I now have an increased respect for Kell Yarwood, Elaine Fair, and all other comic artists in the world. I'm working on a manga for chapter 2 of Draco Sinister, as you all know, and it takes a LONG TIME! Holy crud. Of course, I use the "anal retentive" approach to drawing, where I draw everything and retrace it with a light table twice, once with pencil to make sure it works, and other with pen so it scans better. I've been working several hours and I've only done 4 panels! ::whacks self over the head with keyboard:: Oh well. It looks good and that's all that counts... other than the fact that Malfoy seems to switch hairstyles several times over a period of 20 seconds. ::sigh::
Ok, I need a "pick me up". How about the amusing weblinks of the week?