How deeply in love am I with my new lens? There are no words to describe it.
Dandelion -- they're much more fun close-up. I wish I had used a wider depth-of-field, but I'm not complaining.
Theresa -- this is one of the pictures I took to evaluate the portrait lens capabilities. Just testing in the store.
Keep Out -- this fell down randomly when I was about 15 feet away, photographing some weird piece of equiptment. I decided that the Photography Gods wanted me to notice it.
Fruit -- I'm not sure exactly what it is, but it was broken open and rather smelly.
Cross -- someone had a Halloween party in a small clearing down the trail I got hopelessly lost on. They had a bunch of fake headstones and wooden crosses.
Renata, how goes the 2004 Presidential Campaign? Do we still have "Legalize marriages to inanimate objects" on our political platform?