The Cult of Lincoln

Friday, July 19, 2002

Friday Five, plus the Lyrics Survey. Foom.

1. Where were you born? Dallas, Texas

2. If you still live there, where would you rather move to? If you don't live there, do you want to move back? Why or why not? Yup, still live there. I'd probably move to another major city, if I had to. Penn is currently my top college choice, so Philadelphia would be nifty.

3. Where in the world do you feel the safest? Dallas. Home. I felt relatively safe in NY until a few minutes ago, when I got hassled by some homeless people who kept following me and saying I was a pretty girl and asking me for a date until I gave them change and escaped into the library. Yeah, that wasn't much fun.

4. Do you feel you are well-traveled? Insanely well-traveled, much to my chagrin. I don't like travelling much, but I've been bloody everywhere. ::sigh::

5. Where is the most interesting place you've been? England and NYC, I suppose.

0. Band/Lyrics source: I started doing The Beatles (as if there were any doubt), but when I started going through the questions, I got the urge to answer them with "Bat Boy" lyrics. Then I considered MAA. Muaha. Yes, I know that's not how it's supposed to work. Bite me.

1. Are you Male or female?
Beatles: "Girl... ::loud inhaling sound::"
MAA: "Now they claim we need representation
From trolls, dwarfs, and women... and also undead."
Bat Boy: "One thing alone saved me from despair, back in my feral stage.
Once in a while she would meet my stare, then I'd forget the cage."

2. Describe yourself:
Bat Boy: "You call him 'Beast' or 'Changeling', or 'Demon Chimpanzee'."
Beatles: "With your long brown hair and your eyes are blue, you're too much."
MAA: "We're devoted, whatever then may pass.
We'll apprehend unruly citizens and kick them in the... knee." (a personal favourite lyric)

3. How do you feel about yourself?
Bat Boy: "I don't care what people say."
MAA: "All I need is coffee and a drink"
Beatles: "She's making me feel like I've never been wrong."

4. Describe your girlfriend/boyfriend: (I don't have one?)
Beatles: "You are making me frantic
Sail across the Atlantic
To be where you belong."
MAA: "I couldn't help thinking I wanted more
Than the occasional smile and a good rapport,
But there's just one fact I couldn't quite ignore."
Bat Boy: "Such a lovely boy
Look at what you've done to me
Woke me up and set me free."
(or more accurately) "It's hideous! It's not right!"

6. Describe where you live:
Bat Boy:"A three-bedroom house
With a white-picket fence
And a gun, and a lawyer, so smile!"
Beatles: "Been away so long I hardly knew the place,
Gee, it's good to be back home."
MAA: (lyrics still tentative)
"We promise not to rob you blind
Or kill you in your sleep
Although they say it's unrefined
To make an oath that you won't keep"

7. Describe how you love:
Bat Boy: "Once I thought you were weird
But then my doubts disappeared.
I think you're normaller than they."
MAA: "If I ever fall in love, it's going to be you."
Beatles: "And in the end,
The love you take
Is equal to the love you make."

9. Share a few words of wisdom:
Beatles: "I am the Walrus! Goo goo goo choob!"
MAA: "A sheet of chainmail can't cover up lycanthropy."
Bat Boy: "Love your neighbor, forgive, keep your vows
And a mountain's no place to raise cows."

Now that I look back, I see that RENT would have worked rather nicely. Oh well. ::shrugs:: Enjoy whatever MAA cookieage can be derived from said quotations. In no particular order, lyrics were drawn from "Too Much to Lose", "Fair Warning" (still looking for a real title), the Vimes and Sybil song (no idea about the name yet), "Men at Arms", "Reports" (another needing a real name) and "I, Comma".

Priscilla said at 9:11 PM

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All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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