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Saturday, March 31, 2001
![]() Fellow RMLer Liz sends me this story...
"I was talking with my friend Andrea about ISAS and that i was getting to see you and i mentioned WIAN and she was like 'Oh my God, your FRIEND does that website! Oh my god, I would SO LOVE TO MEET HER! Oh my GAWD, that is SOO COOL!' " I feel loved! It's stories like this that keep me from deleting my stas account in a fit of annoyance. If you're out there reading this, Andrea, you rule! Priscilla said at 11:04 PM ![]() Hey! Where's my "How to Succeed" CD? I bet YOU took it! Fess up now and give it back!
Priscilla said at 8:15 PM ![]() Were you aware that Percy is God AND Boba Fett? If you don't believe me, read the discussion thread then buy a t-shirt. Or an Aberquaffle and Snitch shirt, if you prefer. The bottom line is: give me your money.
Priscilla said at 7:52 PM ![]() Holy flying wads of ducttape on a hot tin roof, Batman! I just got Flash 5 and Freehand 9 today while hanging around SMU. Both products are $400 normally, but I got them together at an educational discount for only $150! And it's the full version! And I saved $650! Boo yeah! God, I love living 5 blocks away from a college. Woo, with Freehand, version 1.0 of The Nine Muses is going to rock the spockmonkey. ::squeals in complete and utter joy::
Hey, is anyone else here from Texas? Are you going to ISAS? Leave a comment. We can make bigplans! I'm going for my photography stuff. And I'm rooming with my best friends, Chungy and Nancy! In room 42! How cool is that? YAAAAYYY!!! ::explodes:: Priscilla said at 5:18 PM ![]() Kell talked about irrational childhood fears yesterday. I think I'll add to the pile.
1: When I was younger, I was always terrified that when I walked through elevator doors, they'd close on me. I would always jump through the opening as fast as humanly possible to avoid this. My sister laughed her head off at me, because she was all cool and mature in her 2 1/2 years to my senior. 2: Parrots. I was terrified of parrots. When I was about 7, I went to my friend Brittany's house. She had a parrot named Sinbad. We were hiding from it (the parrot was evil) when I decided I would take it back to its "cage" area. I held out this stick they use to carry him, he climbed on, and I was bringing him to the cage area, when suddenly the parrot flew to the top of the stick and dug its nasty little beak into my thumb. Blood was everywhere. Luckily, I didn't have to go to the hospital or anything. I just have a crescent-shaped scar to show for it, but I hate all parrots with a passion. After that adventure, Brittany gave Sinbad away. 3: I've never really been afraid of heights. I've been afraid of things I like (ex: notebooks, cameras, etc) falling from them! I don't care about myself falling from them; I just don't want to lose my stuff! Priscilla said at 12:08 PM ![]() Dear Friends,
Don't break this chain - this one's different! This chain letter was started in hopes of bringing relief to other tired and discouraged women. Unlike most chain letters, this one does not cost anything. Just send a copy of this letter to five of your friends who are equally tired and discontented. Then bundle up your husband or boyfriend and send him to the woman whose name appears at the top of the following list, and add your name to the bottom of the list. When your turn comes, you will receive 15,625 men. One of them is bound to be better than the one you already have. At the writing of this letter, a friend of mine had already received 184 men, of whom 4 were maybe worth keeping. REMEMBER this chain letter brings luck. One woman's cat died, and the next day she received a hunk. An unmarried woman living with her widowed mother was able to choose between an actor and an Olympic swimmer. You can be lucky, too, but DO NOT BREAK THE CHAIN! One woman broke the chain and got her own husband back again! Let's keep it going, ladies! Just add your name to the list below! 1. Hillary Clinton Chappaqua, NY Priscilla said at 10:48 AM ![]() Yay! It worked that time! And one of my missing entries is back! Hurrah!
Priscilla said at 10:34 AM ![]() Why the bloody fruitbats has blogger not published my last entries? Grr, I hate revamps. Everything stops working!
Priscilla said at 10:32 AM
Friday, March 30, 2001
![]() Fwah, Blogger was down all last night, so I didn't get to post my sub for The HP Monthly Fanart Contest. Ron and Pig. Ron's nose is so cute! Also, Tanja and I decided that we were the evillest Death Eaters of all. Yup. We're evil.
Priscilla said at 1:07 PM
Thursday, March 29, 2001
![]() Hey! I was mentioned in Tanja's award speech! ::hugs for Tanja:: You're a hoopy frood, yourself!
Priscilla said at 7:52 AM ![]() Yay! Last night, I went to sleep at 11 instead of 1:30! And I fell asleep around 9 while doing my history homework, and my mom had to wake me up at 10. I feel all well rested and such! 8 hours of sleep is always a good idea, kids. Surprisingly, 4 1/2 just doesn't seem to cut it.
Priscilla said at 7:34 AM
Tuesday, March 27, 2001
![]() Today in English class, Mrs. Radtke (my rockin' English teacher! With my influence, she made The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy the common book for next year!) told us about a nifty new project for Merchant of Venice. We're supposed to take a scene and put it into another place or time. For example, Hamlet vs. The Lion King, West Side Story vs. Romeo and Juliet, Clueless vs. Emma, etc. Just for humor's sake, I pondered what would happen if I put it into the Harry Potter world.
Antonio: Hello, I am Antonio Potter, and this is my best friend Baronio! Baronio is a bit short on cash at the moment, so instead of lending him some of my vast fortune, I'll make him go to this guy that I really hate, Professor Shylock! Shylock: Grr, I'm Professor Severus Shylock. I'm supposed to be the guy everybody hates, but if you really examine the story, I'm not all bad. I'm just really annoyed because my favourite student, Lancelet Draco, moved to Gryffindor and started dating Baronio's sister. Also, I don't want to lend Baronio money because he is Antonio's best friend, and I think Antonio is a complete and utter git. Baronio: I know Antonio lent me money in the past and I didn't pay him back, but this time I will! I need 30 thousand galleons to impress the fair Hermia, then once I marry her, I can get all her money and we can pay back Professor Shylock! Shylock: To make sure that you pay me back, I think that if you don't, I'll take 5,000 points from Gryffindor! ((Baronio is shocked)) Antonio: Don't worry, Baronio! I trust that you'll pay back Professor Shylock! You don't have to worry about me! Baronio: ((gulp)) ((Baronio suddenly loses his money for something entirely not his fault)) Baronio: Oh, no! I must get Hermia's money! Otherwise, Professor Shylock will take 5 thousand points from Gryffindor! Hermia: My dad says that you have to figure out which one of these vials of polyjuice contains one of my hairs. If you choose the right one, you can marry me! Baronio: . . . Hermia: It's the one on the left, you git. Baronio: It's the one on the left! Hermia: Ooh, Baronio! You're so clever! ::covers him with kisses:: Here, take this Herbology textbook. Treasure it. It's supposed to be symbolic of something or other. Baronio: Cool. Hermia: . . . Nerisshanks: ((suddenly capable of speech)) Well, you two are happily paired off, and I have to tell you that Pigwidgeiano and I are going to get married as well! Hermia: But aren't you both guys? Nerisshanks: Actually, Pig has been a girl all along. Hermia: How nifty! Ok, Baronio, now let's go on a nice, long honeymoon to Hogsmeade and then we can go back to pay off Professor Shylock and save Antonio from losing 5,000 house points. Baronio: Ok! ((they have a nice honeymoon)) Shylock: Hey! I just found out that when Lancelet Draco left me, he took all my money as well! The great stupid prat! I think I'll try to get my money back from Baronio early. Antonio: Sorry, Baronio's off on a honeymoon with Hermia. Shylock: Then I'll just go ahead and take 5 thousand points from Gryffindor! Hermia (disguised as another student): You can't take 5,000 points from Gryffindor for something that wasn't Antonio's fault! You're such a jerk, you should be sacked. ((Shylock is fired)) Baronio: Wow! Thanks, mister! Can I do anything to repay you? Hermia: Can I borrow your Herbology textbook? Baronio: This old thing? Hermia: Yeah! I got undiluted Bubotuber pus all over it and had to throw it away. Baronio: Sorry, mister. It's one of those symbolism thingies that I'm not supposed to give away. Hermia: I think your wife would understand. She'd know that I deserve it for helping your buddy out like that. ((she leaves)) Baronio: He's got a point there. Pig, take this Herbology textbook to that guy that just helped us! ((Pig does so)) ((Later)) Hermia: We're back! Hey, Baronio, do you still have that Herbology textbook? Baronio: Er.... I gave it to this guy that helped us save Gryffindor's chances to win the house cup. I felt we owed it to him. Hermia: You bloody git! That was the first thing I ever gave you! It was all symbolic and such! Baronio: Geez, I'd be better off if I had told you it had been eaten by a hippogriff. Hermia: ((pouts)) Well, in the meantime, use this one. Baronio: Hey! This is the same one! Hermia: Yup. You're so oblivious. I can't believe you fell for that! ((they all make up)) Lorenginny: Hey! I just found out that Shylock died O.D.ing on asphodel and wormwood, and he left everything to my new boyfriend, Lancelet Draco! Score! THE END. Priscilla said at 9:59 PM
Monday, March 26, 2001
![]() Hey! While you're here, why don't you check out my all-new junk archive! Groovy stuff, yo. I'm so amused. Check out the read me file thingy for explanation.
Priscilla said at 12:56 AM ![]() A poem to Gilderoy Lockhart, by Priscilla Spencer. Composed for Tanja's Guestbook.
Gilderoy, oh Gilderoy. You're the man that I'd employ. For the D.A.D.A. job. Much better than that Lupin slob! Gilderoy, dear Gilderoy You always were a brilliant boy You aced all quizzes and your tests, You outshine (by far) all the rest. 'Cause Gilderoy, yes, Gilderoy, You know that magic's not a toy You fight the Dark Arts every day For hardly any wage or pay. And Gilderoy, dear Gilderoy, You're not egotistical at all or coy You're the pinnacle of modesty Now about your fifteenth biography... Priscilla said at 12:48 AM
Sunday, March 25, 2001
![]() HAPPY BIRTHDAY to everyone's favourite enfaklig apekatt (silly monkey), Tanja! She's 17 (yesterday), so go out and do something nice for her! This is her wish list...
Priscilla said at 11:55 PM ![]() I'm in the process of making a list of people with more free time than me. Number 1 is people that write Minesweeper fanfiction. Number 2 is people that read them.
Priscilla said at 9:20 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 2:26 PM
Sunday, March 18, 2001
![]() I'm leaving you all for a week. Evil college visits. I'm sure you won't miss me. Bye!
Priscilla said at 12:11 AM
Saturday, March 17, 2001
![]() You know what bugs me? People that aren't telepathic. Whenever I go around wearing a shirt advertising the JETS, about 50 people ask me if they're my favourite team. No. I hate football. I'm just taking advantage of the merchandising because I'm a part of the Junior Engineering Technical Society (or JETS for short). And there are a LOT of these people that ask! AARG! Maybe that's why I haven't worn my JETS shirt in a while.
Priscilla said at 8:31 PM ![]() I think my dad's having a midlife crisis. He was talking about all the strain he was going through to prepare for a marathon, and he said his next goal was to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. I told him there was a reason they called the mountain "Kill-a-man"jaro, but he still remained attached to the idea. Eventually I talked him out of it, but I can't help but wonder what prompted this fit of insanity. I think he just came to the realization that March 28th is his 20th wedding anniversary, and he doesn't feel young anymore. I think that's stupid. He's more active than practically all the dads in my grade, most of whom are younger than he is. ::sigh:: My dad is crazy. I love him, though. ::hugs dad::
Priscilla said at 8:13 PM
Wednesday, March 14, 2001
![]() Hey, kiddies! Time to do me a favour! Can you guys reccomend some nifty fiction books? Rock on. I have about 50 years worth of planes/car rides to tolerate over spring break (evil college visits! And I'm a sophomore!), and I won't be able to live without a good book by my site. Thankees.
Priscilla said at 5:17 PM
Tuesday, March 13, 2001
![]() Oh, the thrill of the chase as I soar though the air
With the snitch up ahead and the wind in my hair As I draw ever closer, the crowd gives a shout But then comes a bludger and I am knocked out. Priscilla said at 6:54 PM ![]() Woo! I got Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them today! Watch out, Wian! You're getting updated!
Priscilla said at 5:24 PM
Monday, March 12, 2001
![]() AAAACK! I told Steve I'd draw Hogsmeade for him, didn't I? Oh, nelly. I need to start writing notes to myself. ::attacks sketchbook::
Priscilla said at 11:43 PM ![]() WOO! I just went through my drawing folder in my desk, and I found that I have exactly one picture with Lupin and with Lily! Oh yeah, how much do I rock? Of course, they're both horrid, but frankly, no one cares. And I also found a lot of my dad's HP drawings. I have to scan those tomorrow at school; I love those things. We tend to draw a lot at the Macaroni Grill, and I remember this time when he asked me who to draw, and I said Snape. I thought his picture looked like Hitler, so he tried again. It pretty much matched my mental image of Filch. Then he has another that looks like something out of Charles Dickens. Tee hee, I love my daddy.
Priscilla said at 11:34 PM ![]() I was looking through the comments on my pathetic excuse for an Elfwood gallery and I came to a shocking realization: I have never drawn Lupin. Ok, so there was that one idiotic CG that should never have seen the light of day (oh god, this was complete junk. Erase it from your memories, kids), but other than that, nada. Zip. Squat. The poor guy needs some representation, right? Well, I know I'm working on a "Draco Sinister" Chapter 2 manga, so I'll have to face our favourite werewolf some time or another. Ugh. Why is it so easy to draw Sirius, yet so imposible to draw Lupin? With Sirius, all you have to do is draw an incredibly hot guy and slap some long black hair, or draw a scary, angst-ridden guy with threadbare robes. Easy. Maybe that's why my class notes are positively riddled with drawings of Sirius. Lupin has a whole different degree of... erm... I dunno. Lupin-ness. Now Tealin and Starling? They can draw Lupin! I don't think Starling has any of her Lupin pics in her Elfwood gallery, but they're all there in the Fan Art section of the Paradigm of Uncertainty egroup. ::sigh:: The girl seriously needs a website. I wonder if she's considered it.
I wonder what happened to my old sketchbook. All the stuff in it was junk; I was just re-teaching myself how to draw, but I'm incredibly curious as to which other characters I'm neglecting. I don't think I ever even drew Lily! I don't quite think that colouring Tanja's luvverly Valentines card quite counts as drawing her. Let's see... I've done Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, James, Sirius, Peter, Percy, Malfoy, Hagrid, McGonagall, Lockhart, Cho, Dobby -- HOLY COW! I don't think I've ever done Snape! Fwah, I should be ashamed of myself. I've done a cornish pixie and I've never done Snape. ::sighs and resigns herself to drawing every single character ever mentioned in the series; wake me up in 17 years:: Hey... if I find my evil stupid sketchbook, do you want to see pictures? Should I set up a "junk" archive at The Nine Muses in addition to the stuff I actually like? Why don't you comment? Priscilla said at 11:18 PM
Sunday, March 11, 2001
![]() Please let this work! I'm attempting to move my blog to my new homepage, The Nine Muses.net. Nothing it really up yet. Oh well. La la la....
Priscilla said at 4:32 PM
Saturday, March 10, 2001
![]() In case you were curious about my sudden change in identity, it's because I've decided to come clean. After 5 years of hiding behind the alias "Ellie Rosenthal", I'm ready to come out with my real name. This blog was the second of several baby steps to get rid of my alterego. What fun!
Priscilla said at 3:09 PM ![]() We were playing the Cliff Game on RML, where you take three people and choose who you'd rather live with, sleep with, and throw off a cliff. I was the only person chosen more than twice to get thrown off a cliff. No one likes me. ::frowls::
Priscilla said at 2:43 PM
Thursday, March 08, 2001
![]() College letters for today:
University of Texas at Arlington Texas Luteran University (I'm not even a Lutheran!) St. Agnes College for Girls (aaaahhh!) NYU (rockin) Priscilla said at 11:41 PM ![]() In P.E., we had to run 3 miles. I thought I was going to pass out and die horribly. I hate PE with the firey passion of a thousand suns. Now I just want to sleep...
Priscilla said at 12:47 PM
Wednesday, March 07, 2001
![]() I'm testing this to see if I can change me name on this thing. Whee!
Priscilla said at 11:12 PM ![]() AAAAAAAUUUUUURRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Cassie just posted chapter 13 of Draco Sinister. Why, why, WHY must she always end on a "mortal peril" cliffhanger? And it took her roughly a month to write DS13, so I'm terrified of how long DS14 will take! ::goes off to bang her head against the wall:: But I must say that I absolutely loved DS13. Her characterizations are perfect. I love how she writes the banter between Sirius and Remus. Draco is seriously getting on my nerves, though. He's starting to fall from my sympathy. ::frowls and goes off to drool over Starling's DS fanart::
Priscilla said at 11:02 PM ![]() Did you know that I'm all of the RMLers at once? It's uber-schizophrenia. Like a huge ant complex. A collective of minds controlled by a superhuman entity. That would be cool.
erm... boshiboshi? Priscilla said at 9:01 PM
Tuesday, March 06, 2001
![]() Watch as I DESTROY TOKYO!!! boshiboshi!
Priscilla said at 10:33 PM ![]() As you imagine studying engineering, you probably hope for a school that offers a first-class education with superior facilities and innovative teaching. Elanor, let me tell you something you might not realize: Colorado School of Mines can offer all that...and more.Yup. It's college time for Ellie. For the last few weeks, my fellow Sophomores and I have been bombarded with stacks of letters, all bearing official-looking college seals and carrying desperate messages pleading for our consideration (money) to attend their school. Frankly, I thought the Colorado School of Mines was a joke. It's not. I'm incredibly amused. Especially because their acronym CSM; the same as the Cigarette Smoking Man on the X-Files. ::snickers to herself:: So! If you ever find yourself in a bit of a quandry of where to attend college, remember the Colorado School of Mines. After all, "CSM offers an intimate, active, and modern campus along with the excitement of Denver and the Rocky Mountain West. We don't think there's a better place to be..." God help us all. Priscilla said at 10:22 PM
Sunday, March 04, 2001
Priscilla said at 5:24 PM ![]() Woo! The Lone Gunmen website is up! it's still under construction, but it's pretty cool. ::giggles:: On "Jimmy's Shelf", in the thing that looks like a tissue box, there's a link to a hacked parody website. It's hilarious! "We do speed"! But what's up with Danny Pendrell and Suzanne Modeski being evil in the company bios thing? I thought Pendrell died in season 4 or something, and he was just a timid lab guy with a crush on Scully? And that bio doesn't look at all like Suzanne! And Byers would never say she was evil. ::le sigh:: Oh well. It's so amusing how Langly has 2 really cool computers, Frohike has a boring computer with a bunch of random lines of code, and Byers' isn't even on. HA! Sorry, Langly is my favourite character and I love to pick on Byers. He's just so cute and pathetic!
The show starts Sunday, March 4th, at 8PM Central, in the X-Files' old spot on FOX. Watch it. I'm sure it'll suck, but hey! It's the Gunmen! Priscilla said at 5:19 PM
Saturday, March 03, 2001
![]() I now have an increased respect for Kell Yarwood, Elaine Fair, and all other comic artists in the world. I'm working on a manga for chapter 2 of Draco Sinister, as you all know, and it takes a LONG TIME! Holy crud. Of course, I use the "anal retentive" approach to drawing, where I draw everything and retrace it with a light table twice, once with pencil to make sure it works, and other with pen so it scans better. I've been working several hours and I've only done 4 panels! ::whacks self over the head with keyboard:: Oh well. It looks good and that's all that counts... other than the fact that Malfoy seems to switch hairstyles several times over a period of 20 seconds. ::sigh::
Ok, I need a "pick me up". How about the amusing weblinks of the week? http://yarwood.org/hp/cast.html http://www.geocities.com/gilderoy_lockhart_shrine/ http://crime.about.com/newsissues/crime/library/weekly/aa022201b.htm http://www.hpgalleries.com/images/mgallery21-2.jpg http://missy.reimer.com/library/overlord.txt http://chrisrae.com/funny/index.html Priscilla said at 11:51 PM ![]() Call off the wordwide search! I found my Aida CD!
Priscilla said at 1:23 PM
Thursday, March 01, 2001
![]() Woo! The Harry Potter Trailer is here! Want to read my commentary? Sure you do!
Ok, it starts out cheesy. The cupboard under the stairs looks great, but the "no such thing as magic" line and the 50 trillion owls count high on the cheese factor. The letter scene is cute, but if Harry gets his letter then, why does Hagrid need to go to the Hut on the Rock, as witnessed later in the trailer? Bah, silly plotholes. (and the ink on the letter should be green, thankyouverymuch). Also, wasn't the letter supposed to be from McGonagall? Why the man's voice reading the letter? I must say that I love Hagrid aleady. He doesn't quite match my mental image, but frankly, no one can. The tech folks at ILM did a great job on Robbie Coltrane. Also, I'm glad that they went ahead with the 1,000 student figure for Hogwarts. The Great Hall looks fantastic! Hey! Is that Dean Thomas in the background of that Harry/Ron/confusion pic? Tee hee, I love that expression on Rupert's (Ron's) face! And Alan Rickman makes a fantastic Snape. My only complaint is that his hair isn't long enough. And what we see of Quirrel is great! Unfortunately, I'm still incredibly bothered by MaggieSmith-as-McGonagall. She's just too old! Dumbledore is fairly nifty, though. I love the Hut on the Rock stuff! I especially like Aunt Petunia's hair curlers. And Hagrid's pink umbrella! ::laughs:: Gringotts, of course, is magnificent. I don't like the cobwebs on the chandeleir, but the goblins are very well done. The feather scene! Oh, the expression on Ron's face is PRICELESS here! And I love Hermione's smirk. My only complaint is that Emma's (Hermione's) hair isn't bushy enough and the feather looks a bit fake. If it's being pushed through the air, shouldn't the fluffy bits move? Hagrid again! He's just so huge! ::hugs computer screen:: That image of Harry, Ron, and Hermione all staring up at him as they walk is classic. The cathedral-like exterior is beautiful. And I absolutely love Hedwig. Okay, another compaint. Is that supposed to be the Forbidden Forest? I don't think the trees are nearly large enough. And Fang (is that Fang?) is way too small, in my opinion. And who's the lantern guy? Logic says it's Hagrid, but he isn't nearly Hagrid's size. No comments on the next shot. Whee! It's DRACO! And he has blond hair and a slight widow's peak. Aww, we love our evil antagonistic one-dimensional characters! Tom Felton looks pretty good, actually. I was worried, because the last film I saw him perform in was Anna and the King, and he didn't look remotely Malfoy-ish. Is that Neville in the foreground? WOO! Another incredibly nifty goblin! I think this is Warwick Davis. Erm...the scream shot? No way. What are they screaming about? It can't be Fluffy, because Neville would be with them and they'd be wearing pajamas. And why isn't Dan looking in the same direction as Rupert and Emma? And his scream is least believeable. I'm really getting confident in Rupert Grint. He has great expression. Erm...they're running? Through a classroom? Good for them. Woo! A broomstick. Obviously reverse-action. Just watch it backwards. I must say that I dislike the bludgers and quaffle already. I thought of the bludgers as kind of soft and able to change shape slightly. The ones in here look like miniature cannonballs. No wonder Harry broke his arm in CoS. And why is the quaffle severely dented? But ooh, you can pick out Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle in the big "we're staring at something" group shot. Right there in the up-front-and-center. Erm... the Hagrid/Harry "boy who lived" scene is a bit cheesy. Pitiful reaction on Dan's part. I'm trying to remain positive about all this, but I'm not as happy about Daniel Radcliffe at the moment. He needs a really high powered hair dryer and a representative of the 1980's to mess up his hair. Hurray, it's the lovely Gryffindor banners. How lovely. They're going to need a hat lost-and-found after this scene. ::gasp:: IS THAT A WEASLEY TWIN??? There, next to Dan in the "I'm happy and I'm surrounded by other happy people" shot. And on Dan's other side is a boy with dreadlocks, who would probably be Lee Jordan. Seems logical! I think that kid in the background in the blue sweater REALLY wanted to get into this movie. It just occured to me how far away November 16th is. Drat. Priscilla said at 7:05 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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