Assembling all the art for tnm.n, I'm astonished to see just how few pieces of original art I have. It's equally astonishing to see how many bloody collaborations I've done. I didn't put half of them in, and I already have more collaborations than everything else put together. Ye gods.
I'm wondering if the JETS t-shirt design that parodied "Charlie's Angels" should go under "Original" or "Fan Art". I'm also torn as to where I should put sketches. Should I repost images in the sketchblog? Should sketches get their own category, plus a link to the sketchblog? Should I just sort the sketches in with the rest of the CGs and such in the Fanart and Original categories? Should I post any of the incoherent rubbish I've done for "Men at Arms: The Musical"? Decisions, decisions...