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Saturday, September 08, 2001
![]() Thieved from Kell's blog.
1. TIME YOU STARTED: 7:35 PM 2. BOREDOM LEVEL [1-10]: 4 3. WHY ARE YOU FILLING OUT THIS SURVEY?: I saw it in Kell's weblog and felt like filling it out while waiting for pizza -----------THE YOU SIDE-------------------- 4. NAME: Priscilla Nelson Spencer 5. SCREEN NAME(S): Priscilla, Ellie 6. AGE: 16 7. SCHOOL: high 8. GRADE: 11, though I still think of myself as a sophomore 9. SEX: female, thankyouverymuch. 10. BIRTHDAY: November 23rd 11. ZODIAC SIGN: Saggitarius/Scorpio cusp. Still considered Saggitarius, though. 12. HOSPITAL YOU WERE BORN AT: Dallas Presbyterian Hospital 13. LOCATION: USA, Texas, Dallas, Highland Park, my house, sitting on my bum in front of my computer 14. NATURAL HAIR COLOR: bright blonde when younger; now light brown 15. EYE COLOR: mainly light blue, but also grey, yellow, green, and dark blue. I have the scariest eyes I've ever seen. 16. SIBLINGS: Sister. Melissa. 19. 17. PARENTS NAMES: Mum and Dad (Brenda and Nelson) 18. HOBBIES: CGing, drawing, reading (Harry Potter and Discworld in particular), CGing more, photography, and extreme robotics. 19. ROMANTIC INTEREST: cold fish 20. BOYFRIEND: a boy named Jon Kinsey when I was 8 years old. He was 7 and distinctly resembled Macullay Culkin. It was true love. ::nods:: 21. IF YOU COULD GO OUT WITH ANYONE, WHO WOULD IT BE?: Percy Weasley 22. WHEN AND WHO WAS YOUR FIRST CRUSH?: Jon Kinsey! ::laughs:: 23. WHAT DO YOU FIRST NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX: hair, I suppose. Maybe piercings next, because I hate piercings. 24. YOUR IDEA OF A PERFECT DATE?: great movie, bowling, burgers at Jack's, and arcade games. My friend Chad seems to realize this. XD 25.HOW ROMANTIC ARE YOU? [1-10]: can I be negative? 26. IDEAL GUY: Daddy. Or Mr. Stebbins, my duck pencil topper that lives on my stereo antenna. --------THE PAST-------- 29. MEMORY [THING] YOU MISS MOST: playing in the creek with Tiffany Lee. We carved our initials in the creek bottom, but they were gone after 3 weeks. 30. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHERE WOULD YOU GO?: 1960's. I'd meet the Beatles, buy an absurd amount of merchandise, and sell it for millions on eBay. 31. FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL MEMORY: erm... going to state in JETS and being in "How to Succeed". 32. WORST HIGH SCHOOL MEMORY: losing my best friend at the time, Rachel B. Well, this was 8th grade, but I don't care. We're friends again now, though. 33. WHAT'D YOU DO YESTERDAY?: school, Monty Python on the big screen, book shopping spree, dinner at La Madeline, then lots of drawing and reading of Discworld. 34. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE: Aunt Janet or Christine. I forgot who. 35. LAST THING YOU SAID: take two (referring to tipping the pizza guy) 36. LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Big Yellow Taxi a cappella (by Duck Viking) 37. TV SHOW YOU WISH WOULD RE-AIR AGAIN: Bill Nye ------------THE FUTURE-------------- 38. OCCUPATION: student, slacker 39. DREAM CAR: VW bus, but with a hybrid engine. And fuzzy dice. And a sky blue paint job. 40. MARRIAGE: unlikely 41. KIDS: not a chance 42. FUTURE SON'S NAME: Inigo Montoya, Conquistador Al 43. FUTURE DAUGHTER'S NAME: Delphine Angua von Uberwald, Procent Hydronium-Vainmoien (pardon the butchered spelling, I don't feel like looking it up) 44. HONEYMOON: see above 45. WHERE WILL YOU LIVE: elsewhere 46. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TOMORROW: sleeping ----------FAVORITES----------- 47. FOOD: Taco Diner tortilla soup and nachos, Amore minestrone soup, Macaroni Grill farfale al sugo bianco, Black Forest cheese soup, Domino's canadian bacon/black olive pizza, California Pizza Kitchen kalamata olive/canadian bacon pizza, Sushi on McKinney sprouts and miso soup and tori kago and gyoza, and Kosta's avgolemino soup. 48. DRINKS: water or strawberry/banana smoothies at Jamba Juice or Smoothie King 49. TV SHOW: Invader Zim, the Simpsons, MST3K 50. MOVIE: Star Wars, Shawshank Redemption, Moulin Rouge. 51. HOLIDAY: Christmas 52. BRAND OF MAKEUP: mother nature. I hate makeup with a passion. 53. ACTOR: any and all Pythons 54. ACTRESS: myself! duh! 55. DAY OF THE WEEK: Saturday 56. WEEKEND ACTIVITY: computer stuff 57. MONTH: June 58. BOOK: Harry Potter, any and all Discworld books, Sphere (Crichton), Ender's Game/Shadow. 59. NUMBER: 1, 42 60. COOKIE: triple chocolate at La Madeline 61. PHRASE TO OVERUSE: et cetera, and whatnot, meanwhile... 62. TOOTHPASTE: Aquafresh, just because it's there 63. ICE CREAM: World Class Chocolate at Baskin Robins, chocolate chocolate chip at Paciugo (heck, ANYTHING at Paciugo!). Anything chocolatey from Ben & Jerry's. 64. CANDY: Smarties, grape Jolly Ranchers, Sour Patch. 65. TEACHER: Kendall Davis, Mrs. Ashley, Mrs. Radtke, Mrs. Felice (yes, she counts), Mr. Lohstreter, Mrs. Deaver, et cetera. 66. SCHOOL SUBJECT: lunch 67. RESTAURANT: Paciugo, Sushi on McKinney, Kosta's, Taco Diner. 68. CHANNEL: sci-fi? comedy? dunno. 69: RADIO STATION: I don't listen to the radio 70. CANDY BAR: Crunch 72. SPORT TO WATCH: Quidditch 74. RELATIVE: my mom, my aunt and uncle 75. HANGOUT: Chili's 76. FRIENDS: Chungy, I suppose. ::shrugs:: ------------THE PEOPLE YOU KNOW--------------- 77. FUNNIEST: Cherise and Ann 78. WEIRDEST BELIEFS: Chungy the Ardent Republican 79. MOST FUN: Chungy and Tanja 80. IN YOUR BUSINESS THE MOST: Mom (*too* in my business. She never leaves my room!) 87. MOST THOUGHTFUL: Mackenzie 88. BEST AT KEEPING SECRETS: Mom, I guess. I don't really have secrets. 89. WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU: Chungy 90. SMARTEST: Mackenzie and Tanja 91. MOST INNOCENT LOOKING: Chungy 92. MOST SELFISH: definitely me 93. HOTTEST: me! ::grins:: No, I guess Cherise. 94. UGLIEST: ::blinks:: I really don't think of my friends as ugly. 95. HYPER: Chungy, easily 96. BIGGEST PERVERT: Tanja! 97. QUIETEST: Mackenzie ------------THE ONE OR THE OTHER--------------- 98. GARTH BROOKS, SANTANA, OR AEROSMITH: Not sure about Aerosmith or Santana (what's Santana?) but I hate country music, so Garthy is out. 99. BOXERS OR BRIEFS: boxers, certainly 100. MATT OR BEN: who? 101. CMT, MTV, OR VH1: never touch the stuff 102. APPLES OR BANANAS: bananas, easily. I hate the sound you get when you bite into an apple. 103. VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE: most certainly chocolate 104. FLOWERS OR CANDY: neither. Flowers make me feel nervous and I try to avoid candy when it's not necessary 105. Dawson's Creek or Felicity: the horror! 106. ROMANTIC, COMEDY, OR HORROR: comedy, without question 107. BOOK OR MAGAZINE: book, again without question 108. TV OR RADIO: neither 109. IS THE GLASS HALF FULL OR HALF EMPTY: full. It's not a vacuum, you know. ------------BELIEVE OR NOT---------------- 110. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ANGELS: ::shrugs:: 111. ALIENS: definitely. I believe in Tanja. 112. HEAVEN AND HELL: ::shrugs again:: 114. YOURSELF: I hope so. I shudder to think of the mental condition or the person who could think me up! ----------------HAVE YOU EVER---------------- 115. BEEN ON A PLANE: countless times 116. CRIED IN PUBLIC: I laughed and cried at the same time in the middle of Barnes & Noble when I saw my pseudonym and outdated website listed in (NAME REMOVED)'s book. This guy in the video/music section kept looking at me funny. 117. CLIMBED A TREE: yes, but it's been far too long since. 118. FELL ASLEEP IN A MOVIE THEATER: nope 119. MET A CELEBRITY: Luke Wilson, Adam Pascal (and lots of other happy RENT characters), and Jane Goodall. 120. MET THE PRESIDENT: no, but I've seen his daughters. My sister was in their class. 121. WHAT TIME IS IT NOW? 8:20 PM Priscilla said at 9:20 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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