Today's Accomplishments:
1. Doodled in class
2. Explained the workings of our robot to various small children, namely Middle School Math/Science Club. Hurrah, converts.
3. Figured out why I keep getting evil marks on my photographs -- the chemistry we use in the school darkrooms is evil and incompatible with my cool paper. Losers.
4. Printed sample program cover for DotM after class.
5. Showed it to Mrs. Felice, who loved it.
6. Brainstormed for ideas to mesh with her suggestions. Suceeded.
7. Went to JETS, where I staked out my territory by writing in blue sharpie "Priscilla's Nook" on a hammered-out piece of printer metal. Added subtitle "Don't you go messin' with my nook, yo" on Marcelina's influence. Hung it from the ceiling with Seine Twine. "My Territory" is a nice, exclosed space I stayed when working on the notebook. I used the table saw as a computer bench.
8. Returned to Jesuit, dragging Ashley with me, for my measurements sheet. Saw various people performing. They absolutely rock. This show is going to be amazing.
9. Spent promised 45 min. on JETS t-shirt logo. Still not even close to finishing.
10. Worked my tail off on art project. On 4th square out of 5. Due tomorrow. Kill me now.