Yay! Mom is my hero of the day. While randomly shopping for god knows what, she found the most perfect skirt for my Angua costume. Knee-length, dark brown corderoy. It wasn't what I initially had in mind, but now I can't think of anything that would work better. It's an ideal cut and weight and color... so yay mom! *dances* Tomorrow, we're going to get a few holes punched in the collar, as I need it to be smaller. I'm also going to try to find some leather strips for the leg-things that I have no idea what to call. And I'm going to talk to Mrs. McCullough, my art teacher, to get her opinion on material for the breastplate. Hurrah!
Looking back on this entry, I see nothing that anyone but I could possibly be interested in. Perhaps this is why Kell got a cosplay journal. XD