Thursday, December 12, 2002
Oh. Goody.
Today: School performance of Dido and Aeneas
I find out if I got into Penn
Lab test in JAVA
Major Age of Innocence Essay due tomorrow; have not started yet
Callbacks for Man of La Mancha
Finish last CG for Very Secret Project, which I started yesterday morning
Plus: If I get into Penn, will I be able to concentrate? If I don't get in, will I be able to stop crying?
EDIT: ::cries tears of joy:: Dr. Moreland gave me an extension. Major paper now due Monday. You are my savior, Dr. Moreland. It's actually all going to happen!
Priscilla said at 7:22 AM
All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.