gunn had a podcast? Where has it been all my life! #
  • 09:33 @Esperacchius Ye-HAW! *happy dances with you* #
  • 12:27 Just sent out a call for a roommate over Facebook. If you know anyone looking for a place in the East Village, let me know! #
  • 12:28 - Okay, I think I love Wolfram Alpha. #
  • 23:28 RT @DiscoveryChPR: Ever wonder if you can really polish a turd? MYTHBUSTERS did: #
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Priscilla said at 12:38 AM


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Today's Happy Things:
  2. I SAW KO TODAY MORE EEE! She swung by briefly to drop off her gerbils, which will be in my care until the 31st. My roommate will look after them when I'm in D.C. And Ko will be living in my city all summer! Somehow that didn't sink in until just now. There must be shenanigans!
  3. Creperie + Sugar Sweet Sunshine cupcakes + Ko's company = tummy and mind and heart full of joy! I tried their Lemon Yummy tonight, which is lemon cake with lemon buttercream. Exquisite! Of course, it was so rich I could only eat half of it. Cupcaaaake coooma...
  4. We have a new spot at work that involves several much-loved cartoon characters. Chris got to model one for the pitch. If we get the job, it will mean crazy fun in character land! I'm so excited about the possibility!
  5. And the last thing that made me happy today is secret as well. It's something I feel no hesitation toward telling my friends about, but it probably shouldn't be bandied about in public, at least until it's confirmed. Still, mwaha! I win at fandom!


Priscilla said at 8:09 PM


Okay, I think I love Wolfram Alpha.


Priscilla said at 12:28 PM


Gah, I fail at consistency. Sunday night (worked until 10:30), I just plain forgot to post, and Monday night, I worked until 1am and went to sleep immediately afterward. Tuesday night, I wrote most of this post, then decided to do laundry and watch Victor Victoria instead. Let's see if I can compensate for the missed days today!

Sunday's happy things:
  1. I spent much of the day working on a caricaturish model of Beethoven. He looks kind of like a werewolf. Awesome!
  2. Experimented with using an exercise ball instead of a chair. Fun, but slowly energy-sapping. When I finally got home, it felt fantastic to sprawl on my futon at the end of a long day's sitting!
  3. Learned that Terrence Mann will be in the Broadway musical of The Addams Family. Yes, please!
  4. Awesome movies were playing in the lounge area all day, so I got to watch a little bit of the original Star Wars as I ate lunch and part of Some Like it Hot during dinner. Saw a few minutes of Evil Dead II while making tea and giggled like a loon.
  5. Speaking of dinner, Liz and I (having worked all weekend, and having eaten ridiculously healthily since Friday's food coma-inducing lunch) decided to spoil ourselves rotten and ordered a sumptuous feast from Serafina! We shared a raspberry, tangerine, and Nutella crepe and a slice of NY cheesecake. The prosciutto, tomato, and fontina focaccia pizza was almost an afterthought. I love Seamless Web.

Monday's happy things:
  1. During lunch and dinner, I watched bits of His Girl Friday, at the recommendation of my favourite Penn professor. T'was awesome!
  2. A number of friends kept me company online as I slaved away. My friends are awesome.
  3. Matt, Craig, and I conspired about conspire-y things! Mwahaha!
  4. Kat and I squeed about how we have only THREE DAYS until we will be reunited! Joy!
  5. I misunderstood a coworker's comment about the size of a Great Dane, hearing "30 inches" as "30 hamwiches." I then made a sleep deprivation-inspired comment on my Twitter about how dogs should measured by a hamwich scale, i.e. the number of hamwiches they can eat without getting sick. To my glee, my Twitter friends rallied magnificently in response, making me laugh when I so desperately wanted to rage at a particularly atrocious communication failure that wasted over three hours of my time.

Tuesday's happy things:
  1. I slept in until 9, performed morning ablutions at warp speed, ducked into the library to pick up the Locke Lamora sequel, and got to work by 10! I am like the Flash, only without the nickname synonymous with public indecency.
  2. We're doing a spot for a Russian ad agency, so we're making a bunch of Russian characters. I keep hearing James Marsters' fantastic read of Sanya's "Tiny. But fierce." in my head.
  3. I got to leave at 7! Well, 7:30.
  4. Did laundry! Am hygenic! Also watched Victor Victoria for the first time, and it was BRILLIANT. I need more classic comedies in my life.
  5. RPed with the FG folks. Molly got to take down a demon with a Chekovian glass dolphin paperweight! Don't mess with the Carpenter ladies, yo.


Priscilla said at 8:36 AM


  • 00:53 So. Close. To Leaving. Will I be out by 1:15? Only time will tell! #
  • 00:58 Is it just me, or does Wolfram Alpha sound like a website run by an overzealous Joss Whedon fan? #
  • 01:02 WOOHOO, I'M OUT! 1AM! I WIN! And by "win" I mean "At least I'm not @epicflail, who will probably sleep at the office tonight." #
  • 14:01 @ShipLizard Mister is in the comic and will be in the RPG. I haven't seen any official Mouse art yet, though. C'mon, dogasaurus represent! #
  • 16:08 I can feel myself crashing... I'm going to make sleep-deprived puppy eyes at folks until they let me leave at 7. #
  • 16:13 @ShipLizard Woe and lamesauce! #
  • 17:34 Chris is the bestest Character Lead ever. I'm going home at 7! #
  • 19:10 I really am leaving at 7. Promise. #
  • 19:24 Woo, I'm gone! 7:23! Told ya! #
  • 20:48 @ShipLizard *squeaks* Man, he's HUGE! I wonder how many days old Mouse must've been for Harry to be able to fit him in a pocket? #
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Priscilla said at 12:21 AM


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  • 00:24 @AnnLarimer Hmph. After working a 72-hour week with no weekend, I hereby bequeath myself dangling participle amnesty. #
  • 00:26 @beachkid I propped up the ball on a block thing, which gave me a bit of a boost. Some movements were awkward, but nothing terribly so. #
  • 00:29 I lie! 75 hours this week, not 72. #
  • 00:35 *boggles* How could they hold a Marriage Equality rally ON MY STREET without my knowledge? 45th and 6th? I work on 45th, btw 5&6! #
  • 00:37 Wish I'd known about the Marriage Equality rally. I would have stepped out for a few minutes, just to have been there! #
  • 20:53 New rule: big dogs are measured in "hamwiches." A St. Bernard is 30 hamwiches, i.e. it can eat 30 of them. Now go forth and make me proud! #
  • 20:56 I think my previous tweet is conclusive evidence I have been at work too long. #
  • 22:25 Oh Doctor Horrible soundtrack, you make my eleventy frillionth day of overtime so much easier to bear... #
  • 22:34 ...I will kill EVERYTHING. The hairstyle I spent the last THREE HOURS on? Just got nixed. brb, stabbing rampage. #
  • 22:36 not sure if "Brand New Day" is strong enough for my current rage. May have to upgrade to Sweeney Todd. #
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Priscilla said at 12:15 AM


Monday, May 18, 2009

  • 08:51 @horsehearted I ended my day... at work. You win forever. #
  • 08:52 @Uilos Dooooo iiiiiit. (Which reminds me--are you interested in seeing Terrence Mann in the Addams Family musical next year?) #
  • 09:09 @fourteenacross F'reals. GNeil, Coulton, Hodgman, Felicia Day, Adam Savage, and others I love are all buddies. Life immitates RPF. #
  • 12:50 Experimenting with sitting on an exercise ball instead of my desk chair at work. Expect ABS OF STEEL, readers! #
  • 13:33 This exercise ball is so entertaining! Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy! #
  • 13:40 @SheckyX Of course I'm at work! It's the weekend. Where else would I be? #
  • 13:58 @Uilos ...Thank you, Craig, for ensuring that I will never be able to look at my boss with a straight face again. :D #
  • 14:44 @hobbitwriter I'm happy to! Sparkle Fairy Glitter Princess Morgan should be shared with EVERYONE! #
  • 21:06 "Evil Dead 2" is playing in the employee lounge. It's the little things. #
  • 22:48 Wow. After ten hours of sitting on an exercise ball, my couch feels FANTASTIC. #
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Priscilla said at 12:14 AM


Sunday, May 17, 2009

  • 18:47 @mkcho73 Eat a cupcake for me! #
  • 19:49 It's Saag Panir o'clock! Where's mah food? #
  • 19:49 @mkcho73 Yay! I retroactively thank you! #
  • 19:50 Man, Twitter has been totally dead today. What's wrong with you people, enjoying the glorious sun instead of being tied to your computers? #
  • 19:51 (Did I mention I've been at work all day? Because I have.) #
  • 23:32 RT @Uilos: Paul Blackthorne exhibit in NYC: [Want to check it out sometime soon, Craig?] #
  • 23:33 @DiscoveryChPR Boom de yada, no question! #
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Priscilla said at 12:14 AM


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Today's Happy List:
  1. Finishing The Lies of Locke Lamora late last night. Fantastic book! I can't wait to get the sequel from the library on Monday. Until I get my hands on said sequel, I'm finally getting around to reading John Hodgman's More Information Than You Require. Not sure if my brain is in the right place to enjoy it, thought. I might wait until Hodgman and Coulton put out the audio book, then listen to it at work. My reading time is at such a premium, I want something meatier to occupy my time.

  2. Seeing the stars and writers of Dollhouse and Castle congratulate each other and glee all over their Twitter pages.

  3. Listening to the Proven Guilty audio book at work (yes, I worked 11 hours on a Saturday. This surprises you?). James Marsters' voice makes me think bad thoughts. :D

  4. Cleaning all the old junk out of the fridge! I've been meaning to do that for ages. Whew!

  5. Exploding Kat and GG's brains with further adventures with Sparkle Fairy Glitter Princess Morgan.
And now, I'm going to sleep, as I'm exhausted!


Priscilla said at 10:51 PM


  • 12:40 Who was with me when I saw the subway zoetrope? I'm trying to remember where it was. Matt, coming back from the Gardens, perhaps? #
  • 17:00 RT @neilhimself Best ENDLESS family photographs I've seen in forever : #
  • 17:01 @beatonna I think you already missed the War of 1812. By like 200 years. #
  • 18:11 @Esperacchius 17? Zounds. The worst I've ever had to pull is 18 1/2. Hope you got to sleep late the next day! #
  • 22:34 Woohoo, my internet is back! And it only took an hour and a half of wrestling with tech support! #
  • 22:51 *JOYSPLOSION* Rumor has it that "Castle" and "Dollhouse" are being renewed! I LOVE THE WORLD AND ITS TELEVISION EXECUTIVES. #
  • 22:51 (Except the ones that canceled Pushing Daisies and Middleman. They can bite me.) #
  • 23:01 @KChenoweth NYC loves you back! #
  • 23:03 Okay, @MoTancharoen is congratulating @NathanFillion in her Twitter. I think it's safe to say the Castle rumors are true! #
  • 23:06 @fredhicks Ooh, sweet! I thought the RPG cutoff was Small Favor. Nice to see some more recent stuff could be included. #
  • 23:58 @alyankovic See? Do not tempt fake Tina Fey and the gods of Twitter! They have *ways*... #
  • 23:59 @NeilMSchwartz Get ready for Psych and Burn Notice? #
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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Friday, May 15, 2009

Today's Happy Things:
  1. The knowledge that a week from today, I will be in gallivanting merrily around DC with Kat, El, and Sarah!

  2. A belly-full of Hawaiian Island Grill for lunch. Their ribs are gastrorgasmic! I should probably eat vegetarian all weekend to compensate. For dinner, I had quinoa with apricots and squash. Starting to feel human again.

  3. Making a single Kit Kat piece last three hours.

  4. The internet returning! In preparation for my roommate moving out, we switched over our joint utility and cable bills to my name alone, and today, we had a brief hiccup in the internet service. It took me an hour and a half of wrestling with tech support to get it restored. That said, it's amazing how the task of blogging about happy things affects one's mindset. Rather than having the tech support ordeal cloud my entire evening, I'm choosing to rejoice in the merriment of renewed service. Yay mind over matter!

  5. And in the 3 1/2 hours I was cut off from the internet, the internet has learned that Castle and Dollhouse were renewed! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

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Priscilla said at 11:32 PM


  • 10:00 Clients make my brain hurt. Looking back through xkcd archives to ease the pain. #
  • 10:41 @MickeydotFinn "V." It's a potential series for ABC, based on a 1983 miniseries. ABC is becoming quite the network for Browncoats! #
  • 12:09 Am I the only one completely unaffected by the #Googlefail? Everything works for me. #
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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Today's Happy Things:
  1. Waking up to a new chapter of First Lord's Fury on the beta list.

  2. Making fresh almond milk for my cereal and to go with my morning vitamins, sweetened with dates and a dash of vanilla.

  3. Getting hit with a really intriguing fic bunny.

  4. Out of the blue, suddenly remembering what Jim wrote in my copy of Turn Coat.

  5. Getting an equally spontaneous phone call from my mom, who was on her way to the movie theatre, wanting my opinion on whether to see Star Trek or Wolverine. I voted Star Trek.


Priscilla said at 8:11 PM


  • 10:33 Good lord, why is it SO COLD in the back room today? Climate control fail. #
  • 13:06 *boggles* Pat Rothfuss posted a picture of the first draft of book 2: #
  • 18:37 RT: Retweet this if you disagree with Twitter's decision to hide replies to people you don't follow #fixreplies #twitterfail #
  • 21:19 @KChenoweth Bryant Park was so gorgeous today! I had lunch there with coworkers, then took my shoes off and just basked in the sun. #
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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A number of my friends are participating in the Happiness Meme, and I decided I should, too! It's simple: Post about something that made you happy today, then rinse and repeat for eight days. I'm a very happy person, so I'm going to challenge myself to five original happy things per day.
  1. Lunch in Bryant Park. The boss let us go out for lunch today, so I snagged food from a street vendor and found a table on the grass with a few coworkers. As I ate, I took my shoes off and luxuriated in the feel of the grass between my toes, then afterward, I lay down on the grass and basked in the sun. Mmm, Vitamin D!

  2. Jim Butcher validated my one-sided, unrequited Hendricks/Gard crackship! Well, evidence was already there in canon for those that wanted to see it, but it's nice to see it reinforced.

  3. Really fantastic Amazon customer reviews a coworker just sent me: Three Wolf Moon Shirt and Tuscan Whole Milk. I love the internet.

  4. The fact that my smoke detector has only gone off once since I cleaned my oven on Saturday. It used to happen nearly every time I cooked anything.

  5. The satisfaction in banning an obnoxious forum troll.
Runner up: Gorgeous Doctor Who fanart.

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Priscilla said at 6:48 PM


  • 09:48 RT @mkcho73: awesome New York Magazine article on the secrets of New York harbor: #
  • 12:27 @redone17 DO NOT HONOR #
  • 13:17 @mkcho73 Alas, it seems the world must go without a heroine named "Skippy Pylon." #
  • 14:10 @mkcho73 I confess, I'm intrigued. Also, Terrence Mann is in the cast, which increases said intriguement by quite a margin. #
  • 14:13 @beachkid I love discovering that other friends read Tom and Lorenzo's blog! Gotta love Project Rungay. And I share your Eee. :D #
  • 14:23 @mkcho73 Definitely! @fourteenacross recently introduced me to Sugar Sweet Sunshine, a cupcake bakery in the LES. Yum-tastic! #
  • 14:36 @smuu Awesome! You know you've hit it big when... :D #
  • 14:42 @rdonoghue I adore The Name of the Wind, and I'm currently reading Locke Lamora and loving every page. Haven't read Mistborn. #
  • 14:58 Sweet! We're getting Memorial Day off! Shall I change my travel plans and stay in D.C. an extra day? #
  • 18:40 MTA approves fare increases, booo. At least they're not as high as some feared they could have been. #
  • 22:10 Just watched the season finale of Castle. WHAT. If there isn't a season 2 after that cliffhanger, I am going to beat ABC with sticks. #
  • 22:12 So much love for Castle! Laughed out loud at the donut "with sprinkles 'pon it, and a frosting of white." Yay shameless Dresden refs! #
  • 23:46 @sinspired It was on last night, but I missed it due to the Chenoweth concert! Two of my friends also missed it, so we watched it together. #
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Priscilla said at 12:17 AM


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

  • 00:39 @gypsyjr Anyone that does not know what "Brazil" is has no place on your Twitter feed. :D #
  • 00:44 @beyondabsurdity Word to yo motha's day! Congrats! #
  • 16:51 SNL Weekend Update: Quino and Pine address the Trekkies: #
  • 18:01 Woo, off to see @KChenoweth! #
  • 22:10 CHENO-SQUEE #
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Priscilla said at 12:16 AM


Monday, May 11, 2009

The 2009 Pulitzer Prize for Photography was awarded to Damon Winter of The New York Times "for his memorable array of pictures deftly capturing multiple facets of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign." Check out his amazing portfolio here (or here).

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Priscilla said at 10:17 AM


  • 09:14 Happy Mother's Day! I adore you, Mom. I can't thank you enough for everything you do for me. #
  • 12:55 ...I'm going to have to go in to work today, aren't I? #
  • 13:43 Yay, I don't have to go to work today after all! #
  • 15:46 Augh! One of my friends just bailed on me, so now I have an extra ticket to see @KristinChenoweth tomorrow. Off to call everyone I know... #
  • 16:10 @mkcho73 has claimed the @KristinChenoweth ticket! Thanks for playing, boys and girls. #
  • 16:14 @alyankovic Do the Twitter-bots count as followers? Should I tell them you'd love to know how they're making millions working from home? #
  • 16:18 Help save Castle! Leave a 30 sec message expressing your love at 1-818-460-7477, then press 1...2...2...226. (thanks @SaveCastle) #
  • 16:19 And of course, by @KristinChenoweth, I mean @KChenoweth. @KristinChenoweth does not exist. #
  • 16:33 @stephanieyee Actually, prospects for Castle's renewal are looking up! But I want to do everything I can to help improve those chances. #
  • 18:02 Just got obscene quantity of brownie supplies for FGers. Experiment time! #
  • 18:46 @jimmyaquino I adore Kate Beaton! One of my favourite cartoonists. TESLAAAAAAA!!! #
  • 21:33 Highly amusing fanvid: Laura Roslin's Happy Working Song: #
  • 21:39 @KChenoweth I'm so excited to see you! Hope you get the chance to visit Mara's Homemade while you're in town. Yay Southern/Creole cuisine! #
  • 00:15 @awesomeopolis Mwaha, first person to vote! Therefore, my opinions hold 100% of the vote! I am significant! #
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Priscilla said at 12:18 AM


Sunday, May 10, 2009

  • 10:32 @hobbitwriter Joy of all joys! Let us bask in the Dresden-y glee! #
  • 14:55 A tree just drove past my window. #
  • 15:05 The tree in question: #
  • 16:19 Cleaned oven! Am domestic goddess. #
  • 18:54 Sweet! I just got a $40 bus ticket for $2! Let's hope the no one notices. #
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Priscilla said at 12:15 AM


Saturday, May 09, 2009

  • 09:40 RT @TheOnion: [video] Trekkies Bash new Star Trek Film As 'Fun, Watchable' #
  • 09:55 The insufferable little puke that keeps hacking the forum needs to suffer the fate of that ghoul in "White Night." #
  • 10:41 Man, lower school math class continues to haunt me. Whenever I see the Star Trek logo, I always think "It's the only concave quadrilateral!" #
  • 10:53 YouTube: A girl sings "Lollipop" in three-part harmony with herself: #
  • 11:15 I hope all Firefly/@nathanfillion fans have been following xkcd's "The Race." Highly amusing! It starts here: #
  • 11:17 Woo, Dollhouse tonight! Last week, Alan Tudyk gave one of the most memorable TV performances of this year. What happens next? #savedollhouse #
  • 11:54 Phones at work all wonky and making loud beeping sounds at unpredictable intervals. Hiss. #
  • 11:56 Kate Beaton + Star Trek = MAGIC. #
  • 11:59 Sam/Copperbadge linked to Blog Like It Isn't You Day. Will this expand to Twitter? #
  • 11:59 On second thought, considering the sheer number of celebrity puppet accounts, perhaps every day is Twitter Like It Isn't You Day... #
  • 12:25 Hmm, what do I want for lunch? #
  • 14:38 My FGers sent me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers at work today! I'm so happy to be your mommy! #
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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Friday, May 08, 2009

  • 00:27 Street light outside my window keeps turning off and on. Not flickering--the flops are maybe ten minutes apart. Curious. #
  • 00:44 @Uilos ...I thought Matt was back in Denver right now! #
  • 09:55 AUGH JUST WOKE UP #
  • 15:04 @Esperacchius Ye gods! *gives you my extra sleep* #
  • 17:30 Star Trek with @Uilos and some of the NY Jedi tonight! I think we're in the wrong franchise... #
  • 19:13 @viennateng's "Inland Territory" playing in full at Barnes and Noble! I approve. #
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Priscilla said at 12:24 AM


Thursday, May 07, 2009

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Priscilla said at 12:23 AM


Wednesday, May 06, 2009

  • 11:17 RT @EuropaMoon: Word of the Day - quaff \KWOFF\ verb: 1. To drink a beverage, esp. an intoxicating one, copiously and with hearty enjoyment. #
  • 11:43 RT @FeatherJean: Let ABC know what you thought of Castle tonight. NEXT WEEK IS THE SEASON FINALE! #
  • 12:06 "Imagine if Swine Flu was just viral marketing for 'Lost'." --@redone17 #
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Priscilla said at 12:15 AM


Tuesday, May 05, 2009

  • 09:57 May the Fourth be with you! #
  • 10:30 Urgh, why am a so exhausted? I got to sleep at a reasonable hour last night! #
  • 11:10 Gorgeous "Human Landscapes From Above" on The Big Picture: #
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Priscilla said at 12:14 AM


Monday, May 04, 2009

  • 00:43 @Esperacchius has dictated the most perfect Dresden casting ever: Alan Tudyk as Toot-toot. There is not enough YES in the universe. #
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Priscilla said at 12:12 AM


Sunday, May 03, 2009

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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Saturday, May 02, 2009

  • 11:31 If you've ever wondered what the inside of my brain looks like, it looks like this: #
  • 13:00 I think "Fish Oil" is one of the most repulsive-sounding supplements. It's oil AND fish. #
  • 14:16 Woah! You know that guy that asked Neil Gaiman for my phone number at NYCC last year? He randomly texted me this morning. Too late, guy! #
  • 17:53 @Jeffrey_Donovan of Burn Notice is on Twitter! Good lord, I adore that show. Intelligent, action-packed, and Bruce Campbell's Chin-tastic! #
  • 18:01 @redone17 and @emshore each have a coffee in one hand and a beer in the other. Yeah, it's Friday! #
  • 18:34 @epicFlail is unworthy of the Cheesecake Truck song. #
  • 18:40 FREAKING DUDE. Boss just gave all 50 employees Flip Video cameras to celebrate awesome company news. #
  • 19:01 Yay, @Esperacchius is here! #
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Priscilla said at 12:14 AM


Friday, May 01, 2009

  • 10:53 GLEE! RT @featherjean: RT @USA_Network: PSYCH is now filming new episodes in Vancouver! Season 4 premieres this summer (date TBD) #
  • 11:24 JOY! My mom sent me her really nice digital camera, and it just arrived! *does a merry dance of photographic glee* #
  • 12:16 @Esperacchius Indeed it is! #
  • 18:06 Woohoo! My Thin Mints arrived today! Now I learn who my true friends are. #
  • 18:15 Receptionist going around, taking Starbucks orders. Is this a trap? #
  • 18:16 I spontaneously, inexplicably feel like having excellent posture. #
  • 18:49 RT @theonion: New Video Game Technology Finally Allows Rendering Of Smaller Breasts #
  • 23:53 @sinspired I use Twittelator. It gets the job done. #
  • 23:53 I felt like I really needed to floss. Then I flossed. Yet I somehow feel unsatisfied. #
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Priscilla said at 12:14 AM


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