Quotes for the Week, to make Tanja happy: :D
"It's like Barbie for Physics nerds!" --Me
"...so we can multiply r
2, and if we're lucky, it could equal c 3p
0." --Loh
::Marcelina trips on a stack of books::
"There will be no tripping over Neil in my presence! ::pause:: Mind you I'm sure that there are quite a number of people who would think Neil to be a good thing to trip on, but that's irrelevant." --Me
Me: I liked it when the boy walked down the sidewalk and went into the toy store, without sound. It was so artistic!
Marcelina: Take
that, Stanley Kubrick
--while watching a Physics video that only had half of the sound track in place; also discussing the godlike niftyness of the great Stanley
Marcelina: You wouldn't understand! It's a British thing!
Rachel: Well neither are you...
Loh: It runs at 15 revolutions per second--
Me: Sounds like the French.
Get you mass on! --Erin (who also got into Penn! Go her!)
Do you have a problem with homoerotic incest? --Me, discussing a particularly unsettling poem
It looks like a sperm and an egg. With a moustache. --Mrs. McCullough
There are like... tons of guns in Canada! But nobody kills each other! --the point of "Bowling for Columbine", according to Marcelina