I dreamed that my school was going to offer a course in the works of JRR Tolkien, but it wouldn't fit into my schedule. As soon as I found out that it wouldn't fit, they changed the course description and made it Tolkien and Pratchett. I wasn't very happy, to say the least. I tried to persuade Dr. Moreland and Mrs. Elieff to switch periods -- Dr. Moreland was going to teach it A-block, when Mrs. Elieff was teaching a "Civility and Propriety" class. Dr. Moreland was also teaching a Civility and Propriety class in her B-block. If Mrs. Elieff took the Tolkien class (B-block, where my English slot was) and Dr. Moreland scheduled double C&P, A and B periods, I could take the course. But alas. Instead, I followed Dr. Moreland around, letting her photocopy bits of my copy of "Feet of Clay" and "Nightwatch" (which I had in paperback). Then I woke up.