Hurrah! English class is going to be so nifty! I got Mr. Dumaine, who is the ultimate nifty English teacher. All my Upper School English teachers have been groovy. Of course, Math couldn't be worse. I have Mr. Weinstein, who is amazingly cool (he also teaches C++), but the class is so easy it's painful. Some of the seniors in my class were struggling with information I had mastered in 7th grade. My hand was in the air almost constantly; volunteering for answers. 30 minutes into the class, Mr. Weinstein refused to call on me. I felt like Hermione, only less annoying. Bah. Why on Earth didn't I take Honors Pre-Cal? ::flails::
I hope this is only a rumor, but Sarah Stuart told me that Photography class is going to be hell this year. She spoke of a 10-page research paper on a photographer of our choice. WHAT THE?!? I don't write 10-page papers for academic classes, much less Fine Arts! I'm considering switching to the digital imaging course. You never know, I might be able to get some CG time in. ::frowls:: I wonder how tiresome it would be to tote my Wacom tablet to and from school.