Sunday, October 20, 2002
Things to do today: - Work on Studio Art home assignment. 5 squares, each of which takes about 2 hours to do, hunched over a magnifying loupe. Due Tuesday.
- Work on Dark of the Moon program cover, due ASAP.
- Work on website so that it looks pretty for Amy Cahoun (head of the Digital Media Design dept. at my beloved Penn) when she goes to see it. Should be done by Monday or Tuesday.
- Work on JETS website. Give it a new layout and update all information for this year. Due ASAP, but a much sooner ASAP than #2. Monday or Tuesday, probably.
- Read 60 pages of The Mill on the Floss, due tomorow.
- Work on Angua costume, seeing as how I'll be staying after school all next week (for the god-knows-how-manyth week in a row), practing driving and spotting for Benzai-Ten, I'll be busy most of next weekend, plaster and paint need lots of time to dry and sword belts and badges don't make themselves, and Halloween is a week from Thursday.
- Create JETS t-shirt logo design, due Monday without fail.
- Finish college essays, due Nov 1st.
- Work on Very Secret Project in spare time.
- Accomplish all this without a time turner and/or whining.
Priscilla said at 10:20 AM
All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.