I earlier suggested that the Theme of the Day was revolution. I was wrong. The theme is most indubitably Night Watch. My parents went to a concert this evening, and two of the last three pieces were entitled "Nachtwache", German for "Night Watch". It's enough to make a person paranoid.
Oh -- and today, I found out that my friend Eugene (Conjur Man) from "Dark of the Moon" is a Pratchett fan, as well. He's only read the Rincewind books, Mort, and Thief of Time, though, so I've taken it upon myself to warp him further. Perhaps if I keep him occupied with Pratchett books, he'll stop trying to steal my G.I.R. shoelaces. Anyway, we decorated out Conjur Cave (our name for the Conjur Woman's cave, which he insists belongs to both of us) with my printout of the
Night Watch UK cover, and we have resolved to get a lawn flamingo. Good times.