You know you've been in England too long when you start dreaming about a Harry Potter/Twelfth Night crossover. That was disturbing...
I was Harry, counterpart of Cesario, and I was head over heels in love with Cho (Olivia). Because Fred and George had graduated and only Katie, Angelina, and Alicia were left (yes, I know that violates canon. Deal with it) we had an entire new Quidditch team, and I was captain (how cliche). Cho became captain of the Ravenclaw team, now that Roger Davies had gone. Various stuff happens (I don't remember -- I rarely remember a great deal about my dreams), and my Priscilla (Viola) conciousness starts to dawn. I realize that I am Harry
and Priscilla at the same time, and both are in love with Cho. Then I wake up.
I'm sure that's not all there was to the dream. I seem to remember some Malvolio/Malfoy stuff going on, and some painful ceramics puns on Harry's last name (ouch). Maybe I'll remember more later.