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Friday, June 28, 2002
![]() It's silly and childish but it amuses me.
Priscilla is: Priscilla said at 11:05 PM ![]() (Gah, originally posted this in Sgt. Pepper. Yeep!)
Woo! Got Renata and Jia-Ling's packages sorted out and sent (you wouldn't believe what you have to go through to get stuff shipped to Malaysia! XD), and got Alicey's b-day present shipped. Renata, apologies for super-lateness! I promised you "Guards! Guards!" back in February! Bad Priscellie. I'll send you your belated birthday present in two weeks. I hope you can put two and two together regarding what happens for me in two weeks! Otherwise, it'll just have to be a surprise for you. Jia, hope you like your book! If so, I expect fanart. XD I'm too evil for my own good. Alicey, you rock and you deserve it. Go you. As it turns out, I'm getting to bring Jimmy/Ford/Hex to New York! Go me! Now Brenna, Alicey, and Britt will get the proper cards they deserve, and I'll actually be able to finish Tanja's anniversary card. Hurrah! I'm in a good mood, because things are getting accomplished. After an hour of being tortured to near-death by a certain sister who needs me to model the clothes she's made, I'm on my own. Bookshop, Alphagraphics, post office... and now to go off in search of shorts! Hurrah! ::ticks things off checklist:: Priscilla said at 4:35 PM ![]() I have I not linked to this yet? Huh. I thought I had. Anyway, thank you ubermuch, Jia! ::hearts::
Priscilla said at 4:34 PM ![]() Went to Marcelina's (then Elizabeth's) and saw "Waking Life". Good golly, that movie was amazing. You'd have to see it once for the gorgeous animation and again for all the philosophy. Actually, maybe twice for the animation. Or more. That was some of the most gorgeous cinematography I've ever seen! A team of a couple dozen animators each animated an individual scene or sequence, to beautiful effect. You must see this movie. It probably won't be very hard to find, as we rented it from Blockbuster. It'll still be among the New Releases, probably. See this movie. Now.
Priscilla said at 1:00 PM ![]() Ha! Take THAT, Rebecca! Lincoln could totally beat Wilson's bootie any day of the week! Go Lincoln!
Priscilla said at 12:52 PM
Thursday, June 27, 2002
![]() Vote, you fiends! Do you not see the new poll before you?
Priscilla said at 5:37 PM ![]() ::pokes Britt:: Why did I do this? No clue. I was bored. Meh.
ethics/personal life: has a blog post ever got you into trouble? Yes. I lashed out at FictionAlley once (for a really stupid reason, too, but it meant a lot to me at the time), but fortunately Heidi and the gang are awesome people, and it was resolved. Not really trouble, persay. how many people do you know face-to-face who read your weblog? Marcelina, Lizziebeth, Ashley, and occasionally Chungy, Mimi, and Mrs. Felice have you met any of your regional (or even remote) bloggers? I've met Renata (plus Miriam and Trina), and I'm determined to meet Alicey this summer. how much is your weblog a part of your personal identity? do you feel like people who don't know about your blog don't really know you? Sometimes I feel like my friends online know me better than my friends IRL. I find it frankly terrifying when I learn that one of my IRL friends has discovered my blog. how has blogging changed your life? I've gotten much closer to my online friends and found a better way of expressing myself. technical/design: do you know how to code at all? did you learn how to code by blogging? I'm fairly adept at HTML, but I didn't learn it through blogging, certainly. what weblogging tool do you use and why? Both Blogger and LiveJournal. If I didn't have the huge Blogger archives, I'd probably switch, as I love the title function and the comment stuff, but for the most part, I remain faithful. I heart Blogger, as I can host stuff on my own server and I don't have to rely on LJ being up, which seems to be an increasingly rare occurrance. does the design seem like something that is just something that has to be dispensed with in order to be able to write publicly, or is your design an integral part of your writing and presentation? It just generally reflects what I find amusing at the time. Cows are nice. Definitely not integral, I'd say. how many times have you changed your weblog design entirely (or nearly so)? Once or twice. ::shrugs:: I'm currently working on a new layout, though. It's not a huge priority. readership/motivation: how many people would you guess (educated guess based on hit counts/logfiles) read your weblog on a weekly basis at least? Dear God, I have no idea. Well, no idea about my blog, at least. I have 44 on my "Friends" list, but I get hits from more than just those people. Dunno. what have you done to get more people to look at your site? Umm... offered pretty art? what one or two characteristics make a blog really popular? Witty commentary what really popular weblog do you think most deserves it...and/or least deserves it? Dunno. I'm rather amused at the LJ War between Our Heavenly Father and The Lord of Darkness, and it's fun to observe the Sockpuppets, but mostly I just read up on my friends. how do you feel about your readership? what makes for a quality readership to you? I feel pretty good. I sometimes glare at the comment counts on Cassie's LJ, which often reach the hundreds, but I feel good in general. Quality readers leave amusing comments. This sudden spate of AliceyComments is much appreciated! influence of other bloggers: what other blogger is most responsible for you starting your own weblog? I was first inspired by Renata's OpenDiary, but I gave up rather quickly. I started back up again with Kell's influence. who was the first other blogger (that you know of) who put you on their sidebar, and how did you feel? how did it influence your blogging? Kell, I think. I felt uberspecial! It always makes me feel better to see myself on another person's sidebar. I had mild spaz attacks when I saw myself in Faith's and Sian's listings. what other blogger do you most admire for her writing skills? ::stares:: Erm... Cairnsy always seems to have something insightful to say, so I guess she'll top my list there. Maybe Mooncalf. what other blogger do you most admire for her design skills? Rebecca's LJ layout is sheer brilliance! And Britt is pretty spiffy. Ooh! And Sian! I love her layouts. who is a blogger that you think is really good but doesn't get nearly the attention they are worthy of? ::stares:: No idea. do you feel obligated to have people on your link lists/sidebars that you never read? Nah. I only have people I read religiously up on my sidebar. what one or two characteristics define a really quality blog (in your humble opinion, of course)? a link to me! Priscilla said at 3:23 PM ![]() To quote Nixon's wife, "I am not a cook."
That was possibly the worst-made quiche in the history of cooking. I thought it was only in sitcoms that people cooked this badly. I'm surprised I encountered no small explosions. I don't understand why I'm such a bad cook. I read the directions, I follow them to the letter (okay, I might have messed up on that a couple times), and I end up with twice as much batter-stuff as would fit in the pie crust. I don't get it. I use all the right amounts of all the right ingredients... what's wrong with me and/or what's wrong with the recipie? Gah. I will never be a housewife. My kids would have Chick Fil-A for dinner. Priscilla said at 12:43 PM ![]() Air... let me breathe... laughing to hard.... hilarious! Just go.
Priscilla said at 10:30 AM ![]() ::sigh:: Why has my FTP been Satan, as of recently? Is anyone else using Your-Site.com having this problem, or is it something else?
Priscilla said at 9:03 AM ![]() Grr. My dad doesn't want me to bring Jimmy to New York. This complicates matters.
Priscilla said at 12:30 AM
Wednesday, June 26, 2002
![]() ::squeals:: Neil Gaiman? New York? July 11th? Coraline signing? Oh, holy mother of Percy, I'm going to be there! Union Square is 7 blocks from my dorm! ::spazzes::
Priscilla said at 11:57 PM ![]() I've been on a semi-health kick as of recently. Salad quotient has risen dramatically. Of course, this time last year, I was still convinced that I loathed salads, unaware that my tastes had changed. Mmm. Salad.
Yesterday, I went to lunch with Chungy. I picked her up from her summer job at Hybrigen, a science lab that does all sorts of nifty stuff that was way above my head, and we went to eat at a Pasta/Pizza restaurant thing. It was arranged quasi-buffet style, and the guy behind the counter has been declared my new hero. He's one of the funniest people I've ever met. He jokingly tried to coerce Chungy into deciding what to order, then made fun of her pronunciation of "Chicken Florentine" (Floh-ren-TYNE, being incorrect, naturally). Salads came with the deal, so he then asked us what dressing we preferred. "House or Ranch?" he asked me as he filled my bowl. "Ranch..." I started to say as he reached for the "House" ladle. "Try the House, it's delicious", he said, ladling the dressing onto my salad. "Why not?" I laughed as he handed me the bowl. Chungy received similar treatment. Hilarious. He was one of those radiantly happy, middle-aged, thick-accented Italian guys that can get away with anything with a laugh. He made my day. Leaving, we saw him sitting down, enjoying his own House salad, and we promised we'd be back. I threatened that I might try the Ranch dressing, and he assured me that this would not happen while he was around. He warned Chungy not to work too hard, in case she got rich. I think I'll call Chungy and find out if we can go back tomorrow or Friday, as I leave for Parsons on Saturday. I can't remember the name of the restaurant, but it receives the Priscellie Stamp of Approval. Italian guy? You rock. And the House was delicious. Priscilla said at 11:50 PM ![]() ::laughs uproariously:: My dad just referred to my sister as a seamstress. Oh, my sides...
Explanation? My sister wants to be a fashion designer. Last semester, she took such a class in college, but for some reason, she wasn't able to finish the course. Therefore, she needed to finish it this summer by designing making a bunch of outfits. For the past few days, she's been out in our garage/guest house thing, drawing and measuring and cutting and sewing like mad. Apparently, my dad forgot about the alternate definition to the word "seamstress". I'm really amused. For the less informed: "Why did you join?" he said. "Me? Oh, I . . . I like to eat meals and sleep indoors. Anyway, there isn't that much choice, is there? It was that or become . . . hah . . . a seamstress*." "And you're not very good at sewing?" *A survey by the Ankh-Morpork Guild of Merchants of tradespeople in the dock areas of Morpork found 987 women who gave their profession as 'seamstress'. Oh . . . and two needles. Priscilla said at 11:16 PM ![]() Alicey says she's reserving a pencil especially for Nobby. This bodes ill.
Priscilla said at 9:27 PM ![]() From the LJ website: "The source code to the server and all the clients are available under various open source licenses, mainly the GPL."
I read this as as "GBL", making the phrase read "mainly the Great Big Lever". There's one more quadrant of my brain lost to Discworld... (not that I'm complaining) Priscilla said at 7:59 PM ![]() It just occurred to me that I haven't posted any entires of substance in ages. This interests me.
Priscilla said at 6:34 PM ![]() Whoever sent me that "SomeoneLikesYou.com" email can expect serious medical bills in their future.
That is all. Priscilla said at 6:31 PM ![]() I heart my new jeans. I'm dead sexy! Go me!
Priscilla said at 11:37 AM ![]() ::giggles madly:: my blog as a poem! e.e. cummings, eat your heart out!
The help of Naps, at Parsons. Perhaps I had fun. It Meh. Was it will begin to remember what the twins, and String Sannali Bloggywoggy Alicey Ultra Evil! secret: http://elfwood.lysator. Be Amused! Hearts to Nemmy-Chan for the link! Priscilla said at 12:55 AM ![]() This person is my new friend.
Priscilla said at 12:31 AM ![]() I want a now blog layout. Yes. Indeed. Perhaps I shall do one tomorrow. Perhaps I shall just work on the Tanja card thing instead. Perhaps I shall do the layout while at Parsons. Perhaps I shall decide after I've gotten some more sleep... ::yawns::
Priscilla said at 12:30 AM
Tuesday, June 25, 2002
![]() Why is Sir Walter Raleigh such a stupid git? This question has been bothering me for quite some time.
Priscilla said at 11:41 PM ![]() I just started a high-speed dub of my "Men at Arms" tape. Hearing Alvin and the Chipmunks sing the title song will leave lasting scars that only years of therapy will begin to heal.
Priscilla said at 8:03 PM ![]() Woo! Found my wallet! Go me! Alicey, your treacherous attempts at vicious theivery were in vain! In vain, I tell you! In vain! Muahaha!
Priscilla said at 11:50 AM ![]() Where the heck is my wallet?
Priscilla said at 9:55 AM
Monday, June 24, 2002
![]() Another amusing comment on my MS Litmus Test: I have not read your boring boring rules and the world should be communist
I love these people! Priscilla said at 5:59 PM ![]() Priscilla goes through her ENTIRE WEBLOG ARCHIVES, looking for large images that would prohibit her from giving CoL a fixed size layout! Shall we watch her outrageous exploits? Indeed we shall!
1. Ah, such a young fool I was. Shows that one should not start reading the Watch books with "Feet of Clay", even though that's now one of my favourites. I actually said in my weblog on May 24, 2001, that "Vimes is boring". Shame! Shame! Glad I got "Guards! Guards!" soon after and immediately became addicted to the Watch. Good stuff. ::hugs Vimes in apology:: 2. Amusing Find of the Day Priscilla said at 10:24 AM ![]() Alicey has fallen to the dark side! Go me!
queekie99: http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/fanq/e/l/ellie2/sphinx3.jpg.html queekie99: that picture was the desktop for this computer for quite a while. queekie99: but my evil brother kept changing it, so I gave up. spockmonkey4: Aww! *hearts* spockmonkey4: I love CGing rock. queekie99: Did you take that from a picture, or was that CGed completely from scratch? spockmonkey4: scratch queekie99: ... *is immensely impressed* queekie99: Good lord, you need to put that up in the bio for that picture! queekie99: I tell you, it looks like you cut it out of a photo. spockmonkey4: I should spockmonkey4: My evil secret: http://phong.com/tutorials/newstone/ queekie99: and I've slowly been sneaking HP art into my Loth gallery. queekie99: *evil grin* spockmonkey4: muaha! queekie99: Cool. queekie99: You are once again my hero. spockmonkey4: I heart Phong queekie99: as always spockmonkey4: yay! *is Alicey's hero* queekie99: of course! spockmonkey4: *dances* queekie99: Aaah. So this is where you learned to make brushed metal too. spockmonkey4: indeed spockmonkey4: I'm such a cheater. XD spockmonkey4: *skips about, being evil* queekie99: wow. spockmonkey4: ? queekie99: *bookmarks the page* spockmonkey4: don't you love it? queekie99: dude. queekie99: yes. queekie99: I'm going to feel like a total cheater now, but.. I don't care one notch. spockmonkey4: muaha! Welcome to the dark side! queekie99: Nooooooo!! queekie99: (what the hell.... *trots over*) Priscilla said at 10:19 AM
Sunday, June 23, 2002
![]() I now adore cleaning my room. Sort of. Among other things, I found:
Priscilla said at 9:32 PM
Saturday, June 22, 2002
![]() ::sighs happily:: Thank you, Mon. Percy!
Priscilla said at 7:33 PM ![]() Oh, wow... Did you know that one of Tolkien's daughters is named Priscilla? This amuses me a great deal. XD
Priscilla said at 7:30 PM
Friday, June 21, 2002
![]() Saw "Lilo and Stitch" and adored it. Go see now! Really amusing situations, awesome animation style, and drop-dead gorgeous watercolor backgrounds. Pretty. Scilly likey. ::claps::
Priscilla said at 10:47 PM
Thursday, June 20, 2002
![]() Grr. Went for my yearly checkup at the doctor's this afternoon. Shot and fingerprick, which makes typing a pain. Also, I may have to get glasses. My right eye is still happily 20/20, but my left is 20/30. Hiss. I may no longer be the only Ferret without "bulletproof vests for my eyes", to quote Tanja. Bah humbug. Glasses are a sign of weakness, I tell you! ::is promptly killed by all bespectacled Linconites::
Priscilla said at 7:40 PM ![]() Spontaneously saw Scooby Doo with Chungy last night. Saw the HP trailer. Good stuff. I think I'll double post this is Sgt. Pepper, as this will probably end up being rather reviewish.
The Trailer: Dan's voice amuses me so much. For those that weren't aware, his voice dropped as they were finishing up Philosopher's Stone, so now we have Pubescent!Harry cavorting about Hogwarts, seeking serpents and snitches and demon diaries. Another pleasantly surprising aspect was Dobby. From the stills released by Entertainment Weekly, he looked like a posessed ceramic figurine. Sure, he still looks like a demented mutant Gungan (and that pillowcase? Ha!), but at least he doesn't look as bad as I expected. Of course, he would be a lot more fitting with my mental image if his voice were an octave higher, but you can't have everything. Just give Chris Rankin some horn-rim glasses and I'll be a happy girl. That and more screentime for Rupert Grint. He's an excellent Ron, despite not looking like my Ever-Dominating Mental Image
Scooby Dooby Doo! First off, I'd like to say that I had fun. Some may complain that it was corny, but DUH. It's a Scooby Doo movie. The corniness is deliberate! In sum, it was everything the doctor ordered. It was silly and fun and amusingly mindless, with enough Rowan Atkinson to ensure a pleasant moviegoing experience. Scooby's initially disappointing lack in CGI realism became part of the fun. It laughed at the old TV show, and now it laughs at itself. I reiterate my love for Velma (and yes, that question remains unanswered, if you know what I mean), but I especially loved Shaggy. It must have been so much fun to the actor, running those twitchy, constant-eye-contact, cheesily serious lines with nothing but air as his foil. I always find it amusing to think of movies with CGI characters, mentally subtracting the animation and envisioning how it must have been for the actor. All in all, a very convinging job. Well done, oh actor who I'm too lazy to look up the name of on IMDB. They could have found a better Fred than Freddy Jr., over there, but oh well. I also didn't much like Sarah Michelle Gellar as Daphne, but you can't win 'em all. I must say I loved the line "...and I'll go look up cults on the internet!" I secretly hoped she'd run across Cult of Lincoln. Still, Velma and Shaggy were amusing, so it all balances out. They got away with it, with the help of the meddling kids. Priscilla said at 12:03 PM ![]() Okay, I'm going to sleep. Dream of cute British boys.
Priscilla said at 12:17 AM
Wednesday, June 19, 2002
![]() Angua's MAA Secret Diary (::pokes Auntie Cass::) is coming along quite well. Could be finished tonight, for all I know. Go me.
Priscilla said at 7:39 PM ![]() I heart "Nightmare Before Christmas". It reassures me that you can still have a fantastic musical, even if you have less rhyming sense than Emily Dickinson. Danny Elfman is my herd.
Priscilla said at 7:35 PM ![]() Kell is a good girl. Give her cookies. What book are you on now? XD
Priscilla said at 6:11 PM
Tuesday, June 18, 2002
![]() What color is Tanja's hair right now?
Priscilla said at 6:06 PM ![]() Tanja amazes me. Holy cow.
Priscilla said at 4:03 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 3:39 PM ![]() This should amuse Renata.
Priscilla said at 1:47 PM ![]() Hmmm.... shall I try to participate in Blogathon? I probably will if I don't have field trips or whatever scheduled then. My sister's birthday is the 26th, so I'll probably be hanging out with her and my aunt Phyllis that weekend. Hmm again.
Priscilla said at 1:45 PM
Monday, June 17, 2002
![]() Nowadays, everyone has Livejournals. John Crichton, Gollum... Now God has joined the ranks.
Priscilla said at 10:52 PM ![]() Daily Sketch updated, you ungrateful fools. Muaha!
Priscilla said at 7:30 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 11:00 AM ![]() Saw "Contact" today. Don't make the same mistake. I've been listening to "Bat Boy" and humming bars from MAA to reassure myself that there is hope for theatre. Dear God, that was painful.
Priscilla said at 12:41 AM
Saturday, June 15, 2002
![]() My daddy drew Carrot for me. Thank you, daddy. XD
Happy Father's Day, everyone! Do something nice for you dads tomorrow. In fact, do something nice for them every day, because they deserve it! ::hugs:: Priscilla said at 9:26 PM ![]() Muaha. Alicey and I have an agreement. If I go on Y!M a lot, she will draw Discworld fanart. Hehe! I can't lose! ::dances merrily:: Go encourage her!
Priscilla said at 12:23 PM
Friday, June 14, 2002
![]() I swear on my statue of Abraham Lincoln, I told Alicey. A gift from Renata, squeed about the other day. I heart you, Renata.
Priscilla said at 10:57 PM ![]() Wow! And I didn't even have to fudge my answers to get him!
![]() An aspiring film-maker, you're rarely seen without your trusty camera. Try living life for a while instead of just observing it. Take the RENT personality quizlet here! Priscilla said at 12:01 AM
Thursday, June 13, 2002
![]() Tanja is my hero. This was the best personality test I've ever taken.
Take Tanja's Personality Test here! Priscilla said at 11:57 PM ![]() Amused by this picture? Slick ghetto Draco makes a fabulous LJ icon. Who wants it?
Priscilla said at 11:52 PM ![]() ::envelops Renata in the mother of all glomps:: I love you! And you know why!
Priscilla said at 4:08 PM ![]() There are a bunch of top churchleaders meeting in Dallas this week. It sickens me that they can condemn those responsible for September 11th and homosexuality in the same sentence.
Priscilla said at 9:09 AM ![]() Everyone having a birthday between now and say... August 12th, comment. Gotta do a lot of them early, due to weird color calibration on my laptop. And everyone else should post their b-day info on Rebecca's convenient birthday-remembering entry-thing. Yayfun.
Priscilla said at 8:56 AM ![]() Suggestions Welcome. I like the title thing. Not much else, though. As always, "Good Omens" used as filler.
Priscilla said at 1:51 AM
Wednesday, June 12, 2002
![]() While starting on my new WIAN layout, I realized that I really am tired of my cow layout. Will be on the brainstorm for both.
Meanwhile, does anyone know the name of that nifty cursive-y font that looks like several layers of cursive-y stuff piled up spiffily? Britt uses it a lot in her groovalicious collages. Priscilla said at 6:45 PM ![]() Off to work on WIAN! My goal is to update with a new layout and scads of new/updated entries before I leave for Parson's. Wish me luck!
Priscilla said at 4:45 PM ![]() Congrats, Paul.
Priscilla said at 4:35 PM ![]() My pants smell like sulfur. Grr. As I may have mentioned, I'm assistant-teaching some kids' summer camp classes over at Hockaday for the week. One is a model rocketry class and the other is a LEGO CAD thing. The kids built rocket cars today and I got to play ballast on our takeoff stand thing. As a result, fountains of sparks and reeking, sulfurous smoke rained onto my shoes and jean-encrusted lower legs a total of 18 times, twice per group. Ain't life grand? Nasty stuff. My work in the CAD class consisted of fighting over the soldering iron with Ooshma, Megan, and Justin as we worked to assemble a rather complicated circuit board thing whose purpose I still don't understand. Fun, though. The kids aren't too aggravating. One Hermionesque, must-answer-all-the-questions-even-if-it-means-jumping-out-of-my-chair-every-thirty-seconds-and-making-OOOOH!!!-OOOOOHHHH!!!!-noises kid in the CAD class I have privately nicknamed Vincent, after the similarly behaved student in "Thief of Time". Hey, it amused me, at least.
Whee. I watched a "100 Years of Romantic Movies" tribute this evening with my mom. Strange, as they had several clips from "Moulin Rouge" in the intro, but it was nowhere in their Top 100 list. Of course, they also had a snip from "Return of the Jedi", so I'll silence myself. I was happy to see "The Princess Bride" among the rankings. Tra la. Priscilla said at 12:40 AM
Tuesday, June 11, 2002
![]() ::is enlightened:: Heeeeey! I know where I could find a semi-official picture of Sibyl for my "Discworld Female" quiz! The "Guards! Guards!" graphic novel! ::huge, resounding "duh" sound:: Though I must admit, Sannali's version rocks. Hmmm. Decisions, decisions...
Priscilla said at 8:49 AM ![]() As I'm going to be in NYC for a month for my courses at Parson's School of Design (drawing and painting stuff, yo), I'll be seeing a lot of shows. I intend to see Chicago and possibly Urinetown and Cabaret, but which shows can I absolutely not afford to miss? I may rush for RENT for the novelty of the thing, though RENT, Aida, The Lion King, and Forbidden Broadway are lower priorities. I wish Jekyll and Hyde and Batboy were still around. ::frowls:: I heart Batboy.
Priscilla said at 8:46 AM
Monday, June 10, 2002
![]() Faith has successfully managed to destroy my brain. I randomly feel like spontaneously shouting "I'll get you next time, Vimes!" at inappropriate times. You are evil.
Priscilla said at 4:51 PM
Sunday, June 09, 2002
![]() SUPER-GLEE!!! ::nods to Rebecca M::
Priscilla said at 7:47 PM ![]() Kell has read "Guards! Guards!".
I suddenly got the urge to cackle gleefully and plot world domination. Excuse me for a moment. Priscilla said at 6:45 PM
Saturday, June 08, 2002
![]() Hurrah! Slight change of plans. I misheard my mom when she was telling me how long I was to stay in Fredricksburg, and it turns out that I'm coming home tomorrow! Yayfun! ::grooves:: I'm typing on Charlie's (my teacher) computer at the moment. He thinks I'm checking my email, but because I forgot the new your-site.com password, I can't log on through Yahoo. Pah, the downsides of using Outlook rear their ugly head. I'll try to leave a few messages in your various livejournals, but as I've already used 10 minutes, I don't think I'll be on much longer. I'm just waiting for some prints to dry, then I'll be back to work. Growl. At least I haven't had any more Tolkien experiences. Let it be said that "Reaper Man" is highly amusing and "The Cobra Event" is just awesome. I have officially reprised my love for medical thrillers. I start on "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" next. Good stuff. ::hearts Douglas Adams:: "Good Omens", read aloud to my mom and sister, goes well. It's so nifty to try to guess which author wrote which parts. Jolly good fun.
Priscilla said at 1:14 PM
Tuesday, June 04, 2002
![]() Whee! I'm gone.
Priscilla said at 1:57 PM ![]() Road Trip Checklist:
Auditory Amusement: cd player and cds Book to read to self: Reaper Man (Pratchett), The Cobra Event (Preston) Book to read aloud: Good Omens (Pratchett and Gaiman) Mundane labor/hobby: knit red chenille scarf Good stuff. Yay for 10 hour car rides! See you all in 10 days. Priscilla said at 12:01 AM
Monday, June 03, 2002
![]() I leave for another photography workshop tomorrow at noon. If anyone outbids me on ebay while I'm gone, I'll kill them.
Here's hoping I don't have another scary naked guy experience. Priscilla said at 11:56 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 2:51 PM
Sunday, June 02, 2002
![]() ::squeals:: My parents stopped in England on their way back from Italy, and my day found a copy of "Reaper Man", the only Discworld book I haven't read so far. ::dances a merry jig:: Yayfun! ::adds to mounting stack of books to read this summer::
Priscilla said at 7:55 PM ![]() Hurrah. I've also rendered a very spiffy-looking hammer, but as it's too similar to the tutorial example to be interesting, I'm not uploading it. Yayfun.
Priscilla said at 6:03 PM ![]() Graduation amuses me. Because this year was my fifth time to march and sing and whatnot with the rest of the ceremony, I was ready to bring some form of entertainment. I decided to sneak in a mini-sketchpad, a pencil, and a book. Unfortunately, because we have to all wear white dresses and parade before all the relatives and friends attending graduation, there's no way to carry anything.
I devised a cunning plan. I banded several hair elastics together and tied them around my upper leg, where it couldn't be seen under my knee-length dress. My friends were quick to point out that it looked like a garter. Yes, I have pictures. I put the sketchpad on the outside of the leg because it was so flat and small, then I put the book ("The Cobra Event", by Richard Preston) on the inside of my leg. Unfortunately, while testing this out, it got to be incredibly uncomfortable, so I ended up smuggling the book out under Chungy's hooded sweater (in the thousand degree heat). Good stuff. Muaha, we have infiltrated the ceremony! Go us! Afterwards, a big group of us met up with Nancy and went to Chili's. Good stuff. Then to my house for Men in Black (Chungy had never seen it before! Gasp!), Not Another Teen Movie (::groan::), and Ghostworld (I fell asleep after about 20 minutes, as it was 5 AM). Hurrah. Now I think I'll have a glass of ice water. Priscilla said at 4:20 PM
Saturday, June 01, 2002
![]() ::grooves:: Want to know a worthwhile pursuit? Learning Maya. You can download the Learning Edition free from here. I started playing with it yesterday and it's utterly groovified. 'Tis the rendering program used for the Final Fantasy movie, Star Wars, Spiderman, etc. Fun stuff. I made a hammer. ::hits things::
Priscilla said at 4:50 PM ![]() Growl. Working on my version of the Discworld female quiz. Does anyone know of any images of Sibyl? Anywhere? And if all possibly, not by Josh Kirby? (he scares me) I think I'll use the one Sannali made for my birthday card last year if I can't find any quasi-official ones.
Priscilla said at 1:51 PM ![]() Who else remembers "Even Trolls Have Moms" from their childhood? I have "Twilight Zone" stuck in my head. Dear Percy, when was the last time I listened to that? Age 7? 8? Yowza.
Priscilla said at 12:06 PM ![]() (Here follows Priscilla waxing optimistically philosophical. Be warned.)
I'm amazed at how even the worst possible situations result in something good. This morning, I had my SAT 2's in writing, physics, and math 2c, all of which I wasn't really prepared for. I had no hope of being ready for Physics, as the test is intended for students who may have taken two years of Physics, compared to my one year. Because I spent all my time cramming for Physics, I didn't even think of studying for Writing and Math, which would be signing my own death warrant. I really didn't want colleges seeing these scores. With a sense of impending doom, I started through the Writing test, only to feel less and less comfortable throughout my essay. By the time I finished my essay, 1/3 of the way through the test, I was becoming physically ill. I'm not sure if it was just breakfast disagreeing with me or anxiety due to the tests and the gargantuan fines I was racking up at Blockbuster and Premiere due to my forgetting to last weekend's 6 rentals in (I woke up at 4:30 AM, unable to get back to sleep, when I suddenly realized this). Despite the fact that the clock was still running, I excused myself to the restroom. Over the next 15 minutes (out of a 1 hour test, mind you), I got sicker and sicker, eventually throwing up. There's a pleasant mental image to start your day. When I gained enough strength to return to the room, I cancelled my scores and left. Naturally, as my parents are in Italy, my sister is out of town for the weekend, and Cindy and Nick (two New Zelanders living with us while my parents are gone) don't have immediate access to a car, I got the sheer pleasure of driving myself home. Blegch. Because I needed some semblance of resolution in my fragile state, I decided to go to Blockbuster and Premiere to return the videos. Because I got out so early from the SAT 2's, I would be able to turn them in before noon, saving me another day of late fees for Blockbuster. Because it was on the way, I also gassed up my car, which was getting low on fuel, and because they were advertising on the street right next to the gas station, I supported a bunch of middle school chorus kids as they held a car wash to raise money for a trip to New York City. Though I still felt like hell, it was only the fourth or fifth circle of hell, rather than the treacherously miserable inner core of hell I had felt earlier this morning. Let's consider the two ways my life could have gone today. In one leg of the Trousers of Time*, I dutifully took the SAT 2's like a good girl, not getting sick, and failed miserably, as expected. I would spend the day in a slump, never really cheering up until the post-Graduation slumber party later this evening. I would agonize over whether or not I was able to deactivate the score choice thingy, fretting about what could happen if Cornell or Penn got my scores. My car would still be dirty and dangerously low on gas. On the other hand (or "leg", if you want to continue the Trouser metaphor), after getting sick and miserable during the test, I ended up with a far better conclusion to the story. I didn't waste 3 hours of my life on tests that could only hurt me, rather than help me. Many colleges nowadays have the option of taking your ACT score instead of the SAT and SAT 2 scores when you apply, and because I did so well on the ACT, I would probably use that anyway. I got a car wash. I did my part helping an ambitious group of kids get to New York. I returned the videos. And I arrive at home an hour before my last test would even be over. My life is awful and marvellous at the same time. And so ends my vuagely philosophical synopsis of the day. Hurrah. Wipe your feet on the way out. * See "Jingo", "The Science of Discworld 2", and various other joyous Pratchett novels Priscilla said at 12:02 PM ![]() Sannali -- are you going to pay for your LJ or do you need a code? I can provide one if you need it.
Priscilla said at 11:31 AM ![]() Yes, Sannali, you need a LJ (an LJ?). I must be able to comment on your posts!
Priscilla said at 6:38 AM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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