Stolen from Ann. You wanna make something of it?
1. What was the very first fandom you got involved in: Animorphs
2. What is the most recent fandom to catch your interest: Discworld, though I remain loyal to Harry Potter
3. Fandom you've stayed loyal to the longest: Animorphs, I suppose
4. Fandom(s) you're most passionate about: Harry Potter (fan art, specifically)
5. Fandom(s) you wish you could get into, but can't: ::shrugs:: I wanted to get into the X-Files fandom, but never really made a name for myself. Of course, now that X-Files has gone down the drain, there does that idea.
6. Fandoms you're curious about, but never had the chance to get into: HP fanfic, Red Dwarf, Discworld (considering. I haven't really made steps)
7. Fandom that's been the most fun to be involved in: HP fanart and WOFS in general. I love my WOFSers.
8. Fandom that's been the least fun to be involved in: X-Files, I suppose? Dunno. Noromos are a definite minority.
9. Fandom you're ashamed to admit you were involved in: Animorphs
10. Are you looking for a new fandom, or actively avoiding getting sucked into something new? I'm probably going to end up in the Discworld fandom eventually, but I figure that with fandoms it's best to let nature take its course. I don't usually do anything out of the ordinary to switch fandoms. It just... happens.