Ye-Gods. Haven't these people heard of constructive criticism? I posted my first real colored pencil drawing (the "Chamber of Secrets" one) a few months ago, and I was so proud of it. I'm awful at traditional media, and this was the first I'd ever done that didn't suck. And now I get this comment in my Elfwood gallery:
"well i think that harry looks like robin hood, and where the hell did he get those clothes from?! and what happened to rons robes? why? why does fawks look like a featherless chicken with a red smudge around him/her?! but apart from that, it looks prety cool" Bugger off, Becky! I explained at the start that back when I drew this, I imagined the Hogwarts students wearing Medieval garb, and I take great amusement now mocking Harry's lovely tights. YES, I'm aware he looks like Robin Hood. YES, I'm aware that Ginny looks like a contortionist. YES, I'm aware that you can't tell which direction the stones are going in respect to the walls versus the floor. If she really wanted to nitpick, why wouldn't she have mentioned that Fawkes looks like he's dive-bombing Harry or that Gryffindor's sword is severely bent? Git. ::adds Becky to list of annoying people::