Woo! Next year, Mrs. Glaros and Mr. Long are directing "Dido and Aeneas"! An all-female cast opera in English. Hurrah! And she said that chances are, it would only/mostly be my class! ::grooves:: She suggested that it would mostly be in December, as the school musical is in Winter and the student-produced musicals are usually in Spring. Now I have to decide between the Jesuit fall play and this production. You never know, though. If life works in my favor, I may be able to do both. The Jesuit fall play is in mid-November.
Speaking of Jesuit, tonight is opening night for "The Little Prince". Yay! I think I'll go Friday night to see Casey. Which reminds me: EVIL! Even if I were able to get tickets to the Paul McCartney concerts on May 9th and 10th, I wouldn't be able to go. 12th Night performances. Grrrrr. I'm not a happy camper. ::hisses::