::sigh:: Finished. After 5 hours of writing and 3 1/2 hours of revising, I finally finished my Hitchcock paper. I can't believe I spent that much time on it! Most people just spent about an hour or an hour and a half! Originally, I was just going to finalize my "pregnant girl" sequence from the first class, but the idea fell through because it refused to be written. Then, suddenly, I got a brilliant idea. Revelling in my newfound love for "Chamber of Secrets", I decided that I would do a scene out of the book. Originally, I thought I could do the scene with Harry and Tom and Unconcious!Ginny in the actual chamber, but I dismissed it for the sequence immediately preceeding that, with Harry, Ron, Lockhart, and Myrtle finding the entrance. I have a great deal more respect for directors and scriptwriters now! Sticking to the text is incredibly difficult. In the end, the script and camera direction amounted to 8 1/2 pages, handwritten, while the original text was only about 2 1/2 pages. Ye gods. ::collapses:: Oh well. I enjoyed myself.
Of course, I remind myself of a quote from Psycho: "A hobby is supposed to pass the time, not fill it." ::sigh::