I'm Galadriel. Go me.
Ghandi, Obi-Wan, Galadriel, you - old souls all. You seem to exude fathoms of insight and experience, the kind you couldn't possibly have come by in one lifetime. Often looking younger than your years yet wiser than your peers, people have this sense of you being somehow other-worldly. Which is sometimes cool and sexy but sometimes it's just a bit smug and annoying.
Calm and measured, you rarely let fly with a careless word. Rather every utterance drops from your lips as crystallised wisdom. And you're the kind of person about whom the masses sit, reverent and adoring, waiting to hear your words.
Beautiful and serene, people are always falling in love with you. But there's a hint of sadness about you too, as though you mean to tell us, "the world's more full of weeping than you can understand." Which works wonders on hormonally charged adolescents and incurable romantics but just occasionally you could do with a good slap and being told to lighten up.
Gracious and kind, your elfin charms are powerfully seductive: be careful how you use them.
Calling the website "The Blue Carrots" toyed unmeasurably with my brain. It's like a Potter fan repeatedly hearing the word "serious" in a conversation.