Tomorrow is opening night. Let it be said that I have to most
awesome costume of anyone in the play. It certainly helps to have demented artistic flair! Again, I essentially CGed my skin with makeup (sunken, hollow eyes, prominent cheekbones, believeable age lines, accentuated nose...) and I swiped charcoal all over my costume and appendages and the bottoms of my feet in order to look more dirty and rustic. Even after showering madly and scrubbing everywhere, I'm *still* finding charcoal in places. And my face is scary as hell; I'm going to have to get pictures. I also teased up and hair sprayed and teased more and sprayed more until my hair was a mutilated afro mess. I put dull red maple leaves inside the tangle -- it looks fabulous. Of course, it took me more than fifteen minutes with a wide-toothed comb and detangling conditioner to restore my hair it its natural appearance. My hair is going to hate me forever. Anyway, performances at 7 tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday, then a 2:00 matinee on Sunday. We celebrated one girl's birthday today; I wonder if anything will happen for mine on Saturday...