Ugh. A few hours ago, I returned from spending the night in East Texas, where my dad spent his time maintaining the house and I spent my time taking pictures. Upon return, I found that I had about 80 emails. Now, that's not much for me. I belong to an incredibly high-traffic email list called RML (Renata's Miscellaneous List), and last summer, we had times when we could receive 200 emails per day. Of course, today only 32 of them were from RML. 10 of them were your standard, run-of-the-mill emails. 48 of the bloody things were from HP4GU. Ye gods. I don't think I can read 48 intelligent commentaries on Harry Potter... I'd save them for later, but then they'd just pile up and multiply like rabbits. Ick. Does this qualify as a moral dilemma? Nah, I didn't think so.