Referring to religious exclamations on RML:
Renata: My personal favorite is "Jesus Buddha Allah Confusius Zeus!" It's a bit wordy, but if you say it fast it kind of rhymes. Good times.
Liz: Ooooh. I like that. Everything covered. Recently, I've been hearing "Jesus Christ on a Cracker!" Which makes me think you could go to the store and buy, I don't know, Jeez-Whiz. Or Jeez-Its.
Referring to my feet:
My dad: It seems that you no longer have any tickle cells.
Me: I must have tickle cell anemia.
Referring to Colgate college:
Me: I prefer the toothpaste, thanks.
My dad: I don't know; if you go to school in New York, you probably wouldn't get as many cavities. [note: I've never gotten a cavity in my life, thank you]
Me: I could probably make a joke about large cavities in New York, but it would be in really bad taste.