::laughs:: One of the most amusing things about Elfwood is getting nasty comments. I love it. Today, I got comments from the infinitely mature metcalfjoe@hotmail.com, which read "u guys SUCK!", "jj", and "Thats a really good drawing of Ron, who did it?". I would have laughed my head off if the rest of my family wasn't asleep.
Another amusing thing: I just had a dream where I was taking to the Fourcast staff, and I told them that the major deciding factor on whether or not I read an article is based on whether they mention the Beatles or not. Then my friends and I decided to start stalking people in their houses if they had a cute accent.
Happy Holidays, everyone! I'll be finishing up the Sannali collaboration soon, then I'll start working on my Christmas card. Sure, it'll be a little late, but it'll be worth it!