I now declare my love for oil paint. I finished up the still life from yesterday, and it's utterly heartable. It includes a green wine bottle, which I'm absolutely obsessed with. I can't wait until I come up with some method for showing you guys what I've been doing! ::cheers merrily:: Anyway, right now, we're starting on portraits. Every day (okay, most days) we have a male and a female model, and I chose the guy. It's hilarious -- looking at people's pre-drawings, he always either looks like Carrot or Agent Doggett. I laughed.
Meanwhile, I remain in a good mood, as I've accomplished my good deed of the day. I was on my way to the library in a slight downpour, valiantly clutching my weak and demented umbrella, when I saw an umbrellaless woman headed the same direction. I ran up to her and shared the umbrella, which was much appreciated. Hurrah.
Meanwhile again, today's
Word of the Day is "onus". This also makes me happy, as I've never really known what "onus" meant, despite singing it wholeheartedly in "Cinderella Darling" in H2$. Additionally, as having words that people might not know in musicals can be frowned upon, it's nice to see a word pointed out that's more obscure than "lycanthropy", which has been bothering me for quite some time. I
like that line, and I don't want to change it. Grr. Do people really not know what it means? Gravy.