I'm having such a great day. Sure, I'm dead tired, but it's been a great day all the same. How do I love life? Let me count the ways...
- Occasional JETS keep stopping me in the halls to tell me that they love the website. Muaha!
- The PSAT went great! ::grooves:: I ate lots of raisins. I love raisins.
- Group voice class was too amusing. Mrs. Glaros made me sing "A Little Bit of Good", and as I was about to sing, Marcelina says "you know, this is sung by a male drag queen". I immediately choke and start coughing loudly. People laugh. I do a bit of highly amusing embarassed pantomime, eventually turning heel and going out the door behind me, into the hall. Elizabeth B. makes some evil comments, and I throw my headband at her and stomp out the door again. Of course, when I open the door, it slams into some poor guy randomly walking around in the hall. I flail and apologize and dash inside and cover my head with my sweatshirt to hide my embarrasment. Everyone around me laughs. Eventually, I was able to sing, but my voice falters a bit because of all the laughing I just did. Oh well.
- Lunch. Eaten quickly to avoid the Mystery Meat of the day.
- My *real* voice class. Mrs. Glaros shares her Chicago CD, and I listen to their interpretation of "A Little Bit of Good". Highly amusing. Then I listen to "Class" and "Cell Block Tango". The RMLers have talked a lot about Cell Block Tango, so it was groovy to finally hear the song for myself. I want to get a group of girls together and sing it. Muaha. Mrs. Glaros has a version of "A Little Bit of Good" a step lower than I'd been singing it, and it fits my voice much better. It's so much more fun! At the end of the class, Tiffany Coons (who has Mrs. G the next period) heard my singing and said "didn't you used to be an alto?". I was amused.
- I've discovered just how much I like to use present tense when recounting anecdotes.
- For the rest of Y-Period, I flail frantically, trying to memorize my lines for Act 2 of "Ten Little Indians". Then, on my way to English class, I see Casey in the halls and she tells me we're doing Act I. Saved!
- My speech went so well! Yay! Everyone loved it, including Mr. Dumaine. ::grooves some more::
- I realize that I can actually draw! Muaha!
And that's my day. Yay.