Tuesday, November 13, 2001
Amusing Things:
Mackenzie finally finished "Guards! Guards!"! ::dances:: Wow, that punctuation was interesting. I'm bringing "Men at Arms" for her tomorrow.
Nathan decided to parade around in the orange bra after rehearsal. It was amusing.
They ran out of silver spray for our hair. They decided to give me glitter instead. You should have seen the looks I got at Borders afterwards.
The new Star Wars book is out! Unfortunately, it's in hardback, and I was too poor to get it. Meh.
Dinner: more yummy pizza. ::licks lips::
I wore Mrs. Glaros' viking hat today during English class. I explained, rather matter-of-factly, "I'm a Valkyrie. I ferry the deceased souls of Viking war heroes to an eternity of feasting and merriment at the Gods' home of Valhalla. I occasionally sing Wagner." This kept me entertained for roughly 5 minutes.
From Rebecca M.'s blog: Edward the Less. Best LotR parody since "Bored of the Rings"! Highly entertaining.
I let my hair dry weirdly, and now it's all fluffy and corkscrew-like. Meh.Not-So-Amusing Things:
When I died in rehearsals today, I fell right on the orange. "Pain beyond pain, my friends."
Today was my last day of rehearsals. Tomorrow is opening night. Percy help us.
I went to do my acting and dance auditions for "The Pajama Game" today. I did the singing audition on Friday. Anyway, I had to see Mrs. Wortley, the dance teacher, to schedule a time for my audition. I went to the dance balcony and walked in on a meeting. I waited outside for 20 minutes, got annoyed, and found that she had left through the other door. Meh.
I think I tanked my acting audition. Double meh. And I can't dance worth beans.
I had to read Act 1 of The Crucible during my (already shortened) Y-Period, yet Mr. Dumaine didn't get to it in class. All in vain. Gah.I'm going to sleep.
Priscilla said at 11:57 PM
All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.