Friday, May 31, 2002
Random pondering of the moment:
I really need to stop using microquotes in my essays. They're everywhere. In an essay on "The Great Gatsby", I used phrases from Episode I and Moulin Rouge. For a "Huck Finn" essay, I microquoted "The Music Man". They're like literary Easter Eggs, I suppose. Does anyone else do this? I find it's the only way I can get through papers. Priscilla said at 11:32 PM Yes, yes. Quizzes. Bite me. Unfortunately, someone beat me to it. Grr.
Interesting duo. Of course, *my* "Discworld female" quiz also included Susan. And Sybil. And Agnes. And Cheery. And the feminazi dryad girl from TCoM for kicks. So there. ::is superior:: ... not really. Priscilla said at 10:53 PM ::grumbling old man noises::
Priscilla said at 10:20 PM I wasn't going to repost this, but I figured it was too glorious to miss. For those that don't read Ann and Rebecca's journals, proceed immediately to Now. Don't even think about prior comittments and things you should be doing instead. Go there. Now. You won't regret it.
Priscilla said at 10:01 PM Double whee. At Ashley's request, I've changed my ridiculously dull answering machine greeting to something a great deal more amusing. Tra la.
Priscilla said at 6:23 PM Whee! Email working again! Allez ici to get *yours* all sorted out! ::skips about merrily::
Priscilla said at 5:46 PM Okay, those profoundly disappointed, raise your hand. Ye gods. The difference between Dobby and Binks? Jar Jar actually looked somewhat realistic. Dobby looks like a ceramic figurine. And apologies to Entertainment Weekly, but that "jolly good yarn" is my personal favourite (though PoA comes amazingly close).
Get the rest of the sneak peak images (far more squee-inducing than this, I promise) from the EW website, joyously linked from Heidi's LJ. Anyway, despite the horrors of Dobby (I originally typed "Nobby" O_O;), I have good feelings about the CoS movie. Branaugh!Lockhart will be highly amusing and the increased levels of Percyness will be welcomed. Good stuff. Anyone else feel like starting a campaign to have Salazar Slytherin added to Mt. Rushmore? Viva el Aging Fanbase! Priscilla said at 5:21 PM
Thursday, May 30, 2002
Whee! Check out Sannali's froody new layout. Great stuff, girl! ::applauds::
Priscilla said at 11:21 PM
Wednesday, May 29, 2002
Growl. Your-Site has mucked about with the email servers, and now I can't access my mail. Hissssss. Anyone have any idea how they're going to contact us with our new passwords?
Priscilla said at 5:14 PM Yay! is randomly back up! Hurrah! ::cheers::
Priscilla said at 5:11 PM Dear God, what is this world coming to? I got a new tune for MAA in my head driving home today, and when writing lyrics, I came up with the most painful pun in existence. Still debating on how it can be applied, as new tune unlikely to be used due to surfeit of unused tunes already at my disposal. Meh. Still enjoying relative success with "My Kind of Town", though.
I'm amused. Studying for history this morning, I found the doodle in my notes that eventually became the infamous "musical number" picture that inspired the whole shebang. August 28th. That's when it all began. That's when I first assembled the primordial, antediluvian chords to this very song I'm now writing. Good grief. Priscilla said at 5:10 PM
Tuesday, May 28, 2002
Check out the new look for tnm.n! It's not as clean or organized as the old one (and the frames went way overboard -- aren't I supposed to hate frames with a passion? Oh yeah...), but it amuses me and it serves its purpose. Gah, why am I so awful? I have two exams tomorrow, and I've spend most of the day on the layout. Idiot. At least I got in an absurd amound of history studying last week... I think I did fairly well on my English final today, so it's all good. ::sigh::
Comment or die. Preferably comment in my LJ, because there we can exchange witty banter and such. Priscilla said at 11:59 PM
Monday, May 27, 2002
Whee! Just taught myself the basics/intermediate stuffs of CSS. Go me. Expect the new tnm.n layout sometime this week.
Priscilla said at 7:00 PM The most amusing guestbook entry I've had in ages: "Dusk at the cubist castle will leave you overwhelmed with feelings of dispair and anguish." Thank you, Victor S. Pace, for making my day.
Priscilla said at 3:28 PM Finished "American Gods". Holy cow, that book is fabulous. Now starting "Neverwhere".
Priscilla said at 12:42 PM
Sunday, May 26, 2002
I've finally figured out what bothers me so much about covers. Originality. When an musician takes another musician's song and essentially re-records it with a different voice, it becomes a serious pet peeve. However, when the musican is able to transform into something original and new, I don't have a problem. (Unless this is Britney Spears covering "Eleanor Rigby". Then it's time to bring out the machine guns.) I discovered this listening to snippets of the "I Am Sam" soundtrack in Barnes & Noble last night -- the songs annoyed me, because they were exactly identical to the versions recorded by the Beatles, except sung by a different voice. Bah.
Anyway, got "Driving Rain". Yay! ::hugs Paul:: Priscilla said at 11:33 PM Watched lots of awesome movies last night. Look for a review in Sgt. Pepper in a few minutes!
Priscilla said at 12:22 PM
Saturday, May 25, 2002
Woo! Found it! Go me!
Edit: Hell. Now if only I could find my serial number... Stupid tech support Monday-to-Friday office hours. Priscilla said at 10:14 AM Grrrr. Where's my Painter CD? I want to install it on my laptop, but it's nowhere to be found... ::loots through desk and environs::
Priscilla said at 9:48 AM
Friday, May 24, 2002
I'm really amused. My sister's boyfriend is Jimmy Bond, except with a few more brain cells.
Priscilla said at 7:10 PM
Thursday, May 23, 2002
Joy!!! A card from Alicey, as well! ::hearts:: Her first Discworld fanart in color, I might add. She says: "As you know, I'm reading Men At Arms right now- and I just finished the part where [Cuddy] was teaching Detritus to count- and was thinking of some sort of clever idea to apply to a card for you- and then, I came up with this!" ::hearts even more::
Priscilla said at 9:08 PM ::meeps:: Superhearts for Tanja, who remembered (even when I forgot!) that today was my half-birthday. ::hugs:: I love it, Tanja!
Priscilla said at 6:35 PM Very spiffy new layout, Sian, I must say.
Priscilla said at 6:32 PM School's out! ::dances:: And today's my half birthday, I just realized. Happy, happy day! Just two classes: Multimedia Engineering and English. The rest of the day was spent watching old Jim Carrey movies. Good stuff. It turns out that today's foolery with integrated circuits in MME was our final exam! Loh said that we all got A super plusses. That certainly makes my day. And I'm making big steps in "My Kind of Town", so it's all good. ::grooves::
Priscilla said at 5:46 PM Copycatting Alicey...
My first CG compared with my best recent CG and my best recent collab. Over two years of CGing between the two. Hope for improvement, certainly! Also my first photomanipulation (give or take) and my two most recent (wow, I just realized how awful that second one looks on my home computer. It looks great on the school monitors... hiss) Most amusing of all, my typical art standard a year ago, vs. my drawings now (Yes, Carrot does *not* have a hand, and Hermione is indeed a floating midget. I fixed it later. Bite me. XD ) Yayfun! Priscilla said at 12:18 AM
Wednesday, May 22, 2002
Walk down memory lane of the day:
THE POLL September 21st: ME: I'm intrigued by these prospects of weird forms of literature being transformed into musicals. The Chemistry textbook opens up possibilities for hits such as Alanis Morisette's "Ionic" and Wassabbo (my school's parody teacher boy-band)'s hit single "Covalent Bonds" (we'll share electrons forever... I wish I remembered the rest of that song). Possibly also that hilarious song from "Peggy Sue Got Married" that talked about the love lives of a bunch of famous scientists. Men At Arms offers not only Carrot's "Ankh-Morpork: It's My Kind of Town", but also Edward D'Eath's "Happiness Is a Warm Gonne".September 22 SANNALI: **nods to Priscilla** And while we're planning Men At Arms: the Musical, we should add to Carrot's "Ankh-Morpork: It's My Kind of Town" and Edward d'Eath's "Happiness is a Warm Gonne" a couple of numbers borrowed (in spirit and general content) from My Fair Lady, that is to say, a "Get Me to the Church On Time" sort of number for Sam Vimes and a song that is about numbers in the same way that "The Rain in Spain" is about pronunciation (called "Powers of Two," perhaps) for Detritus and Cuddy. If we want to be a little bit... broader... in our choice of material to emulate while making songs, I'm sure we could find a song somewhere that would make a good model for a song by Big Fido about "The Law of the Pack." It strikes me also that the "Be a Man" song from Disney's Mulan would be entirely applicable as a model for a song by Sergeant Colon about whipping the new recruits into shape. Every member of the Watch joined the Watch to "be a man" after all, didn't they?For those relatively new to my weblog, yes. That's how it all began. Priscilla said at 11:40 PM Hiss. Why is it that I always feel most inspired to write music when I need to be studying for something important? History final or "My Kind of Town"? Major hissage. I finally came up with an acceptably upbeat, nifty tune to accompany the chorus snippet I wrote months ago. Go me. ::looks at records:: SEPTEMBER? Ye gods!
Priscilla said at 9:40 PM Ha! Just got a correction to today's post about PE. It turns out that I misread the email. Those that haven't *taken* the fitness test get the grade deduction, rather than those who didn't pass. There's a huge vendetta off my shoulders!
Priscilla said at 9:31 PM Join the D101 Forum! H'rah!
Priscilla said at 9:18 PM No way! I just found out that all students that don't pass all the elements of the fitness test will drop a letter grade in P.E., which is calculated into our GPA, God knows why. I can't help it that I'm inflexible. I've tried in vain to improve my flexibility, but it just isn't happening. The inability to reach far past one's toes shouldn't be significant enough to make one drop a letter grade. I'm seriously ticked off, in case you can't tell.
Priscilla said at 8:52 AM
Tuesday, May 21, 2002
::screams and falls out of her chair:: The new format of WOFS scares me. ::hides::
Priscilla said at 11:59 PM Got my senior ring. Officially a senior, despite having two days of classes left, plus exams. Go me anyway.
Priscilla said at 10:45 PM Percy help me. I just tried writing "The Nine" under my name in the heading for a History paper. Must get over internet addiciton. ::adheres internet patch to upper arm::
Priscilla said at 7:14 PM Yeep! I've had the same layout up at tnm.n since January 4th! I think I'll take my new blog layout idea and use it for that, instead. Lots of more amusing ideas. Go me! ::snickets merrily:: I think I'm going to break down and do the art section with frames this time to ease revamping. Phooey on frames! Though skull-numbingly evil, they posess a certain attraction. Shameful, yes. But necessary to Priscilla's mental well-being. Fwah. Besides, Sgt. Pepper isn't *too* evil...
Priscilla said at 7:12 PM
Monday, May 20, 2002
::giggles:: Probably the only thing to love about a history exam is getting to look back at all the drawings I've done in the margins of my notes. When I take a study break I think I'll scan in a bunch of them. I have too much fun.
Priscilla said at 7:56 PM ::makes unintelligible squealing noise:: Did the "death sticks" guy from AOTC seem oddly familliar to anyone? Guess who he is. Matt Doran, the guy who played "Mouse" (my hero!) in The Matrix. ::glomps Mouse and runs away:: Thank you, George. I needed that.
Priscilla said at 6:50 PM ::flails:: Yeep! Was the PDM planning on having a cow theme for something? Sorry, I had no idea. I was just inspired by a page of "Computer Arts" magazine. I have another amusing weblog format idea, though, and I was considering switching to it fairly soon, as my cow layout gets a bit illegible. If you guys want to go ahead with your cow idea, feel free. Don't let me hamper your creativity!
Priscilla said at 5:55 PM
Sunday, May 19, 2002
Hmmm, should I watch "The X-Files"? Maybe I can sit downstairs and CG while watching (::hearts Ford::) or work on my History exam studysheet... CG, definitely.
Priscilla said at 8:57 PM Hurrah, all is good. Just got back from Spiderman with my family -- my sister just got home from college, and they're not aware that I'd seen it before twice already. XD I fixed a few glitches on Sgt. Pepper (thanks for the passwords, Renata!), so all is running niftily. Good stuff.
Priscilla said at 8:12 PM Sannali -- couldn't agree more! ::hearts Tobey Maguire:: But Ewan would give him a run for his money without the chin-fur and the hair bob.
Priscilla said at 11:08 AM Great. I've been humming "Sgt. Pepper" songs for the past 8 waking hours. God help me.
Not that I'm complaining, or anything. ::hearts the Beatles:: Priscilla said at 10:32 AM Fellow frowlers, anyone interested in a more interesting layout for Sgt. Pepper? Works nicely on 800x600 and up. Snippets of "Good Omens" used as filler.
Priscilla said at 10:22 AM
Saturday, May 18, 2002
Yow! How long has my blog been listed in End of the String? I feel all warm and gooshy inside.
Priscilla said at 10:48 PM Glee! My dad decided that we should stop by Half-Price Books after dinner tonight, so I got to camp out in the Sci-Fi section for quite a while. Hurrah! I left with a copy of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, for when I finish American Gods and I go into Gaiman Withdrawal, and The Science of Discworld, one of those books that you just don't find in the States. Go me!
Minor source of irritation, however: Does it bother anyone else that the Romance section is always right next to the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section? When you look early in the alphabet (for instance, "Douglas Adams"), you're always standing in the aisle with a bunch of trashy romance novels. At Half-Price Books, this is especially annoying, as the aisles are really narrow. Bah. Onlookers get the wrong impression. Priscilla said at 9:00 PM ::giggles madly:: I was just studying for my Physics SAT II in this nifty book of doom when I saw that I had been mistaken for years regarding a certain, small element of grammar that no one ever questions. You know this ^ symbol? We call it a carrot, right? 'Cause it looks like a little carrot? (The vegetable, not the watchman. And don't even *think* of bringing Merry into this discussion) It's actually spelled "caret". I had no idea! I wonder how many thousands of people would be surprised at this revelation. I'm really, really amused.
Priscilla said at 3:50 PM
Thursday, May 16, 2002
Look here, I've got a navel!
That line has been stuck in my head all day. Make it go away. Priscilla said at 5:46 PM Muaha, I shall now post my joyous Episode II experiences! Quite merry. We arrived at the theatre at about 10, where I was highly amused to see that I was the only person in costume. Go me. We all played UNO (can't beat Harry Potter UNO with Renata, though) until 11, when we were let in. Despite being about 40th in line, we still got fantastic seats! The people in front of us were fairly big fans, so they were highly amused when we seranaded them with "The Saga Begins". By the second verse, Chungy and I had really started to sing out, so at the end, we got a fair round of applause and boos. Lots of fun! Previews of joy included "Matrix: Reloaded". Be still my heart! When the green text started scrolling at the beginning, the theatre started cheering wildly. Too much fun. I can't wait!
Anyway, Episode II was seriously fun. Nowhere near the original trilogy, but far superior to Episode I. Just the perfect "Jar Jar quotient", fabulous fight scenes (SQUEE!!!!!!!! but I miss Ray Park), groovalicious backgrounds (though some of them were obvious CG), and lots of Ewan McGregor goodness. And now that he has silly hair and a wannabe-beard, I don't immediately associate him with Christian from "Moulin Rouge", which created slight problems watching "Trainspotting". Yoda is my herd, purple lightsabers are manly, Jedi need to *think* about using the Force more often (morons, the lot of them!), and Boba Fett looks more like Percy Weasley than he does that crazy kid. The dudes from A.I. were an interesting touch. "Let me help you with everything you need, Master Kenobi!" and "Hey, look! Its Christopher Lee! Three guesses as to whether he's good or evil!" C-3PO needs to stop punning while he's ahead. (yes, that was intentional) "Let's get this party started, bitch." Fun stuff: Amidala's duct tape accessories, Jar Jar being responsible for the Empire, CG!Yoda, Death Sticks, Slave 1, and R2 forever remains rockin. Pictures soon to follow. Priscilla said at 10:51 AM ::drools:: Check out the new front page art for FictionAlley! I'm a bit sad to see the old art go, but the new image is so gorgeous that I won't really miss it. Who is this "Magsby" and where can I find more of her/his art?
Priscilla said at 10:08 AM Why am I losing so much stuff recently? The other day, I left my wallet at Barnes & Noble (luckily, it's been returned). Last night, I left "American Gods" at St. Marks. And now I have no idea where I put my "Men at Arms" folder. It *should* be in my sachel, but it's nowhere to be found. Grrrrr, where art thou? Good thing that I have most of it backed up...
Priscilla said at 8:56 AM
Tuesday, May 14, 2002
Two choices for what to wear to the midnight showing tomorrow night...
Choice #1: My grey hooded robe (fabulous Jediwear), black pants, a black shirt (cut and tied to look Jedi-ish), my double-bladed lightsaber, and my prod-buttock tall leather boots. Choice #2: Black pants, a Jar Jar t-shirt (a gag gift), a blue and green plaid bathrobe, and a flashlight. Comment and vote. It is your destiny. No wonder how much fun #2 would be, I think I would be abandoned by my friends and brutally murdered by rabid anti-Jar Jar coalitions. I'm leaning towards #1 anyway. Priscilla said at 11:06 PM Must.... resist... temptation.... Cannot give in...
Priscilla said at 10:58 PM Want to know what's not fun? Grabbing a slice of pizza and having a 2-inch square of molten, sizzling cheese drip onto your leg. But even something as painful as that cannot mar my joyous day! After school, I dashed to Borders to grab a copy of "Salmon of Doubt", which I keep wanting to call "Salmon of Doom". A bit like my continued references to "The Fifth Elephant" when I'm taking about "The Fifth Element". Anyway, they were sold out, so I dashed to Barnes and Noble, where I nabbed two of the three remaining copies: one for me and one for Marcelina. I then took the copy by Marcelina's house. She didn't have the money to pay me back, so I borrowed her copies of "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency", "The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul", and "Last Chance to See" as ransom. Quite the Adams-fest tonight! Of course, I picked up "American Gods" again today after a few weeks, and it remains spectacular. Reading 4+ books at a time: go me!
Afterwards, I went to St. Marks for the readthrough for next year's musical. Mr. Blaydes actually wrote it, so he asked us to go over it tonight to present it the the community tomorrow. Well, when I say "wrote" it, I guess I refer to the book. He used pre-existing music. It's fairly nifty, but not very integrated. Still, I have no right to criticize. Anyone willing to undertake the feat of writing a musical deserves my admiration. ::thinks happily about "Men at Arms":: So yay. Go Mr. Blaydes! ::waves flags:: After all, "Mama Mia", "The Buddy Holly Story", and "All You Need is Love" (::squee::) used pre-existing music. So hurrah! I just got another fabulous review for my "Mary Sue" Litmus Test: "I hate your pointless and stupid story!!!!!" Thank you, Lenna Grimes! Hurrah! And that's my story. Priscilla said at 10:33 PM
Monday, May 13, 2002
Woo! Got midnight tickets! ::grooves:: Me, Chungy, Christine, Mack, and my mom. We rock our Jedi socks!
Priscilla said at 10:57 PM Growl. Here I am, excited to bursting about "Salmon of Doubt", when I find that Borders doesn't open in the mornings until 9 AM. I had intended to pick it up before school, as Borders is fairly close to Hockaday and the local B&N closes at 9 PM. That way I wouldn't have to drive all the way out to Borders at this time. But alas, I must be in school by 8. And we no longer have Junior Privileges, because Sheriff Kippie felt like being sadistic and taking them away without warning for something no one in the grade was aware of. So, in short, we can't go off-campus. I wonder if I could bribe a senior to pick up a copy for me during lunch... After school tomorrow seems like too long to wait. Yes, I am pathetic.
Priscilla said at 10:13 PM Get me to Borders. Right now. ::snatches small wad of money::
I can't believe that I forgot May 11th. I suppose I can celebrate the anniversary of National Towel Day... Priscilla said at 9:51 PM ::snickets:: While reading comments, I noticed Rebecca's "Riiiiifffff". Reminds me of when I played Riff in "West Side Story" at MTC. (Beat out 3 guys for the role--go me!) Graciella, my "girlfriend", was played by Jen, a Swiss girl. She had an incredibly heavy accent, so when she shouted "Riiiiiiffff!" at my death, it sounded like "Reef". It was supposed to be this tense, emotional scene, but in rehearsals we all kept cracking up. I miss MTC... ::is amused::
Priscilla said at 12:23 AM
Sunday, May 12, 2002
Permalinks now enabled. Go me! I've been meaning to do that for months.
Priscilla said at 10:50 PM Can I say this? Sannali, you are my hero. The notion of Carrot as "studly" had me laughing a good 10 minutes, and I know I'm going to keep thinking about it at school and end up bursting into fits of giggles at inappropriate times. And how did I miss Sailor Atomheart? I've been reading Ann's LJ religiously for ages... hmm. Anyway, nifty stuff, Sannali. I shall begin coloring soon! And I'll have my line art eventually. ::shuffles feet nervously::
Priscilla said at 10:32 PM ::laughs:: Wow. The world is tiny. In English class on Thursday, we read a poem by e.e. cummings that ended with "and the moon rattles like a fragment of angry candy". I thought that phrase was so amazingly cool that I decided that I would use it for the next iteration of tnm.n. Today, I was randomly surfing about Tangerine Cafe, and I see that Sian has a new blog. Such a lovely title, I think. ::is amused:: I'm going to have to root through some more cummings stuff. He has the most awesome metaphors! Even niftier than Emily Dickinson. Yo.
Priscilla said at 6:21 PM Whee! Faith has hit 400 pages for Demonology 101! Good gracious. Go congratulate her!
Priscilla said at 6:03 PM Okay, kiddies, it's that time again! Bizarre search referrals for tnm.n!
I love my life. Priscilla said at 5:54 PM Yowza! I just got back from a Mother's Day brunch-thing. I was talking with my Aunt Janet about theatre prospects for next year, and when I mentioned that "Bat Boy" was no longer in consideration from the Jesuit musical, she told me that Theatre 3 was doing "Bat Boy" as part of their season next year. Because one of the main roles is a teenager, I might be able to try out! At Janet's "Spring Forward/Fall Backward" party, I had met a bunch of big names in the Dallas theatre community, and one of the Theatre 3 heads told me that if they were planning on casting girls in my age group for a show, they'd let me audition. How amazingly cool would that be? ::squeals:: Joy!
Priscilla said at 4:55 PM Randomly decided to give in to the temptation of nifty scrollbar colors. Yes, I am indeed a trendpimp. Muah. I'll probably change it back in a few days if it gets annoying.
Priscilla said at 12:44 PM Priscilla said at 12:26 PM The Gallery should be back to normal by now. I've restored the nifty photographs from my show. I also added the two recent Starling collabs. Good stuff. Check it out if you haven't already! (Yes, this is posted in my LiveJournal, as well. I am a loser.)
Priscilla said at 1:04 AM ::laughs:: I was just checking out the stuff in Sannali's sidebar, admiring the "I ::heart:: Fast Fourier Transformation" button. I thought to myself, "Man, self, I really need one of those buttons". Then I remembered that *I* had made the image in the first place. Really smooth there, self. ::is amused::
But I just realized that I accidentally took down all the photos from my recent photography show! I'll try to get those back up tonight. The files are still there, but the links from the art page aren't anymore. Silly moi. Priscilla said at 12:21 AM Great. I come back from an absolutely rockin' performance of 12th Night to see that WOFS has been hacked. Don't these people have better things to do? I feel annoyance and pity at the same time.
Priscilla said at 12:02 AM
Saturday, May 11, 2002
I'd like to take this opportunity to say that Marcelina is the most wonderful person since sliced bread. I now have two answering machine messages chock-ful of Paul McCartney. I only wish that I was offstage to hear them live.... ::hearts Sleeny::
Priscilla said at 11:55 PM I wanted to post this yesterday, but blogger was being evil:
Apparently I have a clone. I went in to Smoothie King this afternoon to acquire sustenance for the performance, and the employees looked at me strangely and asked "Haven't you already been in here before today?" I said no. They almost refused to believe this. They said that the resemblance was amazing. Feeling amused, I went to Einstein's to grab a bagel sandwich, and one of the employees said "Hey, you're back!" I just stared for a second. Odd stuff. I wish they had a hidden camera in Smoothie King so that I could get a glimpse of my double... Priscilla said at 6:11 PM Most people don't know that in 1912, Hellman's Mayonnaise was manufactured in England. The Titanic was carrying 12,000 jars of the condiment scheduled for delivery in Vera Cruz, Mexico which was to be the next port of call for the great ship after New York City. The people of Mexico eagerly awaited the first delivery and were very upset at the news of the sinking. So much that they declared a national day of mourning which they still observe today.
It is known, of course, as Sinko de Mayo. (thank you, Priscilla said at 6:10 PM Even more yayfun! My tablet works again! All I had to do was restart my computer. ::dances about, hugging her beloved tablet::
For those waiting for the "unCGable image", I hope to have it finished tonight. Hurrah! Priscilla said at 6:05 PM Yayfun! My mom might let me see the midnight showing of Episode II! Go me! ::grooves::
Priscilla said at 5:24 PM Tanja (or anyone else that knows), how did you get your tablet pressure-sensative again? It was working fine last night, but some of the theatre guys started playing with it when I was gone, and now it's not working properly. It still works fine in terms of being a mouse alternative, but the pressure-sensative capabilities aren't working. How did you fix yours?
Later: It works fine in the Wacom testing thing, but it doesn't work in Photoshop. The "stylus" option things are greyed over. Priscilla said at 1:35 PM Today was the most wonderful day of school in world history. Physics was cancelled, we got a "work day" in History (basically a study hall--we didn't even have to stay in the room!), P.E. was cancelled (we only have it twice a week, so we get most Fridays off), and I was one of two girls to show up to Calculus. We spent half the time discussing colleges and the other half discussing the answers to a test we took last time. All in all, a wonderful day. I spent the time working on MAA and "the unCGable" drawing, which turns out to be very much CGable. It's coming along quite nicely. I've been bringing my laptop to the show and CGing in the 3 hours I'm not needed. Everyone is in awe. Fun stuff.
12th Night was so much fun tonight! I played with my lines a bit in the last scene and messed around with Malvolio. The result was absolutely hilarious, yet subtle enough to not have a negative effect. Good stuff. It just generally went really well. Lots more energy. Mrs. Radtke and her "friend" Charlie came, as well as my Aunt Janet and my Great-Aunt Louise. Aunt Janet is another lover of acting (when she was still at Hockaday, I believe she actually student-directed a show featuring Tommy Lee Jones, a graduate of St. Marks, our brother-school), so all is nifty. Now shower and sleep. Priscilla said at 12:41 AM
Thursday, May 09, 2002
Currin must die. She never called us. Fiend! ::immerses herself in Lennon/McCartney goodness despite fiendish plots against her::
Priscilla said at 11:31 PM
Wednesday, May 08, 2002
Tomorrow and Friday evening, I will be in the same city as Paul McCartney. I hate my life. ::growls:: There was an article about him in the newspaper today, and now I want to go more than ever. Friday's concert still has tickets available. Currin said that she'd call us on her cell phone and let the "12th Night" cast listen while we're offstage. ::seethes envy:: Oh Paul, why must you have such an awful sense of timing?
Priscilla said at 11:57 PM Various people have posted samples of their handwriting. Here's a page from today's history notes so that you can see mine. It doesn't get any better than that. Muah!
Priscilla said at 5:52 PM Happy Octo de Mayo! It's a bit of an inside joke amongst some of my friends from lower school, but I still find it amusing. The Spanish class wanted to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, but it was happening on a weekend, so they celebrated it on the 8th. Instead of saying Cinco de Mayo, we all called it Octo de Mayo and declared a new holiday. So hurrah! Burst a pinata! Wear a stylish hat! And celebrate!
Priscilla said at 5:37 PM Hurrah! Today is our last "12th Night" rehearsal! We're all gonna die! Hurrah! ::waves flag:: ::flees::
Priscilla said at 8:24 AM
Tuesday, May 07, 2002
Priscilla said at 12:02 AM
Monday, May 06, 2002
Dear God, what provoked me to be in this Percyforsaken production? I just now got home from rehearsal. 10:50 PM. Now I get to read half the Great Gatsby (I read the other half during rehearsal) and do almost the entirety of a gargantuan English project. And I'm hungry. Doom.
Priscilla said at 11:51 PM Grrrrr. This morning, I feel vehement dislike for everything that does not represent being asleep in my bed, under mountains of covers. This includes you. Bah. Evil school. ::stomps about in annoyance::
Priscilla said at 8:19 AM
Saturday, May 04, 2002
Does my new layout really look like Europe? Growl. Them cows ain't appreciated no more. Durn cityfolk.
Priscilla said at 11:47 PM Alright, ladies and gents. Now tell me how shibby my New Blog Layout is.
Priscilla said at 10:22 PM ::laughs:: On WOFS, the name "American Gods" becomes "American Percys". That amuses me to no end. ::plotbunnies multiply like Irish Catholics::
Priscilla said at 12:59 PM ::laughs crazily:: I loved Spiderman. Spiderman, Spiderman, Spiderman. Awesome movie. I didn't have the greatest expectations, but it was fabulous. Yay Eye Candy! Yay random Matrixlike shots! Yay nerdy guys! Yay obscure "Priscilla's Life" references no one would ever understand! And last of all, Yay groovy superhero costumes! ::snerks::
Amusing Inside Jokes:
Anyway, tonight wasn't all fun and games. Because Patrick wasn't able to get tickets for the 7:30 show, we went to the 9:15 version. In the meantime, Patrick and his friends and I went to Braums, carpooling in his car. There was absolutely no parking whatsoever, so we parked in an empty lot across from the theatre. When we got back, Patrick's car was gone. I drove him home while his friends scoured the lot for a "no parking" sign. Fortunately, it had probably just been towed, rather than being stolen. Yeep. But the movie was awesome, so I'm happy. Go see it, all of you! ::shoos people off to the theatre:: Priscilla said at 1:23 AM
Friday, May 03, 2002
Inspired by Tanja... this was way too much fun.
Alicey's artistic and Queen of CG Bat Boy's a musical I'd like to see Carrot's a watchman, in case you've not heard "Doom"'s an incredibly versatile word "Eeek"'s an expression amusing to hear Frodo's the hobbit we fancy too dear. "Gads" is the manner "The 12th Night" now goes "How to Succeed" is the greatest of shows I am the ruler, the goddess, the queen Joking with egos becomes rather keen! I saw Kendall's gallery Saturday last Lucky my car had been recently gassed! M is for Monica, my partner in crime. N's not for Men At Arms, but it sure is *this* time! "Ohh"'s the exclamation I uttered, remiss, When Paul was the Beatle whose concert I'd miss. Quickly I notice: next letter's a pair! Rebecca's a name my two friends have to share Sannali posts again. It's about time! Tanja inspired this wonderful rhyme Unknown is the reason I started this scheme Villainously, rhyming's infested the theme "Why kill the Gunmen" I shout, out of breath, As X-files is dying a terrible death "Y" is the world you'll be asking me. How? Zs are what I should be making right now Priscilla said at 12:24 PM HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!!! I got a 33 on my ACT! ::screams for 5 minutes straight:: 99th percentile almost all the way across the board... Ye gods!
Gracious, to think my evening wasn't awesome enough already! I went to the Jesuit production of "The Little Prince", which rocked. The book has been redeemed. Jacque (Hedy in H2$ and Mrs. Rogers in TLI) was fantastic as the snake, Casey (secretary in H2$, my double Emily Brent in TLI, and chorus in PG) made an awesome rose, Lindsey (? in H2$ and Armstrong in TLI) was an amusing Greedy Man, and Colin (Biggley in H2$ and Wargrave in TLI) made a hilarious King. Everyone was fabulous. Jacque's makeup was absolutely unbelieveable! I wish I had pictures... Fun stuff. Good to see everyone again! I got to sit between Mrs. Felice and Patrick (Gatch in H2$ and Mackenzie in TLI), which is always nifty. Patrick and I made plans to see Spiderman tomorrow with a bunch of his friends. I'm going to try to get Chungy and various other people to come as well. So it's all good. Another reason to be joyful on this day is my creation of another MAA song. I had started working on it last night, and it's since bloomed famously. I keep giggling whenever I think about it. 'Tis based on the "swearing in" scene thing. Highly entertaining. I'm certainly amused. Hopefully I'll get more work done over the weekend. Tra la. And I got a letter from Alicey, which is always groovy. So yayfun! Priscilla said at 12:19 AM
Thursday, May 02, 2002
Woo! Next year, Mrs. Glaros and Mr. Long are directing "Dido and Aeneas"! An all-female cast opera in English. Hurrah! And she said that chances are, it would only/mostly be my class! ::grooves:: She suggested that it would mostly be in December, as the school musical is in Winter and the student-produced musicals are usually in Spring. Now I have to decide between the Jesuit fall play and this production. You never know, though. If life works in my favor, I may be able to do both. The Jesuit fall play is in mid-November.
Speaking of Jesuit, tonight is opening night for "The Little Prince". Yay! I think I'll go Friday night to see Casey. Which reminds me: EVIL! Even if I were able to get tickets to the Paul McCartney concerts on May 9th and 10th, I wouldn't be able to go. 12th Night performances. Grrrrr. I'm not a happy camper. ::hisses:: Priscilla said at 8:16 AM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. |