I spent a great deal of time this morning looking through my LJ archives and reminiscing.
- One of the most wonderful photographs in the world can be found here.
- Wow, was "Whatever Happened to Honor" ever actually like that, or was I just really off-key? It's really changed since that recording... it sounds a lot better now, say I.
- Slightly disappointed that no one mentioned my two favourite lines from my Cheery VSD in comments. "Becoming more comfortable with femininity, regardless of beard. Feeling strange kinship with East German Women's Olympic Team." and "Do not understand other dwarfs' objection to new lipstick. After all, Captain Carrot seen wearing great deal of smudged lipstick after secret meeting in broom closet with Constable Angua, and Captain Carrot not even female. Unfair.". Heck, it amused me. Also somewhat pleased to see that at least *one* person has commented on Sibyl. Of course, still not on my favourite lines, namely Day 4. ::snerks::
- Hey, you're right. The "Can I Shout Hurrah Again?" kid really works as a timid 4-year old girl, rather than an overly exciteable 9-year-old boy. Hmmm.