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Sunday, January 13, 2002
![]() Blast you, Kell!
1) Starting: 8:52 PM 2) Name: Priscilla Nelson Spencer 3) Nicknames: Priscellie, Juan, Ellie 4) School: Hockaday. For 13 years. Percy help me. 5) Email: frequently 6) Eyes: yes 7) Height: 5'9" 8) Siblings: one, Melissa. 19. 9) Been so drunk you blacked out: Strong Drink is a Mocker. 10) Missed school b/c it was raining: nope. 1/4" of snow, though. I love Dallas. 11) Set any body part on fire for amusement: ::stares:: I once lit an entire matchbook at once... 12) Kept a secret from someone: yes, but only keeping their own interest at heart. 13) Had an imaginary friend: not really, unless you count Renata. ::pokes Renata:: 14) Wanted to hook up with a friend: what, on the wall? I suppose I could use a new calendar. 15) Cried during a Flick: only twice in my life. Obviously, Live is Beautiful. For a reason I have yet to discern, A. I. Good lord, I bawled like a baby in that movie. 16) Sprained any part of your body: mild ankle sprain once 17) Ever thought an animated character was hot: ::coughs nervously:: next question. 18) Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape: Gods no. 19) Prank called someone: yes, when I was younger. It ended when I accidentally rang a police station. 20) Been on stage: countless times. I love theatre. ------------------FAVOURITES------------------ 21) Shampoo: um... this new "Origins" stuff. The conditioner smells nice. My favourite, however, was this random English drugstore brand that miraculously cured my dandruff. It wasn't even a dandruff shampoo. Just a random, cheap, generic brand. Odd. 22) Soap: Dove, I think. 23) Colour: alternates between blue and red. 24) Day/Night: night. definitely. I get time to do whatever I want. 25) Summer/Winter: summer, as there's no school. 26) Online Smiley: I use them very infrequently. If I must, I choose XD or XP. 25) Lace or satin: satin, I suppose. I hate lace. I prefer fleece or cotton, though. 28) Cartoon Character: ::ponders:: GIR. -------------------in General-------------------- 29) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: ::laughs crazily:: 30) Like anyone?: no. I'm the ice queen. 31) Who have you known the longest of your friends: Elizabeth Burkhead, I suppose. 32) Who's the loudest: me or Chungy 33) Who's the shyest: Mackenzie, though we're making progress pulling her out of her shell. 34) Who do you go to for advice: my mom ------------------------the last time you------------------------ 35) Cried: in the counsellor's office after my grandfather died 36) Cut your hair: two or three weeks ago. 37) Been mean: frequently. dunno. 38) Been sarcastic: most likely in the past few answers to these questions... 39) Met someone new: ::stares blankly:: 40) Talked to someone you have a crush on: about 9 years ago, I suppose. Ah, Jon Kinsey. The 8-year-old love of my life. ::happy sigh:: 41) Missed someone: now 42) Hugged someone: today 43) Fought with your parents: a brief semi-quarrel over dinner. Not really a fight. I don't fight with my parents. 44) Wished upon a star: as a kid, I think. I prefer to pray to the God of Partial Credit nowadays. 45) Laughed until you cried: some time over lunch with my friends. It happens all the time. 46) Watched a sunrise/sunset: sunrise yesterday morning 47) Went to the beach at night: never 48) Ate a meal: about 30 minutes ago 49) Are you lonely: not really. 50) Are you talking to someone online: no. 51) What do you like?: that was a bit random, was it? -------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------- 52) God/Devil: certainly a higher intelligence, but not really anything that conforms with the deity we nice Christians refer to as "God". 53) Love: I suppose 54) The Closet Monster: No, but I believe in the weird spirits in my house that randomly open and close my doors and on one occasion, turned on my microwave. That was freaky, I tell you. 55) The Big Bang Theory: Mr. Taylor has certainly ground it into us for long enough. 56) Who named you: my dad. Priscilla was his great aunt, Nelson is an old ancestral family name, and Spencer should be obvious. 57) Favorite Band?: The Beatles, hands down. 58) When is the last time you went to the bathroom: at dinner 59) What was the last thing you said online: I posted a Pratchett quote a while ago... 60) What is sitting right next to you: Mike, my Monsters Inc antenna ball, perched on my stereo antenna. On my other side is my latest knitting project. 61) What is your computer desk made of: fake wood 62) What are the last 4 digits in your phone number?: 9431 63) What was the last thing that you ate?: Greek grilled chicken salad with kalamata olives and feta cheese and tomato and... ::drools::. An after-dinner mint, actually. 64) Where would you go on your honeymoon: I'll agree with Kell and say London 65) Who do you want to spend your life with?: HAL (my computer), my wacom tablet, and Mark (my camera) 66) How many buddies do you have on your list: 0 67) How's the weather right now: chilly and dark 68) Have you ever smoked pot: never, and I'm not planning on it. 69) What did you do last nite?: stayed home, ate a Jack's burger, drew a bit, and read more of "Carpe Jugulum". Also worked on the script and music for "Men at Arms". 71) What are your favorite type of shoes: my 21-year-old tennis shoes. Of course, since my parents have forbidden me wearing them, my normal tennis shoes. Or my keen size-42 Birkenstocks. 72) How do YOU eat an oreo?: I don't. 73) All-time favorite tv show: MST3k or Invader Zim. Probably MST3K, though, because Zim isn't as amusing as it was at the beginning. 74) Dream car: Toyota Prius, though my Lexus RX 300 comes as close to a dream that I'll probably get. 75) What are your future goals: to finish this godawful survey 76) Favorite music: Beatles, showtunes, and a capella 77) Favorite food: the aforementioned Greek salad could top the list 78) Favorite movie: Life is Beautiful, the Empire Strikes Back, and Moulin Rouge. 79) Favorite days of this year?: my birthday? any time spent with Nancy and the JETS? 80) Are you too shy to ask someone out: probably not 81) If you could change your name...?: I'm happy with Priscilla Spencer, but I might change my middle name so that my initials are no longer obscene. 82) Have you ever been in love: No 83) What is the stupidest thing you've ever done?: nothing really comes to mind that tops the list, but recent stupid things include bashing FictionAlley for no reason, not turning in my History journal for about two weeks, procrastinating on my Physics lab notebook, forgetting about a thousand collaborations... I dunno. 84) Your first son's name going to be?: Floccinaucinihilipilification or Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 85) First daughter: Metasequoiaglyptostroboides or Methylchloroisothiazolinone 86) Favorite drink: water 87) Scary or happy movies better: happy, usually. As long as it's funny. 88) On the phone or in person: phones irritate me 89) Lust or Love?: Neither 90) If you could change something about yourself: my ribcage or my hips. I dunno, something just doesn't seem proportional. 91) Do you consider cheer-leading a sport: of course not 92) Do you want your friends to do this survey?: ::shrugs:: I dunno, I probably won't read it. 93) Time done: 9:34 PM Priscilla said at 10:27 PM Comments: Post a Comment Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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