The Cult of Lincoln

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

And my LJ feed is finally working again! I apologize for the massive post spam Blogger and LJ are inflicting upon those of you who read Cult of Lincoln that way.

Priscilla said at 10:37 PM


The Penn Cinema Studies program is sponsoring a "Trailer Mashup" contest, in which you create a trailer that parodies a well-known film. Examples include "Brokeback to the Future," "The Shining (as a romantic comedy)," "Scary Mary (Mary Poppins as a horror movie)," etc.

I just had an evil idea: Battlestar Potemkin.

Priscilla said at 12:26 PM


Ha! Ko read this post, then came into my room and hit me over the head with this. She said she didn't have any two-by-fours, but I guess a two-by-a millimeter works. :D

She couldn't explain why she wrote Harry/?, as she is a known Harry/Susan shipper. I wonder if she is beginning to see the appeal of the undeniably sexy Harry/Question Mark. (The Question Mark: Curves where it counts, but watch out, it always has a period?)

Anyway, for those unfamiliar, "Lo/Ve" is Logan/Veronica on Veronica Mars (which I don't ship), Tavi/Kitai and Amara/Berard are from Jim Butcher's Codex Alera series (which I ship like mad), Harry/Question Mark refers to Harry of The Dresden Files, and Harry/Hermione I don't ship either, but it's better than Hermione/Ron. *waves Harry/Luna flag*

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Priscilla said at 12:23 AM


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Heroes. "Fantastic," Doctor Scruffy? Fantastic indeed!

And Studio 60, "special guest Masi Oka" does not mean "Masi Oka is in this episode for three seconds, just repeating the same line." He'd better be in the second half of the episode, or I will have Words with your promo department. HEY, that wasn't a perfect analogy to one of the plot threads for last night's episode, was it? Because then I'd have to laugh, then punch Aaron Sorkin in the face. :D

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Priscilla said at 1:40 AM


Monday, January 29, 2007

Keith: I'll teach you and Renata how to make Living Legend Eggs when we're camping. We just need eggs, milk (I use almond milk, but I was taught with skim), salt, and pepper. Yummy!

Chungy: No, I was just being silly. No boys ate my Living Legend Eggs today. But if there had been boys nearby, they would have been brought to the yard, and they would have found them delicious! Maybe the next time we see each other, I'll have to teach you how to make my famous peach ginger pie, which I am suddenly craving. I wonder if they have all the necessary ingredients at Fro Gro...

Renata: Dresden books from the Murphy library? I am so amused.

Keith again: Reeeeead theeeeeem.

Brenna: All the books for my Sci-Fi class cost $179.52. Ouch. Fortunately, the entirety will be covered by the reselling of three of last semester's books on for $192.17! This is actually my only class this semester that's costing anything outside of tuition. I already had all the necessary materials for my Senior Project/Digital Figure Modeling class, the Psych textbook is entirely online as the professor is in the middle of revising it and wants us to have the latest edition as he writes it, and there are no required texts for my Computer Modeling and Animation Applications class! Score!

Rebecca: TANSTAAFL? Or is this a reference I'll get when I read the book?

Keith again: Even if I thought your hair was terrible, I wouldn't say so. *glomps*


Priscilla said at 12:06 AM


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Yes. That's the episode Dresden should have started with. Much better than the other! It's far from "great," but at least it wasn't actively bad. Good snark, good perviness from Bob, and significantly less deus ex machina-esque (yet still annoyingly contrived) weapon for Harry. We actually saw Harry doing some magic, which was nice, and the most galling break from canon was the notion of Harry actually eating vegetables on purpose. The writers still have quite a ways to go (Lesson One: The audience is not stupid. A toddler could solve these mysteries), but for now, I approve.

Plus: holy shamoley, Batman! They were laying on the Harry/Murphy shippage like icing on an expensive cake! On a scale of one to "Something Borrowed," it was at least an 8.7, and that was from the Russian judge. No wonder Valerie was comparing their dynamic to "Moonlighting." Now let's back off a bit, yes? While I love me some Harry/Murphy shippiness, I don't love two-by-fours to the cranium etched with "THIS IS WHO YOU SHOULD BE SHIPPING, KTHXBAI."

No episode next week because of the Superbowl, but the week after: BUTTERS! Complete with "I *heart* Polka" shirt under his labcoat! Gotta love those tiny details where the creative team reassures the audience that yes, they've read the books, and yes, they adore Butters as much as we do.

P.S. Did people see MiniMurphy's crayon drawings hanging in Murphy's desk? That was adorableness squared. And the batty evidence cop was hilarious! I hope we hear from her again later this the season.

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Priscilla said at 10:20 PM


Renata, Keith, and I chatted briefly this evening about the Sappy Lincoln Narratives roadtrip! I've cut some of the non-relevant lines of dialogue. Sme people should not be let into academia.

Renata: anyway, priscilla, i think keith and i keep talking about the trip at times when you're not around?
Priscilla: I KNEW IT
Priscilla: You're cheating on me!
Renata: and i can't remember what i've like blogged about and stuff
Renata: so
Renata: are you aware that the trip is now an extended animorphs larp?
Renata: and also that it's a disability studies concerns animorphs book club?
Priscilla: Keith told me. This is a beautiful, beautiful thing.
Renata: also we can morph plants
Renata: also there's no backdoor to heaven
Renata: i think that's about it
Keith: lol
Priscilla: But I don't know what I can bring to the table! I'm only good at analyzing fairy tales and saying that things are vaginal symbols and stuff, but I don't think there's much of that in Animorphs. Still, I can try!
Renata: as a fake gender/women's studies major, there are vaginas EVERYWHERE
Priscilla: Ok. Like when Jake fell into the Yeerk pool and became a controller? That's totally a rape scene.
Renata: definitely
Priscilla: And Jake goes into a period of latency, like in Bettleheim's Freudian interpretation of "Sleeping Beauty."
Priscilla: The physical/sexual trauma causes him to withdraw and become passive until circumstances arise that he can safely emerge once again.
Keith: oh, you're good.
Keith: this trip will be so awesome in a "fucking up the memories of our teenage reading" sort of way
Keith: I'll probably talk about the moral implications of the animorphs killing yeerk hosts. What would Kant say to that!? Porbably something really technical and annoying
Renata: i'd like to discuss what it means that in order for the narrative to function
Renata: rachel must take on masculine tropes
Renata: and eventually be sacrificed
Priscilla: Yet Cassie, the female most associated with the feminine, and with beauty and healing survives? Doesn't she remain on Earth?
Renata: i'm not sure
Renata: although! it is complex, because cassie is not exactly associated with beauty
Renata: that is rachel
Priscilla: her morphing style is
Renata: it is a madonna/whore complex

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Priscilla said at 8:22 PM


Mmmm, Living Legend Eggs for breakfast! My culinary skills bring all the boys to the yard.

Here's a great interview with John Hodgman. I especially like what he has to say about satire, kicking people, and being attacked by wolves.

And speaking of my fake newsmen, here's Stephen Colbert's uproariously funny followup to his interviews with Bill O'Reilly, and the announcement of the results of another highly amusing bet. *adds Stephen Colbert Day to list of Fannish Dates*

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Priscilla said at 3:26 PM


Okay, Dresden premiere. I ended up watching it twice, the first as it aired then again the following afternoon. The first time, I thought it was awful awful awful, with the only redeeming aspect being Valerie Cruz's surprisingly spot-on Murphy. But between viewings, I talked with fellow fans and we worked out what changes bothered us and helped each other get over them. When I saw it the second time, I felt less frustrated and much more confident about the direction the series was taking the characters, though I still felt the writing itself was weak. Also, the magic. It is not Dresdenverse magic. This is ranted about discussed definitely ranted about later in the post.

  • Murphy. SQUEE. Going into the show, Murphy was the character I was most wary of. They'd had to change her name for legal reasons (apparently there actually is a Karyn Murphy at the Chicago PD, so "Karrin" became "Connie"), and then there was the whole casting switchup, where the actresses they found to play Murphy and Susan ended up being better-suited for the other's role, then the bomb Valerie dropped a week before the premiere, mentioning that TV-Murphy had a daughter, whereas book-Murphy divorced her second husband largely because she didn't want kids. But then the actress was awesome, so Priscilla is happy. In spite of all the changes, she came across as most like her book counterpart! I loved her annoyed banter with Harry, and I love that she called him out when he wasn't behaving. I look forward to her slamming Harry into the hood of a car for hanging up on her, because he kind of deserves it. :D

  • The Ravens sitting around and watching the kid eat an ice cream sundae, with the dramatic music preceding the offering of the whipped cream. Pure book-style humor. Loved it. My friends and I have named the lead Raven "Quoth," with the option title of "Lord Quoth of the Cream that is Whippèd."

  • Terrance Mann. I had many issues with Bob, but they're all script-related. Terrance Mann himself is great, and I certainly would not mind Bob belting 16th Century showtunes, thought I'd rather hear him sing "Where's the Girl?" from The Scarlet Pimpernel, because it makes me think bad thoughts. On second thought, though, I should just stick to my CD. Thinking bad thoughts about Bob is icky.

  • The Story. First off, this episode was clearly never written to be a first episode, and I'm wondering what on Earth possessed the higher-ups that they needed to ditch the two-hour pilot. Okay, so they replaced a bunch of the actors in the interim (Bob, Justin, and Ancient Mai--which it turns out is pronounced like the month and not like the possessive pronoun, but I digress), so they had a lot of reshooting, but bah. They should have started filming earlier!

    Anyway, back to this episode. The flashback structure of the episode was totally wrong for a premiere. They would have done better in, say, the third episode of the series. And what do you know, the episode number is 1x03? Also, regarding Bob, I wish his character could have been better-established before we learned of his DUBIOUS MORALITY and DARK PAST. This was like "Dead Beat" Bob. Except how his personality bears no resemblance to book-Bob, whom I miss terribly.

  • Harry. Paul Blackthorne acted the part quite well and there were only a couple tiny moments where his accent twigged me, but I didn't like the way he was written. Not nearly enough snark, and a bit too much jerk and preoccupation with money. Sure, he has plenty of curmudgeon-y moments in the book series, but we get the full range of his personality over the course of the book, whereas we only got one sliver in this episode. Feh.

    Also, wee!Harry's threat to the thing that killed his mother scared the heck out of me. I guess in the TV-verse, Maggie didn't die in childbirth, even though that's what SciFi has been saying in the press pack series synopsis. Or rather, I guess that in this world, Harry and Colm know early on that it wasn't the act of childbirth that killed her, rather than Harry finding out in the fifth book of the series. Boooo, unnecessary canon changes!

  • I'm lukewarm about Malcolm Dresden, or "Colm" Dresden as he's called here. It completely turns book canon on its ear for him to know about magic, which I wouldn't mind normally, but to have him warn Harry to always stay below the magical radar and not let others find out about his powers seems reeeeeaaally hypocritical for Harry when he grows up and advertises his wizarding abilities in the phone book. Poor decision, writing team.

  • Uh, is this Harry even capable of defending himself? I would have liked to see Harry *start* to do something to protect himself before he gets his rear end kicked by the skinwalker.

  • The Skinwalker. Yawn. Actually, not yawn. ZZZZZZZZ is more like it. They kept talking about how scary she was, and I can see how she would be, but I just didn't feel it. And Harry's wards were a joke.

  • Melissa. Awkwardly written, and ultimately I couldn't care less about her death. Bob's suggestion to consult her reminded me of Serenity's equally poorly-transitioned "We should talk to Mr. Universe!" I miss the Archive.

  • Bob's Deus Ex Gamecube of Doom. Not endearing the writing team to me by any stretch of the imagination. Apparently "doom box" was supposed to be a pun on "boom box," but THEY DIDN'T HAVE BOOM BOXES IN THE 16TH CENTURY WHEN BOB WOULD HAVE WRITTEN HIS FIRST GRIMOIRE. Also, in today's society, you're just not allowed to use the word "doom" any more in a non-ironic way. Robert [Wolfe, one of the producers] has said on the boards that the episode ran long and they had to trim bits that would have made it less plot-devicey and appalling, but meh. It doesn't change the fact that it was lamer than a duck with no legs.

  • The Magic. It's just is not Dresdenverse magic. One of the things I love most about the magic of the book series is that it makes sense. It's all about physical and mental connections and associations. There's also a fair share of blasting monsters with fire or wind, but there's no hocus-pocus, wandwaving, "aha, I have transfigured this badger into a teacup and levitated this pouch of Snausages" kind of magic. It's more a matter of manipulating forces and focusing energies. If Harry makes something move, it's more along the lines of Storm rather than Jean Grey. He doesn't defy gravity, he manipulates the air currents into moving the object. I could go into Dresdenverse spellcasting the differences between evocation and thaumaturgy, but this post is already long enough.

    Also, there's no "If I combine three eyes of newt with burba weed picked three days before the full moon by virgins and stir counterclockwise, I will make a fabulous tonic similar in effect to Nair." Whereas in the Dresdenverse, "Potions are all made pretty much the same way. First you need a base to form the essential liquid content; then something to engage each of the senses, and then something for the mind and something else for the spirit. Eight ingredients, all in all, and they're different for each and every potion, and for each person who makes them." It's all very deliberate and logical. When I read Harry Potter, I ask myself who on Earth could have come up with these potions and spells? One slightly wrong move and you nearly kill Neville's toad. When I read the Dresden Files, I think "of course. That's how magic works." In short, book!kid!Harry could not levitate a metal ring from across the room.

  • So the TV magic loses everything that distinguished the magic of the books. Well, it's about to go further. I read a post from Robert on the boards today that "It was decided not to use "magic words" since it felt too reminiscent of Harry Potter. There will definitely still be spells, including flying staffs and fire blasts and such. Just not with the words."

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. It's not like Potter is the first wizard to use spellwords. It's times like these that make me almost wish the PTB *had* changed Harry's name to Eric for the TV show, so people would be less inclined to make comparisons between the two series. (Re: Erik, Harry Dresden was named by his stage-magician father for Harry Houdini, but in the wake of Pottermania, the PTB considered changing his name to Eric to discourage comparisons, as Houdini was born Erich Weiss) Maybe if they kept the distinctiveness of Dresden's magic and didn't turn it into the common Potter-style magic swill, people wouldn't be inclined to make that connection! And no matter how clever the etymology, no Potter spell could compare with Harry's spell for lighting candles: "Flickum bicus." Of course, it took me several months to get the joke, but that just made it funnier.

And this post totally devolved into Reasons Why The Dresden Files Book Series Is Awesome (and why I'm becoming increasingly disenchanted with Harry Potter), but I don't care.

I use this icon in righteous indignation. For those with weak vision and/or high-resolution displays, it reads "Unleash Nerd Fury." Oh, the Colbert Report! You wouldn't wreak havoc with one of my favourite book series and turn it into badly written, near-unrecognizable sludge! And I think I need to talk with my friends again about not getting worked up over the changes they made from the books to the show...

And the sad thing is? At least for the time being, I'm going to keep watching.

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Priscilla said at 12:39 AM


Saturday, January 27, 2007

I never got around to posting my thoughts on last Monday's Heroes Season-Returnything, so I do so now! First off: Yay, it's Doctor Scruffy! Then Hiro and the museum? SO MUCH LOVE. Did anyone notice that Hiro's hero had a striking resemblance to future!Hiro? Well, in the sense that they had the same facial hair, at least. :D Also, Hiro and Nathan were hilarious together. Basically, as always, every scene with Hiro was wonderful!

I look forward to seeing Masi on this week's Studio 60. I'm sure it'll just be a brief cameo, but any Masi is good Masi! I just have to figure out what's going wrong with my DVR, and why it's recording the wrong channels some times and not others. It started recording the wrong channel for Veronica Mars as well, though it faithfully records The Daily Show and The Colbert Report every day. Go figure. I'll poke the guys at Radio Shack about it tomorrow.

And now, to the tune of "The Candyman Can"...

Who's convinced that Isaac's
Visions all are true?
Buys up all his paintings for a pretty penny, too.
The Linderman!
The Linderman can!
The Linderman can 'cause his pockets are so deep
He now owns half the cast...

Who extorts Petrelli,
D.L. and Nikki, too?
Double-crosses left and right, next he'll come after you!
The Linderman!
The Linderman can!
The Linderman can 'cause his pockets are so deep
He now owns half the cast...

The Linderman schemes
Nasty evil dreams,
No hero will be neglected.
Talk about well-connected!
(Until he gets vivisected?)

Who's got the katana
When Hiro fights with Sue?
Makes the poor boy take it back and makes him feel so blue.
The Linderman!
The Linderman can, the Linderman can...
The Linderman can 'cause his pockets are so deep
He now owns half the cast...
He now owns half the cast,
But watch out for that blast!

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Priscilla said at 9:40 PM


Sweeeeeeeeeeeet! Today, Blogger was finally ready for me to move my just-shy-of-6-thousand-posts blog to their new system. I'd like to apologize in advance to all those who read my blog by RSS feed, as they're probably going to get spammed like nobody's business today. Don't worry, it's just a one-time thing!


Priscilla said at 7:59 PM


Thursday, January 25, 2007

Judging from auditory data collected over the past several days, it seems the boy in the room next door has joined an a capella group. Listening to him try to hit high notes is fun. *drowns his singing out with the audio book of Brave New World, for my Sci-Fi class*


Priscilla said at 6:51 PM


Monday, January 22, 2007

ARGH. I set my DVR correctly, but for some unfathomable reason, it recorded SciFi instead of NBC, so I missed Heroes and the first ten minutes or so of Studio 60 while at class. Grrr, Pris smash!

Come on, NBC website, let's get that episode up! Grr, I bet they're not going to post it until it's aired on the West coast. Oh, NBC, why can't you be more like Comedy Central, which has nothing better to do than air like 4 reruns of Daily Show and Colbert Report each weekday? Why is the next rerun of Heroes on FRIDAY?

Stupid DVR. Why do you fail me now, when you have never failed me before? That I can remember, at least.

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Priscilla said at 11:26 PM


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Thirty minutes!!!!!!!! *dances around in a circle of squee*

Priscilla said at 8:32 PM


Dresden Files on my TV tonight! I'm counting down the hours. Once more, that's 9/8c on SciFi in the US or Space in Canada. It starts in the UK on SkyOne February 14th.

I got to see the Edward Scissorhands ballet yesterday, and it was lots of fun. I'm so glad I got the chance to go! I can't imagine it making much sense to those who hadn't seen the movie, but it was still nifty.

Some links:

March of the Emperor -- a fantastic French ad (with English subtitles)

Good lord. Colbert actually did steal O'Reilly's microwave! That's... beautiful.

iConcertCal -- for Mac and Windows. It's an iTunes visualizer that lets you know when bands/artists that appear in your library will be playing a concert near where you live. For instance, it just let me know that Vienna Teng is going to be in Philadelphia tonight, though she's sold out. If only I knew about this months ago!

Not that I'm at all surprised, by Heroes just got a full-season order for 2007-08, and season 1 will now have 23 episodes, rather than 22. Yayfun!


Priscilla said at 1:31 PM


Friday, January 19, 2007

I bought the books for my Sci-Fi class. Note that Jules Verne's From Earth to the Moon is not pictured, as I just borrowed Elaine's copy when I read it last night.


Priscilla said at 1:34 PM


Holy cow! The Edward Scissorhands ballet is in Philly RIGHT NOW, and it leaves Sunday! My tush is officially in gear. *emails people*

Priscilla said at 10:31 AM


Thursday, January 18, 2007

Snow today! Philadelphia is no longer the only city in the country that has not seen snow this winter!

I walked back from my Myth class with Elaine, and we discussed dropping it. It looked so interesting, but from the way the professor is approaching it, it's more the opposite. Even though I've missed the first two weeks of it, I've registered for Elaine's Science and Literature class, in which we read and discuss a lot of classic Sci-Fi. Sweeeeet. This semester wins.

Priscilla said at 7:29 PM


I don't get it. Why on earth would anyone be *awake* at four in the morning, much less doing things that will set off a smoke detector? Why is it that I can't remember a single time the fire alarm has gone off during the hours of 6AM and midnight? It's always when we're sleeping! Madness!

In other news, Ko has discovered the genius of Clone High, and like all who witness its majesty, she's in love. We've been quoting it at each other all day. When she was expressing her squee to Deep, Deep turned to me and asked, "So why do all these great shows you watch get canceled after one season?" Oh, Deepshikha, if only I knew! *adds Invader Zim to Netflix queue*

Priscilla said at 12:26 PM


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Oh, hey! The musical episode of Scrubs is on tomorrow night. With music and lyrics by the guys that brought us Avenue Q, I'll definitely be watching, even though I've never seen an episode of the show before in my life. NBC at 9/8c!

In other TV news, Tim Minear's new show Drive
will kick off with a special two-hour premiere on Sunday, April 15 at 8:00/7:00c. The series will then settle into its regular Monday, 8:00/7:00c slot the following night as a lead-in to "24." To make room for the newcomer, current Monday, 8:00/7:00c occupant "Prison Break" will wrap its sophomore run on Monday, April 2 at 8:00/7:00c while a special Monday repeat of "House" will fill the hour on April 9. (From here)
Tim Minear + Nathan Fillion = love. Let's hope it lasts more than 14 episodes this time!

Priscilla said at 10:20 AM


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Oh, Dresden Files TV show. How is it possible that they're making something so catastrophically bad-sounding out of something so amazingly good? Now TV!Murphy has a daughter. Whyyyyyyyyy??? TV kids are only good for being threatened then forgotten about until they need to be threatened again.

I'm trying to be optimistic about this show. Why do they have to make it so difficult? I'm sure they're making the decisions they feel will make the show most appealing to the largest number of people, but feh.

Mmm, nothing soothes the pain of one of my fandom loves being kicked in the teeth like a dinner of homemade tri-color fusili pasta with garlic & sun-dried tomato sauce, kalamata olives, artichoke hearts, capers, and a bit of feta cheese. Next time I go to the grocery store I'll have to remember pine nuts.

Edit: Bwee! Just when I was down, Buzzy Multimedia posted Chapter 13 of the audio book of Summer Knight. Nothing like James Marsters doing a bunch of fairy voices as they flip out over pizza to get you out of a fandom funk. And preorders for the audio book itself start this month! Oh, Book Canon. So much love!

Priscilla said at 4:50 PM


I just set my DVR to record The Dresden Files. This Sunday at 9/8c on SciFi, before Battlestar Galactica. I also set it to record Psych (yay!), which returns this Friday at 10/9c, after Monk.

It's the little things.

Priscilla said at 11:16 AM


Monday, January 15, 2007

Okay, details! Back in September, a group of friends and I bought tickets to see Wicked. The group consisted of current-roommate Ko, Sophomore-year roommates Deep and Nikki, GA Erin, friend Stephanie, and acquaintance Suma. We had to get the tickets ridiculously far in advance, but the wait was worth it!

I didn't want to mention this beforehand in case it didn't go through, but when I mentioned to Jimmy that I was going to see Wicked, he told me his roommate was in the show and might be able to take us backstage. My fingers were black and blue from being constantly crossed all week.

We took the Chinatown bus early in the morning and did a bit of window shopping before heading to lunch at noon. After a delicious and reasonably-priced meal at Pigalle, we met up with Jimmy, who took us on a brief tour of Times Square, then guided us to the theatre. My friends all approved of Jimmy, which stands to reason. He's a fun guy to be around!

The show itself was phenomenal! This was Ko's first Broadway production, and even though she was sicker than a dog, she was in a state of utter glee. Ko, Suma, and I had all read the book, and we spend Intermission mocking the differences while gushing over how fantastic the show was anyway.

Our Glinda (Kendra Kassebaum) was AMAZING. I have no idea how she managed to sustain that level of bounciness throughout the entire performance. She brought so much to the character! Her voice was a touch too operatic for my taste in the opening number, but otherwise she was brilliant all the way through. Our Elphaba (Julia Murney) was fantastic, though her voice could be a little spotty. But then she made up for it by totally groping Fiyero's butt in As Long As You're Mine. I wonder if the actors have a running joke.

I was a bit annoyed about our Fiyero (Sebastian Arcelus--didn't you see him in Rent, Renata?), because when I'd checked the cast list on the Wicked website, I was delighted to see our Fiyero was black (as he is in the book), but as the cast changed last week, we got yet another white boy. Also, they re-choreographed Dancing Through Life since I saw it two and a half years ago, and all the references to the choreography of "If I Only Had a Brain" seem to have been dropped for no apparent reason. Feh. Still, it's not the actor's fault. He was still great in his role! I'm being overly critical. Excellent performance! And he was really sweet after the show--he was one of few to stay and sign autographs at the stage door, and he helped us find Noah!

Speaking of: Noah! Noah Rivera, Jimmy's roommate! Part of the Ensemble and understudy for Boq. When we asked Sebastian where Noah was, he said he'd just seen him outside, so we were all briefly horrified that we may have missed him. We resolved that each time the door was opened, we would shout "Noah!" Turns out he was just inside the door--it was kind of adorable how his head perked up when we shouted his name. He grinned and waved at us to come on in, and giggling like the schoolgirls we were, we entered. I wish I could have gotten a picture of the jealous glares we got from some of the surrounding fans.

We were all giddy as we introduced ourselves to Noah, then as he took us in the elevator that led to the stage level. Then there were all the props--Elphaba's broom! Nessa's chairs! The Oz heads! The Yellow Brick Road!--and then there was the STAGE. We were standing on a Broadway stage! And there were all the set pieces in the wings, and there was the giant auditorium and we were standing ON THE STAGE! Erin and I alternated singing random snippets from the songs, walking the fine line between wanting the experience but not wanting to seem like total losers. Noah was very accommodating to our deranged glee and answered all our questions, and Stephanie promptly fell in love with him.

Then two women crossed the stage, and as they passed us, Noah said offhandedly "You know, that's Elphaba and Glinda." I'd thought one girl looked quite Glinda-esque, but I didn't recognize the other without the green body paint. They stayed to chat briefly with us and pose for a picture and answer our questions and sign autographs, which was really sweet of them.

After the tour, we called Ken, our House Dean, who is a huge Broadway fan. We thought he was going to cry when we told him what we'd done! Then we called Jimmy to thank him, but he was at work and his cellphone was off, so we left him an inaudibly squealy message, thanking him for hooking us up. Then there was delicious dinner, then a subway mishap I don't feel like chronicling, then we were off home!


Priscilla said at 10:45 PM


Sunday, January 14, 2007

You know what happens in exactly seven days? Bweeeeeeeeee!!!

(Answer: The premiere of the Dresden Files TV show. Pay attention. *grins*)

Priscilla said at 9:56 PM


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Tonight, a girl stood on the stage of Broadway's Gershwin theatre, home of Wicked, and sang snippets of Popular and Defying Gravity.

I'm not that girl? Heck no. That girl would be ME.

Details tomorrow. I'm exhausted!

Priscilla said at 10:34 PM


Friday, January 12, 2007

More hilarious trailer recuts:

Tom Hanks is James Bond

X-Men: The Last Standing Ovation -- Wolverine sets out to reclaim his past as a musical theatre god. It's better than X3, at least! I'd go see it. *grins*

Scary Mary -- Mary Poppins as a horror movie

George Lucas Presents Singing in the Rain: The Special Edition

Priscilla said at 5:42 PM


Hey, Psych marathon tomorrow! Starting at 12:30 Eastern, they're airing episodes 1-7 of one of the funniest shows currently on television. The show returns Friday the 19th at 10/9c on USA, after Monk. Then two days later, we get the premiere of the *other* show about a smartass private detective with apparent supernatural abilities, brought in as a police consultant by a blonde cop named Karen. Well, a brunette cop named Connie, but she's blonde and named Karrin in the books. XD

Priscilla said at 1:41 PM


If you listen to only one tango today about being attacked by snakes, let it be this one.

Priscilla said at 1:34 AM


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Two days until I see "Wicked" on Broadway.
Ten days until The Dresden Files premieres on Sci-Fi.

Priscilla is a happy camper.

Priscilla said at 11:34 AM


Some things are truly awesome. OH THE BEEMANITY is one of these things. This is what it means to be an American!

Labels: , ,

Priscilla said at 10:46 AM


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

DRESDEN TV LOVE! We have our first shots of Butters, and he's wearing a shirt that says "I ♥ POLKA."

I heart the production crew. And I heart Butters, even though his blue gloves indicate that he may have performed nefarious experiments on young River Tam 500 years in the future. Or that he may be in, y'know, forensics. But who cares? Not me.


You people need to read the series already. :D

Priscilla said at 1:42 AM


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

This semester is getting off to a promising start!

The Good:
  • I'm definitely not taking that hideous-sounding particle dynamics physics course that Norm suggested I take. I went to the first class, and the professor greeted us with "Now, I assume you've all had Physics 230." I had not. When it became clear that this was going to be very important to the class, I got up to leave. The professor stopped me and asked me about myself, and when I told him I'd signed up for the course because of an interest in fluid simulation, he told me they wouldn't even touch on fluids. HUZZAH!

  • My Digital Figure Modeling class made it, and the times are actually quite nice! Monday 7:30-10:30pm (I'll have to DVR Heroes and Studio 60) and Tuesday and Thursday 12-1:30. I talked with Scott and Laura about my Senior Project, and I'm really excited about it.

  • My "Myth in Ancient and Modern Society" class looks super cool, and my friends Lisa and Elaine are also taking it! Yay! Course description, for those curious: In this course we will explore the mythologies of selected peoples in the Ancient Near East, Africa, Asia, and Native North and South America and examine how the gods function in the life and belief of each society. The study of mythological texts will be accompanied, as much as possible, by illustrative slides that will show the images of these deities in art and ritual.

The Bad:
  • In order to avoid having Digital Figure Modeling class on Saturdays, I had to give up my Astrophysics course. Now I have to find a new Natural Science course, and they all sounded unbelievably dull. As all the other Natural Science courses that look interesting conflict with my Myth in Society course, which sounds awesome, I'm stuck with a Psych course called "Judgments and Decisions" (Judgments, decisions under certainty and uncertainty, problem solving, logic, rationality, and moral thinking.) But I'd rather take that than give up Myth in Society, so it's all good.

The Neutral:
  • I'm giving up the Computer Vision class. It looked interesting and valuable, but I don't think it would be a good idea to take five classes this semester, with my senior project and everything.

Priscilla said at 4:26 PM


Incontestable Fact: If Ko were a stuffed, dead chicken, she'd be the hottest stuffed, dead chicken EVER.

Priscilla said at 4:25 PM


Monday, January 08, 2007

Several people have asked me for the reading list from last semester's amazing Feminist Fairy Tales class, so here it is!

The First Class
Early Versions: "Bluebeard" (Charles Perrault), "Beauty and the Beast" (Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont).
Revisions: The Bloody Chamber (Angela Carter)
Essays: "Notes from the Frontline" (Angela Carter), and "When We Dead Awaken: Women’s Writing as Re-Vision" (Adrienne Rich).

Early Versions: "Yeh-hsien" (Chinese), "Cat Cinderella" (Giambattista Basile), "Cinderella" (Charles Perrault), "Cinderella" (Brothers Grimm)
Revisions: Disney, "Ashputtle" (Angela Carter), "Ashputtle" (Peter Straub), "Cinderella" (Anne Sexton), "Cinderella" (Broumas).
Essay: “America’s Cinderella” (Jane Yolen).

Snow White
Early Versions: "The Young Slave" (Basile), "Snow White" (Grimm), "Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree" (Jacobs)
Revisions: Disney, White as Snow (Tanith Lee), "Snow, Glass, Apples" (Neil Gaiman), "Snow White" (Broumas), "Snow White" (Sexton), "Snow White to the Prince" (Delia Sherman).

Little Red Riding Hood
"Little Red Riding Hood" (Perrault), "Little Red Cap" (Grimm), The False Grandmother (Italo Calvino), Golden Flower and the Bear (Chiang Mi), "The Story of Grandmother" (Delarue).
Revisions: "Little Red Riding Hood" (James Thurber), Company of Wolves (movie), "Little Red Riding Hood" (Broumas).
Essay: Trials and Tribulations of Little Red Riding Hood (Zipes).

Sleeping Beauty
Early Versions: "Sun, Moon, and Talia" (Basile), "Sleeping Beauty" (Perrault), Brier Rose (Grimm).
Revisions: "Briar Rose" (Anne Sexton), Thorns (Tanith Lee).
Essay: "Tactics of Revisionary Mythopoesis" (Blau DuPlessis).

Early Versions: "Petrosinella" (Basile), "Rapunzel" (Schultz), "Rapunzel" (Grimm).
Revisions: "Rapunzel" (Anne Sexton), "Root of the Matter" (Gregory Frost).

The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf
Early Version: "The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf" (Hans Christian Andersen)
Revision: The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf (Kathryn Davis)

Early Versions: "The She-Bear" (Basile), "Donkeyskin" (Perrault), "All Fur" (Grimm), "The Princess in a Suit of Leather" (Bushnaq).
Revisions: Deerskin (Robin McKinley), The Armless Maiden introduction (Terri Windling), "Allerleiraugh" (Jane Yolen), "Donkeyskin" (Windling).
Essay: "Donkeyskin, Deerskin, Allerleiraugh: The Reality of the Fairy Tale" (Helen Pilinovsky).

Hansel and Gretel
Early Version: "Hansel and Gretel" (Grimm)
Revisions: The True Story of Hansel and Gretel (Louise Murphy), "Gingerbread" (Buffy episode), "Hansel and Gretel" (Sexton).

Witches Abroad (Terry Pratchett)

Beauty (Sheri S. Tepper)

12 Dancing Princesses and The Snow Queen
Early Versions: "The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes" (Grimm), "The Snow Queen" (Andersen).
Revisions: "Twelve Dancing Princesses" (Sexton), "The Girl Detective" (Kelly Link), "Travels with the Snow Queen" (Kelly Link), The Ice Puzzle (Catherynne Valente).

Priscilla said at 3:04 PM


Sunday, January 07, 2007

Exactly two weeks from now, I'll be watching The Dresden Files on Sci-Fi. If you're not, you'd better have a good excuse. (Hint: If "Desperate Housewives" is your excuse, watch the rerun at 11/10c. :D )

And this Saturday, I'll be seeing Wicked on Broadway! Bweeeeeeeeeeeee!

Priscilla said at 10:14 PM


Saturday, January 06, 2007

This is a surprise! Jennifer Morrison and actor Jesse Spencer are engaged! Yes, Cameron and Chase on House. Also, Gina Torres and Laurence Fishburne are expecting a baby! Good for them, doing their duty as really, really pretty people to fill the world with more really, really pretty babies. :D

Priscilla said at 1:09 PM


Hey, Alanis! Say one of your ears got infected shortly after you got them pierced, and you've been faithfully taking care of it for months with Bactine and Neosporin. Then upon returning home for Winter Break, you went to the dermatologist to get allergy testing, only to find out that it was not Nickel as you suspected you were allergic to, but two substances that happen to be found in Neosporin and Bactine.

I'd say that's ironic.

Priscilla said at 12:38 AM


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy Year of Two James Bond!

That's not going to get old until February, at least.

I decided to do a hybrid between the two 2006 recap memes floating around. Rather than filling out a survey, I'm doing a little summary for each month, starting with the first sentence of the first post of each month. I'm a rebel.
  1. January 1st: "Back from Island Hop #1!"

    The year began in Greece, the best vacation ever. I met Neil Gaiman, I got to hang out with Rebecca, and I was cast in Little Shop of Horrors in an ensemble role for the first time in my life. Classes for the new semester: Proving Things: Algebra, Digital Figure Modeling, Intro to Algorithms, Crime Cinema of France and Italy, Independent Study in Fluid Simulation.

  2. February 1st: "AARGH!"

    Little Shop was canceled. After a full semester, Ko and I got the massive hole in our wall fixed, and we got a second hatch in our bathroom ceiling. During the winter Olympics, Ko and I decided that Snowboardcross would be so much cooler if athletes could set each other on fire. I did my first piece of Dresden Files fanart: Thomas and Bianca.

  3. March 1st: "Renata linked me to the iTunes Signature Maker, which is just neat!"

    I saw Jon Stewart, Kevin Smith, and Margaret Cho in a period of 8 days. While I was in New York for the filming of The Daily Show, I got to hang out with Jimmy, a friend from the PA Shindigs. Later that month, I went to a housewarming party for other Shindig friends, Courtney and Ryan. Also in attendance were Shindig hosts Kristin and Paul, and the fannish family of Suze, Bob, and Sami. We almost outnumbered Courtney's relatives!

  4. April 1st: "New Frankenmix prompts!"

    Thought I had a date. Didn't. Have decided this is entirely due to The Boy's total blindness, as I am a hottie and totally dateable. Stupid boy(s). The month perked up, however, when my film class won the Greater Philadelphia Student Film Festival with our short film, Zeyen and Nazia. Ko had a birthday, and I was revealed to have ninjalike powers with balloon animals. I managed to get Proven Guilty (the first Dresden book to come out since I started reading the series) ten days before it was supposed to be released. That night, I went to Marcelina's dance concert, then promptly dropped said book into a rain puddle helping a blind man board a bus. Stephen Colbert did his White House Correspondents Dinner Speech-Thing and was awesome.

  5. May 1st: "Linked from Croupier, Berkeley on iTunesU."

    Still chasing The Boy. I was The Idiot. I finally shared Milton Goldthwait with the internet, further proving I need a boyfriend. I was funny. Exam period was hellish. After classes let out, I turned over my stuff to CollegeBoxes, some of it never to be seen again. Mom and I went to New York, where we saw Sweeney Todd and The Color Purple and lots of great museums. The Dresden Files' backdoor pilot got picked up as a TV series. I got a new chair. Stephen Colbert's team photomanipped Hugh Laurie into the Wonder Woman costume. I accurately predicted Season 3 of Lost. Saw X3 and invented original character Toastito.

  6. June 1st: "I recently saw Over the Hedge, and I loved it."

    We had our first preview of the Dresden Files TV show, and I fell in love with the actress playing Murphy when she slammed Harry into the hood of a car. I attended the third (and last) Pennsylvania Shindig, which was crazy crazy fun. Performed Serenifly: The Musical (written by Jimmy and me) and Wizard People, Dear Reader. Got an internship at ReelFX! Saw the Dallas Equality Now screening of Serenity. Watched the entirety of Battlestar Galactica (the new series, I mean). Got my ears pierced, and still feel ambivalent about this decision.

  7. July 1st: "Handy!"

    Worked. At Job, listened to like fifty audio books. Discovered Psych, which is great. Went to the SIGGRAPH convention, which was too cool for words!

  8. August 1st: "There are not enough EEEs in SQUEEE! to describe today."

    The other half of the SIGGRAPH convention, hence the EEEs. Wrote Dresden Files limericks. My laptop was in danger of exploding. I spent a weekend at my aunt and uncle's house in Colorado, which was wonderful. Returned to school, only to find that CollegeBoxes had lost three of my boxes. Only one would be found.

  9. September 1st: "The Illusionist is getting great reviews, as it well should."

    Class Schedule: Feminist Fairy Tales (best class ever), Film Analysis and Methods, Physics II, Computer Graphics (the computer science side), and Calculus III. Hold me. It quickly became apparent that this semester would be a living hell. Anyway, I cooked stuff! This lasted a couple weeks. I fought the urge to set CollegeBoxes on fire. Was very, very ill one night, and the next morning was stabbed repeatedly by incompetent nurses. Body was intimidated into getting healthy again. Later that month, I discovered that the comics shop across the street had started stocking new stuff, and I wouldn't need to take the bus to 20th street whenever I needed my fix. Began Obsessively Early Planning for Sappy Lincoln Narratives Road Trip '07.

  10. October 1st: "Aaaaaand CollegeBoxes can't find my stuff."

    Met John Hodgman, Jonathan Coulton, David Rees, and Amy Sedaris. Then the next day, met Nancy Pelosi, Allyson Schwartz, and Lois Murphy, and got to be (in the background) on teevee! Renata sent me hobo brownies, which were delicious. After two months, CollegeBoxes gave up on the search for my stuff, then stiffed me fifty five bucks on the claims check. So I was funny again. Wrote a revision of "Cinderella" that was awesome and also worrisome. I attended a Halloween party in York, hosted by Shindiggers Courtney and Ryan, and attended by various awesome people. For the first Halloween ever, I didn't make a new costume. This was a source of much despair, though it did mean I got to wear my awesome Sally costume again, so it wasn't too tragic.

  11. November 1st: "Once more, into the breach!"

    I met the Brothers Quay, who are twin geniuses. Five-year-old me wrote a recommendation for Ko to the Marshall scholarship. Voted Democrat! Took really cute senior pictures. Converted many to Discworld when we read Witches Abroad in my Fairy Tales class. Celebrated my 22nd birthday with my family, as it was on Thanksgiving this year. Wrote a paper teasing out similarities between Whedon's Serenity and Ford's The Searchers.

  12. December 1st: "I just slept for tweeeeelve houuuuuurs."

    A week after turning it in, reread Serenity/Searchers paper for coherence, now that I'd had actual sleep. It was awesome and ultimately A-worthy. Took a few hours off from the Semester of Hell to enjoy Cursor's Fury, which was a book of EEEEE. Made Rice Krispie Treats. Went to NY with Kristin for Jimmy's birthday and gave him a My Little Pony Balloon. Met John Cassaday, who thought I was funny. I still melt slightly when I think of this. At midnight one night, Ko and I went out for spontaneous pie. Jim Butcher commented on my fanart, Sci-Fi released fifty thousand Dresden TV promos, and JKR announced the totally lame title for the 7th Harry Potter book. My wizard named Harry could beat up your wizard named Harry. Renata and friends came to town, which was merry. New Year's Eve plans fell through, because "excluding Priscilla" has apparently replaced baseball as the national pasttime, not that this is the subject for a future rant or anything.

Good Riddance, 2006! Bring on 2007! I've eaten my black eyed peas this time (they didn't have any in Greece) so all should be good. Resolutions include:
  1. Spend more time drawing
  2. Spend less time rereading/rewatching stuff I've already read/watched fifty times.
  3. Exercise regularly
  4. Cook more often, and healthily
  5. Figure out what the heck I'm doing with my life.


Priscilla said at 12:57 AM


Monday, January 01, 2007

Last Post of 2006:

Aww! John Barrowman got himself hitched! Pictures of their Civil Union here.

A Christmas present from Kat, a Harry/Murphy ficlet.

Mac and PC: Take Me or Leave Me

In 2007, priscellie resolves to...
Take evening classes in blogger.
Get back in contact with some old fruitbats.
Admit my true feelings to __tiana__.
Buy new dresden files.
Give up sleeping.
Take adryael cging.
Get your own New Year's Resolutions:

Wow, it all sounds like stuff I was planning to do anyway!

Priscilla said at 12:15 AM


All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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