My dream: It had three parts. In the first, a bunch of my friends at camp were conspiring together against another girl in my cabin. This involved cat's milk somehow. Then, I was a CiT, helping out all these kids. Half the boys had crushes on me. It was cute. For the second part, Bart, Milhouse, and Martin (the Simpsons) were playing in this glue factory, and something exploded. There was this big chase scene thing featuring is running away from an extremely fast tidal wave of glue. Part three featured an evil Qudiar (Sundowner), who was trying to take over the world via a "all-powerful, all-reaching, super-petition". Kyte was trying to talk sense into him. They were currently in the army, but they could get out of awful duties really easily, as the guard dudes were really stupid.
So that's my dream. Take from it what you choose.