Elmo said I was special! ::feels the ElmoLove:: Gay boyfriends rule. Yes, I have nothing else to post. except...
Chad asked me to see Final Fantasy with him. He originally wanted to see it tonight (on an IMAX screen! Booyeah!), but I have an evil HAM test tomorrow and an even more sinister Government paper due as well. Plus, I'm getting really behind on my government disk thing and my current events project. I was planning on catching up on it this week. Drat. I told him that I couldn't go tonight, and he asked if I wanted to see it tomorrow. Of course, I'm seeing Final Fantasy on Friday with all the JETS, and I really don't want to see it before then. I told him I'd call him back tomorrow about it. Can anyone think of any excuses I can use? Bah. Teenage politics is the bane of my existence.
::blinks:: I *seriously* hope Chad doesn't read this weblog. In case he does, ::hugs::.