Hey, kids! It's time to play "respond to everyone else's blog entries to avoid coming up with our own original content"! Yay!
Sannali -- you wouldn't have that book problem if you read nothing but Pratchett! He doesn't use chapters! ::lunatic grin::
Alicey -- I want your computer. Do you think your dad's friend could hook me up with a similar deal if I took you hostage for a few days?
Renata -- well, then. Considering "Choirgirl" is the only Tori CD I own... Actually, I don't own it. I stole it from my sister's box of CDs that she didn't want anymore, which happened to include *MY* copies of Abbey Road, Hard Days Night, and Magical Mystery Tour. Meanie.
Ann -- we tried to keep the owls that lived near our house near our house. (read that sentence a few times if it doesn't make sense. It will eventually). Our neighborhood has a mild mouse problem, and we thought owls might help the situation. Of course, it's kind of pointless to hope this will happen, as the mice are bigger than the owls are.
Kell -- your poetic finesse astounds me. Mayhap shall I be your love-monkey?