(Gah, originally posted this in Sgt. Pepper. Yeep!)
Woo! Got Renata and Jia-Ling's packages sorted out and sent (you wouldn't believe what you have to go through to get stuff shipped to Malaysia! XD), and got Alicey's b-day present shipped.
Renata, apologies for super-lateness! I promised you "Guards! Guards!" back in February! Bad Priscellie. I'll send you your belated birthday present in two weeks. I hope you can put two and two together regarding what happens for me in two weeks! Otherwise, it'll just have to be a surprise for you. Jia, hope you like your book! If so, I expect fanart. XD I'm too evil for my own good. Alicey, you rock and you deserve it. Go you.
As it turns out, I'm getting to bring Jimmy/Ford/Hex to New York! Go me! Now Brenna, Alicey, and Britt will get the proper cards they deserve, and I'll actually be able to finish Tanja's anniversary card. Hurrah!
I'm in a good mood, because things are getting accomplished. After an hour of being tortured to near-death by a certain sister who needs me to model the clothes she's made, I'm on my own. Bookshop, Alphagraphics, post office... and now to go off in search of shorts! Hurrah! ::ticks things off checklist::