The more I read of Discworld, the more I'm convinced that JK Rowling is a Pratchett fan. Sure, a lot can be explained away with
WIAN, but still. It amuses me to see all the references to Fred (Colon), (Wee Mad) Arthur, (Foul Ole) Ron, and the like. Fun Weasley names! I was surprised to see a character named Lupine Wonse in "Guards! Guards!", especially because he was first referred to as Lupin Squiggle. And mental comparisons of Nobby and Dobby never fail to amuse me. Okay, now that I actually write it out, it's rather trifling, but still. I'm sure that others who have read both will agree. Okay, so the Wierd Sisters are a bit far off from the "Wyrd Sisters" and Unseen University is rather different from Hogwarts, buy I still think they're rather similar. Erm... I think I'll just shut up for a while. Kay?